Friday, January 24, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 271

Click on the video above to watch Episode 271 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Adam: Alright, Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. We got a special Hump Day hangouts today for episode number 271. Today is the 22nd of January 2020. I’m glad I got that right, because I have still been signing stuff 2019. But hopefully, it’ll be better for me. So before we dive into everything and answer questions and tell you about the special stuff we got going on today. Let’s take a second and say hello to everyone. So off to my left here, I see Bradley. So Bradley, how you doing today?

Bradley: I’m good, man. I was just telling you that we were going to talk about just a minute but the Double Your Agency Training is available today. And I’ve been working on the presentation and the first lesson video. I’ve got to record the first lesson video still because I was working on the presentation. And I actually created this. Well, I repurposed it from my real estate business. It’s just kind of like a marketing calculator that you can use to put in all the different activities that you want to do for prospecting for your own agency. It breaks it down by monthly targeted goals and then weekly goals and daily goals. It has everything laid out into it in a spreadsheet to where you just plug in the numbers and it calculates how many marketing contacts you have to make on a monthly basis, weekly basis, daily basis. And then we put in what your conversion rates are and all that and ends up spitting out like it basically will be a revenue projection tool. So it shows you that if you stick to specific marketing activities, and you do it consistently, which is the key to it all that you should be. You can expect within you know, plus or minus give or take to be able to see these particular numbers. So, it’s kind of a projection sheet. It’s really, really cool and I’m glad I spent a lot more time on it than I planned on. That’s why the video first lesson is not done today like I hope to, but I think it’s a valuable resource that all the agency members will certainly appreciate.

Adam: so awesome. Well, yeah, we’ll circle back to that because I’m a nerd for calculators but it’s also a huge time saver. But anyway, we’ll come back to that. So Hernan! I like your shirt today, man. How are you doing?

Hernan: I’m doing good. I’m wearing the OG. This is the original. This is not for sale. I show up but sometimes they hang out or sometimes or whatever. And people will say hey, we’re gonna buy the shirt for sale. I apologize. This was the first batch that we did. So I’m really excited, really excited, dude. Because today we’re launching the 2xyouragency. It’s good. It’s really good. We’ve been working hard on it. I have some stuff that I want to share with you guys in terms of prospecting as well. How I have been able to land some high level you know retainer fees, some high-level consulting fees, and all that good stuff. So I’m excited to share with you guys that and excited for today.

Adam: Nice. Nice. And last but certainly not least, Marco. How are you doing man?

Marco: Hey, What’s up, man? I’m doing good. Looking forward to the presentation. Today’s should be fun.

Adam: Whoa, just about knocked everything off my desk. I’m not excited. But yeah, before we get into it, then let’s talk a little bit more about 2xyouragency and I like this. I’m gonna lead off with this was pretty fun. I had a meeting group of guys. I meet weekly and one of them owns multiple six-figure agencies and he does a lot but he focuses on funnel design and offers creation for people. And I was asking for their feedback. You know, I said, hey, we’ve got our launch going on today. You know, here’s the outline. I’d like some feedback on a couple of areas. And he’s like, “Oh, yeah, like, really? is it available for purchase?” And I said, “Yeah, give him the URL.” And then his name popped up in Slack. And he bought it. I was like, yeah, that’s awesome. Like he was he was pumped to and you know, he’s a good example of someone where he’s already had some success. And that’s what we’re looking for is people who have clients, you know, this isn’t the right place. If you have zero clients and you’ve never worked with clients, that it may not be a good fit, but he’s a great example of, hey, I’ve already come this far, I want to go further and can be putting this to use. So it was really exciting to see that. Hernan and Bradley, do you guys want to talk a little bit more about some of the specifics?

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Hernan: Yeah. Here’s how I see the training that’s coming up. There are three main pillars of what we’re doing. And because, you know, again, we have been servicing small business owners or mostly digital agency owners for the past couple of years, you know, with Semantic Mastery. And when we kept on asking, you know, what do you guys need help with, and specifically when working with clients, when it comes to digital marketing, you know, serving digital marketing services to them in whatever capacity. It could be SEO, it can be PPC, it can be web design, it can be graphic design, social media, Facebook Ads, so whatever that is, and everything like the pain points came back over and over again, which were, which were like, basically three. Number one, how do I get more clients? How do I get more clients to my agency? That is number one. Number two, how do I work with better clients? Like how do I increase the revenue that I make for each client that I have? Right? Which basically, it’s like, if you can double that, you’re doubling your revenue without you having to go out there and get more clients. That is pillar number two.

And pillar number three is how do I take my time back because if you’re working with three or four clients, and you’re doing everything yourself, imagine doing the same for tank lines. It’s impossible to scale at that point. And the reality is that if you want to go from four or five clients to 10 or 15 clients, you cannot do it everything yourself. So what we decided to do on 2xyouragency is basically go ahead and kind of give you a framework of a how-to prospect how to get clients how to get that pipeline full of leads, be what type of clients you know, you need to get, I think that there’s an exercise that we’re going to go through into how to recognize your best type of client, like the type of client that you really want to work with, what type of traits and and and and kind of behaviors they need to have in order for you to work with them and be really happy and fulfilled by providing them with services. That is number two.

And number three, how do you actually go ahead and outsource and delegate without compromising quality, which is one of you know, biggest pet peeves that we all have. We don’t want to outsource because oh, well, if I outsource to a VA, then they’re going to screw up, you know, and then it’s my name on the line and all that stuff. So that’s the three pillars that we’re going to be going after. And, you know, we’ve been doing this for the past six years. So it’s basically you know, put it in a step by step, step by step framework for you guys to actually take action and digest and during that community, so I’m really excited about that. And those are the three pillars that we’re going to cover.

