Sunday, November 15, 2020

Is Semantic Mastery’s Local GMB Pro A Current And Updated Approach To GMB?

In episode 309 of the weekly Hump Day Hangouts by Semantic Mastery, one viewer asked if Semantic Mastery’s Local GMB Pro is a current and updated approach to GMB.

The exact question was:

Backstory: I have a new client that has no internet presence at all. I am planning on purchasing your Local GMB Pro training for them to quickly drive leads and sales. The next step to my plan is build them a SEO site and continue to grow their reach through organic traffic. I have two questions in regards to the plane. Is Local GMB Pro a current and updated approach to GMB? And it my idea of fast tracking leads via GMB to the client and then building them a more organic SEO site the right path or is there a better way to accomplish the goals?

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Source: Semantic Mastery
Is Semantic Mastery’s Local GMB Pro A Current And Updated Approach To GMB? published first on your-t1-blog-url

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