Thursday, August 27, 2020

Should You Separate A Full Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?

In Hump Day Hangouts episode 292, one participant asked if one should separate a full text feed and a summary or excerpt feed.

The exact question was:

Hi guys: 1) I syndicated the blog rss feed with full text posts to the branded properties. But if I want to create a super feed which will syndicate to rss directories should I use separate/additional feed which will contain summary/excerpt items instead of the full text? (So there will be two RSS feeds: domain_com/FullTextFeed & domain_com/ExcerptFeed)

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Should You Separate A Full Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed? published first on your-t1-blog-url
Should You Separate A Full Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed? posted first on your-t1-blog-url

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