Adam: definitely before I know Bradley got some really cool details he wants to share. But some of this too, you know, we’re known I feel and we’ve been told this, but for great video-based training like this. We do a lot of video interaction. We’re continuing that great way of doing things, you know, no details left uncovered. I know Bradley and Hernan are gonna be doing the bulk of the training. But you know, as known, they really give you the good, but we also so there’s a membership area, you’re also going to get access to a members-only Facebook group. And then for every single training lesson, we’re doing we know sometimes, you know, we’ve taken courses ourselves, right? Together, we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on training. Yeah, so the training is great, and you need that, but what if you need to come back or you need a refresher, sometimes you don’t need to watch all of that. So what Bradley’s doing it or Hernan or whoever’s doing the training is putting together these cheat sheets basically, right? Like the resource guide for every single training session that goes on. And so I think that that is going to that’s basically like some people would add that as an upsell or you know, an additional cost but we’re just going to pop that in there. Because we know what it’s like to go through and it’s nice to have a refresher or you need to go back. You want to point someone at it and say this is exactly what needs to happen.

Bradley: Yeah. So we’re for each lesson after the video lesson has been added, you know, basically recorded, then it’s going to be turned into like an executive summary, and checklist so that every single week or every lesson because some weeks there’s going to be more than one lesson. Every single lesson there will be its own executive summary and checklist. So it’ll make it much easier for people to, once they’ve already, you know, go through the video lesson, they’ll be able to review that the executive summary and the checklist to determine what needs to be done. It would be much easier to manage that way, I think in my opinion. And then something else is if we have any lessons that go particularly long or whatever will either timestamp them so that people can jump specifically to the sections of the video or the training and we might even mention those timestamps in the executive summary or we’ll have them chopped up the longer video edited into smaller pieces so that people can jump directly to whichever video they want one of the other so we haven’t really determined that process just yet. But that said, I just want to give a quick preview as to what it is that is inside the training. It’s over the course of the next 12 weeks guys we’re going to be adding training so it is on a drip schedule only while it’s being recorded. Once it’s done it’ll be all available at once so but obviously the price could go up at that point too.

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Adam: So yeah, definitely will hop in while you’re bringing that up Bradley and save that you know if you want to get started with this go to and get started because it is at a lower price. Obviously, we want to do it for people who are following us who watch Hump Day hangouts in our email subscribers, but that’s only lasting for four days and it is a one-time payment and there’s some reason behind that we’ll get into in a little bit, but go for it, Bradley.

Bradley: Yeah, so the idea here guys is the 2xyouragency plan comes in three parts as Hernan was just talking about, you know, we’ve been surveying our members, you guys, for two years now maybe even longer. And consistently over time, we hear the same things over and over again. The biggest roadblock or hurdle to people’s success is number one, consistently getting clients. Number two is getting, you know, good clients. Well, that’s so first of getting clients. Number two is getting clients that people enjoy working with, you know, pay decent amounts of money for services and that kind of stuff. And number three is how to get better repeatable results, you know, reliable results, consistent results. A lot of times we hear that people struggle with that. And then also lastly, how to grow how to scale and so the 2xyouragency training program is really going to be broken down into three major parts or three main areas and I hope that each section will be basically four weeks.

So four weeks for the first section, which is 2xyour pipeline, or double your pipeline, right? Consistently fill your pipeline with prospects. You can cherry-pick and close only that is the best fit because that is by far the one that we hear the most. In the first several weeks, we’re going to talk about getting your mind, your mindset, and developing habits to have consistent leads coming into your business. You have to build a system around prospecting and then implement that system consistently. As soon as you take your foot off the gas, you’re going to start slowing down your leads. And that’s the peaks and valleys that most people go through. And I myself have been through that through my own marketing agency, through my real estate business, though many businesses, if you know what happens is we need money, right? We need revenue to come into our business. So out of desperation, we go out and start prospecting for leads to try to pitch our services. And we might we get a few leads, right? Whatever it is that we’re doing, whether it’s email or cold calling, or whatever the case is for generating leads, most of the time, most people will typically, once they have some leads come in, they stopped the prospecting so that they can work on processing the leads, right? Doing audits or analysis of the prospect’s web, you know, doing web audits or analysis, online presence analysis, that kind of stuff, then creating proposals, right? Going through all that and then hopefully knock on wood, if we’re lucky, we’ll end up losing a couple of one or two of those prospects. And then we go into fulfillment mode where we’re working on setting up and doing all the things that they hired us for. And this time prospecting has been turned off. So that once we get that client to a particular point, where you know, we can take our foot off the gas or it’s not so many hands-on, you know, time invested from us. It’s not so labor-intensive for us because we’ve got the kind of up and running now, then it’s back to square one we need leads again. So it’s starting that whole process over again. And that’s the problem, guys, there’s a direct correlation between your monthly revenue and the number of marketing or prospects that you talk to on a weekly basis or pitch or on a monthly basis, if that makes sense. So in order to have, first of all, to be able to get a steady stream of clients, and then also to be able to cherry-pick just the best clients that you want to work with, you have to have a steady lead stream of leads coming in.

So that’s why I think that that’s got to be number one, or the first part of 2xyouragency training is getting your mind right and setting up your pipeline to where it will double or quadruple you’re the number of leads coming in and on a consistent basis. The other part of that just briefly. If you only have let’s say you only have 10 prospects, 10 leads that have come in from whatever prospecting efforts you’ve done. If you’ve only got 10 leads, I guarantee that most of you probably try your damnedest to close all 10 of those leads, you’ll bend over backward at some point to accommodate the needs or the desires of the prospect that you’re talking to just because you need the damn revenue. And guys, prospects can smell desperation, you know, like dogs can smell fear. So, when you’re desperate for revenue, it comes across that way and a lot of times, we will make exceptions to what we would otherwise provide a service or for charges that certain amounts that we charge for services and that kind of stuff will make exceptions because we need the damn revenue. But when you have a steady stream of prospects coming in through the door, you can be very strict as to what it is that your offer is and not deviate from that. You can also not have to try to close every prospect that you pitch to because it’s you can select the prospects, cherry-pick the best prospects the ones that seem to be the best fit and pitch them right or you can pitch all of them but only choose to work with some. So again, you kind of pre-qualify your prospects, which is kind of what Herna was saying. So that’s number one.

