Friday, February 21, 2020

Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 275

Click on the video above to watch Episode 275 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Hey everybody, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. We are live with episode number 275. We are creeping up on episode 300. This is awesome. Anyways, today is the 19th of February 2020. And we got everybody here. We’re going to run through say hello to everybody probably find out what the weather’s like around the world. Maybe see what Hernan’s flipping around his hands there and then we got some good announcements and we’re going to jump into it. So, start on my left here, Bradley, how are you doing today? Let’s see if we can hear from you.

Yeah, you should be able to. Alright, sounds good. Things are good. Things are good. Glad to be here.

Well, you know, I promised a little weather report what’s going on in Virginia, you give that freeston are blown away or what’s going on over there? Oh, no, man, it’s been like spring for almost a week. Well, for several days anyway, it’s crazy. Like we didn’t have much of a winter.

I mean, now that I say that though, we’re probably going to get dumped on the snow in the next week or something. Because that’s usually a sneak up on us.

Like we usually get some sort of freak snowstorm and in March that ends up dumping on us even though it’s like, like the very end of the season so, but it’s been a very very mild winter so I can’t really complain. Fair enough. Yeah. from living Upstate. I never forget I think the first year we lived there we went through the winter we made it. We’re like, All right, we’re from free and it snowed in May. Just like

so anyways, so snowblower moved west and couldn’t be happier. So Marco speaking of nice weather How are you doing man? Man? It’s no curtains just so you guys can see it. I’m gonna leave it like this.

Through the rainy season, so you guys can see warm sunny I’m in my job. I’m usually in a tank top and shorts right now I’m in a tank up and naked from there that now the sun’s out guns out.

No. shorts and flip flops man. That’s how I live and in

It’s just something interesting about this I’m going to lead over to her man because someone commented in his video that you know, dude, you’re in a T-shirt there’s no way that you can have money because you’re in a fucking t-shirt really this is the comment in Facebook. How like how fucking ignorant can a person be looking at someone you have no money because you’re in the teacher I live in tank tops shorts and flip flops like I could give a fuck what somebody thinks about but I look but talk to me about making money into and you got a project and if it’s worth it, we’re gonna make some money man. Um, he just hands up I don’t know what in Panama we’re all in a five-star hotel right all-inclusive short t-shirts. And but yeah, what bro? We got no money. Sorry. You guys are listening to some broke motherfuckers here who don’t know shit.

This Stuff Works
It’s ridiculous anyway that’s my rant for today. Come get some of this man that’s what you can get the POFU get some of it that’s how you lead that well this is a natural leader and then Hernanm do you want to wave humpy around and just said that he doesn’t give a fuck about wearing t-shirts if Dadea is watching this maybe could you get Hernan’s humpy like a miniature like gold Mr. T chain that says as we want it I think like this that’d be cool without so

What’s up everybody good here Sunny, nice weather or in Argentina actually been raining for the past couple days but today’s me so really excited about what we have going on really excited for every one new joining everyone you know, supporting the channel for quite a while. So thank you for being here today for today. Awesome. And last but certainly not least, Chris. I assume you’re probably here in Austria.

How are you doing, man? Yeah, I’m back in Australia spring here as well. I’m just back from the team actually. So I’m still quite pumped.

Awesome. Yeah. Can’t complain. It’s a good day.

Good stuff. Good stuff. Well, I know Bradley, I think you just dropped some new training for the two x your agency people, right you just I forget the exact title of it. So I don’t want to butcher it. But I think that you just wrapped up another week at five. Yeah, week five is the first week of the two x your results training. So the first four weeks was to an extra pipeline, it’s about filling your pipeline full of prospects and closing, closing a percentage of them. So the next section, which should be for the next four weeks is to x your results. That’s where we basically layout the plan for getting repeatable reliable results for clients. So I started this week.

With our at least the first week of that part of the training is about the SEO shield, which is really the foundation of everything that we do now. And so the Yeah, that training was just finished yesterday. So I don’t know if it’s in the members’ area yet, but it should be within the next day or two. If it isn’t, yeah, we just pass it over to the team so it’ll be up by the end of the week. So if you’re into extra agency com if you’re already a member then you’ll have access like said by the end of the week, and if you’re an agency owner or a consultant and you’re listening to this and you want to get more clients you want to grow your revenue and scale your team head over to two x agency com and join up right now it’s one-time payment and it’s a hell of a lot of valuable Oh my god, it’s ridiculous.

and just so people don’t get confused because they’re gonna feel way too into my SEO shield. I thought Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, and the @ID page and link building precedent. I thought that was all the foundation. Well, it is. It’s just that we’ve brought it all under one banner, everything that we do now we bundled it to make it easier for people yeah. And so you just go in and you purchase this product the bundle and then you just get the SEO shield that’s how we do entity base, worry less SEO. We don’t worry about Google updates, we don’t worry about any of these other things that are going on on the outside. Because what we do is again, it’s based on the three pillars of art, activity, relevance, trust, and authority. That’s how we target everything that we do. And that’s how we get results. It’s been working for years it’s going to continue working because we’re right at the heart of the algorithm so no guys don’t worry our foundational principles did not change because the the algorithms have not changed their foundational principle. I just want everyone doesn’t get confused when you listen to push or talk about the SEO shield because of

