Friday, November 13, 2020

Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 313

Click on the video above to watch Episode 312 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


We’re live. Hello, Adam. We’re live. See if I can make my speakers work. Can somebody say something? Hello? Hello, hello? Know You started Hump Day hangout with broken headphones apparently. All right, well, Hey everybody, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. We’re gonna get into the questions after we have a couple of quick announcements. And I pull up the page I’m looking for Anyways, I’m gonna defer for a minute introduce everyone, and then we will have those announcements. So Chris, hopefully, your headphones are working today. How are you doing? Yeah. Working excellent. Here’s two good complaints. Nice to hear. So yeah, yeah. Sounds good. Marco. How about you, the man looks like, you know, pretty good weather, I guess, man.

It’s as if I lived in the tropics. And I don’t know why. Who knew? Right. But yeah.

Last Wednesday, we had six straight days of rain man. And it was like on NBC on Sunday.

I can’t, we just had so much rain. But then Sunday. It was a beautiful Monday, the last couple of days back to rainy season weather. Beautiful morning, kind of overcast and rainy afternoons. But I won’t complain. And I’m living the life I want to live because I’m a powerful. One thing.

I was told yesterday that my biggest fan is Jennifer. She’s been listening to me for like three and a half years. She’s 12 years old. So she’s been listening to me since she was eight. Oh, man. So I don’t know I feel about that. I’m thinking, do I want my son listening to me? anyway?

Anyway, it’s awesome, too. She’s the one I think I mentioned her. She’s the one who wants to charge 1500 an hour. She doesn’t know what she’s gonna charge it for. But she’s gonna charge 1500 bucks an hour. She’s awesome. You just keep doing the do you do? And you’re gonna get there. So that’s awesome. Shout out to Jennifer man.

This Stuff Works
Outstanding. Well, I was going to move on. But real quick before we do that, you know, I realized we introduce ourselves and say how things are going but for those of you who are watching today, how are things going for you? If you feel like it, you can join the weather talk and let us know how the weather is but just say hi, let us know you’re watching, and say hello I know we have some people who are watching you know absorb and that’s great. But also just drop a note and say hello. So Hernan How about you, man? How are you doing? Doing great man. I’ve been in back to back calls for the past couple of days for some reason. So when I’m back to back calls, nothing gets done. So what I’m trying to do is to block out Mondays and Thursdays with no calls, no meetings, nothing so you know, I can actually get some stuff done. And you know, there has been that’s been helping quite a lot. So because you know, otherwise. Tuesday I had something like 14 calls or something like that. And then today was kind of similar. So anyway, trying to do that. We’ll see how that goes. Yeah, man. Good on you. I know you’re more outgoing. In that sense than I am. I hit my limit around four or five. I think on Tuesdays I have five and like diam tapped out man at the end of that day. Like I fell asleep on the couch at like eight o'clock at night just exhausted from talking to people so good. Anya Bradley, how about you, man?

Good, super busy. Uh, give me a little teaser as to what I’ve been doing. Were you in the process, we’ve talked about this updating syndication Academy. We’re gonna relaunch that with all brand new updates and everything. And so you know, IFTTT has the like for free accounts to only be able to create three apps Well, we have a pro account, which allows us to create an unlimited amount of apps and you can actually publish them as a pro account to and but it’s been so long since I’ve had to go in and set up all those apps or the applets. Because, you know, we’ve had builders doing it for us now for years. And I have to go in and recreate all of the applets. And to be honest, there, it’s slight like the interface is a little bit different when you create applets to publish as a on a pro account. It’s like a different format and everything else. And so I’ve had to go through and I’ve spent the entire day like trial and error during applets. And now I remember why I trained virtual assistants to do it for me because I fucking hate is so tedious. But it’s really cool because now we have share URLs that we’ll be able to, you know, provide for syndication Academy as well as to our builders to where they can just go in and set up the applets very easily by just swapping out their RSS feed URLs for example. So they don’t have to do any coding at all. It’s it’s really, really cool and I’m glad that this is getting done. Hopefully, I’ll have it done by this evening. And syndication Academy will be updating and