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Number two is to 2extra results. Okay, first, once you’ve got your prospecting machine up and running, you’ve got a consistent steady amount of leads coming into your business, which is the lifeblood of your business, then you want to be able to produce reliable and repeatable results with proven methods. So how do you do that? Well, we’re going to talk about Semantic Mastery methods and how you can implement those to get reliable and repeatable results for your client without you having to learn how to do everything yourself. You certainly can. We will point you in the direction of resources throughout the training if you want to learn the specifics, the nitty-gritty of how to do each one of the methods that we’re going to talk about. But moreover, we’re going to point you to our done for you services at our store, MGYB, once we’ve explained what methods that work and why they work and why you should be employing these for all or implementing them for all of your clients, in what order, what timeline, all of that kind of stuff. And then we’re going to point you to MGYB because your job as a business owner should not be doing, performing all of these marketing tactics yourself, but it should be to hire it out through trusted third-party providers, such as Semantic Mastery and MGYB or to hire somebody in the house, a virtual assistant. So they don’t have to be an actual employee. They could be a contractor but like a virtual assistant or an in house employee, and put them through the training so that they do it for you. So again, as a business owner, you should be working on sales and working on growing your business, figuring out how to grow your business not working on an actual day to day operations staff. We’re going to talk about 2xing your results, how to get better results. Then lastly, the last section, the last few weeks is going to be about 2xing your business or scaling, essentially, double your business without doubling your time commitment. So it goes hand in hand with section two, which is doing to actually results in that take yourself out of the way, out of the equation because you’re most likely the bottleneck in your business. I have been for many years and for different parts of my businesses and I’ve gotten way better at that. But even my newer real estate business, there are still things where I am the bottleneck. And I’m trying to alleviate that by automating, delegating or eliminating and that’s something that we talked about so 2xyouragency is going to be about how to scale, how to outsource, how to manage, how to use third-party providers, and how to really plan for growth as well. And so, Hernan and I are going to be doing most of the training. Hernan and I will be doing a lot of part one and a lot of part three together. I will probably be doing the bulk of Part Two or section two. But we’re going to try to keep it in three sections of about four weeks per section. And by the end of it, if you take action and you implement what you’re going to learn throughout the 2xyouragency plan, you will absolutely double your agency, whether you’re going from one client to two, or five to 10, or 10 to 20, you should be able to as long as you take action. Consuming the content isn’t going to help you, you have to actually implement what it is that you learn it so it’s going to be kind of a fast-paced thing. We’re going to go through a lot, but it’s going to be very, very beneficial. And obviously if you have any need additional assistance, and you’re ready to take it up to the next level, that’s when you’re going to come to join the Mastermind. What do you think I was at a pretty decent explanation?

Adam: Yeah, and I’ll just add to that and say if anyone has any questions and you’re watching, you know, definitely, Of course, ask questions. If you’re watching the replay, go ahead and leave a comment on the video. And we’ll definitely get back to you something. I mentioned before, see if you guys have anything else was You know we have been asked you know, right now like I said it’s a limited time we’re discounting slightly because we want to offer a good deal for people who hop in right now at the beginning it’s going to $97 but I’ve literally been asked you know, why isn’t this $500 to roughly $1,000 which is kind of what comparable training from some other people out there is available at. We talked about this and we said you know, we want a lot of people to take this you know, this is a combined knowledge that we have. We want people in there so that they can get to the point where they are generating more revenue and they have the time and then come join our mastermind totally transparent on this. We’re not saying haha this is some evil ploy to get you in the mastermind you know about it you can go look at it it’s a, but we know there’s a lot of people out there. If you have one client maybe or two, you know, if you lose a client, you can’t afford to be part of a group a mastermind, you can’t afford to even spend the time, so we want to get to that point where you’re better spot where you have time to interact with others. You can be a part of the group really contribute, learn, and then that’s just adding fuel to that fire.

Hernan: Yeah, I like I like what Adam just said a lot because you know, one of the reasons why somebody will join the mastermind is because you’re surrounded by people that are successful, right? So we’re kind of giving you the blueprint for you to be successful as possible in whatever area you’re lacking. Whether it is prospecting, or maybe you have to prospect down, but you’re like running with your hair on fire all day. So we want to help you so those things so that by the end of that, you might want to join the mastermind because you will see the value of all of it. As possible, we want to make it like a no absolute no brainer. It’s going to be tons of tons of value as usual Semantic Mastery style. We’ve been around for five, six years delivering a lot of value. So this is not going to be any different. So really,

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Bradley: Seven years. Damn it. Seven years. We’ll be in, I think, March or June or something like anyways, it’ll be seven years this year. So very quickly, I just want to showcase this. This is available with week one, again, the video training. And all of that will be available for this tomorrow. But this is what I call a marketing calculator, marketing projection. I basically repurpose this from a real estate, my real estate business. So I spent some time and they’re editing it today to kind of make it apply to a marketing agency. And this is great, guys because it breaks down like it’s a calculator that will break down what your marketing activities should be. And if you plug in all your numbers, which you know, you might not know all your numbers, it’s going to take marketing and tracking to be able to figure out what your numbers are. But then you should be able to consistently predictably project what your revenue will be if you hit specific marketing goals. Right. So as I mentioned before, there’s a direct correlation between your monthly revenue, and the number of marketing attempts that you make, right. So the number of proposals that you make and your number of proposals you make are directly correlated to the number of contacts you make with prospects. So the point is, guys, in order to get consistent results, you have to be consistently marketing, right? I’ve even worked in the virtual assistant, you know so that you don’t have to do all this. You might have to do it at first, I assume most of you guys will have to do this yourself first. But that’s fine. You can do this, build systems around it and then kind of create a standard operating procedure and sap out of what it is that you’ve created, and then turn around and outsource that to a VA and it’s very inexpensive. So, for just an example, if you said that you wanted to spend you know how to $500 in the marketing budget for your own agency, to produce leads for your agency on a monthly basis. You can see that you know, got this broken down to where if you had a VA doing 20 leads per sending 20 emails per day, which could be done in one hour a day or five days a week, in five days per week. So essentially, you’re paying $3 an hour cost you $60 and virtual assistant fees over the course of a month to have a virtual assistant sending 100 emails, prospecting emails per week, right? So 400 per month. And if you get a 4%, which is probably high, but a 4% response rate. So even if we change that to it’s a 2% response rate, that’s going to produce about eight leads per week, right from 400 outbound emails, so that’s eight people that have at least replied positively to prospecting emails.

