Saturday, February 29, 2020

How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?

In episode 273 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how to generate more GMB calls for a client with 4 offices in different cities.

The exact question was:

I just landed a big client who has 4 offices in different cities (near each other) and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages so I figure this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and add local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages? Any better idea?

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How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?

In episode 273 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how to generate more GMB calls for a client with 4 offices in different cities.

The exact question was:

I just landed a big client who has 4 offices in different cities (near each other) and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages so I figure this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and add local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages? Any better idea?

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How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities? published first on your-t1-blog-url

from CEO Life Freedom
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How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?

In episode 273 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how to generate more GMB calls for a client with 4 offices in different cities.

The exact question was:

I just landed a big client who has 4 offices in different cities (near each other) and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages so I figure this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and add local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages? Any better idea?

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How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities? published first on your-t1-blog-url

How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?

In episode 273 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how to generate more GMB calls for a client with 4 offices in different cities.

The exact question was:

I just landed a big client who has 4 offices in different cities (near each other) and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages so I figure this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and add local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages? Any better idea?

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How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities? published first on your-t1-blog-url

How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities?

In episode 273 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how to generate more GMB calls for a client with 4 offices in different cities.

The exact question was:

I just landed a big client who has 4 offices in different cities (near each other) and my main objective is to generate more calls from their GMB pages so I figure this is where I can show the biggest and fastest results. I was thinking about doing a big SEO shield for the brand first and add local SEO shields for the specific GMB pages? Any better idea?

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How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities? published first on your-t1-blog-url
How Do You Generate More GMB Calls For A Client With 4 Offices In Different Cities? posted first on your-t1-blog-url

Friday, February 28, 2020

What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?

In episode 273 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the best way to index links and drive stacks.

The exact question was:

Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My Question is: What is the best way to index links in general and drive stacks in particular nowadays?

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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks? published first on your-t1-blog-url

from CEO Life Freedom
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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?

In episode 273 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the best way to index links and drive stacks.

The exact question was:

Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My Question is: What is the best way to index links in general and drive stacks in particular nowadays?

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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks? published first on your-t1-blog-url

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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?

In episode 273 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the best way to index links and drive stacks.

The exact question was:

Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My Question is: What is the best way to index links in general and drive stacks in particular nowadays?

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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks? published first on your-t1-blog-url

What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?

In episode 273 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the best way to index links and drive stacks.

The exact question was:

Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My Question is: What is the best way to index links in general and drive stacks in particular nowadays?

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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks? published first on your-t1-blog-url

What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks?

In episode 273 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the best way to index links and drive stacks.

The exact question was:

Hello there. Thank you for answering our questions. My Question is: What is the best way to index links in general and drive stacks in particular nowadays?

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What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks? published first on your-t1-blog-url
What Is The Best Way To Index Links And Drive Stacks? posted first on your-t1-blog-url

Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 276


Click on the video above to watch Episode 276 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Adam: Let’s do this. We are live. Welcome to Episode 276 of Hump Day Hangouts. Got the whole Semantic Mastery team here. We’re going to do some introductions, let everybody know how it’s going, who everyone is, in case you’re new to Hump Day Hangouts. And for some reason, you haven’t been watching us for the previous 275 episode. So we’ll get into that and then we’ll get some quick announcements for you. And then we’re going to jump in and start answering questions. So start at the top of my screen and work my way down. So Bradley, how are you doing today?

Bradley: I’m well happy to be here. I’m having issues with my Google Drive though. It’s not sinking with my computer like it’s supposed to. And it’s driving me nuts. But other than that, things are good. How are you?

Adam: Yeah, not bad. Just enjoying some warmer weather something in 70s. So looking forward to getting outside and enjoying that after this. Good. What was that? Anyways? Hernan How’s it going? I like your shirt by the way.

Hernan: Doing great. Look at this. And then good, really good. Really excited to be here.

Excited to for the questions today so good and that we were totally not sending gifts before hopping live so that’s not what’s happening on the Slack channel for some of you know,

Adam: so when Bradley shares his screen that was not us posting all those gifts on us. Marco How you doing today?

Marco: I am muted and now I’m not. Look for yourself. Let me know how I’m doing man. Bright, sunny. I told you coasteering it’s Groundhog Day, man. You guys go back to the other episodes where I’ve been on cam and a hump day Hangout. It’s always like this. during the dry season. Of course. When the rain comes at this time, we’ll get an electrical storm that will get a nice rain shower, but then it’ll go away about 6pm and then wake up and it’s bright and sunny and beautiful and get to POFU motherfucking. So you can be the same shit. That’s it. And we paved the way and we help you every step of the way. I mean, what could be better than that? You guys are doing it. And I said it before. If you’re not, if you’re failing, if you’re not taking action, don’t push it off on us. Because you’re the one who has to take that first step and say, Okay, let me get going. And that first step will take you to the next one, and the next one will get you to where you’re going. But I’m good, man, I’m living the life, man.

Adam: Outstanding! Well, I gotta ask you you know and I’m not joking around. Do you ever get tired of the same weather like day? I mean, I know it changes between the seasons but like Does that ever get here? Are you just happy with it being nice like that?

Marco: This is what I want. If I wanted something up like I go somewhere else, but But why? Like I’ve lived in Argentina. I went with my wife a couple of times. And I just don’t want to live the cold again. I don’t like it and so I know what I like I know what I want. This is what I want.

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The next step is a beach house you know that has to be like on the side of a mountain so we can overlook the ocean. You guys will be getting pictures from there too. Yeah. Or video. Yeah, that’s in the work. So

Adam: Very good. Very good. All right. And last but not least, Chris. How are you doing? Man? I’m glad you’re hanging in there that you haven’t been quarantined yet. I know things in Europe. Some parts of Europe are getting a little scary with the coronavirus.

Chris: Yeah, like I’m doing good. Let’s go that way. No sore throats or anything no cold Yeah, like I’m still alive, kicking, things are good.

Adam: Cool. Cool. All right. Well, we got a few things we wanted to mention. One of those. We’ve got a really cool special going on. We had a webinar with Jeffrey Smith on Monday and that coincided with a great special we have grown. We’ve got a Mardi Gras special going right now for SEO shield, which combines the power of several of the components not only of our training but of the done for you components that are available at MGYB. I’m going to post the details on the page. If you’re watching live, you can definitely still grab that it’s 20% off, you can save a bundle but that’s not all we got going on. And Marco had an update with some cool stuff that has just come out. So, Marco, do you mind tell me about that.

Marco: Yeah, and I mean, it This isn’t scarcity or anything like that. We don’t play that game. Right. And we don’t play that we will be raising prices in 30 minutes and there are only this many lefts. The problem with what we’re doing is that Google will eventually catch on and kill it. But we’re currently verifying GMBs for those of you who are interested. And not only that they come with a 30-month guarantee of replacement. If something happens if it gets suspended. After those 30 days, what you can do is buy insurance, which means that if it does get suspended, we’ll go and lift the suspension and so we put this package in this package together, which allows you to do both. It allows you to get your GMB’s, and then get some insurance in case it gets suspended. And I will post the links on the page, so you guys can head on over there and get it while it’s hot. And if you wait too long and it gets closed off. Again, don’t blame it on us. It’s you. You didn’t take action. We get a ton of those emails. As a matter of fact, don’t you because you’re the email guy, Adam, and I see them coming through. I’m sorry, I missed the special. Can you guys do it? No. No, we can’t. We had the launch. That was the price. Then it goes up because it’s worth that much anymore. And that’s it. So don’t come whining later. Oh, look, I missed it. I couldn’t watch whatever, your granny died, you shut your door. Whatever happened. We don’t care. You gotta go get it while it’s hot. And I’m gonna go drop the mic. Thank you.

Adam: All right. And real quick. I wanted Hernan. You released some training for double your agency. I believe you had that last week. Bradley. I know you just dropped a new update for double your agency, right?

Bradley: Yeah, today was week six. I just completed the training for week six. Today was about the content or this week’s training about content marketing. So yeah,

Adam: Outstanding! So if you’re an agency owner or a consultant, if you want to get more clients, if you want to grow your revenue, you want to scale your team, so that you can literally work less and earn more, right? That’s it’s kind of a tagline. It sounds like the four-hour workweek or something. I mean, you got to do work. Nobody said, you know, yeah, there was no work. But there are ways to do it so that you work less and earn more and that’s what this is about. Okay, I said it before, but I’ll say it again, get more clients, grow your revenue scale your team. You want to go check this out, just head over to I’ll put the link on the page as well and then for those of you who are looking for more repeatable results with SEO, you know we’ve updated Battle Plan it’s been going for years we update it yearly and you can still get it it’s a battleplan.semantic and we’ve been talking as well about MGYB. You know if you’re just watching us for the first time if you want done for you services, like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, link building, press releases, what Marco was just talking about with the GMBs, all sorts of good stuff head over there. It’s And last but certainly not least, we’ve been talking about I think some emails went out. Being the email guy I should certainly know when they went out but it was either last week or the week before and talking about POFU Live. This year, it’s going to be it’s our third year in a row. We’re going to be in Boston, Massachusetts. It’s the last weekend in September. We’re cooking up something fun for the VIP day. And I just wanted to speak on that real quick if you go and get tickets, we’ve priced this competitively so that you can get the VIP ticket. That’s where we really want people to go. We want to have a good time we want to spend the time getting to know you and for everyone else to get to know each other before we dive into the main event, you know it’s not it is about having fun, but also getting to know each other so that when you show up, you get the most value out of it. So when you see the pricing on that you can see that reflected we really, you know, we don’t want to charge you thousands of dollars to come to the VIP event. We just want to cover the cost you could show up have a great time last year we went go-karting. It was a blast, one of the guest speakers at the event kicked all of our butts and walked away with first place and then went on and gave a great presentation. So anyway, looking forward to seeing as many of you is can fit into the 25 person limit event that we have. And I believe actually we’re down to 21. So right now if you want to grab your ticket, it’s a great time. It’s the lowest price you’re going to see it and that’s in September, so now’s a good time to snag it start planning for it.

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So what did Dadea name his racing persona. God, what’s that banner? Yeah, yeah, he’s right. It showed up on the screen up there. So yeah, that was awesome. I forgot about that. Awesome. So we’ll have some more information about that. Of course, as we get closer, we’re locking in some stuff about the VIP event, exact locations, but it’s going to be in Boston’s gonna be last weekend in September. So now is the time to do that. Other than that, guys, we’ve got anything else we need to cover before we jump into it.

Marco: Yeah, I’m gonna turn off my camera because too much sun isn’t good for you.

Bradley: It’s not good for us. You mean.

Marco: Good for you guys. So too much sun for us is not good. Yeah.

Adam: Real quick. I see Mohammed asking you did battle plan version four released No. But maybe keep your eyes and ears peeled for that. We do update it yearly. So that’s all I’ll say for now. It’s coming.

Bradley: Coming. Okay, can we get any questions? Do it? Let’s go. You guys should be seeing this correctly.

How To Rank A Long Tail Keyword?

Great. Yes. Where were we? a great first one is hi how to rank a keyword and longtail version of it. Which time we have guys? Um, I would like to do it with long-form content, but it doesn’t help. Even though it’s supposed to be in the same post. I’m not sure maybe does it help even though it’s in this? I’m not sure I’m understanding the question. Hold on a minute do a branded syndication network and RYS stack will rank videos okay. Or is it better to do tiered syndication?