And relaunching that shortly, can’t give me an exact date on that. But we’ve got some updates and surprises prior to the launch of that, that we’re going to be bringing to you guys in the coming weeks. So definitely, and to jump on the upcoming but can’t say too much train, we definitely got some good stuff cooked up for Black Friday weekend, which is coming up after Thanksgiving in the US if you’re familiar with that, if you’re not, that’s going to be on November 27, we’re going to have some great stuff going around the 26, maybe 27th for the few days. So if you’re not on the Semantic Mastery email list, and you’re watching this head over to semantic mastery sign up right there. If you’re on the watch page, right now you just scroll down and hop on over there. By the way, sorry, sorry to interrupt you, but as usual, which we try to over-deliver as much as possible. So Black Friday is not gonna be it’s not going to be different, both for Semantic Mastery and MGYB. We tried to you know, give you guys mind-blowing deals, and this is not going to be any different. So stay tuned, because it’s going to be pretty awesome. I mentioned to you guys yesterday during our corporate meeting, and during, I mentioned it to buy other people in the mini mastermind meeting how just using our stuff, just using it the way that it’s supposed to be used, I took a class 1200 percent gain in earnings in four months. 1200 percent. That’s not a mistake, that’s not a bluff. That’s not a beat that that’s a hockey stick. So over that period, it looks boom. So and like I was telling you, let’s say it dips, I don’t know 10 20% before, before bouncing back up. Well, we’re still at around 900%. So in a month, you know, cuz it’ll do the dance, it’ll still do it over a million links, plus Presley’s bras, all of these other things that we do, post post, the way that we do them, everything, everything, all of the training and everything that we make available in Semantic Mastery, everything that’s going to be available on Black Friday at a discount with you guys know, I hate giving shit away. I hate it. I hate it. But I mean it is what it is we’ve gotten our people used to it. I’m not going to oppose it, although I am. But dude, and I was telling my guys, I said What the fuck is keeping all of you from just going and just burying the competition’s bury them, just bury them. Just to do it, it’s systematic. If you need more, you just apply more, and you charge the client for it doesn’t come out of your pocket, you’re supposed to offer the services and mark it up so that you benefit. And then when you hit that hockey stick effect, you got to have a clause. Of course, I don’t have contracts, what I have is a recording that we talked about, we’ll look at it in we looked at it after 90 days, and then at the six month period, we’ll look at it again, just because of that, because when that hockey stick takes effect, I want to be able to charge for that I don’t want to charge what I’m charging, I want to be able to charge that 1200 percent markup that is gaining business that he’s getting, I want to benefit from that tool. So you got to get all of this working but the way to do it is follow the system the systems in place have been in place for years.

And why are you people not benefiting from the fucking system? That’s what upsets me most that’s what upset that we’ve been offering this for years and years and years your way to go and make that money to rank him back. And you don’t do it. Why?

I’m done. rant over. Alright, well before we get into the questions, I popped a couple of links on the page and just wanted to follow up on that. So if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and MGYB first of all thanks for watching. We’ve got some free information is where you should usually start out right so head over to the SEO shield calm right the SEO shield comm you can find out about you know shielding your site you hear us talk about SEO shields this other stuff, it can be a lot we get it so go to the SEO shield com find out about how you’ll never have to worry about algorithm updates ever again. All right now if you’re an agency owner or a consultant and you want to get more clients, you want to grow your revenue you want to scale your team so that should be three yeses for most people. If you want to find out more about that head over And last but certainly not least for those of you who do already have agencies you’ve got a digital marketing business maybe you’ve got a physical business that you’re wanting to grow online, then you want to join us in the mastermind at semantic mastermind dot semantic mastery comm not going to bore you to death with reading neither about what that’s all about. You can find out but it’s about having an experienced community. I think all of us here are part of other communities as well as our

Our own mastermind, and we know and recognize the role that plays in growing our businesses and expanding our horizons. And last, but certainly not least of all, I guess it’s a second class today is head over to mg y That’s the done for you services. You hear us talking about the SEO shield, syndication networks, link building press releases, all that sort of good stuff. You can get it all done for you at mg y Alright, so with that said, you guys, unless there’s anything else we need to cover, let’s get into it.


Wayne says Chris, move your camera down. Unless you’re naked. What are you hiding? Dude?

Rolling naked.

Internet Marketing lifestyle, man. It’s right. Oh, man.

