Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Are Your Methods Invulnerable To Google’s May Core Web Vitals Update?

In episode 335 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked if Semantic Mastery’s methods are invulnerable to Google’s May core web vitals update.

The exact question was:

2) does your methods will not take a hit from the may update about the core web vitals?

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
Are Your Methods Invulnerable To Google’s May Core Web Vitals Update? published first on your-t1-blog-url

Are Your Methods Invulnerable To Google’s May Core Web Vitals Update?

In episode 335 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked if Semantic Mastery’s methods are invulnerable to Google’s May core web vitals update.

The exact question was:

2) does your methods will not take a hit from the may update about the core web vitals?

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
Are Your Methods Invulnerable To Google’s May Core Web Vitals Update? published first on your-t1-blog-url

from CEO Life Freedom
via gqrds

What’s The Best Way To Merge Two GMBs Quickly?

In Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts episode 330, one viewer asked about the best way to merge two GMBs quickly.

The exact question was:

I have a client that needs a merge of GMB accounts. I have been trying to get this done by Google for the last 4 months with no luck. I keep filling out the GMB form they provide and I dont get any response. This is a legit business that moved and we do not have access to the previous listing as another company did it. IS there any other method to try to get this done that you know of??

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
What’s The Best Way To Merge Two GMBs Quickly? published first on your-t1-blog-url

What’s The Best Way To Merge Two GMBs Quickly?

In Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts episode 330, one viewer asked about the best way to merge two GMBs quickly.

The exact question was:

I have a client that needs a merge of GMB accounts. I have been trying to get this done by Google for the last 4 months with no luck. I keep filling out the GMB form they provide and I dont get any response. This is a legit business that moved and we do not have access to the previous listing as another company did it. IS there any other method to try to get this done that you know of??

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
What’s The Best Way To Merge Two GMBs Quickly? published first on your-t1-blog-url

from CEO Life Freedom
via gqrds

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

How Does The Google Bot Understand The Schema Through The Tag Manager If There’s No Placement In The HTML?

In Hump Day Hangouts episode 330, one participant asked how the Google bot understands the schema through the Tag Manager if there’s no placement in the HTML.

The exact question was:

Hi guys: 1) You said there is a way to schema throught GTM, But how the GBot understands the page if there is no placement in the html?

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
How Does The Google Bot Understand The Schema Through The Tag Manager If There’s No Placement In The HTML? published first on your-t1-blog-url

How Does The Google Bot Understand The Schema Through The Tag Manager If There’s No Placement In The HTML?

In Hump Day Hangouts episode 330, one participant asked how the Google bot understands the schema through the Tag Manager if there’s no placement in the HTML.

The exact question was:

Hi guys: 1) You said there is a way to schema throught GTM, But how the GBot understands the page if there is no placement in the html?

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
How Does The Google Bot Understand The Schema Through The Tag Manager If There’s No Placement In The HTML? published first on your-t1-blog-url

from CEO Life Freedom
via gqrds

Monday, April 19, 2021

Can You Create Massive Direct Backlinks Without Using Buffer Sites?

In episode 330 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked if you can create massive direct backlinks without using buffer sites.

The exact question was:

(2) Do you have to be careful when creating “”direct”” backlinks to GMB listings as you do when doing direct backlinks to websites, or can you create massive “”direct”” backlinks without using a very small number of “”buffer”” Web 2.0 sites as a “”Tier 1″” layer and maybe even as a “”Tier 2″” layer, and what parts of the GMB listing should be targeted with backlinks to get the most SEO bang for the buck ? … Thank you VERY much for your help as usual, it is always greatly appreciated (smile)

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
Can You Create Massive Direct Backlinks Without Using Buffer Sites? published first on your-t1-blog-url