Alright, so for the first question, how to rank a keyword and a longtail version of it. Go look at silo architecture that’s pretty much industry standard for how to rank a keyword. And a longtail version of it would be, you know, so one of the things go look for Google at Bruce clay silo architecture website silo architecture, read through that article. And that’s will teach you how to set up silo structure we also have on our YouTube channel,, use the channel search feature and look up silo structure complex or simple silo structure, you’ll be able to find videos where we talk about how to set up silos, your broad keywords would be like a top of a silo and then having adding supporting keywords or supporting articles for long that are optimized for long-tail versions of the keyword is a great way to rank for a keyword. Now that’s not the only thing that you need to do, but that is one of many, but that’s typically where we would start is creating some sort of silo for the broadest or most competitive of keywords and then adding depth to that side low using supporting keywords and that’s how you build topical relevance for that particular keyword, which creates buoyancy throughout the entire silo. What I mean by that, I mean, if you have a silo structure set up properly, and your internal linking done correctly, and your keyword theme is, is tight. In other words, it’s you have very similar and related type keywords right all within the same theme. Then anywhere that you inject link building or adding content, adding depth to that silo is going to create buoyancy throughout the entire silo, meaning all of the keywords that the silo has been optimized for will start to surface higher in the search engine results pages. Now that’s, that’s in theory, how it’s all supposed to work, but there’s also off-page issues and everything else. So that’s a loaded question. There’s way too much to cover and a hump day hangout on how to rank a keyword. It’s way too broad. But that’s where I would start is developing a content strategy for how you’re going to attack those particular keywords. They may want to comment on that before I go to part two.

Yeah, the SEO shield, right? Must have if he wants to really push I mean once he has his siloing together and then and the on-page is tight, you push with the SEO shield and that’s going to start pushing, even more, ranking power into all of the silos that he’s working with. Then he starts the isolation process we have everything covered. I mean, we’ve done it all for free. Go to our YouTube channel and search for these things go to our free Facebook group and do a group search for many of these things have already been covered silo-like Bradley said we have two videos on there on simple silos and complex silo structure. Jeffrey did an awesome job on Monday on covering some of these things and how he approaches it my approaches is a bit different because I like to work top-down rather than bottom-up, but it all has the same effect. It gets your stuff moving ranking it brings in people traffic is what you want at the end of everything.

This Stuff Works
Alright, so hopefully you are watching what I was just dead I just went to semantic or, use the channel search feature. And typed in the silo structure. There’s a complex silo, there’s simple silo structure. I would just click through watch those start with simple silo structure and then develop your content strategy. And as Marco said, Yeah, I mean, I was talking about strictly on-page, that’s where I would start. But absolutely, there’s no doubt, our off-page methods or how we push power into everything that we do. So when I talked about creating a silo and in creating buoyancy throughout that entire silo that’s perfect for what the SEO shield does because it’s basically pushing relevancy into that silo as well as all the so that entire category, that entire silo would get powered up. So absolutely, I agree with that. All right, we’re going to keep moving as soon as I can.

Come on, get back to the tab. There we go. All right.

Does Having A Branded Syndication Network & RYS Stack Help In Ranking Videos?

Next question was does a branded syndication network without second-tier and RYS stack? Will it rank videos? Yes, it will. I mean, that’s again, it’s one of many things that can be done. But that is certainly something that can help a branded syndication network with YouTube though, I would recommend multiple syndication networks. So tier two syndication networks are great. You can also add additional for tier-one syndication networks not branded persona-based or topically like themed but not branded. Right. So there’s you can add as many syndication networks to YouTube channels you as you want, there’s there are no footprint issues as long as you keep the applets the way that we set them up, there are no footprint issues whatsoever, so you can stack as many as you want. I always prefer for YouTube SEO but an RYS always have two-tier networks built that I attached to the channel.

But you know, again, you can do several tier one, you can do multiple tier twos, whatever you want. I just recommend with YouTube videos add more syndication networks to the channel. Okay. As far as RYS, yeah, because you can. For example, if you have a branded syndication network, for your channel, and then you have a drive stack built and a G site that’s going to power up your syndication network, which will ultimately power up every video that you ups upload or live stream to your channel that gets that syndicates out. So absolutely, it will help.

Again, I recommend a tiered syndication network for YouTube’s SEO, but RYS stack. Absolutely. That’s without question. It’s going to power up your syndication network or your two-tier network if you have one of those. That makes sense. Okay. Any other comments on that guys?

Marco: Yep. embedsm link buildingm and trickle some traffic in there. Yeah. paid you traffic, just trickle it in it. You don’t have to pay a whole lot of money to give it a boost to get Google. And then what you have is an audience, right? You have to have a targeted audience for your videos, which can convert so you’re accomplishing several things all at once.

Bradley: Yeah, I mean, I didn’t mention the traffic side of it. But there’s no question that I don’t do YouTube SEO without buying relevant traffic directly from Google ads for the video. I mean, that it there. I don’t do SEO for YouTube videos anymore without traffic. And in fact, the only thing I do to SEO YouTube videos anymore is just uploads them or live stream them to a channel that’s connected to syndication networks, syndication networks have all been powered up via link building. But that’s it. That’s the only thing I do SEO wise is I upload them to the YouTube channel that goes out through my syndication networks that are aged and they’ve been powered up with link building. And then I set up a traffic campaign through Google ads to buy cheap views directly from Google, which is perfectly legit. It’s encouraged, in fact, from a relevant audience, if it’s for local then I buy it within a specific geographic area. So they’re all local IP clicks or views, but also from a relevant targeted audience. So using stuff like in-market audiences, or life event audiences, those types of things that Google knows that those views are weighted views, because or Google weights those views more because they’re from my relevant audience and audience that is interested in that. And we know they’re interested because we’re buying that interest from Google if that makes sense. So there’s, again, I do not do any YouTube SEO campaigns anymore without that being part of it. They’re two sides of the same coin. If that makes sense. There’s the SEO and you can push some of that with embeds and link building as well, as Marco mentioned from MGYB. But setting up the engagement campaign using Google Ads is absolutely critical and that’s how I maintain it. Once the video has been ranked that’s all I do is just that I have a YouTube ads set up for it that continually drives relevant views to that video, which keeps it ranked. And that’s it and I’ve got videos have been ranked for years and that’s the only thing that I do to them is just keep I’ve got campaigns I’ve shown them in the mastermind and in some other training too. I’ve got campaigns that I literally run on 40 cents a day for in YouTube ads, that’s $12 a month in ad spend. And it keeps those videos ranked because of the relevant traffic. That makes sense. So it’s a very, very powerful way to boost any SEO effort is to buy relevant traffic.

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What Are Your Thoughts On Magic PR?

Okay, next question is from Dustin he says, hey all great shows always I wanted to ask if you heard of Magic PR. I’ve heard good things in Facebook groups and some of the Skype groups I just wanted to hear your opinion of their service and if you have used them I have not but I know that Marco had. I know the guy, MAG is his name. I know the guy that I’ve chatted with the guy that runs it I know Marcos had some communication with the two but I’ve actually never tested it what do you market. Do you remember talking with MAG?

Marco: I’ve been meaning to get back to him because it because I’ve been wanting to run a test with his press release service and with some of the GMBs that I have to see how it works right as he says that he can get a local push or, or greater so I really want to test it out. I can’t say what it does other than what Mag and the people that he’s around with what they have to say and I have heard really good things about having said that our press release or the one that we use press advantage works really really well. I mean when you combine it with our methods right with that SEO shield, and pushing all of that relevance and pushing traffic and those links into that SEO shield and then link building behind that and then you running the embed gigs doing

Everything that we recommend. It has, I mean, it’s just fantastic for what we do. And we can show I mean, people say, well press releases that they’re they get, they fall off the index and whatever, we don’t care, we don’t care. They don’t drive traffic. That’s not true. We can show where they do drive relevant traffic, we can show it. And especially if you get into them because there’s a premium that you can pay and get into Yahoo Finance and I forget what other Sir, I don’t want to say anything other than I know that we can get into Yahoo. It really, really has a great effect, especially on the traffic that you get its relevant traffic into whatever it is that you’re doing. And it’s all of those signals that we’re looking for. So we have that I’ll talk to Matt and as sometimes as you and if you’re listening to me Mag sorry that I haven’t gotten back to you, because I’ve been snowed under with a hope. Excuse me, under just stuff and I will get to you.

Yeah, it’s interesting but it’d be nice if I’m if I pause my screen I could do it I could show you that Press Advantage you know does produce quite a lot of referral traffic my real estate business I get a lot of referral traffic from Press Advantage so it’s you know if I and I guess it shows it as a referral source and analytics, so it’s there’s absolutely good traffic there.

Do You Have A Video That Shows How To Submit Order Info In MGYB?

Anyways, we’re going to keep on moving. Next is, I ordered your link building starter package for the new business domain. I’m new to link building I just ordered it following the battle plan is every video that shows us how to submit our info for our order. I’ve seen your video that says not to include money sites so can you give examples of all the links I should be giving you also do I wait until the SEO Power Shield was finished? Yeah. Okay, so our link building service. Anything I can point you to but um, as far as like training but you know one of the things that are on our list to do is to add a simple video for each page like order page that essentially will walk you through what you need in order to place the order that will get done eventually guys I don’t know when it’s on the to-do list I promise. But in the meantime it’s very very simple, don’t we none of our link building campaigns are designed for direct to money sites, they’re all built all of the link building campaigns are developed specifically for powering up tier one entity assets or you know anything beyond your money site essentially. So we use them for powering up the power shield, the SEO shields, syndication networks, Id pages, press advantage organization pages can be used for citations, social media, web 2.0s, all of that. Anything that’s really tiered one, branded type assets can be powered up with our link building packages. So with that said, when it comes to ordering everything that you can collect to add to your link building order, I think it’s up to 100 URLs that you can submit with your order, you want to add to your target URL list because you want to power up all of those tier one assets, right, all of your branded assets everywhere that you can get your new business, your new projects, your new company, new brand name published online. And with a branded profile, you want to try to get as many of those as you possibly can and add those into your list. Now that said, the ones that should you wait for the power the SEO shield to be complete? Yes, because those can be added into your link building order. And essentially, you can take all the files and folder URLs and put them into that text file that you upload when you order links, which will do will power up all of the files and folders within your RYS stack in your G site.

So if you have a senate if you got a power shield then I’m assuming I can’t remember which different levels they are but a syndication network to against adding your syndication network profile URLs into the link building order. If you have a GMB map, add the map URL, Google My Business website adds that it just not a money site. Right, because it’s not designed our link building campaigns are developed for that. But that’s pretty much all you need to do. It should be fairly simple. Just gather up your tier one entity as is branded profile URLs, add them to a text file, save it and then upload that as your target URL list. As far as keywords you want to add market-level keywords, not  keywords with location modifiers. What are market-level keywords or top-level keywords product and or service keywords without location? modifiers Okay, and when you’re ordering link building, you should try to submit a minimum of 200 keywords, more is better, but 200 is the minimum and just submit those via text file as well. Does anybody want to comment on that?

Hernan: Yeah, that’s our training for link building right there. We’re gonna cut it and then we’re going to put it on the sales page for MGYB.

Marco: Just so people know, we develop the package is the link building packages with the idea that people would already have the syndication network, right the tier one branded, the are the drive second t site and the @ID page and their media page, which is in the @ID. So our thought is always the people will go and complete these other steps before ordering our link building package. Because our link building packages are meant to power all that up. It’s not intended for the money site is intended to hit everything that’s protecting the money site so that the power transfers over without or I’m not gonna say without the chance of a penalty, but with minimized risk, because of the way that we’re doing. If you were to hit the money site directly, then that there are other parts of the algorithm that you might trigger that you don’t want to get into. And so I would recommend if you haven’t done those steps that you go back and you do those steps first so they can gather up all of the URLs that we target for link building and submit those.