This Stuff Works

Instant Indexing By RankMath

All right, we got your screen. Bradley. Did you get it? Yeah. All right. Cool. So it looks like Alana has the first question. I know. She says she sorted it out already as the follow-up, but I’ll just briefly read it and answer it. Hi, guys. You mentioned using rankmath for indexing last week, just wondering if you know if you can use that feature. Meaning like, can you only use that? Yeah. Because and this is what I was mentioning. It’s called the instant indexing for Google. Right? That’s the name of the plugin by rankmath. It’s an add on. So no, you don’t need to use install the rankmath plugin, which has like a ton of different modules and all that stuff. You don’t have to do that just install this separately on its own. That’s it. And again, it’s just this one feature that will connect your WordPress site. I mean, you have to go through the developer’s console and Google and set up the billing. And in the end, you have to turn on the instance or the Indexing API, download a JSON code, and then you upload that to the WordPress plugin settings. And that’s it. Once you’re done, then every time you update a post or page will automatically send it to the in through the Indexing API directly to Google. And there’s also in the Settings tab, there’s a little window where you can go in and insert links there and ask for Google to index them. So again, it’s a great little plugin. I’ve got this installed on multiple sites now. And I’ve been using it for about two weeks. And it’s a really, really cool plugin. Again, it doesn’t cost anything. You do have to pay for the credits, or API usage, but you get $300 in credits for free for the first year to use when you sign up or enable billing on your developer’s account. So your Google account Alright, so it’s unlikely that you’ll hit those limits. Go ahead please get rid of that. bloatware. Please? Yeah, no, I mean, that was the follow up she says she wants to stick with a lot of says wants to stick with iOS for everything else. And I was waiting for Margaret to say why SEO ultimate Jeffrey’s a friend Jeff. He’s a baby. We’re like this Semantic Mastery. And Jeffrey so let’s be crystal clear about this and transparent. We love Jeffrey, do we do we have an affiliate for SEO ultimate? If we don’t we should. We love Jeffrey. He’s active in his group. I meet with him. Every Wednesday, I’d be done on Is he a great guy, but he just does great stuff. And his teaching is beyond awesome. If you happen to catch the webinar that we did, with heavy-hitter where he came on to talk about entities. I mean, that was just that was worth the price of admission for the price of the first two months is what Jeffrey shared. I mean, and that one happened to be for fifth, I think it’s in the training area. But I can’t say enough about Jeffrey Smith and his training, SEO ultimate boot camp, the plugin just everything that he’s doing, man.

Yeah, totally agree. I finally got around to starting to implement the semantic tags. Yeah, through the SEO ultimate pro plugin. And that’s crazy powerful, too. And I waited all this time to really start implementing that. But I just started digging into that this week, actually. And it’s sick. It reminds me to share some wickedness about tags with you. Sure, in private.

Should The Google Site And The Custom Domain Both Remain Indexed In Google When Mapping?

Alright, so next is NYK says, When mapping your Google new site to a custom domain name, does both the Google new site and the new custom domain name site both remain indexed? And Google is the new Google Site eventually get indexed? Just wondering if there was a hack to get them both ranking highly. Now when you do custom domain mapping, I haven’t done it with the new sites. But I’m sure I’m not sure. But I assume it’s the same as when mapping a custom domain to the classic Google sites and that both sites can remain indexed however, the Google site on the sites domain is canonicalized to the custom domain. So in other words, there’s a canonical and HTML header of the new Google site that links or that sets the canonical URL to the custom domain. So by Google’s own, you know, practices, that means the new Google Sites should eventually fall out of the index because it’s canonicalized to the custom domain. However, that gives you an opportunity to have a kind of like a ghost site out there that you can use for link building, still waking up to the Google Sites domain and it still pushes through to your custom domain. So there’s some pretty ninja stuff that you can do with that. But I typically don’t go through that trouble anymore. I did originally when we first started doing that, several years ago. But now I don’t even bother. I just, I just use the Google site on the sites domain.

And in that, that’s it. But you can still canonicalize it as far as I know, more, or you don’t canonicalize it Google does that automatically. Yeah, Google it, Google Google, set up a custom domain. Yeah. But now, the great thing about it is that the G site has to stay live, until Google comes up with a true content management system, right? Because the CMS is the G site. Right? So until they come up with that that new g site is going to stay live. And there’s a lot of good stuff you can do to that. So it says since it’s a Google canonical to your website, I just think that through, and you’re going to see how awesome it is that Google keeps that Google site indexed, or it remains part of the index, although it. I don’t think it’s going to rank for Oh, testing. Yeah, this is nothing but a test. And see, because I stopped doing it. Also, I stopped creating the custom domains, and I’m just going with T sites because they carry so much power. Yeah. So little work. Yeah, same thing. And I was, I was doing custom domain mapping for IDX pages to subdomain ID mapping up and I got away from doing that too because it’s just like an extra step that’s really unnecessary. You know, you can get them just use the s3 bucket URL, and you’re good to go. So

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How To Target Multiple Cities Within A County Within GMB Posts?