This Stuff Works
It’s all the same thing. We’re just changing the name to let you know that it’s all under one product. Now instead of the separate thing, yeah, and the guy over at at the done for you store, we, you know, we tell people this all the time, get your syndication networks there. And if you want to go to the training and train someone or do it yourself, that’s great. If you want to save time, get it done up to our standards, you can get an Our way is drive stacks and then like Marco was saying the SEO shield where it incorporates all of that, you know, you can go check that out and grab it over at Yeah, I just wanted to add a kind of, you know, one of the things that I talked a lot about this weekend. The training for the SEO shield is that even people that are maybe offering not don’t offer SEO services as part of their agency services. It would be silly not to also sell SEO shields to your clients because you don’t have to do the work, you can order them from us at MGYB, and we’ll set it up. And even if you’re just like just doing paid traffic, for example, maybe you’re just didn’t run an AdWords or Facebook, you know, ads for a client or something, maybe that’s all you do. But if you can set a client up as an upsell, and you don’t have to do any of the work, because we can fulfill it at MGYB, and you can set that client up with an SEO shield, that’s going to help to solidify that entity and in build authority to that brand, then why not? Why wouldn’t you do that? And again, you could, you could just mark it up, you know, 200%, whatever it is that we charge it, MGYB and sell that and just make additional revenue that way. And again, especially if you are running, if you’re running SEO or paid traffic and you’re able to generate relevant traffic to the assets, the entity assets, which the SEO shield would all be part of. It’s going to improve their SEO even if you do nothing else and I know that to be 100% true because for example, my real estate business, I haven’t been doing any additional SEO to that at all. For months, I haven’t done any additional SEO work to my real estate business. And yet I overtook I’ve been in the number two position for months for my two primary keywords. And within just the last week, I’ve now made it to number one and push the number one guy out of position. And so now I’m in number one for my two primary keywords. And I’ve done absolutely zero additional SEO work from when I originally launched it months ago. And it’s because I’m sending relevant traffic into its activity, relevance, trust, and authority. And because I have a strong entity because I built the SEO shield or had it built many months ago, and I haven’t even done link building to it or nothing else, but yet, it’s still increasing in power, and not and taken. And now it’s number one again, with no additional SEO work. So there’s no reason why you guys shouldn’t be selling SEO shields to your clients. Even if you don’t do SEO work. Does that make sense? And by the way, Google says that your schema or your structured data won’t help your rankings. And I just moved the land solutions network up to five, six spots in the rankings by simply pulling work with schema, just additional schema because guys, okay, so so think about this schema is cold, right? structured data is code that speaks directly to the algorithm to the bot that’s coming in and picking out your information, how can that not influence the bot into ranking you better if your entity if your schema is better than anybody else’s because Google is a relational database, we keep saying this and it’s going to relate your data to everybody else’s, and to what it has as as as the optimal entity in that space. The closer you get to that, the better you’re going to rank. It’s dead. Simple. I didn’t say easy, because it a lot of work goes into it, but it’s dead simple. Once you know what you’re doing.

So anyway, I want to get to the questions. Are we done? We’re into some people who were crying about the latest update week or two ago. What update? What update?

I keep moving up. I keep seeing

Oh, no, I don’t know. I don’t hear from me. I mean, I know there’s a lot of crying going on right now because a bunch of GMBs got suspended in the last week again, and big, big, big people got hit hard and my shit still alive. Yeah.

Same here. I want to touch on something real quick one if you want to hear these guys going really deep, and you want to talk, you know, into different areas as well as what we’ve been discussing. Then you want to come to POFU Live.

This Stuff Works
Go over to You can find out more there. I’m not gonna spend a lot of time talking about it. This whole 2020 and September the last weekend, Boston, Massachusetts is going to be our third year doing it. We’re limiting it to 25 seats. So if you’re interested in that we’re going to have more details coming out, but go check it out. Right now you can save a ton on your tickets as well. And these guys were talking about GMBs. We got some news coming out about that.

I talked to Rob, the ROB, that is superb, other what to call Rob. Rob, if you’re listening tell me what to call you. I like calling you the Operations Manager because it sounds cool to me, but maybe you don’t think it sounds cool. So anyways, Rob the man at MGYB. I just wanted to let you know we’ve got some updates coming out next week around GMB related services. We’ll leave it at that.

All right, so with that said, you guys, I think that’s it. Let’s, let’s jump into it.

Okay, cool. Let me grab the screen.

You guys should be seeing my screen, correct? Yes, sir. All right. Well, before I jump into the questions, I just want to point out two things to kind of follow up on that real estate thing that I was talking about. So my two primary keywords for my real estate business are South Land fast oops, I thought it was typing. So land fast Virginia. And you see it, it’s because it’s detecting my IP probably also it’s pulling up the knowledge panel. But I’ve got number one, which I knocked sell land fast calm out, which had been steady at number one, I got to number two fairly quickly. But I’ve been hovering at number two ever since. And you can see that I’m number one now for that keyword. And I’ve done no additional SEO work other than my original drive stack, and a link building campaign to the drive stack. And that was it. And I haven’t done anything for four months. What’s also interesting as you can see that like for example, if I come up here, you can see that in Google suggest it’s also bringing in my company name or my brand name, which is what we talk a lot about this in the 2xyouragency training and I’m not going to share a whole lot here as to how it can be done because it’s but if you have a strong entity and you create that keyword plus brand association then a keyword search will actually trigger your brand name to show up in Google suggests. That’s what you want. Because now Google, that’s a strong association that Google is made with that keyword, that primary keyword, which could be a product or service, right? And that’s very, very powerful. So you can see that there.

Well, if we go look at my secondary, my second keyword, which is we buy land, Virginia. The same thing occurs, you can see Alpha Land Realty and alpha land realty reviews. They’re number one, and then it’s also showing up in the searches related to. Does that make sense? So again, guys, these are all things that can be done with the SEO shield, which creates that association with the product with your primary keyword. That’s one of the main things that it does, especially the drive stacks that you buy from us at MGYB. That’s why we asked for one keyword, your primary keyword when we create the branded drive stack and that’s to create that association number one, but then sending relevant traffic into that SEO shield will also help to manipulate Google suggest. And I’m sending traffic in because Well, number one, I do get some organic traffic. There’s no doubt. But I have Google ads, Google remarketing ads, and I’m also doing direct mail. And so that also helps to influence suggest when people go to like somebody receives a letter from me saying that I’m interested in making an offer on their land parcel. Now they see the company name and I’ll go to Google search and search alpha land Realty. And that triggers the brand search and then they click through to see the website. And that also helps to influence suggest and again, it’s all just through relevant traffic into an SEO shield. And you can get those you can repeat those kinds of results. I’m just showing you mine but I’ve been able to do that for clients too. So it’s, it’s pretty powerful marketing.

