Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Does It Make A Difference If You Already Added The Supporting Documents Prior To Getting The SEO Location Shield?

In episode 324 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked if it makes a difference if you already added the supporting documents prior to getting the SEO location shield.

The exact question was:

He Bradley, I noticed you’ve had problems pronouncing my name lol. The pronounciation is LAN-RI (Ri as in RIO). My question is this. I bought my kw research from you guys. Built my site, added the 3 categories with content and 5 supporting articles per category. I now need to order my seo location shield to establish my brand. Does it make a difference if I already added the supporting documents prior to getting the seo location shield?

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
Does It Make A Difference If You Already Added The Supporting Documents Prior To Getting The SEO Location Shield? published first on your-t1-blog-url

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