Alright, moving on. Next one is Josh. Josh says how do we target multiple cities within a county is that through GMB posts, Facebook ads, Google ads and PRs that have the city name included? Well, I mean, what is your when you say target multiple cities? Like in which way? Are you attempting to target them? Because you just listed SEO and paid traffic and content marketing and everything else? So if you’re talking about you know, when it comes to Google ads, or I can’t talk about Facebook ads, Hernan could, when it comes to Google ads, you just pay for whatever keywords you want to target. So whatever search queries, right, if you’re talking about search, PPC, obviously, there’s YouTube and display, and you can set geo-targeting for that. But I think your question is more really relevant to SEO. Right? And that’s if that’s what you’re asking, like, how do you target multiple cities within a county? Yeah, what I do is what, what I do for my clients, and for lead, gen assets are both GMB posts as well as posts optimized on the blog. If we even if there’s a money site associated with the project, which most of mine do, most of my projects do have that, then I have my blog or go out and create an optimized post targeting one specific keyword plus one location, a city within a county. So let’s say a county has 10 cities within it or, you know, municipalities, towns, unincorporated communities, whatever you want to call them. Let’s say there are 10 towns within the county. And what we do is we optimize post blog posts for a keyword plus town. Right. And so we might end up having 10 blog posts within that, within that one county because we’re targeting, you know, a keyword plus the location or town within that county. And we published a post for each one of those. And so and again, Josh, I’ve talked about this a lot in the mastermind I know you were in the mastermind briefly, but I don’t think you are anymore. But the way that I do silo for locations is I use tags talked about that many many times. In fact, if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, again, semantic mastery comm slash process, I give a very high-level overview of how I create location-based silos using WordPress tags. And so again, that’s the way that I do it. It works really, really well. There are some real ninja things that you can do with tag pages, especially with the G sites and our SEO shield methodology. So that’s the way that I recommend doing it. But like I said, For paid traffic, it’s really about just bidding on your keywords or setting geo-targeting. As far as Google Ads goes, Hernan Can you comment on Facebook? Yeah, for sure. For sure. I first off, you know, totally agree with what you’re saying. I think that this is an SEO related question. If you wanted to do with multiple cities within a county, there’s a couple of options. The first one is to just collect zip codes, you can put a list of zipcodes and the location. So if you’re targeting, that will be number one, the other one will be just, you know, put the name of the city, you know, and then you can do and then sometimes what I do is to just drop a pin, right? So you can drop a pin and then and then, you know, you would do up to, you know, this city plus 10 miles or the city alone and all that. So those are the two-three ways that you can actually go ahead and do that via zip codes via the name of the city itself with the county and the drop in itself. Now, with that being said, once you’re when you’re doing this is a recommendation when you’re doing counties or zip codes, or, you know, you drop a pin and then you target a specific area, what I would suggest is that you don’t add like any interests on top of that or any like demographic targeting on top of that, the reason why is because usually, the Facebook algorithm works a little bit different than that than Google and, and when it comes to Facebook itself, the more you constrict your reach, the more you will, you will pay on a CPM basis, meaning you will pay more per click, you will pay more per per per thousand impressions. So what I would suggest is you drop in you select the zip code, or the or the city name, and even the county name. And you just leave Facebook to optimize and find out you know, leads, or whatever it is that you’re trying to do. If you’re running a lead gen campaign or a conversion campaign to a landing page, you should let Facebook do its thing. And that’s basically how I recommend you do it. So I’m not going to comment on this as far as ads because I always get people. I get asked people they’re the experts. I’m not, but I can’t tell you that if you’re what you’re targeting is map specific. In other words, when you go to the locations, it triggers a mapping and at times it triggers a knowledge panel or both. Then it’s GMB posts and press releases done. The local GMB pro Wait, does that mean that you have to trigger the map pack if it’s local specific, meaning that it triggers a map? It triggers a knowledge panel that triggers a map pack. And so I’m not going to go into details on how to do that. But yes, I mean, Bradley. Bradley is presently stacking, link building embeds all of that so that you can get that that GMB, GMB listing to pop in the three pack and if the city is far away from your centroid, meaning that your business is in one city and the next city maybe is 2025 miles away and you’re looking to trigger that, then you’re going to go with a GMB in that next city, and start doing polls and PR stacks and and and on and on. Now you can get past the proximity filter, you can force your way through. We teach that also in local GMB pro so we have the training.

Okay, so something else I want to mention very quickly if you’re going to be using Google Ads because since Hernan mentioned zip codes, it brought this to my brought this top of mind. But something that I’ve been doing a lot lately with, especially when you’re doing like display ads or YouTube, YouTube ads in Google ads, right. One of the things that I do for location targeting it works, excuse me for just for any type of ads when you’re doing geo-targeting, setting your geo-targeting locations to target within the ad campaign.