Bradley: There you go. Can you still hear me? I had stopped share. So we here okayLet me see if I can bring that back up now. Alright, so here’s a pulled open, you can see that this is just referral traffic sources for Alpha Land Realty. I’m just bringing back up the previous question about press advantage. Look at that. So besides Facebook, the second most referral traffic that I’ve had in the last 30 days from my real estate businesses from Press Advantage, so there’s no doubt and that’s just the last 30 days. So you can see this no doubt that there’s traffic coming from Press Advantage. I want to point that out.

Marco: Yeah, Nuff said. There you go. If you can’t believe your eyes and then I don’t know what but believe.

Bradley: Don’t believe your lying eyes.

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Do iFrames Count As Backlinks?

Alright, next one is do iframes count as backlinks? What’s really the advantage and making use of iframes? Marco that is absolutely your question.

Marco: Yeah, it is. But I mean it. It took two days for me to or two webinars for me to cover iframes and entities during the charity webinars. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to post the charity webinar page, and I’m not there’s no minimum to order the there’s no max, I always say you, your heart will tell you whether to donate and your wallet will tell you how much. So I’m going to drop the URL so that you can go and donate and you’re going to get access to not only this year’s webinars or the past webinar series, but the one before that. So there’s like 10 videos that talk all about the entity and how to power it up talks about RYS Academy, it talks about iframes. And what iframes are, what they do, and why they’re so different from everything else. So I’ll just leave it at that because it’s too much to cover in. But what do we have in that? 31 minutes? I probably didn’t get all up.

So there you go.

What SEO Strategy Do You Recommend Apart From Using Geotagged Phone Images And Reviews?

All right. Mohammad’s got a couple of questions. What’s up, buddy? He says, Hey, guys, my car dealer client has been encouraging me to make use of his staff to help me rank him. That’s awesome. It’s rare that you get real help from the staff from businesses, I find it really difficult to get people to cooperate with me. Anyways, he says I took him up on his offering got the staff to regularly send geotagged phone images for GMB posts and even have them uploading showroom pictures to GMB directly through the app. I make sure they send me responses to reviews they get to my question is what else can I have them do to help me rank whether in GMB or elsewhere?, I usually have trouble getting this kind of cooperation. So I want to make the most of it. Yeah, I mean, I don’t know what else you could get them to do because that seems like they’re doing a lot already as far as like, you know, more than most of my clients are willing to do, which is great. So, yeah, if you can get them to upload images directly to GMB through GMB map on there, or excuse me, GMB app on their phone, that’s great. So that’s uploading photos that are geotagged. Something else they can do is actually create posts from the GMB app if that’s something that they’re, you know, willing to do or if you’re even comfortable with them doing it. The reason I say, I don’t think it’s any issue whatsoever. But if you were to have them actually create posts to a lot of them probably won’t want to do that, because that would require them to add some tax call to action, all that kind of stuff. So it’s likely that they’re probably going to give you resistance and just want to upload photos, which is fine.

So the alternative would be also to have those images that the photos that they took also shared, added to a shared Google Photos album. That’s how my team does it. So any of my clients that do provide photos, which isn’t a lot of them, but the ones that do, all they do is they have their technicians in the field or whatever, actually, take photos, and then they get copied into a Google shared photos album, that my VA my bloggers have access to, so that they can go just pluck an image from that shared photos album, and use that as a GMB post. And it contains the same metadata from when it was uploaded. So you can still get the geo relevancy and my VA is doing the blogging, create the GMB posts essentially, so that the client doesn’t have to do that all the client has to do is take photos, and they’ll automatically be added to the Google Photos album. So that’s, that’s all I typically do. As far as what you’ve got them doing now, it seems like you’re doing you know, quite a bit. So yeah, I mean, I would just do more posts if possible using geotagged images, targeting the keywords and or locations that you’re trying to optimize for. As far as additional things that can be done while you already know the Muhamad, right, all the SEO shield stuff, link building, embeds and that kind of stuff. Marco, do you have any?

Marco: Yeah, I got a word of caution because if you ask them to do too much, they’re going to start wondering why they need you and you don’t want to get into that. They’re doing everything you need for relevance, location relevance, and this would be a product relevance, right? Since it’s an automobile is a product, it’s not a service. This is cars and you’re getting all the different makes and models and you can start, you know, you have Local GMB Pro. And so you know what to do with all of the all of these different categories that you’re getting, you know exactly what you need to do, what the next steps are. And as Bradley said to them, post them, create posts with these automobiles you know how to relate everything one to the other, and then push power and that’s Local GMB Pro. You have that, follow the training and you’re gonna get great results.

Bradley: Yeah. I agree with that. That’s one of them, you know, if a client of mine wanted to do GMB posts, I wouldn’t mind them doing it. But typically, I actually one of my pest control company, they started having their technicians do that. But they very quickly decided they didn’t want to do it, which was okay because they were shitty posts anyways, they weren’t up to my standards. So, you know, through trial and error, we learned the best thing to do is just have them add photos to a shared Google Photos album and let my blogger handle the GMB posts because then they’re set up their siloed, they’re well worded, proper target linking, you know, target URL linking all of that, so.

Would It Cause A Ranking Problem If The Business Name Use Words And Symbols Interchangeably?

Fitz is up. He says good agents, thank you for this platform to give real-world answers that work. I have a client whose business name includes the word and some expressions of their name, then use the ampersand is this huge problem? Well, it’s not as big of a problem as some of the other discrepancies I’ve seen. But it is still an issue, it can create NAP issues. I’ve got several clients that have done that in the past as well, where they’ll have ampersand and some other brand names and others it will be and Andy, as all you know, it, is it a huge problem. Is it causing a huge problem that would be the question I have for you fits. If it’s not really creating much of an issue, I wouldn’t worry about it? If you are having a hard time, you know, getting your desired result for a particular you know, maps pack ranking. For example, let’s just use that as an example. Then Yes, that would be something I would address would be a cleanup,  citation cleanup.

So I would either whatever it is, and the GMB, I would leave it that way, if that’s the correct format, how is their name legally registered? That’s how I would have it. Right, that makes sense. So in other words, however, they’ve incorporated their corporation or LLC or whatever it is that. However, it’s registered with that with their state, is how I would list it in the GMB and then many discrepancies out there I would have edited, cleaned up, corrected to be the new the right the proper format. But that again, I wouldn’t tell you to just do that just because if you’re getting the results that you want, anyways, just leave it. It’s what I’m saying. Don’t do it just because it could create a problem in the future. If it’s not creating a problem. Now, I wouldn’t worry about it. But if you need that, if you’re having trouble getting the desired result that you want, that is absolutely one thing that I would address, citation clean up.

And depending on how many there are out there, if it’s a lot then I would recommend paying Loganix to do it because they have a really, really good successful citation cleanup service. If you go to, you can see their citation cleanup service. There are other services out there that are less expensive, but I found their success rate isn’t as great or as high as Loganix’s. And so even though Loganix is expensive when I whenever I have a new project that has a bunch of NAP errors on the web, that’s who I use because they get the vast majority of them over the course of like, I think it’s an eight or a 10-week process. So anybody wants to comment on that?

Marco: Yeah, you probably know this already. But Pearl Trees has a problem with the ampersand. Right and pulling in the embeds or the iframe. It has a really big problem with an ampersand. And there are other times when it can cause an issue with some embeds and some other websites.

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It’s just that ampersand so I prefer the end although I am percent in a business name is the recommended way to go. Yeah, so go figure, right.  I know it’s code and so we don’t know how pro-Jesus is doing and how it’s pulling it in and why the ampersand creates conflict, but it does. So maybe it’s not an IP issue but if he had it and he submitted it to us for us to go and create the @ID or if he were to submit it to Dadiea for an embed run, there might be issues


Would It Be Okay To Create Social Media Accounts That Are Not Necessarily Related To A Client’s Industry?

Okay, Muhammad’s up again he says Hey guys, I’m using no um to build social accounts for clients now has tons of sites covering a wide swath of the internet, is there any risk in getting all accounts for a particular client, even if a particular website isn’t necessarily related to that client industry, I wouldn’t put a cinema on Angie’s list for example, am I mixing up citations with social accounts? Yes and no. I mean, remember, a lot of times just having a profile on on these web platforms, it’s not necessarily something that you’re going to be pasting or publishing content to. So even if it’s not really relevant, it’s about having an additional presence. It’s another publishing point for your NAP.

You know, I don’t think it’s harmful. I don’t know how helpful it is. Maybe Marco would have a better answer to be to even have a profile on like kind of an unrelated site, but the way I look at it is if you’re just setting up a presence there, then I don’t see there being any harm and having like, for example, I’m trying to think of there’s there’s some of these like art sites out there right there like web to auto blog platforms for people that are artsy. Like the art projects and stuff, yet I’ve used them quite a bit for another semantic cover social hub right as a way to kind of just build another presence and you can interlink sometimes to some of the other social media profiles and that kind of stuff. And even though none of the projects I work on have anything to do with art, it’s still just another profile point. So I don’t think that causes any problems. I don’t know how beneficial they are. But I know that having an NAP published in more locations typically helps market and comments on that. I look at it from a standpoint of protecting the brand.

So it’s totally acceptable, and I think very natural for you as you would, and I’m referring to the client, right, of course, for you to protect the brand. And to go to these websites and lock in that profile. You know, you just have to put the basic information then you don’t have to go too far out, get that NAP in there. And that’s what you need so that if Google comes crawling in there and it sees it, it’s going to not I mean, it’s just more places for your entity to exist more places for Google to pull up to pull in entity information, and all things being equal. They never on the web, we understand that but all things being equal when two entities are being compared against what’s happening in Google’s database and the relational database, the one that has the best entity, as far as things go right now, that’s the winner. And if you’ve taken care of that, and if you’ve gone and locked in all of these profiles, and you’re showing it as part of the entire brand, there I don’t I see absolutely no problem with that.

Yeah, I mean, as I said, I’ve never been concerned with it is being an issue. We just build them out as we go. So and

What Is The Best Way To Make A Drive Stack For A Translated Website?

Alright, so moving on. The next one was, what is the best way to make a drive stack for a translated website. Do we make a syndication network for each language? I can’t even answer that because I just don’t do anything outside of the US English base us projects but any any any advice there I know Hernan and Marco both have done a lot of foreign language stuff over the years.

Marco: Yeah, I mean, we, we don’t generally do it in another language, although we have, it’s not something that we want to do because we want our builders to focus on whatever it is that they’re doing. It requires a whole lot of information. We did one for gurgi, by the way, I think it was Hungarian. So we can do it but you have to supply all of the information, all of the content, the images and everything that you want it. You can write to, and say that you’re looking to do a drive stack in a different language. As far as do you make a syndication network for each language? You could since each one it’s either on a subdomain or in a folder inside the root domain. So each one of those will have its own feed. That’s a whole lot of work, man. That’s a whole lot of work. I mean, I could guide you a little bit more. The only thing that I tell you to go take a look at and how they handle their languages. So you’re gonna have to look at the source code, but I think you’re gonna get a really good idea on how to approach this and how Apple approaches it. And I mean, that’s as far as I’m willing to go with this and in a free forum.

Bradley: Hernan, did you want to comment?