But then the same thing, sales letters, which I’m having great results with sales letters. Sales letters could be sent out at a rate of 50 per week, right? So 200 per month at a 10% response rate, which is absolutely doable. That would be 20 leads per week, right coming in, or 20 leads per month coming in. And these are your costs right here. And then lastly, and these were just three items that I put in there, guys, there are some other ones that we could put in there like voicemail drops, or ringless voicemail, for example. There’s a lot of things that we can do. These were just the three big ones that I’m using for prospecting right now that works really well. Postcards, for example, that’s another one here shows the costs and everything else. And if you’re sending out 50 or 200 postcards per month, and you get a 3% response rate from postcards at six leads in a month. So that’d be a total from just these numbers here of 34 leads generated per month by targeting these specific monthly, weekly or daily goals. And all the costs are associated there. And then you can talk plugin your percentage of your average conversion rate. So how many times if you make 10 proposals, and you close three of them, that’s a 30% conversion rate, right? So you plug all those numbers in there and your plugin with your average profit per sale is whether that’s average profit on the front end. Or what I like to do is calculate what my average profit of monthly rep, monthly profit will be for a client if I’m able to land them. And so you can play around with these numbers, but then what it does, it will actually project what your gross revenue per month will be. And then after your expenses, and this is what your net monthly revenue will be in your yearly net revenue, based upon those numbers, so you can go in here and really fine-tune what it is that figure out what your primary revenue goals are, what your desired revenue goals are, and then break it down into how many how much marketing do I need to do to be able to make this many presents proposed to get this many leads in per week to make this many proposals with this much of a conversion rate to be able to hit that target revenue goal, then you can adjust your marketing around that number to where you can almost guarantee that you’re going to hit that provided that you do it consistently.

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How do you make sure that it gets done consistently? Stop doing it yourself. Right? That’s the thing guys, I guarantee none of you guys are going to want to stay on top of doing sending out. I’m going to show you guys throughout the training how to do how to teach a VA how to do it. It’s all completely brain dead simple to have, you can do some of the programs that I’m using for direct mail, you do it all from online. So it’s just point and click a few clicks and boom, an email goes or a letter gets sent or a postcard gets sent all of that stuff. So you can train a VA to do it and that becomes the VA is the job, right? The VA does this on it could be a daily basis an hour per day or two hours per day or they could block it all in like on Monday work for five hours on one particular task. If that’s the case, however, you want to break it down. But that way you know it gets done because what’s going to happen with you is you’re going to get tied up putting out fires or playing whack a mole which is what we all do as business owners and you’re not going to prospect you’ll allow the process. You’ll put prospecting off because other more important things will come up, right? So that’s why you want to delegate this as soon as you can. So that you know that it’s getting done weekend and week out regardless of your input. Okay. So anyway, I know that were way longer than I want to do, guys, but I thought that was valuable. Any comments on that before we get into questions?

Adam: No, I mean, there’s comments for me. Let’s good stuff, but I don’t see any questions right now. We got some good ones, though, that kind of touch on some of this stuff. So I guess it’s about time to hop into questions. Anybody else? Any closing comments?

Good, anybody? All right. All right. Zoom in one more and we’ll get into this.

What Is The Point Of Siloing The Category If It Is Redirected To The Main Target Page?

Okay, so the first question comes from looks like Justin he says, Hey, guys, support told me to ask this question here. Thanks. I was going over the Battle Plan training and I’m confused on the categories it was said we should do this permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/. That’s not absolutely necessary. That’s if you want to, you know after 2xyour agency is done, guys. In the next 12 weeks, the Battle Plan will be updated. That’s going to be one of our to-do lists. So anyway, just kind of want to point that out. That’s not absolutely necessary, you can do that it’s not going to harm anything. But just to carry on that’s not absolutely necessary. You can leave it at posts name if you’d like. It’s perfectly fine to do that. Create main location pages to a silo, create a category with the same slug as Page Setup, 301 redirect to send the category page to the main target page. What’s the point of creating the category if we’re just wanting it to the page, because if you understand silo structure, then you’re going to want to stack supporting keyword content articles, right? So posts, blog posts, that’s how you build depth into a silo. Right? So you create a category and then you place every related keyword. Every time you do a supporting article, which will be published as a post when you’re targeting a supporting related keyword, right? Then you’re going to place that within that category. So you’re adding depth to that category. Okay, that makes sense? And so all of the ways that the taxonomy structure is within WordPress is all of the link equity that flows through that category, especially when you have proper internal linking too but there’s it also flows through the category structure, the relevancy does, so that you end up creating the content silos. So when the bots come in and crawl a particular contents a category, a content silo, then when it goes from one post to the next to the next to the nest with within that particular category, that silo, it will start to paint a picture, develop a picture of over what the overall theme of that particular category is, which ultimately creates buoyancy. It helps everything within that silo to rise in the SERPs if everything is done correctly. So that’s why because of the category index page guys, for most websites, especially local businesses and such. The top of their silos will be their services that they provide either products or services, right. And so if they’re creating a silo structure where they’re posting articles about a particular service or about a particular product, and they’re placing it in that category, it’s not really necessary for a visitor, a user to go to the website and click on the category just to see all the blog posts within that particular category. So we 301 the category index page, which is like a blogroll page for all the posts within that category, over to the primary service page or product page on the website, because we kind of want to push all of that relevancy to that page on the site, that we’re ultimately going to rank for that top-level keyword, which is also set up for conversions like lead generation or sales or whatever the conversion goal is. So that makes sense? So hopefully you understand what we’re talking about there. But that’s basic silo stuff. You know you don’t have to if you want, for whatever reason you do have a category index page on your site to where people can click to go to a category and see all the posts within that specific category, then you don’t have to 301 the category page to the actual page. Right? You don’t have to you can leave it that way. I like to 301. But you don’t have to. Does anybody want to comment on that?

