Thursday, May 21, 2020

How Do You Reduce The Impact Of Negative SEO On Your Website?

In episode 282 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how to reduce the impact of negative SEO on your website.

The exact question was:

Hey guys, I am getting some negative seo to my ecomm stores categories and product pages. Someone is doing really sloppy seo intentionally to over optimize me and sending links from bad neighborhoods. Other than disavowing them what else can I do or what services can I do buy from you guys that would end or reduce the effect it’s having on my site. I was thinking to create a hub page with all the product page urls ( naked links ) in a google sheet and have Deydia embed that across his 2.0’s and then pummel it with his strongest linking package. Thoughts?

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How Do You Reduce The Impact Of Negative SEO On Your Website? published first on your-t1-blog-url

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