Hernan: No, I do agree with Marco. I was about to say what he said. Okay.

Bradley: Hernan’s at a bar or something.

Hernan: I might or might not be early drinking. Yeah.

It’s damn near five o'clock here too. So why

Does The RYS Require A GMB Listing?

Alright, cool. Alright, next is does the RYS must have a GMB listing? No, it doesn’t have to what if the site is not local related? Again, it doesn’t have to. Doesn’t need an NAP name, address, phone number and a GMB listing type if it’s not for a local business, but drive stacks can push relevancy into any type of project. So, can I give an address outside the USA and still ranked for a place inside the USA? Where are you trying to rank for a place or for a keyword? Because you’re asking about not having a GMB listing? Do you need one or can you get away with not having one and then you’re asking about ranking for a place in here which is typically location based ranking which is maps and a GMB type stuff. So I’m not sure  if I’m understanding the question, but as far as can you have an address outside of the US safe and use the GMB stack or excuse me in our iOS stack to rank for keywords in the USA? Yes, of course you can. And I’m not sure I’m fully interpreting or comprehending that question, Marco Do you have any?

Marco: Nah man because I need to know whether whether it’s local In which case, you need a GMB to local. Well, you don’t. You can rank in organic. Right, you can still do an organic push, but if it’s triggering a map path, then you’re going to need a GMB lesson to go in there with the rest of the map and try to hit that top three. So this is very confusing. I don’t know which way you’re going because this is the one time where local doesn’t matter. We need to know whether you’re targeting location or whether you’re targeting USA overall.

Bradley: Yeah. Yes, if you can clarify if we still have time we’ll we’ll try to answer with a better answer.

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How Do You Use The Account Included In The Single Tier Syndication Network From MGYB?

Okay, I guys I just received my first single-tier syndication network from your store. I have no idea what to do with the empty Bitly account suggestions gratefully accepted. Nothing whenever you syndicate content, whenever you publish content if it’s whatever your publishing, whatever your content publishing engine is, right, whether it’s your blog, if it was an RSS drive syndication network or YouTube channel, or both, whenever you publish content, it will automatically create a bit link. The only reason why we because bit link used to have public profile pages for Bitly. But they did away with that a couple of years ago, but you can still siphon some domain authority, not that we give a shit about domain authority metrics, because we don’t, but you can still siphon some domain authority from Bitly just by auto shortening links, which that’s all that does. The applet, whenever you publish content, will create a bit link just a bit the short link inside your Bitly account. That’s all that that’s for.

Does Having A Suspended GMB Page Affect Other Listings Within Same Account?

Alright, the next question is from Jay. He says after winning my service area business client of the consequences for two years one of his GMB was suspended for using a mailbox service the address. I highly doubt we can get the GMB back. My concern is with the suspended GMB and his Google account, or his other mailbox GMB’s at higher risk for being in the same account as the suspended one. He is now motivated to handle this risk so far as to seek now to rent office space. So yeah, I can understand that. I’m concerned. In the meantime, though, his account will be hit very hard. Any suggestions? Yeah. Okay. Let me give you my experience with that because I don’t know the answer. Jay, I don’t know if it’s going to be any more of a risk or not. I know that I have some accounts that have I’ve had a couple over the last maybe six months suspended. And, like some locations, one off locations. I’ve had a couple too. So I’ve had two locations suspended in the last six months or so that are were suspended within an account that has more than one location. And so far it hasn’t affected any of the other locations. I’m a bit gun shy or nervous to go in and do any changes to any or make any edits or anything to any of the other listings in that same account. But one of the things I would suggest possibly doing to pot to perhaps avoid that issue would be to go in and maybe move add a different Gmail account for each location that you have. So go in and create new G or by Gmail accounts, preferably by some aged accounts if you can, and go in and add a user. So the new Gmail account per location, so each location gets a new Gmail account added as a user and then maybe transfer ownership to that new Gmail account.

So that and make everything standalone. If that makes sense. The reason I say that is because I know that one of the big things that happened in the last few weeks with another big GMB suspension, a, you know, a Google one on a raft and suspended a whole bunch of GMB’s is that manager accounts were hit. We know because some big names got hit with some big manager accounts that were managers of, you know, dozens and dozens if not hundreds, and hundreds of GMBs, and all of them they all got taken down. So if a manager account got hit got caught up in this suspension nightmare, then all of the GMB’s within that manager account got suspended and that’s what can be huge. Imagine that right? Imagine if you lost all of them at one time, that could really suck. So that’s why it makes sense to be safe right to play it safe and to have each GMB its own standalone Google account, without a common manager connecting all of them that way, especially if their spam accounts. That’s my point, guys. They’re all legit businesses, I don’t see why there’s any reason why you would have to worry about having a manager attached to all locations, that doesn’t seem to be a problem. But if they’re against the terms of service type listings, PO boxes, UPS stores, you know, that kind of stuff or just, you know, nonexistent addresses, then if you have a manager account connected to all of them, that’s going to make all of them susceptible to being suspended, which is why it would be better to have each one of them in their own standalone Google account with no manager connecting them together, so that if one gets suspended, it’s isolated to that. Does that make sense? So that’s what I would do is I would start going through that process of, I would buy some aged Gmail accounts, go through adding the user, add a user, once the users accepted the invitation, then you can change them as opposed to the primary owner and didn’t go back in and remove. And in fact, you can do that through the new Gmail account. Once the private mary owner has been named in the new Gmail account, you can use that account to actually remove the managers and owners or previous owners. And that way now you’ve got it compartmentalized into one Gmail account.

Also, we do have a listing suspension lifting service. I don’t know that that would help. But you could always try that. And, of course, it would help it’s suspended in the special can be lifted, doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how it got suspended. As long as they haven’t gone through the process of notifying Google of the suspended trying to get it lifted that way, then total, we can totally get it back for you. And anything else that happens to that manager account world where this other stuff is we can lift the suspension and guarantee it for six months. So that if anything happens to it, during that time say get suspended again, for whatever reason, as long as you don’t notify anybody of the suspension we go in there and lift the suspension again. So you get it so it’s peace of mind for for for six months until you find an alternate. That’s why this service was developed along with the GMB verification because we know what’s going on. And by the way, I have a bunch of stuff and manager accounts, but I kept myself like I don’t I didn’t have hundreds in one manager account. Yeah, I spoke here how I was doing it. I was dividing it up and I was never putting like, let’s say 150 plumber GMB in one account, that’s the tell that to tell I wanted to I wanted it to look like an agency managing several accounts across different niches. And so far so good, man. I’m gonna knock on wood.


Mohammed, yeah, the next Battle Plan. We’re working on that. It’s coming out soon. We can’t give you time yet. Um, alright, so it looks like he clarified some of the questions about the drive stack with the location. She said to ask for just in case you need an address. Now you don’t need one if it’s not a local project and you don’t need an address at all, just your top-level keyword, the brand name, that’s how you start to build that association. And then you know, add your keyword list and the primary target URL that you want to push relevancy to, which would be your website, you don’t need an address then. Okay.

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Does Splitting A Keyword With Multiple Words As Chain Of Anchor Texts Add SEO Value?

If time left is splitting a keyword with multiple words as a chain of anchors as each anchor text is one of the words so I got a little bit of a headache from that question. This putting a keyword with multiple words as a chain of anchors. As each anchor text is one of the words that will add SEO values or just for hiding backlink voting.

Adam: I don’t understand the question. I’m sorry. One is the same as taking something like this tree service company and making one anchor text best one tree one service, one company or you know, no, I, I was just for hiding backlink building. I don’t know why you would do that at all period, honestly. Yeah, I mean, I understand what you’re saying now because Adam did a good job of explaining what it is that you’re asking. I can’t imagine why you would do that. Especially if it’s all going to the same link. And in fact, that that actually devalues the link, doesn’t it  Marco? When you have multiple links to the same target URL from the same page?

Marco: Yeah, Yeah, it does.

Bradley: So no, I don’t know why you would even do that. Yeah, I don’t know why you do that. I don’t know who gave you that advice, but I don’t think that’s good advice, but I haven’t tested any of it. So to be honest with you, I can’t really tell. I don’t know why you would do that though.

What Is Tunneling?

So last part is he says Vasquez, I’m assuming he’s talking about Hernan mentioned in one of the videos, something about tunneling. Can he explain what he meant about that? What is for and how to use it and how. He must be talking about iframe, what we call iframe,

Hernan: I did that. Yeah, I did that or sleep strange. Remember when we were pushing each other one of the two. So yeah.

Marco: He’s getting the Latinos confused. We all look alike.

Hernan: Yeah, man. Come on now. Get your Latinos. Right.

Adam: Yeah, we can get some clarification on that. Maybe we can help them out. We got a couple of minutes here.

Bradley: But yeah, I think I think as far as there was a similar question up here about how to iframes pass power. Right? Do iframes counters backlinks? What’s really the advantage of making use of these iframes? It seems to me like it’s a very similar question to what this one is about tunneling. So the answer would be if you want to learn about all the all that Marco was talking about go make a donation to this charity right here. And you’ll get access to all the webinars that Marco have done for two years now about iframes and you know, pushing power into the entity and all that kind of stuff.


Is It Okay To Use MGYB Link Shortener For Client’s Use?

Lastly, Mohammed says, Hey guys, there’s still time. Would it be weird to use the MGYB link shortener for clients use? I guess I’m thinking it would be odd to have around their properties, but I want to use it. Yeah. Okay. That’s, that’s huge. In case you guys aren’t aware, now has a link shortener available, which is super powerful because we’ve been building it for two years authority to and I’m not talking about Moz’s domain authority metrics I’m just talking about we’ve been building authority to the mgyb domain over the last two years because of all the drive stacks that we build for customers, and all the link building campaigns and everything. Although the shortened URLs have been coming to MGYB. So we’ve pushed a lot of damn power into probably still logged in. Anyways, let me click on upgrade and there are different plans. If you go to, for shortener, you can sign up and then there’s a free plan and then there are paid plans. And you just saw the dashboard. Right? So this is the dashboard and it’s super, super powerful. I get what you’re saying though Muhamed on it because I just actually did content marketing training for the two extra agency. Today, I just finished it today. And I was talking about that because one of the things that I do or my team does for my clients is we silo GMB posts right? But we don’t use the long ugly and we use when we silo GMB posts. We link to the previous GMB posts within the same silo. We do a text-based link in the GMB post Text body not the call to action button. The call to action button is usually read for either linking directly to a blog post URL, just called a deep link right, or linking to any tier one entity asset. But the way that we daisy chain the GMB post together is to link to the previous GMB post URL within the same silo but we do that as a text link within the text body of the post the GMB post. But because the URLs are stupid, ugly, a lot like stupid long and ugly for GMB posts and GMB post text-only allows up to 1500 characters, we don’t post that really stupid, ugly long URL in there, it would be ugly. So what we do is shorten it. And I was just talking about this in the 2xyouragency training today I was saying MGYB is a great shortener for that because it’s super powerful. However, for clients, I’ll be 100% honest with you guys, for clients, I use the Pretty Link Pro plugin on their domain, and I shortened the URLs that we use in the GMB post with their own branded domain. And I do that because it’s prettier that way, and it makes sense. So its third domain in the text of the post body as opposed to mgyb, although, like I said, probably wouldn’t care.

Hernan:  Real quick. Can you do like a double thing where you shorten the MGYB shortner?

