Sunday, February 14, 2021

What Is A Good Way To Get Lots Of Footer Links Without Having Lots Of Clients?

In episode 324 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked about a good way to get lots of footer links without having lots of clients.

The exact question was:

Whats a good way to get lots of footer links without having lots of clients? Trying to rank in a competitive area for web design and all other competitors dominate with footer links some with exact texts. Built citations, press release, google stack and many guest post and other quality links but still can’t push through. Are footer links the only way to compete or is there something more powerful I am missing? Thnx

This Stuff Works

Source: Semantic Mastery
What Is A Good Way To Get Lots Of Footer Links Without Having Lots Of Clients? published first on your-t1-blog-url

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