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Hernan: I think that’s great.

Should You NoIndex And NoFollow Categories In WordPress?

Bradley: Okay. He says, and what should and we should both know, index and nofollow follow categories? Or what’s the current best practice for a local service type site? No. Well, see, that’s the thing if you 301 your category, index page or category archive page over to your page, then you wouldn’t want to no-index, nofollow it because there would be no need because even it’s not going to index as a category index archive page because it’s 301 to the primary service page. So it makes sense. So it doesn’t matter. If you’re going to not 301 it, then I still wouldn’t noindex it or nofollow it, because there’s no reason to do that. There is a reason at times to noindex tag pages. But I don’t see the reason for noindexing category pages unless you had category archive pages that weren’t 301. And you only had one post in that category. Because then you end up with a category archive page that, depending on your theme, could publish, show the whole post within that category. And now you’ve got what looks like duplicate content on your site. But most likely, you’re not going to have any categories with just one post. And if you do, there’s no reason to have a category archive page. You should just reopen it to your primary service page. Okay. So anyway, hopefully that was helpful.

Marco: I just want to point out that there’s a really good video in YouTube, about this, the simple silo, and I can post it on the back and go look for it and post it but I really like to channel and go use the channel search function, and you can find the video.

Bradley: In fact, if you just go to, I’m just going to show so that maybe this will help other people too. First of all, go to our channel, Click the Search icon up here for search channel that will search just the videos on the channel or you can go to playlists and if you scroll down in here somewhere there should be a silo structure playlist. Somewhere in here, there’s a silo structure playlist and it’s got all the videos in there specifically about how to create silos and all that kind of stuff. But all you need to do is just clicking here and click silo. I think structure just silo brings it up.

Yeah, silo went to I’m sure. Simple silo structure setup, complex silo structure set up. Those are the two right there. Four years ago, they haven’t changed a bit.

Marco: The theory doesn’t change. That’s perfect.

Bradley: That’s right. All right, beautiful, next.

Is There A Negative Effect For PR On A Page With Two Different Anchor Text?

Okay, so Sean’s up. He says, Is there a negative effect for PR on one particular page? When for user experience purposes, I use multiple HTML anchor links in the body to link to one other particular page. Okay, so is there a negative effect on page rank? If you link from within the content body of a page or post with multiple HTML links to the same target or destination URL with different anchor text phrases? Um, I don’t think that’s best practice. But Marco could probably do a much better job of explaining why that would be good or not good.

Marco: First of all, there’s no such thing as negative PageRank. So that cannot be a negative effect for PageRank. They can only be diminishing PageRank where you splitting it up. If, you know adding two links on a page splits, whatever page rank, you have two ways. If you have four now you split it four ways. So you only get 25% through each link. Why would you do that if they’re all going to one other particular page, you only need one link doesn’t make sense to add all of those links. I don’t even see it, why you would do it for user experience. And if you have to do it, if you have to do that, then what I always suggest, is find another way to code your links so that you don’t divide your PageRank. And that’s as far as I’m going to go with that in a free group.

Bradley: There you go.

How To Keyword Research For Non-English Languages?

Next question is all the major tools support the keyword research in English, but how to do the keyword research for other languages? an example I have a blog in Hindi for Indian readers, but I’m not sure how to do it for non-English languages. That’s a really good question. I don’t do anything but US-based projects. So I can’t really answer that. But I know Marco and Hernan might be able to help.

Hernan: Um, yeah, so SEM Rush has a big database of different keywords. So even if it’s not in the database, you can actually search Google Keyword Tool within SEM Rush in different, like search engines like different, you know, country to least. So you can actually go that route. So SEM Rush, I think it’s one of the best and now, you know, it has allowed me to do keyword research in Spanish, and you know, other languages, I’m pretty sure that they have Hindi in their database. And yeah, that’s how I would go ahead and do it. You know, it’s a tool. It’s one of the best tools when it comes to keyword research in other languages.

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Marco: Yeah, I would say SEM Rush probably has Hindi in its database because of how, how big it is. I’m not sure if my favorite tool of all time and you guys know what that is? It’s a Power Suggest Pro. And you can actually geotarget. So Bradley, why don’t you open that up and use the geotargeting function over to the right. Where you change countries.

Bradley: Oh God, okay. See I’ve never done it. So I’ve never changed countries but yeah, right there. Yeah. So you can set the country up, you know, reset Yahoo. He said, India, right. India. Yeah, India, okay. So I’m going to say reset or okay. India, okay, cool. And then I don’t know.

Marco: And then Okay, and then you start searching. Did he specify what and see what it spits back like, I don’t speak Hindi. So I can’t give you any keywords that you would lookup. But I mean, try it out. But what is this now $57-$67 but it’s literally nothing for For guys, it’s there’s gold in here. Yeah, but I’m saying is, there’s money in this tool, you just have to need you just have to learn how to use it to find the money keywords in your niche. And you could target this is working bottom-up, right? You can target the long tail start targeting the long tail, and then like dead simple to start ranking for.