Bradley: Sure, you know what I’m saying? Good. Yeah, you could not a bad idea because there’s a lot of cool things you can do with MGYB shortened to like, you can add retargeting pixels into the link so that when somebody clicks the link, they get added to the retargeting list. So there’s just a lot of really cool things you can do with here. So yeah, as Hernando said, that’s something that is possible. You could do an MGYB short URL and then shorten that or pretty it up with a domain redirect. You know, like Pretty Links redirect that makes sense.

Marco: I have a few things because there’s really no problem using a link shortener that nobody had a problem using Nobody has a problem using Bitly or anything else that’s out there for clients or for whomever. I mean, it’s common practice to use a shortener, and most websites don’t have their own URL shortener. And so they go and use a third-party URL shortener, which is what you’d be doing in the first place, Muhammad. However, having said that, we do have the capability of creating your own custom shortener inside the MGYB shortner, Muhammad. So I would suggest that you contact, and ask about having your own domain inside. You’d receive the same power, but you’d have your own domain inside the short nuts fucking awesome, then, I know the stuff that we could I mean, we have to test it out. It’s an idea that Rob and I just just threw back and forth in Slack while this was going on. I’m pretty sure that it can be done. And you know, we just have to see what the cost would be and if it’s financially feasible for you, Muhammad and if it isn’t, then just use the MGYB shortner. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a shortener among a bunch of other shorteners that are out there in a shortened URL land.

Very well. Alright guys, five o'clock. We’re wrapping it up. Thanks, everybody, for being here. guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Yep,

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Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 276


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Adam: Let’s do this. We are live. Welcome to Episode 276 of Hump Day Hangouts. Got the whole Semantic Mastery team here. We’re going to do some introductions, let everybody know how it’s going, who everyone is, in case you’re new to Hump Day Hangouts. And for some reason, you haven’t been watching us for the previous 275 episode. So we’ll get into that and then we’ll get some quick announcements for you. And then we’re going to jump in and start answering questions. So start at the top of my screen and work my way down. So Bradley, how are you doing today?

Bradley: I’m well happy to be here. I’m having issues with my Google Drive though. It’s not sinking with my computer like it’s supposed to. And it’s driving me nuts. But other than that, things are good. How are you?

Adam: Yeah, not bad. Just enjoying some warmer weather something in 70s. So looking forward to getting outside and enjoying that after this. Good. What was that? Anyways? Hernan How’s it going? I like your shirt by the way.

Hernan: Doing great. Look at this. And then good, really good. Really excited to be here.

Excited to for the questions today so good and that we were totally not sending gifts before hopping live so that’s not what’s happening on the Slack channel for some of you know,

Adam: so when Bradley shares his screen that was not us posting all those gifts on us. Marco How you doing today?

Marco: I am muted and now I’m not. Look for yourself. Let me know how I’m doing man. Bright, sunny. I told you coasteering it’s Groundhog Day, man. You guys go back to the other episodes where I’ve been on cam and a hump day Hangout. It’s always like this. during the dry season. Of course. When the rain comes at this time, we’ll get an electrical storm that will get a nice rain shower, but then it’ll go away about 6pm and then wake up and it’s bright and sunny and beautiful and get to POFU motherfucking. So you can be the same shit. That’s it. And we paved the way and we help you every step of the way. I mean, what could be better than that? You guys are doing it. And I said it before. If you’re not, if you’re failing, if you’re not taking action, don’t push it off on us. Because you’re the one who has to take that first step and say, Okay, let me get going. And that first step will take you to the next one, and the next one will get you to where you’re going. But I’m good, man, I’m living the life, man.

Adam: Outstanding! Well, I gotta ask you you know and I’m not joking around. Do you ever get tired of the same weather like day? I mean, I know it changes between the seasons but like Does that ever get here? Are you just happy with it being nice like that?

Marco: This is what I want. If I wanted something up like I go somewhere else, but But why? Like I’ve lived in Argentina. I went with my wife a couple of times. And I just don’t want to live the cold again. I don’t like it and so I know what I like I know what I want. This is what I want.

This Stuff Works
The next step is a beach house you know that has to be like on the side of a mountain so we can overlook the ocean. You guys will be getting pictures from there too. Yeah. Or video. Yeah, that’s in the work. So

Adam: Very good. Very good. All right. And last but not least, Chris. How are you doing? Man? I’m glad you’re hanging in there that you haven’t been quarantined yet. I know things in Europe. Some parts of Europe are getting a little scary with the coronavirus.

Chris: Yeah, like I’m doing good. Let’s go that way. No sore throats or anything no cold Yeah, like I’m still alive, kicking, things are good.

Adam: Cool. Cool. All right. Well, we got a few things we wanted to mention. One of those. We’ve got a really cool special going on. We had a webinar with Jeffrey Smith on Monday and that coincided with a great special we have grown. We’ve got a Mardi Gras special going right now for SEO shield, which combines the power of several of the components not only of our training but of the done for you components that are available at MGYB. I’m going to post the details on the page. If you’re watching live, you can definitely still grab that it’s 20% off, you can save a bundle but that’s not all we got going on. And Marco had an update with some cool stuff that has just come out. So, Marco, do you mind tell me about that.

Marco: Yeah, and I mean, it This isn’t scarcity or anything like that. We don’t play that game. Right. And we don’t play that we will be raising prices in 30 minutes and there are only this many lefts. The problem with what we’re doing is that Google will eventually catch on and kill it. But we’re currently verifying GMBs for those of you who are interested. And not only that they come with a 30-month guarantee of replacement. If something happens if it gets suspended. After those 30 days, what you can do is buy insurance, which means that if it does get suspended, we’ll go and lift the suspension and so we put this package in this package together, which allows you to do both. It allows you to get your GMB’s, and then get some insurance in case it gets suspended. And I will post the links on the page, so you guys can head on over there and get it while it’s hot. And if you wait too long and it gets closed off. Again, don’t blame it on us. It’s you. You didn’t take action. We get a ton of those emails. As a matter of fact, don’t you because you’re the email guy, Adam, and I see them coming through. I’m sorry, I missed the special. Can you guys do it? No. No, we can’t. We had the launch. That was the price. Then it goes up because it’s worth that much anymore. And that’s it. So don’t come whining later. Oh, look, I missed it. I couldn’t watch whatever, your granny died, you shut your door. Whatever happened. We don’t care. You gotta go get it while it’s hot. And I’m gonna go drop the mic. Thank you.

Adam: All right. And real quick. I wanted Hernan. You released some training for double your agency. I believe you had that last week. Bradley. I know you just dropped a new update for double your agency, right?

Bradley: Yeah, today was week six. I just completed the training for week six. Today was about the content or this week’s training about content marketing. So yeah,

Adam: Outstanding! So if you’re an agency owner or a consultant, if you want to get more clients, if you want to grow your revenue, you want to scale your team, so that you can literally work less and earn more, right? That’s it’s kind of a tagline. It sounds like the four-hour workweek or something. I mean, you got to do work. Nobody said, you know, yeah, there was no work. But there are ways to do it so that you work less and earn more and that’s what this is about. Okay, I said it before, but I’ll say it again, get more clients, grow your revenue scale your team. You want to go check this out, just head over to I’ll put the link on the page as well and then for those of you who are looking for more repeatable results with SEO, you know we’ve updated Battle Plan it’s been going for years we update it yearly and you can still get it it’s a battleplan.semantic and we’ve been talking as well about MGYB. You know if you’re just watching us for the first time if you want done for you services, like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, link building, press releases, what Marco was just talking about with the GMBs, all sorts of good stuff head over there. It’s And last but certainly not least, we’ve been talking about I think some emails went out. Being the email guy I should certainly know when they went out but it was either last week or the week before and talking about POFU Live. This year, it’s going to be it’s our third year in a row. We’re going to be in Boston, Massachusetts. It’s the last weekend in September. We’re cooking up something fun for the VIP day. And I just wanted to speak on that real quick if you go and get tickets, we’ve priced this competitively so that you can get the VIP ticket. That’s where we really want people to go. We want to have a good time we want to spend the time getting to know you and for everyone else to get to know each other before we dive into the main event, you know it’s not it is about having fun, but also getting to know each other so that when you show up, you get the most value out of it. So when you see the pricing on that you can see that reflected we really, you know, we don’t want to charge you thousands of dollars to come to the VIP event. We just want to cover the cost you could show up have a great time last year we went go-karting. It was a blast, one of the guest speakers at the event kicked all of our butts and walked away with first place and then went on and gave a great presentation. So anyway, looking forward to seeing as many of you is can fit into the 25 person limit event that we have. And I believe actually we’re down to 21. So right now if you want to grab your ticket, it’s a great time. It’s the lowest price you’re going to see it and that’s in September, so now’s a good time to snag it start planning for it.

This Stuff Works
So what did Dadea name his racing persona. God, what’s that banner? Yeah, yeah, he’s right. It showed up on the screen up there. So yeah, that was awesome. I forgot about that. Awesome. So we’ll have some more information about that. Of course, as we get closer, we’re locking in some stuff about the VIP event, exact locations, but it’s going to be in Boston’s gonna be last weekend in September. So now is the time to do that. Other than that, guys, we’ve got anything else we need to cover before we jump into it.

Marco: Yeah, I’m gonna turn off my camera because too much sun isn’t good for you.

Bradley: It’s not good for us. You mean.

Marco: Good for you guys. So too much sun for us is not good. Yeah.

Adam: Real quick. I see Mohammed asking you did battle plan version four released No. But maybe keep your eyes and ears peeled for that. We do update it yearly. So that’s all I’ll say for now. It’s coming.

Bradley: Coming. Okay, can we get any questions? Do it? Let’s go. You guys should be seeing this correctly.

How To Rank A Long Tail Keyword?

Great. Yes. Where were we? a great first one is hi how to rank a keyword and longtail version of it. Which time we have guys? Um, I would like to do it with long-form content, but it doesn’t help. Even though it’s supposed to be in the same post. I’m not sure maybe does it help even though it’s in this? I’m not sure I’m understanding the question. Hold on a minute do a branded syndication network and RYS stack will rank videos okay. Or is it better to do tiered syndication?

Alright, so for the first question, how to rank a keyword and a longtail version of it. Go look at silo architecture that’s pretty much industry standard for how to rank a keyword. And a longtail version of it would be, you know, so one of the things go look for Google at Bruce clay silo architecture website silo architecture, read through that article. And that’s will teach you how to set up silo structure we also have on our YouTube channel,, use the channel search feature and look up silo structure complex or simple silo structure, you’ll be able to find videos where we talk about how to set up silos, your broad keywords would be like a top of a silo and then having adding supporting keywords or supporting articles for long that are optimized for long-tail versions of the keyword is a great way to rank for a keyword. Now that’s not the only thing that you need to do, but that is one of many, but that’s typically where we would start is creating some sort of silo for the broadest or most competitive of keywords and then adding depth to that side low using supporting keywords and that’s how you build topical relevance for that particular keyword, which creates buoyancy throughout the entire silo. What I mean by that, I mean, if you have a silo structure set up properly, and your internal linking done correctly, and your keyword theme is, is tight. In other words, it’s you have very similar and related type keywords right all within the same theme. Then anywhere that you inject link building or adding content, adding depth to that silo is going to create buoyancy throughout the entire silo, meaning all of the keywords that the silo has been optimized for will start to surface higher in the search engine results pages. Now that’s, that’s in theory, how it’s all supposed to work, but there’s also off-page issues and everything else. So that’s a loaded question. There’s way too much to cover and a hump day hangout on how to rank a keyword. It’s way too broad. But that’s where I would start is developing a content strategy for how you’re going to attack those particular keywords. They may want to comment on that before I go to part two.