This Stuff Works
Yeah. Rob just went and starts from Indiana from his IP, and you’re the knowledge panel and number one for that keyword. So yeah, you got the knowledge panel. That, guys, that’s how powerful this shit that we’re giving you is that it’s right there. If you don’t take advantage of it, it’s your problem. It’s your fault. If you’re sitting there, you can’t get results with all of the shit that we give you every Wednesday free with all of the shift that’s available to you in our Facebook group, free. Now we’re not even talking about the paid knowledge, right? Because there’s some stuff that membership has its privileges, we can only give it to you if you’re a member. But if you’re not doing anything, if you’re just sitting there, and you don’t know and you go listen to this other person, say something, or this another person. And we all have differing opinions. Of course, we do. Because we all do things differently. Well, think differently. You might be able to get results, but it but if you’re just sitting there and getting all these opinions, and you can’t make up to Mike, it’s your problem, and it’s your fault. It’s not ours. We’re giving you what works for us, and we’re showing you.

Why and how it works and we do it for free and we do it for a reason so that you can come and get even better results so you can go make money my goal is to help people make money that’s it’s in my bio I was just looking at my bio and in our website I guess I need to update it but really it is my goal is to help people make money so why what is it about you? That’s not allowing you to allow me to help you make money? Think about that.

Why Does Google Update GMB Info Without Giving Notice?

Sweet All right, we’re going to get into questions now. We got the first one’s from George he says hello, please help me if you have time. What the hell’s going on? Do you see that on my screen?

Yeah, what the fuck is that? Do you see that? You’re not is that Hernan is how can Hernan right on the screen.

Can you buy it? I just figured it was turned on. I just like to blame things on him. I don’t know what the hell that was. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. That was weird.

There’s like red drawings on whatever. Anyways, let’s get back to the questions. George says hello, please help me if you have time. I used to do link building. I used to do building work in the UK. I had GMB listing with the name of my building services company and I was ranking number one and local maps for keywords to see it again? What the fuck is going on?

One of you guys is messing with me.

Did you saw that? Oh, the little Oh, yeah, I see that. But I don’t have that option.

You guys have been a prick? Can we answer some questions here?

Now so this is us? Yeah, I can see that. That’s really strange. Yeah, somebody can somebody riding on you. It’s gotta be it’s got to be on one of you guys. You gotta zoom. All right, well, I’m gonna try to answer the questions while you guys continue to distract. Okay.

Alright, so where was I? Let’s try this. One more.

I was ranking number one and local maps keywords builder plus location. However, I’m not doing building work anymore and I have changed my profile from builder to electrician. So six months ago, I changed my GMB name to the new Electrician Business name. Now after six months if I type in electrician plus location, I’m number 12 and Google pack and if I type in builder plus location, I still rank high in first position and a local three-pack. Please explain.

This Stuff Works

He says I have a new electrician website linked with my GMB listing so it has nothing to do with your website. I can’t explain that Google does some GMB does some weird shit. Sometimes, like they’ll suggest edits for example, like if you were to and by the way, guys, remember don’t go into your Google My Business profiles and make a bunch of changes right now because suspensions can still occur.

Obviously he changed the name and it was still able it didn’t suspend it but sometimes things will suspend it for example, if you have a GMB website, associated with your GMB profile but you have a money site. So self-hosted website is your list as your website. Sometimes GMB will automatically switch your primary website to the GMB website URL. And it just does it and it’s shitty because you know you have to go in and change it and in fact, I had a GMB suspend when I went in to change it a while back it was several months ago, but they forced the change without my approval Google My Business did to the GMB website instead of the money site URL, and all I did was go in and change it back and it suspended it and was an automatic suspension. So it was like as soon as I hit save, it suspended it. And so we had to appeal and get it reinstated. And we got it reinstated but we had to appeal to the GMB support, you know, support staff or whatever support department so I don’t know why they’re doing that. It’s probably just algorithmic but if if you’re having an issue with it, then honestly the only thing I could suggest, and this is I’d love to hear some other opinions. But that would be to just contact Google My Business support. If it’s a legit business with a legit location, and you can verify it if needed. Again, with Google My Business support, then I would contact Google My Business support and notify them of your issue, and make sure that they update it. You know, they’ll have to probably don’t do anything quick at Google guys. They’re like the federal government. They’re slow as molasses. So if you start support, kind of thread with them now, it could be several weeks before they update it for you, but it’s likely that it will get fixed. And that’s just been my experience with Google My Business Support. Anybody else?

Yeah, that to me that that’s a clear sign that it’s ambiguous, right? So he’s appearing for two different search results, the old one and the new one. He should have shut down the original GMB just closed it right, no longer there and then started another niche should have gotten another one verified that the only way that this one that I can see it getting cleared up is by doing a whole lot of entity work. And I can tell you that it’s going to take months and months and months of doing the entity work of going and finding everywhere where this appears and where you should change, okay, because you’re getting links to this, you would have gotten natural like you would have gotten natural citations, co-citation, all kinds of things. If he ordered citations, which he doesn’t say he did, but if he did, that’s a problem also, because Google is clearing the cache probably. And then going back in it’s finding citation is finding like it’s finding all of these things that have nothing to do with what he is now. And probably what he was back then or now it’s finding both and so, of course, he’s getting results for both. Not as powerful as it should be for either one. That’s clear. It’s ambiguous. What can he do? The only thing to do not since it’s already changed on the same GMB is to get with a Google Rep. Get things taken care of while they’re on the phone. Not that isn’t necessarily going to help what wallets in Google cash. And while all of these things are going on, I would say, Come and get the @ID on the SEO shield from MGYB. And that’s going to help out a whole lot to clear up the ambiguity, but get it for your new business, not for the old business, of course.