Bradley: So this is bringing back the keywords from like suggest from Google and YouTube in India, but it’s still returning them in English though, right? That’s what you’re saying?

Hernan: Now probably because we put out we put a keyword in that.

Bradley: Oh, you got to put it in in Hindi, right? Yeah. Yeah. Let me see.

Marco: Let’s do this live. Go Google Translate. And you know, see what the Hindi word for the keyword is the keyword and translate to a Hindi, English to you said Hindi. It looks like that’s what he said.

Where to go? Oh, there it is right there. Okay, let me try that. See if it works. So that’s for the keyword. It brought back a suggestion but it’s got the English modifier. So,

Marco: so why don’t you try the asterisk before the word space? Yeah, yeah, an asterisk after space. See if anything comes back that it brought back to and if that doesn’t work, the last thing I’m thinking is trying the, I don’t know what you call it where it’s like the English side. Right. Spelling before it like KEVARD sub one.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Do you mean that version right there?

Yeah. Nothing like a like a live, it’s nine coming up. Yeah, yeah.

It was worth a shot. Nothing beats a try but a fail, right? That’s got that right.

Marco: Answer the Public. I’m like I’m checking all of the ones that are that I know maybe Google Suggest in your native language or I’m setting a goal such as Google Trends in handy. You could start that way, and maybe dig into those keywords and see what Google will suggest. But that would be what I would say.

Hernan: I just went through to SEM Rush, by the way, and they do have a database indeed. So they have a bunch of keywords there. So that’s another option.

Bradley: Cool, thanks, Hernan. All right.

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Can You Get The Benefits Of A Site’s Ranking And Leads If You Simply 301 Redirect It?

The next one is from Dan. He says, I have a site where the owner retired, but it is still ranked and giving leads, can I simply 301 redirect all ranking pages to another site? Or how would you handle a situation where I can still take advantage of the traffic, you can throw on it? But the problem is, it’s if you have another site in the same area that’s optimized similarly in that kind of stuff, then you can throw on it and it may very well the one target URL may very well end up replacing in the SERPs where the exit where the current site is ranked. But it’s you know, it’s it’s unlikely unless you already have some like, you can’t just like build a brand new site three, I want it to that and expect it to rank is it’s not likely to happen. You’ll see some usually significant dancing and all that I’m not saying it can’t be done. It can be but you know, One of the other things that you could do would be it so that you don’t lose or do any dancing, or lose positioning would be to iframe in your new website page into the existing pages so that that’s what comes up at the top above the fold. That’s something that you can do that way, you’re still taking advantage of the existing positioning of the existing site, but you can throw one it, that’s something you can do. But again, you’d probably want to have another site built that was similarly optimized, you know, similar structure and all that kind of stuff so that you’re not pointing from a site that is doing well to another site that’s not optimized. Well, where you end up will you’ll lose that positioning, you’re still likely going to see some dancing anyways, Marco would say you?

Marco: Yeah, it’s gonna dance. I mean, I don’t know what it is that he’s trying to accomplish. I understand that he wants to take advantage of the traffic. The 301 redirects will work but as you said, you will have to change the pages and have a similar structure on the 301 destinations so that you could get the most effective. It’s still going to dance. But it’ll probably come back, especially if you put that SEO shield around your new project.

Bradley: Don’t they have? Now they have I didn’t even really like to use them. But don’t they have those rank, like plugins where you can overlay another page on top of a page. I know that’s technically cloaking or something it’s not. It’s frowned upon by Google. But I know there are plugins that you can overlay one page on top of another page so that you could display a different page on top of what’s already ranking. The other way to do it would be to just like I said, embed you were a different web page into the page that’s already ranking, make that the top above the fold everything else to where when a user lands on that page, they’ll still likely and you know, they’ll still see the page that you want them to see, but it’s not actually cloaking. What do you think about that one?

Marco: Well, you can actually We have a responsive iframe to take the whole page. But again, that’s cloaking. What, however, you call it, it’s cloaking. You get caught doing that you’re gonna get deindex. So all that work that you did, you’re gonna lose it.

Bradley: Yeah, that’s true. That’s why I never liked using these WordPress plugins that do that, but that might be one there.

Marco: Yeah, I don’t even like talking about it. Because people can get into a whole lot of trouble. Then they come back and say, well, you told me to do it. No, the fuck I didn’t.

Bradley: Yeah, no. I said specifically, I don’t like to do it. I’d rather use the iframe model. But yeah, you could do that. I’m not telling you to do that though. Be careful because yeah, you can get in trouble for that. You’re psyching me deindex.

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What Has Been The Most Effective Method In Getting Clients To Chase After You?

Okay, uh, let’s see. This is a great question. from Matt. He says what has been the most effective method and getting clients to chase after you? Specialization. So niche specialization is number one that’s been the most effective for me. And consistent follow up. Those are the two. That’s it, period. I mean, if there are two things I can tell you. Well, number one you have to prospect have a, you know, a prospecting system in place that is providing a steady stream of leads, right? But then once you’ve engaged with that lead how do you get them to follow up with number one is if you have an if your agents, a boutique agency or a very like a niche-specific where you cater all everything to that one type of business that tends to get people to pay more attention to your pitch than it does to others. Also consistent follow-up and again, we’re going to talk about that. The vast majority of the sales are made through the follow up. So you know, you have to get through a bunch of noise to get to a yes. And that’s going to be you know, if you want and do it like in other words, if you pitch a prospect one time and you and they say no and you leave it and you never contact them again, then you’re going to have a really hard time ever really growing your business, the best thing to do is once you pitch to prospect, they say No, that’s okay just means not yet, right? No just means not yet. So if you put them on some sort of follow up campaign, which again can be automated, or it can be delegated to an outsourcer depending on you know, a virtual assistant or an in house employee, to make sure that the follow up gets done. It might be different for depending on what kind of clients it is, you know, you might just want to reach out every three months, you might want to be more aggressive and once a month, contact them again, various methods, direct mail, email, voicemail drops, you could call them, there’s a number of things that you could do. But you know, typically follow up is where you’re going to because it’s crazy, but especially if you have an aggressive remarketing setup. Once they’ve engaged with you, they’re going to start seeing your brand everywhere anyway. Right. And then if you follow up with them, outreach to them once every three months or whatever time schedule what you want. Send them a direct piece of direct mail, lumpy mail, a postcard, hit them with direct ringless voicemail things like that once every month or six weeks or every three months, whatever schedule you want, but you just remind them besides what they’re seeing from the remarketing ads everywhere, you remind them hey, I’m still interested if things have changed for you yet, give me a call. You know, that kind of stuff. That’s where you’re going to start seeing it guys, but too many people give up after one No. And that’s the biggest problem. I see.