Yeah, the SEO shield, right? Must have if he wants to really push I mean once he has his siloing together and then and the on-page is tight, you push with the SEO shield and that’s going to start pushing, even more, ranking power into all of the silos that he’s working with. Then he starts the isolation process we have everything covered. I mean, we’ve done it all for free. Go to our YouTube channel and search for these things go to our free Facebook group and do a group search for many of these things have already been covered silo-like Bradley said we have two videos on there on simple silos and complex silo structure. Jeffrey did an awesome job on Monday on covering some of these things and how he approaches it my approaches is a bit different because I like to work top-down rather than bottom-up, but it all has the same effect. It gets your stuff moving ranking it brings in people traffic is what you want at the end of everything.

This Stuff Works
Alright, so hopefully you are watching what I was just dead I just went to semantic or, use the channel search feature. And typed in the silo structure. There’s a complex silo, there’s simple silo structure. I would just click through watch those start with simple silo structure and then develop your content strategy. And as Marco said, Yeah, I mean, I was talking about strictly on-page, that’s where I would start. But absolutely, there’s no doubt, our off-page methods or how we push power into everything that we do. So when I talked about creating a silo and in creating buoyancy throughout that entire silo that’s perfect for what the SEO shield does because it’s basically pushing relevancy into that silo as well as all the so that entire category, that entire silo would get powered up. So absolutely, I agree with that. All right, we’re going to keep moving as soon as I can.

Come on, get back to the tab. There we go. All right.

Does Having A Branded Syndication Network & RYS Stack Help In Ranking Videos?

Next question was does a branded syndication network without second-tier and RYS stack? Will it rank videos? Yes, it will. I mean, that’s again, it’s one of many things that can be done. But that is certainly something that can help a branded syndication network with YouTube though, I would recommend multiple syndication networks. So tier two syndication networks are great. You can also add additional for tier-one syndication networks not branded persona-based or topically like themed but not branded. Right. So there’s you can add as many syndication networks to YouTube channels you as you want, there’s there are no footprint issues as long as you keep the applets the way that we set them up, there are no footprint issues whatsoever, so you can stack as many as you want. I always prefer for YouTube SEO but an RYS always have two-tier networks built that I attached to the channel.

But you know, again, you can do several tier one, you can do multiple tier twos, whatever you want. I just recommend with YouTube videos add more syndication networks to the channel. Okay. As far as RYS, yeah, because you can. For example, if you have a branded syndication network, for your channel, and then you have a drive stack built and a G site that’s going to power up your syndication network, which will ultimately power up every video that you ups upload or live stream to your channel that gets that syndicates out. So absolutely, it will help.

Again, I recommend a tiered syndication network for YouTube’s SEO, but RYS stack. Absolutely. That’s without question. It’s going to power up your syndication network or your two-tier network if you have one of those. That makes sense. Okay. Any other comments on that guys?

Marco: Yep. embedsm link buildingm and trickle some traffic in there. Yeah. paid you traffic, just trickle it in it. You don’t have to pay a whole lot of money to give it a boost to get Google. And then what you have is an audience, right? You have to have a targeted audience for your videos, which can convert so you’re accomplishing several things all at once.

Bradley: Yeah, I mean, I didn’t mention the traffic side of it. But there’s no question that I don’t do YouTube SEO without buying relevant traffic directly from Google ads for the video. I mean, that it there. I don’t do SEO for YouTube videos anymore without traffic. And in fact, the only thing I do to SEO YouTube videos anymore is just uploads them or live stream them to a channel that’s connected to syndication networks, syndication networks have all been powered up via link building. But that’s it. That’s the only thing I do SEO wise is I upload them to the YouTube channel that goes out through my syndication networks that are aged and they’ve been powered up with link building. And then I set up a traffic campaign through Google ads to buy cheap views directly from Google, which is perfectly legit. It’s encouraged, in fact, from a relevant audience, if it’s for local then I buy it within a specific geographic area. So they’re all local IP clicks or views, but also from a relevant targeted audience. So using stuff like in-market audiences, or life event audiences, those types of things that Google knows that those views are weighted views, because or Google weights those views more because they’re from my relevant audience and audience that is interested in that. And we know they’re interested because we’re buying that interest from Google if that makes sense. So there’s, again, I do not do any YouTube SEO campaigns anymore without that being part of it. They’re two sides of the same coin. If that makes sense. There’s the SEO and you can push some of that with embeds and link building as well, as Marco mentioned from MGYB. But setting up the engagement campaign using Google Ads is absolutely critical and that’s how I maintain it. Once the video has been ranked that’s all I do is just that I have a YouTube ads set up for it that continually drives relevant views to that video, which keeps it ranked. And that’s it and I’ve got videos have been ranked for years and that’s the only thing that I do to them is just keep I’ve got campaigns I’ve shown them in the mastermind and in some other training too. I’ve got campaigns that I literally run on 40 cents a day for in YouTube ads, that’s $12 a month in ad spend. And it keeps those videos ranked because of the relevant traffic. That makes sense. So it’s a very, very powerful way to boost any SEO effort is to buy relevant traffic.

This Stuff Works

What Are Your Thoughts On Magic PR?

Okay, next question is from Dustin he says, hey all great shows always I wanted to ask if you heard of Magic PR. I’ve heard good things in Facebook groups and some of the Skype groups I just wanted to hear your opinion of their service and if you have used them I have not but I know that Marco had. I know the guy, MAG is his name. I know the guy that I’ve chatted with the guy that runs it I know Marcos had some communication with the two but I’ve actually never tested it what do you market. Do you remember talking with MAG?

Marco: I’ve been meaning to get back to him because it because I’ve been wanting to run a test with his press release service and with some of the GMBs that I have to see how it works right as he says that he can get a local push or, or greater so I really want to test it out. I can’t say what it does other than what Mag and the people that he’s around with what they have to say and I have heard really good things about having said that our press release or the one that we use press advantage works really really well. I mean when you combine it with our methods right with that SEO shield, and pushing all of that relevance and pushing traffic and those links into that SEO shield and then link building behind that and then you running the embed gigs doing

Everything that we recommend. It has, I mean, it’s just fantastic for what we do. And we can show I mean, people say, well press releases that they’re they get, they fall off the index and whatever, we don’t care, we don’t care. They don’t drive traffic. That’s not true. We can show where they do drive relevant traffic, we can show it. And especially if you get into them because there’s a premium that you can pay and get into Yahoo Finance and I forget what other Sir, I don’t want to say anything other than I know that we can get into Yahoo. It really, really has a great effect, especially on the traffic that you get its relevant traffic into whatever it is that you’re doing. And it’s all of those signals that we’re looking for. So we have that I’ll talk to Matt and as sometimes as you and if you’re listening to me Mag sorry that I haven’t gotten back to you, because I’ve been snowed under with a hope. Excuse me, under just stuff and I will get to you.

Yeah, it’s interesting but it’d be nice if I’m if I pause my screen I could do it I could show you that Press Advantage you know does produce quite a lot of referral traffic my real estate business I get a lot of referral traffic from Press Advantage so it’s you know if I and I guess it shows it as a referral source and analytics, so it’s there’s absolutely good traffic there.

Do You Have A Video That Shows How To Submit Order Info In MGYB?

Anyways, we’re going to keep on moving. Next is, I ordered your link building starter package for the new business domain. I’m new to link building I just ordered it following the battle plan is every video that shows us how to submit our info for our order. I’ve seen your video that says not to include money sites so can you give examples of all the links I should be giving you also do I wait until the SEO Power Shield was finished? Yeah. Okay, so our link building service. Anything I can point you to but um, as far as like training but you know one of the things that are on our list to do is to add a simple video for each page like order page that essentially will walk you through what you need in order to place the order that will get done eventually guys I don’t know when it’s on the to-do list I promise. But in the meantime it’s very very simple, don’t we none of our link building campaigns are designed for direct to money sites, they’re all built all of the link building campaigns are developed specifically for powering up tier one entity assets or you know anything beyond your money site essentially. So we use them for powering up the power shield, the SEO shields, syndication networks, Id pages, press advantage organization pages can be used for citations, social media, web 2.0s, all of that. Anything that’s really tiered one, branded type assets can be powered up with our link building packages. So with that said, when it comes to ordering everything that you can collect to add to your link building order, I think it’s up to 100 URLs that you can submit with your order, you want to add to your target URL list because you want to power up all of those tier one assets, right, all of your branded assets everywhere that you can get your new business, your new projects, your new company, new brand name published online. And with a branded profile, you want to try to get as many of those as you possibly can and add those into your list. Now that said, the ones that should you wait for the power the SEO shield to be complete? Yes, because those can be added into your link building order. And essentially, you can take all the files and folder URLs and put them into that text file that you upload when you order links, which will do will power up all of the files and folders within your RYS stack in your G site.

So if you have a senate if you got a power shield then I’m assuming I can’t remember which different levels they are but a syndication network to against adding your syndication network profile URLs into the link building order. If you have a GMB map, add the map URL, Google My Business website adds that it just not a money site. Right, because it’s not designed our link building campaigns are developed for that. But that’s pretty much all you need to do. It should be fairly simple. Just gather up your tier one entity as is branded profile URLs, add them to a text file, save it and then upload that as your target URL list. As far as keywords you want to add market-level keywords, not  keywords with location modifiers. What are market-level keywords or top-level keywords product and or service keywords without location? modifiers Okay, and when you’re ordering link building, you should try to submit a minimum of 200 keywords, more is better, but 200 is the minimum and just submit those via text file as well. Does anybody want to comment on that?

Hernan: Yeah, that’s our training for link building right there. We’re gonna cut it and then we’re going to put it on the sales page for MGYB.

Marco: Just so people know, we develop the package is the link building packages with the idea that people would already have the syndication network, right the tier one branded, the are the drive second t site and the @ID page and their media page, which is in the @ID. So our thought is always the people will go and complete these other steps before ordering our link building package. Because our link building packages are meant to power all that up. It’s not intended for the money site is intended to hit everything that’s protecting the money site so that the power transfers over without or I’m not gonna say without the chance of a penalty, but with minimized risk, because of the way that we’re doing. If you were to hit the money site directly, then that there are other parts of the algorithm that you might trigger that you don’t want to get into. And so I would recommend if you haven’t done those steps that you go back and you do those steps first so they can gather up all of the URLs that we target for link building and submit those.

Bradley: There you go. Can you still hear me? I had stopped share. So we here okayLet me see if I can bring that back up now. Alright, so here’s a pulled open, you can see that this is just referral traffic sources for Alpha Land Realty. I’m just bringing back up the previous question about press advantage. Look at that. So besides Facebook, the second most referral traffic that I’ve had in the last 30 days from my real estate businesses from Press Advantage, so there’s no doubt and that’s just the last 30 days. So you can see this no doubt that there’s traffic coming from Press Advantage. I want to point that out.

Marco: Yeah, Nuff said. There you go. If you can’t believe your eyes and then I don’t know what but believe.

Bradley: Don’t believe your lying eyes.

This Stuff Works

Do iFrames Count As Backlinks?

Alright, next one is do iframes count as backlinks? What’s really the advantage and making use of iframes? Marco that is absolutely your question.