What I do know is I kind of just went through the process while the other guys were talking. But you know, you only have to do this once I just wanted to show you kind of what I did. But I go to zip dash on the left-hand sidebar, you can see where it says other free lookups I always put the county name and so I just use Fairfax County, Virginia is an example. So I just typed in Fairfax, then for the state, put VA, and then hit go, it’ll bring up the last page that you saw a minute ago, this one, then I just click through to the county and it shows all the different zip codes and the cities within that county and then their population too. But then again, there might be another tool, this just a tool I’ve been using for years, guys. So if there’s another tool, that’s great, you know, but I’m just showing you how I typically do it. So then I go through and I clean the data I sort by, you know population because a lot of these are like PO boxes or unique zip codes that have zero population. So they’re not something that you can physically target because they’re not really geographic in that like they don’t have like an area they’re just more like, you know, like a peel box, for example. So I just sort by population, and then I delete everything that has zero population. And what I’m left with now is I know that and again, I know this is probably small, but I’ll zoom in. So what I’m left with now are the city names or the town names within the county and all of the zip codes. Does that make sense? So then what I do is for targeting and I’ve opened up a notepad file is in Google Ads when you go to set your geo locations or your targeted locations, then what you do is you just add in that so for example, the first one would be Fairfax County, then it would be comma Virginia comma the United States, okay. So this is how you would add if you add locations in bulk. So when you go into your geo-targeting or add targeted locations, you can click on a little radio button that says Add locations in bulk. So I format all of this upfront. And then all I do is just copy and paste from my notepad file into there and click search, and then click target all but scroll through and eliminate anything that doesn’t quite line up the way that it’s supposed to. But typically, the way that I’ll do it is like Fairfax County would be the broadest of service areas, right? But then I want to go through and I want to literally target all of these city names within. And I’m going to show you guys how to get super granular on this just because it’s a, it works really, really well for Google ad targeting. And let me explain why. And then I’ll get back to this. When people are doing searches from mobile devices, especially in fact, if I were to go over to let’s go here for a minute and just click into Google and search. In fact, let me close that for a minute and open up a fresh version of this, I think it’s a really good question. That’s why I’m going through this guy. So just stand by for a minute.

This Stuff Works
See? Firefox is freaking out on me for some reason. All right. So if I go to Google, and I just do a quick search for let’s just say, Tree Service Fairfax VA, okay, we scroll down to the bottom down here, you’ll see that it’s showing my location-based upon my IP, now I’m on my desktop, and it’s showing Cole pepper, Virginia. But what I’ve noticed is oftentimes, like from a mobile device, or sometimes, if my IP changes, or whatever, or if I’m on my laptop, and I’m click connected through a Wi-Fi, sometimes it won’t be a city name, it’ll be an actual zip code that shows up down here. Does that make sense? And so by tart by adding, or specifically adding targeted locations from at the broadest level, based upon this example, county, right, so if you if I type in Fairfax County, Virginia as my targeted location in Google ads, that’s going to target any areas supposedly within that county. Right? Does that make sense? But then if I go in, and I add all the individual town names, as well as separate targeting locations, it adds a second layer of targeting on top and in Google Maps, or excuse me, Google ads, you’ll see that when you add the county makes that targeted county on the map, which is like a little map there, it’ll make it like a very light blue color showing that that’s targeted. But then if you add the town names, on top of that, for all the towns within that county as another additional targeting option, you’ll see that it adds a second layer on top of that initial county blue coloring, so it becomes a darker blue. And then if you go in and add all of the zip codes as well, it adds a third layer, so becomes even darker blue. And so what happens is, especially with people searching for mobile devices, depending on how Google determines their location, sometimes it will be by town, sometimes it will be by zip code, it gives it a much greater chance of your ads showing to them, because it’s relevant, and you’ve covered all of those bases, right? I don’t know if that makes sense to you guys or not. But that’s what I do is I just go through and I extract all the town names and all of the zip codes, just using zip dash codes, calm, I clean it, then I bring it into a notepad file like this, and I format it. So I would go actually copy all of these zip codes, all of these names, I would append comma Virginia, comma United States to each one of these items, then I would do anything, right. So if there are any duplicates, I would do that. And then I would copy this text file and paste it in as my targeted locations, and select target all. And what that does is again, it adds multiple layers of targeting, it’s very specific targeting, but it adds multiple layers. So that it, it almost ensures that your ad gets shown to people no matter how Google sees their location if that makes sense. All right. So that’s a very powerful pro tip there that works really well, especially when targeting people with mobile devices. And lastly, there’s one other thing that I found you can be even more granular. And that’s why I brought up Wikipedia, is if I go here to Wikipedia, go to Fairfax County, Virginia. And I click through if I come over here where it says communities, right and most all, on Wikipedia, if you search for your county, that you’re targeting, you’ll the Wikipedia page for that county will typically always have a community, you know, jump link, which is right here. And so you’ll see that it says that these are the communities as well as the census, census-designated places, and other communities. A lot of I don’t know about the other communities so much but I know that the census-designated places there’s more of those here than what was listed.