Marco: My top I’m seeing this differently. I’m reading this differently. How you get people to chase you is by providing massive results that just blow people away so that they have no choice but to brag about you. They tell their friends about you they go to their dinner meetings at the business meeting. And they’re talking about you and people are seeing it. This is how you get people to chase you, instead of you having to go out there and takes you it’s called POFU what we talked about all the time, you’re at the position of fuck you so that people are coming to you instead of you having to go to them. And then you’re picking and choosing who it is that you work with. Interestingly enough, just yesterday, we had our mini mastermind meeting. And we have one person that’s actually there that is picking and choosing. We have another one that it’s just getting massive results and the name gets around your neck. Once you start doing that you’re if you’re the person in wherever it is, and I happen to know that matters in Arizona, you become the man in Arizona, and you provide massive results for whoever your client is. They’re going to brag about all of the shit that you I got this fantastic guy who’s just doing all of this for me, and people will come to you, you’ll get referrals you get tons. As a matter of fact they’ll referrals. If you want the You have your client, your current clients coming to you and saying, hey, you mind if I have a buddy? Who does this? Would you mind helping him? And it’s like, he’s he already talked to his buddy, they already know you see? The sale is already done. They’ve done the clothes for you. All you have to go in and it’s just go talk to the person and say, Okay, yeah, make the deposit, and we’ll get started. On terms. Yeah, that’s how you get people chasing after you, instead of you having to chase after them.

Hernan: Yeah. I’m going to add real quick add, you know, how you sign up for some programs or some stuff that they’ll teach you how to how to grow your agency, whatever. And they’re like, what a one-trick pony, right? And if that doesn’t work, the rest of the program doesn’t work. And that’s one of the things that I’m really excited about is that each of us have our own approach to stop, right. I don’t want to get through a bunch of notes to get a yes Bradley does and he’s a machine and I totally respect him because of that, but I’m more like, okay, I want to create a whole lot of like goodwill in the marketplace so that people will search for me and I kind of share that a little bit on the personal branding that I talked about on POFU Live 2019 and that is something that I was definitely looking forward to sharing with you guys. How you can position yourself as an authority in your niche, in your marketplace. I totally agree that you need to niche down but then how do you get you to know, how do you get yourself known. So that is one of the things that I want to share with you guys but it’s basically going out like this, you need to be consistent in putting out good content and putting out like massive amounts of value so that when people reach out to you, I don’t want to reach out to anyone that reached out to me so when people reach out to you, then you have the position to say hey yeah, let’s talk and let’s work together or no. Listen, you know, this is not going to be a good fit and whatnot. I was like literally talking to two a potential customer yesterday but I just had to not go for it because you know, it wasn’t a good fit. So that gives you that leverage and whatnot. And it comes, you know, it all comes down to leveraging the personal branding and a couple of strategies that I want to share with you guys. So this is a great question. And I think that the fact that you have like three or four or even five, like different approaches to client generation, you can pick and choose the one that it’s right up your alley, right. The one that resonates with you, and the one that you want to go out like, do you want to brute force the marketplace? Go ahead and do it, here’s the blueprint of how to do it. Do you want to do it in a way that it’s cool and you know, you know, you don’t have to talk to anyone to follow here’s the blueprint, go do it, you know, so I think that’s pretty. That’s pretty cool. And that’s how you know working with me to have this so

Adam: all right. And last but not least, I’m going to put my two cents in on this and say it’s a good combo to have all of these because like Hernan I know what he’s capable of. Not only have I worked with him, but I’ve seen the results he’s done. And talking about providing value for people, you’ve provided massive value for me. So when I hop off a call with an agency owner who has 50 to 60 clients, and he’s looking for someone for PPC strategy and work, who do you think I recommended? Did I go out and look at Upwork? But now, I can send the email to Hernan said, Hey, here’s the deal. This guy seems like he could use your help. Are you interested in or not said, Yeah, I’ll check it out. You know, and that extends, I’ve done that in the mastermind as well. I know that there are people in there who have certain specialties, and this is not just a pitch for the mastermind, but, you know, it’s about providing results and sharing those and under, you know, so people understand what your value is, and then, you know, that becomes part of your referral network.

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Bradley: Absolutely. And just to clarify, yeah, I agree that when I say to get through a bunch of noise to get to a, yes, I mean, if you have people like the best way to prospect, is to have inbound marketing is I totally agree 100% with what Hernan said because that’s when people see you out. When you’re starting out, you might have to do out, you’re likely going to have to do outbound prospecting. In order to get some, some revenue in the door, some clients in the door generate some revenue. But the idea is to build that presence, that brand so that people start to seek you out. And you can do that a number of ways in niche-specific or industry-specific so that you become a big fish in a small pond, providing extraordinary value, which what Marco said that whether it’s in a particular industry, or if you get referrals from just other businesses because you provide massive value to a client and it’s referred you Whatever the case, those are all great ideas, those are all great ways to have clients come to chase you and all that kind of stuff. But what I was saying What I meant was and I might not have been clear about it was you’re not going to close 100% of your proposals, even on a referral basis, most of you guys are including my partners, I’m sure when you get a referral. It’s all Almost a done deal, it’s almost a closed deal, usually just have to agree upon terms, as we had already said, but sometimes you can’t reach an agreement on terms and if that’s the case, don’t give up on that lead because that leads still there, that prospect you’ve already had a communication built some sort of rapport with them you just want it the timing might not be right for them for you for whatever proposal you sent them whatever offer you sent them.