Marco: Yeah, it is. But I mean it. It took two days for me to or two webinars for me to cover iframes and entities during the charity webinars. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to post the charity webinar page, and I’m not there’s no minimum to order the there’s no max, I always say you, your heart will tell you whether to donate and your wallet will tell you how much. So I’m going to drop the URL so that you can go and donate and you’re going to get access to not only this year’s webinars or the past webinar series, but the one before that. So there’s like 10 videos that talk all about the entity and how to power it up talks about RYS Academy, it talks about iframes. And what iframes are, what they do, and why they’re so different from everything else. So I’ll just leave it at that because it’s too much to cover in. But what do we have in that? 31 minutes? I probably didn’t get all up.

So there you go.

What SEO Strategy Do You Recommend Apart From Using Geotagged Phone Images And Reviews?

All right. Mohammad’s got a couple of questions. What’s up, buddy? He says, Hey, guys, my car dealer client has been encouraging me to make use of his staff to help me rank him. That’s awesome. It’s rare that you get real help from the staff from businesses, I find it really difficult to get people to cooperate with me. Anyways, he says I took him up on his offering got the staff to regularly send geotagged phone images for GMB posts and even have them uploading showroom pictures to GMB directly through the app. I make sure they send me responses to reviews they get to my question is what else can I have them do to help me rank whether in GMB or elsewhere?, I usually have trouble getting this kind of cooperation. So I want to make the most of it. Yeah, I mean, I don’t know what else you could get them to do because that seems like they’re doing a lot already as far as like, you know, more than most of my clients are willing to do, which is great. So, yeah, if you can get them to upload images directly to GMB through GMB map on there, or excuse me, GMB app on their phone, that’s great. So that’s uploading photos that are geotagged. Something else they can do is actually create posts from the GMB app if that’s something that they’re, you know, willing to do or if you’re even comfortable with them doing it. The reason I say, I don’t think it’s any issue whatsoever. But if you were to have them actually create posts to a lot of them probably won’t want to do that, because that would require them to add some tax call to action, all that kind of stuff. So it’s likely that they’re probably going to give you resistance and just want to upload photos, which is fine.

So the alternative would be also to have those images that the photos that they took also shared, added to a shared Google Photos album. That’s how my team does it. So any of my clients that do provide photos, which isn’t a lot of them, but the ones that do, all they do is they have their technicians in the field or whatever, actually, take photos, and then they get copied into a Google shared photos album, that my VA my bloggers have access to, so that they can go just pluck an image from that shared photos album, and use that as a GMB post. And it contains the same metadata from when it was uploaded. So you can still get the geo relevancy and my VA is doing the blogging, create the GMB posts essentially, so that the client doesn’t have to do that all the client has to do is take photos, and they’ll automatically be added to the Google Photos album. So that’s, that’s all I typically do. As far as what you’ve got them doing now, it seems like you’re doing you know, quite a bit. So yeah, I mean, I would just do more posts if possible using geotagged images, targeting the keywords and or locations that you’re trying to optimize for. As far as additional things that can be done while you already know the Muhamad, right, all the SEO shield stuff, link building, embeds and that kind of stuff. Marco, do you have any?

Marco: Yeah, I got a word of caution because if you ask them to do too much, they’re going to start wondering why they need you and you don’t want to get into that. They’re doing everything you need for relevance, location relevance, and this would be a product relevance, right? Since it’s an automobile is a product, it’s not a service. This is cars and you’re getting all the different makes and models and you can start, you know, you have Local GMB Pro. And so you know what to do with all of the all of these different categories that you’re getting, you know exactly what you need to do, what the next steps are. And as Bradley said to them, post them, create posts with these automobiles you know how to relate everything one to the other, and then push power and that’s Local GMB Pro. You have that, follow the training and you’re gonna get great results.

Bradley: Yeah. I agree with that. That’s one of them, you know, if a client of mine wanted to do GMB posts, I wouldn’t mind them doing it. But typically, I actually one of my pest control company, they started having their technicians do that. But they very quickly decided they didn’t want to do it, which was okay because they were shitty posts anyways, they weren’t up to my standards. So, you know, through trial and error, we learned the best thing to do is just have them add photos to a shared Google Photos album and let my blogger handle the GMB posts because then they’re set up their siloed, they’re well worded, proper target linking, you know, target URL linking all of that, so.

Would It Cause A Ranking Problem If The Business Name Use Words And Symbols Interchangeably?

Fitz is up. He says good agents, thank you for this platform to give real-world answers that work. I have a client whose business name includes the word and some expressions of their name, then use the ampersand is this huge problem? Well, it’s not as big of a problem as some of the other discrepancies I’ve seen. But it is still an issue, it can create NAP issues. I’ve got several clients that have done that in the past as well, where they’ll have ampersand and some other brand names and others it will be and Andy, as all you know, it, is it a huge problem. Is it causing a huge problem that would be the question I have for you fits. If it’s not really creating much of an issue, I wouldn’t worry about it? If you are having a hard time, you know, getting your desired result for a particular you know, maps pack ranking. For example, let’s just use that as an example. Then Yes, that would be something I would address would be a cleanup,  citation cleanup.

So I would either whatever it is, and the GMB, I would leave it that way, if that’s the correct format, how is their name legally registered? That’s how I would have it. Right, that makes sense. So in other words, however, they’ve incorporated their corporation or LLC or whatever it is that. However, it’s registered with that with their state, is how I would list it in the GMB and then many discrepancies out there I would have edited, cleaned up, corrected to be the new the right the proper format. But that again, I wouldn’t tell you to just do that just because if you’re getting the results that you want, anyways, just leave it. It’s what I’m saying. Don’t do it just because it could create a problem in the future. If it’s not creating a problem. Now, I wouldn’t worry about it. But if you need that, if you’re having trouble getting the desired result that you want, that is absolutely one thing that I would address, citation clean up.

And depending on how many there are out there, if it’s a lot then I would recommend paying Loganix to do it because they have a really, really good successful citation cleanup service. If you go to, you can see their citation cleanup service. There are other services out there that are less expensive, but I found their success rate isn’t as great or as high as Loganix’s. And so even though Loganix is expensive when I whenever I have a new project that has a bunch of NAP errors on the web, that’s who I use because they get the vast majority of them over the course of like, I think it’s an eight or a 10-week process. So anybody wants to comment on that?

Marco: Yeah, you probably know this already. But Pearl Trees has a problem with the ampersand. Right and pulling in the embeds or the iframe. It has a really big problem with an ampersand. And there are other times when it can cause an issue with some embeds and some other websites.

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It’s just that ampersand so I prefer the end although I am percent in a business name is the recommended way to go. Yeah, so go figure, right.  I know it’s code and so we don’t know how pro-Jesus is doing and how it’s pulling it in and why the ampersand creates conflict, but it does. So maybe it’s not an IP issue but if he had it and he submitted it to us for us to go and create the @ID or if he were to submit it to Dadiea for an embed run, there might be issues


Would It Be Okay To Create Social Media Accounts That Are Not Necessarily Related To A Client’s Industry?

Okay, Muhammad’s up again he says Hey guys, I’m using no um to build social accounts for clients now has tons of sites covering a wide swath of the internet, is there any risk in getting all accounts for a particular client, even if a particular website isn’t necessarily related to that client industry, I wouldn’t put a cinema on Angie’s list for example, am I mixing up citations with social accounts? Yes and no. I mean, remember, a lot of times just having a profile on on these web platforms, it’s not necessarily something that you’re going to be pasting or publishing content to. So even if it’s not really relevant, it’s about having an additional presence. It’s another publishing point for your NAP.

You know, I don’t think it’s harmful. I don’t know how helpful it is. Maybe Marco would have a better answer to be to even have a profile on like kind of an unrelated site, but the way I look at it is if you’re just setting up a presence there, then I don’t see there being any harm and having like, for example, I’m trying to think of there’s there’s some of these like art sites out there right there like web to auto blog platforms for people that are artsy. Like the art projects and stuff, yet I’ve used them quite a bit for another semantic cover social hub right as a way to kind of just build another presence and you can interlink sometimes to some of the other social media profiles and that kind of stuff. And even though none of the projects I work on have anything to do with art, it’s still just another profile point. So I don’t think that causes any problems. I don’t know how beneficial they are. But I know that having an NAP published in more locations typically helps market and comments on that. I look at it from a standpoint of protecting the brand.

So it’s totally acceptable, and I think very natural for you as you would, and I’m referring to the client, right, of course, for you to protect the brand. And to go to these websites and lock in that profile. You know, you just have to put the basic information then you don’t have to go too far out, get that NAP in there. And that’s what you need so that if Google comes crawling in there and it sees it, it’s going to not I mean, it’s just more places for your entity to exist more places for Google to pull up to pull in entity information, and all things being equal. They never on the web, we understand that but all things being equal when two entities are being compared against what’s happening in Google’s database and the relational database, the one that has the best entity, as far as things go right now, that’s the winner. And if you’ve taken care of that, and if you’ve gone and locked in all of these profiles, and you’re showing it as part of the entire brand, there I don’t I see absolutely no problem with that.

Yeah, I mean, as I said, I’ve never been concerned with it is being an issue. We just build them out as we go. So and

What Is The Best Way To Make A Drive Stack For A Translated Website?

Alright, so moving on. The next one was, what is the best way to make a drive stack for a translated website. Do we make a syndication network for each language? I can’t even answer that because I just don’t do anything outside of the US English base us projects but any any any advice there I know Hernan and Marco both have done a lot of foreign language stuff over the years.

Marco: Yeah, I mean, we, we don’t generally do it in another language, although we have, it’s not something that we want to do because we want our builders to focus on whatever it is that they’re doing. It requires a whole lot of information. We did one for gurgi, by the way, I think it was Hungarian. So we can do it but you have to supply all of the information, all of the content, the images and everything that you want it. You can write to, and say that you’re looking to do a drive stack in a different language. As far as do you make a syndication network for each language? You could since each one it’s either on a subdomain or in a folder inside the root domain. So each one of those will have its own feed. That’s a whole lot of work, man. That’s a whole lot of work. I mean, I could guide you a little bit more. The only thing that I tell you to go take a look at and how they handle their languages. So you’re gonna have to look at the source code, but I think you’re gonna get a really good idea on how to approach this and how Apple approaches it. And I mean, that’s as far as I’m willing to go with this and in a free forum.

Bradley: Hernan, did you want to comment?

Hernan: No, I do agree with Marco. I was about to say what he said. Okay.

Bradley: Hernan’s at a bar or something.

Hernan: I might or might not be early drinking. Yeah.

It’s damn near five o'clock here too. So why

Does The RYS Require A GMB Listing?

Alright, cool. Alright, next is does the RYS must have a GMB listing? No, it doesn’t have to what if the site is not local related? Again, it doesn’t have to. Doesn’t need an NAP name, address, phone number and a GMB listing type if it’s not for a local business, but drive stacks can push relevancy into any type of project. So, can I give an address outside the USA and still ranked for a place inside the USA? Where are you trying to rank for a place or for a keyword? Because you’re asking about not having a GMB listing? Do you need one or can you get away with not having one and then you’re asking about ranking for a place in here which is typically location based ranking which is maps and a GMB type stuff. So I’m not sure  if I’m understanding the question, but as far as can you have an address outside of the US safe and use the GMB stack or excuse me in our iOS stack to rank for keywords in the USA? Yes, of course you can. And I’m not sure I’m fully interpreting or comprehending that question, Marco Do you have any?

Marco: Nah man because I need to know whether whether it’s local In which case, you need a GMB to local. Well, you don’t. You can rank in organic. Right, you can still do an organic push, but if it’s triggering a map path, then you’re going to need a GMB lesson to go in there with the rest of the map and try to hit that top three. So this is very confusing. I don’t know which way you’re going because this is the one time where local doesn’t matter. We need to know whether you’re targeting location or whether you’re targeting USA overall.