Yeah, and I would almost say that I kind of agree with what you started off with Marco. And if George, if I were you, I would probably mark the building the original GMB as permanently closed, and then start a new one. And what I would recommend is if it’s the same physical location, so the same address, then what I would recommend is you start you get a new phone number. It’s a new name, obviously, that’s what you’ve been trying to change, but I would get a new phone number. And then I would also you know, you’re going to change your website, I think you said you have a new electrician website. So it’s a new URL too. So new name, same address, but new phone number new website, then you could register a new GMB at the new address and have that new NAP data, right name, address, phone number data and web address URL, and then start from scratch, you’d still again, follow our methods by an SEO shield, which include the @ID page, the syndication network, the drive stack, and G site, all of that will help to solidify that new entity and you’ll build it right from the ground up. I think Marco was right in stating that it’s, it’s probably going to be easier and quicker, you’ll get results faster, starting fresh that way than trying to go back and clean up and reassign all of the existing work that had been done to the builder GMB because that it takes more to clean up and then it does to start from scratch with a new asset if that makes sense.

So that I would agree with Marco that I think that’s probably going to be the better route but it’s critically important that it’s a unique name. It could be the same physical location address, but have a unique phone number and a unique web address also, because if you have any two of those data points the same as the previous GMB, then it’s going to ambiguous the data and it’s going to cause issues. So but if as long as you just have one of those data points the same, which would be the physical location, then you’ll be able to start from scratch and build a whole new entity from that. Any other comments, guys? Not Okay.

This Stuff Works

Next is Is this about that I have secured a place for some keywords? I don’t know what that means. How was how it is work, then? I’m sorry. I don’t understand those questions from time to time. Google is doing some changes to by listing and changing back my electrician name to the builder name. Right. Okay.

The ambiguity. It’s clear. It’s absolutely clear.

Yeah. Okay. I think that was just more of a comment than a question. So again, I think we’ve pretty well covered that.

How Do You Find The 301 Links To Link A GMB Page From A Press Release?

The next one is from Jay. JP says I see that all of my GMB short URLs are 302s. If I want to link to my GMB from a press release, should I then use the long URL? If not, how do I find 301s for linking purposes? No. The best thing to do for SEO is to if you’re going to use the short URL, put it into a redirect checker like where goes calm or redirected detective calm or something like that. And when it reveals what the final destination is, through all those redirects, because it goes through several, then that final destination that make that your target URL, Copy that, but then instead of submitting it as a long, ugly URL, unless you’re going to use anchor text, which you can if so if you’re submitting that link, and it’s going to have anchor text, right, then that’s okay to use that really long, ugly URL. But I wouldn’t submit that as a real long, ugly naked URL in the press release just because it’s stupid long, right? If that’s the case, there are two things I would suggest. Number one, which I don’t know if it’s available, but I know that we have link shortener, which is stupid powerful. I think it’s going to be subscription-based or is it free? Marco? Can you comment on that? They don’t we do have a free part. Of course, it doesn’t have all of the power that everything is still a very powerful man. Yes, it is. It’s hybrid, it ranks the shortened link ranked. So that’s how powerful it is. But there’s a whole bunch of other things that you could do with it. And,

yeah, that we do have a free version. And of course, there is there are paid plans that we have. So the reason I suggested that was because we’ve been using the domain for link shortening for drive stacks now for what a year and a half. And because of that, we have a shit ton of power built into that domain. It’s absolutely insane. That’s why I suggest that and so that you can benefit from the power that we’ve been able to accrue within that domain right off the bat. However, what I do with a lot of my friends. I work is I have my own domain, WordPress installation setup that I use as my own link shortener. And I use pretty links, which is a WordPress plugin that to create redirects, and it’s they’re pretty, pretty links Pro, I think it’s like 20 bucks, and it’s for the developer license and I think it’s 20 bucks. Totally worth it. If you want to use your own custom shortener, you just install WordPress on your own domain. Like we have one for semantic mastery. It’s so sm short link. That’s our link shortener. It’s just a WordPress installation. We have pretty links on and we use that to shorten URLs and for stuff within our training, essentially. So yeah, that I mean, that’s what you can do. I like to use my own domain all there’s a benefit to using an, except for my client’s work. I don’t want my clients going to go like getting curious and going to mg y b dot CEO to see what that domain is if they see the shortened URL, so I use my own that I set up. If that makes sense, okay.

Good question though.

Can You Add A Tracking Code In The Header Section Of The Press Release In MGYB?

I’m almost missed. Almost Miss Gordon. Hey guys. What’s up, Gordon, by the way? So just a quick question when using our third-party press release provider through MGYB. Okay, so you’re talking about press advantage through mg y b, is there a way to have any type of HTML code like a tracking code or other type of HTML code inserted in between the HTML header tags and frustrates? I don’t think we can do that. I don’t know Mark, maybe you can answer with if you have a press advantage account. You can install remarketing pixels. I don’t know that we do that at MGYB though. Marco. Can you comment on that? Do you know if we all know that I don’t know about press releases? And I know that Rob is listening to this. So Rob, if you have an answer for that, let me know and I’ll Leon I would discard no and asked that question, Gordon, because again, I know that, you know, I have my own subscription to Press Advantage. So I go into the back office and I can set up remarketing pixels. I think that’s all it’s good for. I think it has to be an image tag. And maybe Jeremy can clarify that for us the next time I chat with him, but I think it has to be an image tag. It’s not like where you can just put any sort of code in the HTML header. So I don’t know that. I’m assuming you’re looking for some sort of remarketing pixel or tag but I don’t know that to be true. So Gordon, just contact support at and ask that question will get you the right answer.

This Stuff Works

Should We Use Anchor Texts When Linking Drive Stacks To The Money Site?