So you have two options, there are three options that let it go entirely, which would be a complete waste of time. Change your pricing structure or the terms which you would say so in other words, you know, kind of lower your standards for what you expect, which I don’t recommend anybody to or number three, put them on just a follow-up schedule to where you touch them you know when I say touch them, meaning you contact them in some way, shape or form on a regular basis, every so often to remind them that you’re there until they’re ready because of time and circumstance change changes almost everybody’s mind.

So anyway, we’re almost out of the time we’ll try to run through one or two more really quickly, guys, sorry, we didn’t get time for everybody. But it is what it is.

How Are You Handling The Changes That Google Made With The January Update?

So the next one is from no marketing says how do you handle the changes that G made after January update to Google mega January update? Anybody?

Marco: I heard there was a core update.

Bradley: I heard there was too, I’m being asked. No, because fortunately, we haven’t seen you know, a lot of times I don’t even know updates occur except for the incessant chatter online, or when people post in the group about Hey, you guys experiencing and I’m only saying that because fortunately, we’ve been. The methods that we’ve been implementing developing for years now have been specifically for strengthening the entity for the Semantic Web, hence our name Semantic Mastery, and it seems like every time we experience or we go through one of these updates that we are that are revealed to us by somebody like you on our Hump Day Hangouts. We haven’t been affected negatively. In fact, a lot of times we are experiencing a positive effect. And, in fact, in our mastermind, community, there have been several people that have talked about that have posted results showing the positive effects that their sites have seen since the January update that you speak of, so we haven’t done it. So the next part of this question, which will probably answer my local service site dropped to the second page and there’s less real estate for organic listings do what organic listings do I need to change anything or just follow the battle plan? Strengthen the entity. I want to hear Marco’s opinion on this is probably all we’re gonna have time for. But if that’s the number one most important thing you can do right now is to strengthen the entity. What do you agree Marco?

Marco: Totally, totally. It’s the SEO shield. We call it the SEO shield for a reason. It’s set up the way it is, for a reason. We’re after basic web principle, we’re not after hacks or things that may well, it may it could change tomorrow. But then again, we could all die tomorrow. So we don’t know. What we have right now has been working for about five years, some even longer. For example, Syndication Academy. And just everything that we do is just based on web principles that even Google has to observe because their foundation is what we’re after. That’s where we are. That’s what we target. That’s where we play. That’s our playground. And so until they do a monumental shift in their algorithms, and in their math, our methods are going to work period.

Bradley: Beautiful.

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Is It Okay To Add Another Page When You Mirror The Gsite To The Money Site?

Alright, last question. First is a comment from Fitz and in order to answer fits his question Which is next. And then we’re going to wrap it up, guys. If it says Good day, gents, thank you, Marco, for the amazing charity, you have started to help kids and by helping them help their families to have a pathway to a better life. Thank you also for the charity series of webinars, they’re very, very helpful. So that one’s for you, Marco. Fits then asks the question for today for me is when you were mirroring the G site to money site, is it okay to add other pages that are not on the money site? I like to embed my videos from YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook but not money site. Well, you can’t embed Facebook that I’m aware of. Maybe I’m wrong. But as far as I know, you can’t embed it but not the money site only on a page on my G site. Is that okay? I don’t know what Marco’s answer is going to be on this but I do it. I mirror the relevant pages into the G site. But then, if they’re supporting content that can help to add relevancy to that page, like a YouTube video, for example, then I would add that in there. I might add, you know, I might iframe in a press release, for example, that is particularly relevant to that particular page, for example, something like that. I do it but I don’t know what the actual professionals’ opinion is on this. Let’s say you, Marco?

Marco: In Dadea’s case study, he embedded the corresponding money site page in the G site. And it’s working. You guys have seen how it’s working from what he’s saying in the mastermind. So by all means, and if it’s relevant if it’s part of the entity, why would you not? The beautiful thing about what we do is a sense it’s ours, we can do anything we want with our entity, it’s part of who we are as part of what we are on the web. So anything that reinforces that can only help, especially when you’re doing it through iframe.

Bradley: Yeah, and there are some interesting things you can do there, guys. I’m just going to mention one and it’s five o'clock and we’re going to wrap it up. But you know, for example, you could take your category RSS feed, for example, for it from your website, your money site, and convert that into a feed burner feed, and then use the buzz boost, which will create an HTML version of your RSS feed that then you could embed that into the G site on that page within that particular you know, that corresponding mirrored page for that category. That makes sense. So now you’ve got not only the embedded web page, but you also have the feed with the category with all the posts within that particular category, dynamically updating that page, if that makes sense. Because every time you post something new within that category will update that feed, which is an HTML version of the feed burner feed embedded in the G site, which is another Google property. So it’s another iframe stack within Google. I mean, there’s you can do that with tag feeds, tag RSS feeds, category feeds. It’s really crazy, which you can there’s a lot of stuff you can do with it. So

okay, uh, that’s about it. Anything else guys?

Adam: Yeah, just real quick one. We were talking about at the beginning if you’d like to double your agency and by that we mean doubling your revenue without doubling your time involvement at over two, As Hump Day hangout watchers, we’ve got a special deal going but it’s only going to last for a few days. So, find out more hop in getting started there, whether you’re a consultant, agency owner, digital marketing, SEO, whatever it is, if you have clients, this is the place you want to be.

Awesome. Thanks, everybody. See you guys.

Bye, everyone.

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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 271 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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