Bradley: Yeah. Yes, if you can clarify if we still have time we’ll we’ll try to answer with a better answer.

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How Do You Use The Account Included In The Single Tier Syndication Network From MGYB?

Okay, I guys I just received my first single-tier syndication network from your store. I have no idea what to do with the empty Bitly account suggestions gratefully accepted. Nothing whenever you syndicate content, whenever you publish content if it’s whatever your publishing, whatever your content publishing engine is, right, whether it’s your blog, if it was an RSS drive syndication network or YouTube channel, or both, whenever you publish content, it will automatically create a bit link. The only reason why we because bit link used to have public profile pages for Bitly. But they did away with that a couple of years ago, but you can still siphon some domain authority, not that we give a shit about domain authority metrics, because we don’t, but you can still siphon some domain authority from Bitly just by auto shortening links, which that’s all that does. The applet, whenever you publish content, will create a bit link just a bit the short link inside your Bitly account. That’s all that that’s for.

Does Having A Suspended GMB Page Affect Other Listings Within Same Account?

Alright, the next question is from Jay. He says after winning my service area business client of the consequences for two years one of his GMB was suspended for using a mailbox service the address. I highly doubt we can get the GMB back. My concern is with the suspended GMB and his Google account, or his other mailbox GMB’s at higher risk for being in the same account as the suspended one. He is now motivated to handle this risk so far as to seek now to rent office space. So yeah, I can understand that. I’m concerned. In the meantime, though, his account will be hit very hard. Any suggestions? Yeah. Okay. Let me give you my experience with that because I don’t know the answer. Jay, I don’t know if it’s going to be any more of a risk or not. I know that I have some accounts that have I’ve had a couple over the last maybe six months suspended. And, like some locations, one off locations. I’ve had a couple too. So I’ve had two locations suspended in the last six months or so that are were suspended within an account that has more than one location. And so far it hasn’t affected any of the other locations. I’m a bit gun shy or nervous to go in and do any changes to any or make any edits or anything to any of the other listings in that same account. But one of the things I would suggest possibly doing to pot to perhaps avoid that issue would be to go in and maybe move add a different Gmail account for each location that you have. So go in and create new G or by Gmail accounts, preferably by some aged accounts if you can, and go in and add a user. So the new Gmail account per location, so each location gets a new Gmail account added as a user and then maybe transfer ownership to that new Gmail account.

So that and make everything standalone. If that makes sense. The reason I say that is because I know that one of the big things that happened in the last few weeks with another big GMB suspension, a, you know, a Google one on a raft and suspended a whole bunch of GMB’s is that manager accounts were hit. We know because some big names got hit with some big manager accounts that were managers of, you know, dozens and dozens if not hundreds, and hundreds of GMBs, and all of them they all got taken down. So if a manager account got hit got caught up in this suspension nightmare, then all of the GMB’s within that manager account got suspended and that’s what can be huge. Imagine that right? Imagine if you lost all of them at one time, that could really suck. So that’s why it makes sense to be safe right to play it safe and to have each GMB its own standalone Google account, without a common manager connecting all of them that way, especially if their spam accounts. That’s my point, guys. They’re all legit businesses, I don’t see why there’s any reason why you would have to worry about having a manager attached to all locations, that doesn’t seem to be a problem. But if they’re against the terms of service type listings, PO boxes, UPS stores, you know, that kind of stuff or just, you know, nonexistent addresses, then if you have a manager account connected to all of them, that’s going to make all of them susceptible to being suspended, which is why it would be better to have each one of them in their own standalone Google account with no manager connecting them together, so that if one gets suspended, it’s isolated to that. Does that make sense? So that’s what I would do is I would start going through that process of, I would buy some aged Gmail accounts, go through adding the user, add a user, once the users accepted the invitation, then you can change them as opposed to the primary owner and didn’t go back in and remove. And in fact, you can do that through the new Gmail account. Once the private mary owner has been named in the new Gmail account, you can use that account to actually remove the managers and owners or previous owners. And that way now you’ve got it compartmentalized into one Gmail account.

Also, we do have a listing suspension lifting service. I don’t know that that would help. But you could always try that. And, of course, it would help it’s suspended in the special can be lifted, doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how it got suspended. As long as they haven’t gone through the process of notifying Google of the suspended trying to get it lifted that way, then total, we can totally get it back for you. And anything else that happens to that manager account world where this other stuff is we can lift the suspension and guarantee it for six months. So that if anything happens to it, during that time say get suspended again, for whatever reason, as long as you don’t notify anybody of the suspension we go in there and lift the suspension again. So you get it so it’s peace of mind for for for six months until you find an alternate. That’s why this service was developed along with the GMB verification because we know what’s going on. And by the way, I have a bunch of stuff and manager accounts, but I kept myself like I don’t I didn’t have hundreds in one manager account. Yeah, I spoke here how I was doing it. I was dividing it up and I was never putting like, let’s say 150 plumber GMB in one account, that’s the tell that to tell I wanted to I wanted it to look like an agency managing several accounts across different niches. And so far so good, man. I’m gonna knock on wood.


Mohammed, yeah, the next Battle Plan. We’re working on that. It’s coming out soon. We can’t give you time yet. Um, alright, so it looks like he clarified some of the questions about the drive stack with the location. She said to ask for just in case you need an address. Now you don’t need one if it’s not a local project and you don’t need an address at all, just your top-level keyword, the brand name, that’s how you start to build that association. And then you know, add your keyword list and the primary target URL that you want to push relevancy to, which would be your website, you don’t need an address then. Okay.

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Does Splitting A Keyword With Multiple Words As Chain Of Anchor Texts Add SEO Value?

If time left is splitting a keyword with multiple words as a chain of anchors as each anchor text is one of the words so I got a little bit of a headache from that question. This putting a keyword with multiple words as a chain of anchors. As each anchor text is one of the words that will add SEO values or just for hiding backlink voting.

Adam: I don’t understand the question. I’m sorry. One is the same as taking something like this tree service company and making one anchor text best one tree one service, one company or you know, no, I, I was just for hiding backlink building. I don’t know why you would do that at all period, honestly. Yeah, I mean, I understand what you’re saying now because Adam did a good job of explaining what it is that you’re asking. I can’t imagine why you would do that. Especially if it’s all going to the same link. And in fact, that that actually devalues the link, doesn’t it  Marco? When you have multiple links to the same target URL from the same page?

Marco: Yeah, Yeah, it does.

Bradley: So no, I don’t know why you would even do that. Yeah, I don’t know why you do that. I don’t know who gave you that advice, but I don’t think that’s good advice, but I haven’t tested any of it. So to be honest with you, I can’t really tell. I don’t know why you would do that though.

What Is Tunneling?

So last part is he says Vasquez, I’m assuming he’s talking about Hernan mentioned in one of the videos, something about tunneling. Can he explain what he meant about that? What is for and how to use it and how. He must be talking about iframe, what we call iframe,

Hernan: I did that. Yeah, I did that or sleep strange. Remember when we were pushing each other one of the two. So yeah.

Marco: He’s getting the Latinos confused. We all look alike.

Hernan: Yeah, man. Come on now. Get your Latinos. Right.

Adam: Yeah, we can get some clarification on that. Maybe we can help them out. We got a couple of minutes here.

Bradley: But yeah, I think I think as far as there was a similar question up here about how to iframes pass power. Right? Do iframes counters backlinks? What’s really the advantage of making use of these iframes? It seems to me like it’s a very similar question to what this one is about tunneling. So the answer would be if you want to learn about all the all that Marco was talking about go make a donation to this charity right here. And you’ll get access to all the webinars that Marco have done for two years now about iframes and you know, pushing power into the entity and all that kind of stuff.


Is It Okay To Use MGYB Link Shortener For Client’s Use?

Lastly, Mohammed says, Hey guys, there’s still time. Would it be weird to use the MGYB link shortener for clients use? I guess I’m thinking it would be odd to have around their properties, but I want to use it. Yeah. Okay. That’s, that’s huge. In case you guys aren’t aware, now has a link shortener available, which is super powerful because we’ve been building it for two years authority to and I’m not talking about Moz’s domain authority metrics I’m just talking about we’ve been building authority to the mgyb domain over the last two years because of all the drive stacks that we build for customers, and all the link building campaigns and everything. Although the shortened URLs have been coming to MGYB. So we’ve pushed a lot of damn power into probably still logged in. Anyways, let me click on upgrade and there are different plans. If you go to, for shortener, you can sign up and then there’s a free plan and then there are paid plans. And you just saw the dashboard. Right? So this is the dashboard and it’s super, super powerful. I get what you’re saying though Muhamed on it because I just actually did content marketing training for the two extra agency. Today, I just finished it today. And I was talking about that because one of the things that I do or my team does for my clients is we silo GMB posts right? But we don’t use the long ugly and we use when we silo GMB posts. We link to the previous GMB posts within the same silo. We do a text-based link in the GMB post Text body not the call to action button. The call to action button is usually read for either linking directly to a blog post URL, just called a deep link right, or linking to any tier one entity asset. But the way that we daisy chain the GMB post together is to link to the previous GMB post URL within the same silo but we do that as a text link within the text body of the post the GMB post. But because the URLs are stupid, ugly, a lot like stupid long and ugly for GMB posts and GMB post text-only allows up to 1500 characters, we don’t post that really stupid, ugly long URL in there, it would be ugly. So what we do is shorten it. And I was just talking about this in the 2xyouragency training today I was saying MGYB is a great shortener for that because it’s super powerful. However, for clients, I’ll be 100% honest with you guys, for clients, I use the Pretty Link Pro plugin on their domain, and I shortened the URLs that we use in the GMB post with their own branded domain. And I do that because it’s prettier that way, and it makes sense. So its third domain in the text of the post body as opposed to mgyb, although, like I said, probably wouldn’t care.

Hernan:  Real quick. Can you do like a double thing where you shorten the MGYB shortner?

Bradley: Sure, you know what I’m saying? Good. Yeah, you could not a bad idea because there’s a lot of cool things you can do with MGYB shortened to like, you can add retargeting pixels into the link so that when somebody clicks the link, they get added to the retargeting list. So there’s just a lot of really cool things you can do with here. So yeah, as Hernando said, that’s something that is possible. You could do an MGYB short URL and then shorten that or pretty it up with a domain redirect. You know, like Pretty Links redirect that makes sense.

Marco: I have a few things because there’s really no problem using a link shortener that nobody had a problem using Nobody has a problem using Bitly or anything else that’s out there for clients or for whomever. I mean, it’s common practice to use a shortener, and most websites don’t have their own URL shortener. And so they go and use a third-party URL shortener, which is what you’d be doing in the first place, Muhammad. However, having said that, we do have the capability of creating your own custom shortener inside the MGYB shortner, Muhammad. So I would suggest that you contact, and ask about having your own domain inside. You’d receive the same power, but you’d have your own domain inside the short nuts fucking awesome, then, I know the stuff that we could I mean, we have to test it out. It’s an idea that Rob and I just just threw back and forth in Slack while this was going on. I’m pretty sure that it can be done. And you know, we just have to see what the cost would be and if it’s financially feasible for you, Muhammad and if it isn’t, then just use the MGYB shortner. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a shortener among a bunch of other shorteners that are out there in a shortened URL land.

Very well. Alright guys, five o'clock. We’re wrapping it up. Thanks, everybody, for being here. guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Yep,

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