In the zip codes data, does that make sense the zip caste das codes data, if I were to D dupe this, it’s only going to have about 23 location names? But you can see that there’s more than 23 in this list right here where it says census-designated places. So you can actually go through and extract those names and do the same thing as where I said, append, comma, dash, Virginia, comma, or excuse me, comma, Virginia, comma United States, to each one of the additional locations that are listed here that weren’t in this zip dash codes, data. And then target those also. And again, that what you end up with is your targeted locations, and Google Ads becomes really, really, really dark blue, because it’s got three layers of targeting options on it. And it almost guarantees that your ads are going to be shown to people no matter where they are within the county. So that’s kind of a power tip there, guys. Hopefully, you understand what I said.

I’m going through a rather quick

How Does Google Treat A Site That Contains 20 Press Releases Linking To Different Anchor Texts But Same Links?

next question, maybe he’s got multiple questions. I wouldn’t expect anything less from me. What’s up? BB? I know that is not the proper way to do press releases, like PR stacking. But how do you think Google treats a site that has 20 press releases linking to it with different texts, but each PR has two links, with different anchor text, but with the same. I guess, URL maybe? Meaning 20 PRs with two links with the same hrefs. But all the text and anchors, texts are different.

I just always wonder what the hell you’re doing. Maybe mark is scratching his head look, knock because I have no idea what he’s talking about. He has 30 press releases, two links in each press release. What is eight? What does href have to do with anything? I think he’s talking about URLs, the same two URLs in every press release, but different anchor texts. So you’re hammering the same URL directly with the 20 press releases? Yeah, I think that’s what he’s saying the same two links in every single PR, but they each have different anchor texts each and each instance. So you had 20 or 20 press releases, and supposing that those 20 only have what distribution of 150 sites, each now you’re talking about 3000 websites potentially linking back to those two pages from those press releases? Or to that page? Is that what you’re saying? I have no idea what you’re saying.

This Stuff Works
Yeah. Even though the acting anchor text is different, are you still hammering the same page?

Yeah, that’s unnatural as hell. I agree. I totally agree. I mean, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do that. And I and again, I’m always curious as to why because you’ve got some interesting questions, maybe. And I would be nice to have some context as to why these questions about using, you know, building links from the same handful of domains. You know, we went through weeks of questions about how many links can you get from one specific domain before they’re not, you know, beneficial? And now this is similar, right? It’s kind of in the same neighborhood as that type of a question. And again, I wouldn’t recommend it, you know, we, yeah, I like the specular. Right. They’re asking, or he’s asking us to speculate how Google would treat it. Don’t tell me, you might get hammered. You might not. That’s the best stacking to give you from that. Yeah. supposition. Question. And not only that but, you know. We just talked, the market just talked about the press release stacking. And that’s really the best way that we found to do it. And in fact, I just started implementing Marco and I have done the PR stacking slightly differently. But based upon Marco’s recommendation, he is absolutely the better SEO. So I’ve been doing it another way for quite some time. But within just the last couple of weeks, I started implementing his specific PR stack method, which is just using two links, as opposed to three in each PR, and I’m waiting to see the results come in from that. But yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s much better to just create a link wheel with your press releases with and link from one press release to the previous press release in that chain, right to create that daisy chain, that link wheel effect. And that way, like your initial press release, the top of the stack would be linking to your money site page. But all the subsequent press releases in that silo stack, they don’t link back to that money page at all. The link to the previous press release and maybe one of your other tier-one entity assets. But that’s it two links per press release. And, and not so you’re not constantly hitting the same, you know, your money site with the same you know, press releases over and over and over again, because what you’re doing is you’re using one press release with the link back to your money site page, and then you’re stacking press releases to link back to that original press release. And you can build so much power and relevancy that way. And I think that’s the better way to do it that that’s a hell of a lot more natural-looking for your money site than to keep hammering away at the same two URLs over and over and over again.

With the same PR distribution network over and over and over again, if that makes sense. So I’m gonna say it again, I don’t even recommend hitting the money site with a press release unless you really know what you’re doing. And you really want to do it all the time. Yeah, yeah. But you need to create a good pillow. And you need to know what you’re doing, what we actually tell you to extend your SEO shield, get that extension, get that inner page on that g site, and that inner drive stack. And that aim, the press release had that which is then focusing on the top-level category on the inner page and your website, everything is a mirror, you can even mirror that category, partially with your press releases. And now what you’re doing is you’re amplifying the effect. I mean, you can get really good results if you go to one of your website pages from a reprint from the president, but you better know what you’re doing. Because it’s going to get a lot of power. Once you start blasting those press releases with link building is going to get a lot of power to that page, from that silo from the or from that press release stack.