Peter says when linking from drive stacks to the money site, should we use anchor text or just plain link? Same question for blog posts that get syndicated. Thanks in advance for answering. So you can do a combination of both I like to use variances so I like to use you know, keywords related keywords, longer tail keywords, naked URLs, a common brand anchors, I like to use a combination of them all. So that it kind of varies everything when it comes to blog posts that get syndicated. You know, we, my bloggers do all of the blogging, but so typically they just, they just, they use anchor text for the most part when they’re linking up from a blog post to like one of the pages that we’re trying to promote, but my bloggers know to various so we’re not always hammering the same keywords. Naked URLs are fine, too. I never used to experience any problems with using anchor text for internal links, but that is an issue. Now if you overuse a keyword anchor, even for internal links that can cause problems. So I recommend that you just use a good mix, diversify, use keywords related keywords, longer tail keywords brand, a mix of the brand plus keyword naked URLs, and I don’t really do generics for the blog post, maybe occasionally, but very rarely. So that would be my recommendation. Anybody else?

Yeah, I got it. First of all, I got a response about the pixel. No, we don’t do that. They need their own account in order to do that, and then for this, as far as drive stacks are concerned, we do all of the above all, everything that you just said, get done naked and an exact match, and then long tailm short, we do everything because you want some generics? Yeah, yeah. Because the only thing that that that we’re concerned about is the relevance and pushing relevance to the destination. That’s it. And that’s how we do it. That’s it.

Are There Any Official Examples Of Drive Stacks Ranking With Google Sites Other Than Plumber In DC?

Okay, are there any more official examples of drive stacks ranking with Google Sites other than plumber and DC? Well, sure. Let’s go look. How about SEO Virginia that’s been ranking for over five years, right? Less, today is the day that it’s not Hey, look at that. It got me number one in maps right now to there you go SEO that’s a Google site that was built in May of 2015. Guys and it’s awful to look at it it’s probably still broken iframes on here from when g plus shut down unless I removed that I might have removed that. But I mean look at these guys you know what for almost five years we’re like three months away from five years that this five years ago and I haven’t touched this fucking thing. Yeah, it’s still ranking SEO is try agency.

Yep, Google Sites right there. Big bamboo marketing in the three-pack. Let’s try Virginia SEO. That’s just another example, guys. I’ve got a bunch of other examples right there. Number one, number one in maps. I got a shit ton of other examples, but I can’t show it to you because they’re client sites or lead gen stuff that I don’t want to reveal. But I do I don’t mind showing this one because I’ve been showing this since well may have 2015. So anyways,

Mohammed said, What’s up, man? It looks like he’s got a few questions. So he says, Hey guys after I order and receive an SEO Yeah before you go on we can show another example. You want to. Yeah, Foundation Repair Indianapolis because we only went out. Well, this is Rob’s and he only went after the map pack for that. Okay.

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So check the website and see the Yeah, that’s the Google business site. So there you go. And that was pushed through it was ranked by use of a drive stack, right? Yep. There you go. So, guys, it works incredibly well for maps, but it also works for organic and with a lot of my clients right now because the maps filter although you know, the maps filter has expanded again, I think it was I think it’s a when Google did their GMB suspensions again in the last week, it kind of fucked up their, their, their, their really strict proximity filter, it’s probably going to get worked out and be tightened up again, but it loosened up over the last few days. I know that to be true, but you know, if you in order to overcome or if because the proximity filter got so strict and it became so narrow is a narrow area around where the business was physically located that it would primarily show on maps. Now we know how to overcome that through consistent effort. The Local GMB Pro method, we can expand into adjacent areas with a map listing and overcome that proximity filter. We know that but a lot of clients of mine we have kind of switched back to doing more organic type work. And the drive stacks are one of the best ways in the world that you can get results from that I’ve got. I can’t show it. I wish I could. I’ve got a client that I’ve been working on. Now for about, I don’t know, maybe the last 10 weeks, I’ve had my blogger specifically doing a very specific way of targeting all the cities within a particular county, all the towns and you know, cities within a county and blogging about it. And we’re mirroring that into a G site, which is what we talked about in Semantic Mastery all the time theme meringue. And it’s crazy, because like Montgomery County, Maryland, for example, has 29 locations within that county. So 29, different town names and city names. And out of the 29, I think we’ve got 17 right now, and number one position of our primary keywords for those locations, because of this blogging method that we’re doing specific, which is just setting up proper silo structure, proper internal linking, and then mirroring it into the G site and hitting it with links. And it’s just it’s ranking incredibly well. And so we’re duplicating that across other adjacent counties because it’s a big broad surface area for this business. And it’s super, super powerful.

It’s working really, really well. I mean, literally, we just published a blog post syndicates to the syndication network. And then I’ve got the mirrored pages on the G site and that’s all that we’ve done. And it just it continues to rank. I think we’ve got 17 out of 29 locations and number one position now, so it’s crazy it works really really well, guys. Now with heavy hitter club, as soon as we bring that online, that one’s coming, we’ll be able to show more examples because we’re going to take people from beginning to end on case studies and now they’ll be part of the case study as we go as we rank the G site as we as we go into if it’s local, the map pack, or as we go after number one organic, like deadliest case study, right? The e-commerce case study where he’s been showing just steady increase crazy increases. And I’m gonna say this against Amazon, Walmart, Lowe’s Menaka, you name the e-commerce giant and Dadea is not only going after them, but he’s winning. He’s winning in the, in the SERPs, beating people who are spending hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars in their marketing. And there’s Deadia with it with his g sites and dry stack and doing the thing that of course, what he does best, which is link building and embedding, but these are all principles. I mean, it’s, it’s the foundation of RYS Academy. So if you want more, then you’re going to have to come to one of our paid groups because we’re not just going to give stuff away that would just be nonsensical to start giving away everything for free. We give you enough to get started to make money so you can come to the paid groups and make more money. That’s how we do things.

Should You Start Blasting MGYB Links And Embeds As Soon As You Receive SEO Shield?