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Does The SEO Shield Help Rank A New Domain With Zero Backlinks Faster?

Alright, just for clearance, I guess clarification, it means if somebody will buy a new domain tomorrow with zero backlinks and no history at all, and say he connects the shield to it, it will post long-form content, then it will rank faster than without the shield. And it won’t get hit and with the sandbox, even if it even exists also do tell it Yes, the sandbox does exist, as well as the Google dance essentially. No, I mean, will it rank faster than without the SEO showed? I mean, likely, but it’s not necessarily the speed that we’re looking for, you know, is whether it will rank at all or not. And just adding long-form content and an SEO showed may not be enough, it likely depends on the keyword sometimes you get lucky and it’s a very uncompetitive keyword. And just adding an SEO shield to the project where you’re targeting, you know, whatever keyword it is, will end up ranking. But that’s, that’s really the exception to the rule. Typically, it’s going to require some sort of off-page work. That’s where we talk about the press releases. That’s where we do link building and embed gigs. That’s where you can do like if you’ve got GMB associated with the project, you can do GMB posts and link back to your entity assets, your SEO shield, your money site itself, the page that you’re trying to rank. That’s right. So that’s all that I consider off-page. And that’s, you know, 99% of the time or 95% of the time, I should say, you’re going to need some sort of off-page in order to get the benefit that you’re looking for. comments. Yeah, because it’s the art of art. Because we recommend activity, relevance, trust, and authority. We’re not to say, okay, so build a shield, build some long-form content, and you’re going to rank that’s not what we’re saying. It Sees, these are these are all it depends on questions BB that you always have. This totally depends, what are you targeting, you are not going to rank for DUI Toronto with a lot of long-form content, and an SEO shield, not gonna happen. No, not gonna happen. Now, if you pick gobbly gook, it’s going to happen. because nobody’s trying to rank for that. All right now.

Oftentimes, you’re going, but not often. So you’re always going to need to make sure that that entity is solidified. And what we do in that first 90 days through the SEO shield, through Bradley’s brand, ads for branding course, through the press releases and through everything else, is to begin that effect of this entity getting activity. Otherwise, one of the three pillars of the art of art is missing, which is activated on all of these links that you’re driving over to this website. That should not be racking in the first place.

Remember that right? You shouldn’t be racking because it’s brand new. Google isn’t supposed to pick it up. We forced Google into doing it because we’re going through Google. We’re going through that g site through that drive site. We’re going through GMB whenever we can and I’m even doing it for national campaigns by the way for national projects. There’s a specific way that you can use that to further solidify the entity and works like a gang but gangbusters but

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alright, so we do the initial SEO, SEO and link building then I weighed out the 21 day what dedhia says, Here you go in the link building is finished, I weighed out 21 days. So now we’re out. I don’t know how long it takes to build the SEO show from some from the time the shield is built. And Dahlia tells me a hidden link building it’s done. I still wait 21 days because I want to know what effect

everything has on my rankings. what effect it has on the GMB if I have one what effect it has, on the drive stack on the G site on the buddy site that I’m trying to rank? If it’s brand new, is it getting movement is still getting the bounce effect? Did it drop from rankings? Do I need to wait longer for these? Okay, so at the heavy hitter club, what I’m teaching people is we have to be data scientists, we have to be able to analyze data, we have to be able to interpret the data. And then we have to be able to act upon the data. But the keyword here is data. We need data in order to know what the hell is going on. Without that thing, again, you’re flying a plane blind, blind, and you don’t know where you’re going. You don’t know whether you can land that plane. But that’s actually what you’re doing. Now. When you take that data, and you analyze it, and you can act upon that data. That’s when it starts to happen because that’s where you get the extensions. And that’s when you do the keyword targeting. And that’s when you do the isolations. That’s when you can run more stack, you run embed gigs, you run further link building. I mean, we’re doing a 10 million link test and coming up, which will probably share in the heavy hitter. I’m gonna do a billion. Did you hear that? Doesn’t work. I’m gonna do a billion linked. Yes, I am a billion link test. And more and more, because I’ve been told that we can do unlimited link-building you’ll never tell me that and have me not see what we can try to break with that. But yeah, so we got 10 million workings, the next step would be 100 million. And then we’re going to jump again, 10 x two to a billion and see what happens.