So Mohammed says, Hey, guys, after I order and receive an SEO shield for a tough niche car, should I wait and have it settle as I usually do for our wise stacks or do I go ahead and start blasting at various MGYB link embed orders? I remember you guys say always use the minimum effort before bringing out the big guns. But what if I already know the SEO shield is going to need extra power then hammer it? Unless Marco tells you differently? I mean, I don’t see any reason why you should wait. If you already know it’s going to take a pretty good blast and go ahead and blast it. What do you say, Marco? Well, it should be part of the initial push. He should have already ordered link building and embeds and press releases and everything else to what he’s currently doing that’d be that that’s just standard operating procedure. He should know you’ve been in our mastermind, and you need to come back to the mastermind so that we can get deeper into this and give you more guidance on how you could do this at it anyway, just deal with this question. Yes, by all means, then you’re going to have to expand that Gsite read the already talked about a little bit, expand that drive stack, you’re going to have to start femural your drive stack and your energy site so that it matches your Money sites so that we go after each individual silo, in whatever it is that you’re doing, it’s going to power up that page and help push everything up. And then what happens? And I keep talking about this and and that, you know, it’s sometimes it seems like nobody’s listening. Because the more that you do this, you’re going to start adding folders. And you’re going to have to start adding files and you’re going to start adding inner pages. And it’s going, it’s going to start working even better, you’re going to start ranking better dead yet, seeing this now, where he’s just ranking just for these ridiculous terms, which you figure you can never rank for that of all of these people are going after, it just can’t happen. And fucking can’t and all those people who say this doesn’t work well. Who are you going to believe the experts or you’re lying eyes. You just saw how it is that we do the do we do? So I was looking I was going to hopefully do it with just going to show something here with the market you’ve been working on this Do you know what category Can you just give me one of our category URLs for Semantic Mastery? Do you know off the top of my head? No. So we don’t have an SEO category or something? I’m category slash let me just see if we have one. No. Well, alright, so guys, you understand one of the things that you can do.

I probably shouldn’t let me I’m going to give this something away here. That’s it’s not too much too bad. But it’s it works really well. This will help you guys with if you’ve got a WordPress site, you know, your category can have their own RSS feed, right. So So two tags, each tag has its own RSS feed. So you can take the category RSS Feed URL and mirror a page on your G site and then burn a feed burner feed from your category RSS feed and then enabled was a boost, which allows you to republish your RSS feed as an HTML feed. So it’s basically you can take your category RSS feed and create a G site page on your site. It’s optimized for your category keyword, right, and then create an HTML version of your RSS feed through Feedburner. And then embed it in the G site. There’s your content. There’s your content for the page, you see what I’m saying. And now you’ve got your entire category, all of the URLs and posts all the posts within that category. So your entire silo structures right there, and every time you update it, and by the way, you can go in and change like your WordPress reading settings to show more like by default, it’s 10 items in an RSS feed. But let’s say you got 2020 posts in that particular category, make it show 20 posts, right, you can adjust that the RSS feed to display 20 posts, and now you’ve got all 20 posts on your G site page that’s optimized for that same keyword. And now you can hit that g site with link building and embed gigs that are optimized for those keyword sets. Does that make sense? And now you’re powering up the entire silo through a G site page, which is the iframe SEO shield, right? That’s what we do. And it’s super, super powerful. And it’s super easy to do. That’s why I’m saying like, it’s easy for my bloggers to create the blog posts. And we have just a couple key pages on the site that we just continue to hammer so they don’t have to every time they create a new blog post, go create a mirrored page on the G site for the blog post. It’s unnecessary because it may be in some situations were really tough SEO, you might need to do that. But for most of the stuff that I’m doing by just doing that category page, and embedding that or creating an HTML buzz version of the using buzz boost and Feedburner and embedding that in the G site page, and then just hitting that with all my market-level keywords with the location modifier for that particular category. And it just works. It works really, really well, because you power the whole silo up that way at one target point. That makes sense. Marco, you’re not mad that I shared that. Are you?

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Marco: Absolutely. Are you absolutely mad? Absolutely. That’s too much to give away for free? Well, if you’re going to, by the way, yeah, if you’re going to do that, guys with the G site, in order for the HTML feed to display, you have to get rid of the http colon. At the beginning of the source code for the which Feedburner gives you It gives you the source code for the HTML that you embed, and it’s a source= and you have to get rid of HTTP, colon, or else it won’t display just to kind of let you know that. Anyways, guys, that’s simple. It’s simple, something that you can do and get results and just go buy link building gigs and embed gigs from MGYB and you’ll hammer it. Okay, so hopefully that answers your question.

What Is The Difference Between RSS Authority Sniper And RSS Masher?

The next one is what’s the difference between RSS authority sniper an RSS Masher? Well, RSS authority sniper is just a tool to help you locate RSS feeds around a particular topic. That’s all RSS authority sniper is now there is the back end product to that called rank feeder, which is where I think the power is rank feeder is a great SEO tool for creating co-citation. But it doesn’t display the best. In other words, the RSS feeds created for rank feeder, or from rank feeder are really good for SEO, but they’re not so good for content distribution and syndicating that’s where RSS master shines RSS masher allowed like create some beautiful outputs because you get to modify the elements of the output feed so you can mix and splice different RSS feeds in and then actually go in and edit the elements of the feed items to so that the output feed is designed the way that you like it the way that you want it as well as you can inject you know HTML. You can mean all kinds of really cool things that you can do so that you can use those RSS feeds for content marketing and syndication, distributing content, essentially. And it’s very, very powerful for that. So RSS master is more of a marketing tool than an SEO tool. And I’ve always said that ever since the original version, RSS authority sniper and the rank feeder is more of an SEO tool, not so much of a marketing tool. That’s the difference between the two, the two of them used and combined together. It’s very, very powerful indeed. Comments, anyone?

Should You Buy A Separate SEO Shield For A YouTube Channel?

All right, Muhammad’s up again. He says, Hey, guys, the SEO comes with the syndication network that I use for my money site. But if I want one for my YouTube channel for the same brand, I just buy a separate MGYB order, right? Yeah, but why? Why do you? I mean, you could but it’s really unnecessary unless you just want an extra network. Why? If you have a Muhammad I’m asking this rhetorically right if you have a branded network and you’ve got a money site and a YouTube channel for the same brand. Why wouldn’t you just publish content to the same network? Does that make sense? I’ve talked about this before, a lot of people that just do a lot of video stuff will create or buy a syndication network for their YouTube channel. And then they’ll create an associated website, right a companion website for their channel. And a lot of times people would take their YouTube video, which is their primary content engine, right YouTube. And, you know, whatever video they publish gets syndicated out across the network, but then they take that video and go publish it on the blog, the associated website as a blog post, they don’t change anything up. It’s the same title. It’s the embed code. It might even be the description from the video as the text part of the post. And so what happens if you have both of those syndicating the same network and you didn’t change anything up then it looks like duplicate posts on the syndication points which can get your blog accounts to terminated like blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr.

So those, that’s not the best thing to do. But if as long as you’re changing it up if your YouTube video content is different than your blog content, but they’re both for the same brand, then they can both publish to the same network. And you’re better off that way, in my opinion, because again, you’re building more relevancy, more activity to the branded network. So it’s unnecessary to have a second if you’re going to have a second network. Then remember with YouTube, you can use persona-based networks or similarly themed networks that aren’t branded.

And you can stack as many of those on the YouTube channel as you want. There are no footprint issues with syndicating YouTube content. There’s footprint issues with syndicating blog content, which by the way, RSS masher that’s one of the only times I’m ever going to suggest using two-tiered networks is if you’re using RSS masher, then two-tier networks, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be using two-tier networks. But for YouTube again, you can stack as many persona-based networks or pseudobrand are similarly themed networks that aren’t your brand aren’t branded networks to that same YouTube channel, and it won’t affect it will just add power to your YouTube channel. But your blog should only be syndicating to a branded network only, or if you’re using two-tiered networks, and you have related content feed triggers at the second tier, which is what RSS master can do beautifully, by the way. So okay, any comments on that? Moving on.

Can You Buy Expired Domains With Medium Power To Boost A Press Release?

All right, baby says, Hi, I wanted to know if I can buy medium power to expired domain to power up a press release? Uh, you could I don’t I mean, could I? I typically wouldn’t. But yeah, you could, if you buy found a domain with really good metrics, you could do like a redirect to a press release. But I would recommend that it would be good metrics. And it’s also super relevant. Because I think just buying metrics now is really useless because Google’s algorithm has come so so far unless it’s super, super powerful, but I think there needs to be relevancy. Marco, you want to comment on that? He does build links. Yeah. To the press release. Yeah. And have had a better effect. Why? Because Daddy Knows he knows exactly what he’s doing. Daddy has a relevant network, where the links will be coming from. So all of that relevance will push way more power than one domain could ever push. I mean, it’s it really comes to the how much power Are you going to push through one unless you can get one of those just with huge metrics. And it’s still good that that is that the spread all over the place? It’s from spammed to death where and those are worth a whole lot of money. So why would you spend all that money on that, where you could just buy a link building gig do some embeds also, and get the same effect? Yeah. Better effects on

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Yeah, so baby. If you go to our, there should be a link at the top of the page anyways, take you over to the webinar page, you should be able to see our webinar that web Mark and I did about PR stacking or you just go to our YouTube channel, semantic slash semantic mastery, click the channel search icon and then search for PR silo stalking or PR SEO which you know, press release SEO. And you’ll see the webinar that we did where we talked about PR silo stalking. And that’s super powerful. And if you create a silo with press releases, and you daisy chain the links together, right so from one press release, you each press release you link to the previous press release. But you don’t ever create a reciprocal but my point is you take all those press releases in that silo let’s say you create a chain of I don’t know for press releases, let’s just use that as an example. And you don’t you silo those together, stack those correctly. Then you can take those for the press release, grab the press release URLs that don’t purge street insider is one of them. USA Today is another one of them. The Press Advantage, press releases on the press advantage domain, there’s another good one for that, take those URLs and then at bias link building campaign from Dadea. And hammer all of them within that silo that PR press release silo. Right? So with all your market-level keywords for that particular category, or that that topic, that keyword theme, and what happens is you power all of those up, which will in turn power up whatever your target URLs are within the press release. It’s a super, super powerful way to do it. Not only that but if you have a Google My Business location that is also part of the project that you’re working on. I don’t know what it is I’m just saying if you do, if you go watch that webinar that I’m talking about, I talked about specifically how to also work GMB posts into that into the press release and into that silo structure. So that you’re powering up everything the press releases silo, website silo and a Google My Business post silo all at the same time with one fell swoop. Right? And it’s a very, very powerful way to do it. And again, that’s all free on that webinar that we shared. So go check it out.

Does The RYS Need Syndication Networks?

The next question is, is the RYS need syndication? If yes, then you also do a second tier. No, it doesn’t. I don’t Marco, we don’t do any syndicating stuff with the actual drive stack, do we other than maybe the Twitter network, Twitter is as far as we go, it doesn’t it’s not for that. It’s not for syndicating content, although we do the feed burner feed, which you could attach to the syndication network. And make it go that way, as long as you’re using or you’re producing content on a regular basis. It would be a but you guys, a lot of the things that you think of just go and try it and see what happens. We haven’t needed to do it. And if we don’t need to do it, we just don’t. That’s why would you waste your time doing that when you could be doing other things? What we do works really well for even the toughest niches. And that’s the way that I mean, that’s been our approach. Since I don’t know since the foundation, do as little work as possible to get as much benefit as possible out of it. Then, once you see the results when you see what’s going on, if you need more, you always have a bullet in the chamber. If you do everything all at once, then you’ll never know what it is that got your results in the first place. And then what do you do if you need more power?


Okay, so there you go. Yeah, if you buy the Twitter syndication network add on as part of the networks, then that just kind of help power it up. But, you know, again, that’s as far as syndicating RYS content. It’s not really necessary. I’m not even sure why you would want to do that. However, there you go.

Is It Okay To Combine RYS With RSS Masher?

So the next question is, would it be better to combine RSS with RSS masher? my main goals ads and affiliate money monetization? Well, remember RYS is about SEO right now. And really with entity-based SEO, which is kind of what we’re doing now, not kind of it is what we’re doing. It kind of helps power up the asset and everything else. So RSS masher can be a great tool for generating traffic especially if you’re doing affiliate monetization.

What was it RSS? I’m just curious if I can shit I can’t remember the name of the website that he had RSS feed super feed or something like that anyways, I can’t remember the eat. The website that Damon showed is an example. You can create basically like PBN sites, but they’re not private blog network sites because they’re real sites, their auto blogs, that’s what they are has that’s an old term auto blogs, but you can create auto blogs that are being beautiful and all the content, you can manipulate all the content that is content from other people’s RSS feeds. But you can manipulate it in such a way that you can flesh out auto blogs that look beautiful. But you can monetize them and point and also use it for SEO purposes and drive or drive relevant traffic to whatever your offers are and your target destinations are. So there’s a number of things that can be done with RSS masher, as far as combining it with RYS. Yeah, I mean, like you could, I’m just off the top of my head, I’m thinking about some of the things that could be done, like for example, using RSS master to create auto blogs and then have some of the traffic go into, you know, directed into the drive stack, which helps to push that activity, relevance, trust and authority into the entity, right, which will help with SEO. As far as you know, other ways to use RSS master with our wise stacks for affiliate monetization. I’d have to think about it but I’m sure there’s I think it’s a powerful tool that you can do a lot with the comments on that from anybody because we’re almost out of time all right we’re going to move on.

Austin Don says when will heavy hitter club be available to join well the Facebook group is available to join now, isn’t it? Yes, it is. Okay, let me get the link for you. Have you hit her club there might or might not be nude pictures in that Facebook group so Austindon me tag you on this. The worst part is over now it’s gonna not going to tell you what kind of nude pictures so you just have to join them fine. Yeah, right. That’s that’s that’s price. It’s rising price. So go request to join over there. And then there will be like an actual club that will be launching soon. I’m not sure when but soon. Okay, so go check that out.

Should You Create Category Pages By County Or By Cities?

The next question and this will be the last question guys we got to wrap it up as Austin Don says what’s better create category pages by county or cities? Example if I was targeting cities in an original County? Would it make sense to make the category page an original County? Or by city-suburban? Glen? Burnie? No no, for Okay, so it depends on how you structure your silos.It depends on and again, this is why you need to come to join the mastermind because we’ve gone into a lot over the last couple of months especially about how to set up a solid structure. I like setting up all my websites now with topical silo structure, not location through the typical silo structure, which is using categories, pages, categories, and posts right? What I do now and I can’t talk about exactly how it’s done, but what I do know is everything is all the traditional silo structure is done through for the topical themes of the site, but for any location silos I do that I accomplished that 100% with tags now. And so my point is like with with with what you’re doing here with the silo structure, like if you have a location-based silo, in this case, it sounds like you do, then I would always do the county as the silo. So like if, in other words, that would be this county would be the category, and then I would have an individual post as city names. So, again, I know Anna Rundle County, I think has what like 19 because that’s one of the adjacent counties to Montgomery. So we’re targeting that for the project I was just talking about for one of my clients, so I think is 19 locations in Toronto County. So Anna rondeau County would be the category and then I would have individual posts would be like we buy land or we buy houses for whatever areas and Anna Rundle counties. That makes sense, because then what happens is your link from each one of those posts, which is a city or town located within that county, you can have an internal link that links back up to the county page. So it makes sense. So it becomes every single, you know, it’s very, very logical Google comes reads the content knows that it’s optimized for a particular city follows the link back up to the county page, which is the category at the top of the silo. So it makes sense. It’s very, very logical that way. However, as I mentioned before, I do all of my locations, relevancy now through tags, and all of my categories are simply topical based categories. Now, it just makes it so much easier to build. And you can do some really cool ninja stuff with tags, especially when you mirror stuff in the G sites. So again, come join the mastermind, we’ll talk about it. I’d love to show this stuff to you, Don. I know you’re in real estate industry too. And we got a few others in the group in our mastermind that is in real estate too. So you ought to come to check us out. All right, anything else guys?

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I think we’re good to go? They will Good. All right. We only go over something. Don’t just listen to us. Don’t just listen to wherever it is that you

Listen, whoever it is that you’re listening to choose one thing and then see it through to be from beginning to end. So that you know whether it works. The only way that you can know whether it works is if you go and do the shit and see it through to the end. I mean that that’s it, the best advice that I can give anyone take the information, everything that we’re giving, go and apply it and see for yourself. Don’t let somebody else tell you what you can or what you can’t do.

A greatly simplified focus, you know, one product one service one sales message, like all of that and master that before moving on to something else. And that’s it’s funny because and very quickly, I’m just going to say this my I had my last mastermind webinar, I talked about how I was decided that I wanted to flip houses to I’ve got my land business, but I wanted to start flipping houses because houses flip faster than land. And I spent three weeks building, buying additional like software and training and CRM and stuff.

As well as like building processes, and I even hired an additional VA and developed processes for them so that I can start marketing for houses also. And we turned the marketing on about three weeks ago and within the first you know, 10 days or so I started getting leads coming in for houses and realized that how dealing with houses like buying and selling houses is a lot more intense, like labor-intensive requires a lot more personal input from me than doing land which I can do virtually. And also it’s very time-intensive, and it would take away from my land business. And so I like after three weeks and spending thousands of dollars. No kidding. And in three weeks of time, building all this shit out. I shut it all down. And I said, Nope, I need to really focus on just the land business simplify one product one service really master that and totally systematized that business to where I can remove myself from the process entirely, almost entirely. And then I can expand if I want.

So I’m just saying that to you guys because of the same thing. It’s so easy to go chase. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right? And it’s so easy to just start chasing additional opportunities, guys, but that’s how you end up actually reducing your effectiveness across everything because you spread yourself too thin. So focus get really good at something master at first before moving on to the next. Any closing comments, guys?

Bye, everyone. That was beautiful. Thanks, guys.

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Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 275 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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