But these are all things that we’re testing, again, to gather the data, and to know what the next step is, in the process, because it’s all a process. It’s a repeatable process that helps us to get to where we want to be, whether it’s in the map pack, whether it’s organic, whether it’s both whether you’re looking for both. It all depends.

We got to her nones. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

He’s multiplying.

I don’t know we can handle another nine.

How To Tell Google To Rank A Page With Long-Form Content With Two Different Keywords That Are Not LSI?

All right, the next question is how to tell Google to rank a page with long-form content, because without it, it won’t be possible. That’s not true knocking rank with short-form content, I prefer long-form content, but you can absolutely brute force in with through off-page SEO rank for short-form content, I just prefer long page because it requires less off-page, if the content is structured correctly, well written, it’s relevant, right, that that’s what I’m taught. So I prefer long-form content because it requires less off-page to achieve results. But doesn’t mean you can’t, you know, Mark has done it millions of times, or, you know, dozens and dozens of times, I’ve done it sometimes where I can rank, you know, thin content, but it just requires a lot more off-page.

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So just to be clear about that, he says, so let me get back to the question of how to tell Google to rank a page with long-form content with two different keywords that are not LSI related, meaning like, muscle, dog food, and digestion, dog food? Well, those are related keywords, right? Yeah, they’re both related keywords, because, the overall term I would target in that case would be dog food. And then, throughout the long-form content, you could target or mention or have, you know, heading header sections, and in summer, you know, descriptions of each different type of dog food that there is. And so those are absolutely related keywords. They’re there they’re topically relevant to the broader keyword of dog food. Does that make sense? So you could technically target you know, all the different types of dog food, which I don’t know all the different types of dog food, but you could type you could target in long-form content, let’s say you had a 3000-word article that had, you know, eight different types of dog food on them, you know, described or highlighted within the article itself, then you could have an again, we talked about using jump links, I’m not going to get into that, but you could have like a table of content. Anytime I use long-form content, now I put the Table of Contents at the top of the, with the jump links back down to that section. But then you could that would be like a dog food category on your site, right, that’s a silo, then you could have supporting articles that would target individual types of dog food that would link to that long-form page, that dog food page. And again, it’s just standard silo architecture. And the reason I like to use long-form content is that in the past when trying to separate out like dog food is your top level. And then having using a complex silo structure, we would end up having, you know, muscle dog food and I don’t know that those I’ve never heard of that. But you know, let’s say muscle dog food would be a subcategory and digestion dog food would be another subcategory.

Then you add a bunch of width or breadth to your topical category. And then you can add depth right supporting articles to each one of those subcategories. The problem with that is that’s a complex silo structure. And it is just what the name implies. It’s complex. And so what I’ve switched my method, you know, the way that I build sites now is I use simple silo architecture, which is just top level categories. And in supporting articles, and long-form content, where I used to create subcategories, I can compile all of that onto the long form, top of silo page, and use jump links. And then that way, all I have to do is a simple silo structure with posts that I would, you know, supporting articles as post publishes posts, that would link up to that top category page, because there are no subcategories, if that makes sense. And I do it that way because it’s a much easier site to manage. And so I try to stick with simple silo structure at every chance that I, you know, for every project now specifically for that, and that’s where I found formatting long form content with jump links and headers, and that kind of stuff is the way that you can accomplish the same thing that you could with this complex silo structure. But keep your off site architecture much easier to manage. So I don’t know if that was clear or not. Anybody want comment on that? Yeah. I mean, I don’t know where he’s getting the long-form content information. Because that’s absolutely false. It without it, it won’t be possible to rank in Google that that’s not true. You don’t even have to have your own content. You can there you can rank an iframe of somebody else’s content. You can it, No, we’ve, we’ve done it, we’ve done it time. And again, can you do you can do it? And you do it from multiple keywords, not just one. So I don’t know where you’re getting that information. I’d say either stop listening to whoever saying this, or it’s probably someone who doesn’t know how to rank without long-form content. It’s one or the other because I don’t see how many how anyone can test the different ways that there are two, right, you could rank an image in a regular video that’s not long for. So no, this is absolutely not so. And like Bradley said dog food is the category. So the totally semantically relate I mean, they’re directly semantically related digestion and muscle when they both have to do with POFU.

So, yeah, so And again, I you know, I just prefer long form content, because it gives me the ability to keep my site structure is a simple silo. And I like that because it’s so much easier to manage it really is I got just tired of banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to manage complex silo sites. They think they’re just a pain in the ass.

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Thoughts On Facebook’s Tighter Security And Ownership Verification Processes

Anyway, Aaron’s up, he says, Are you noticing Facebook is becoming more grumpy? Facebook continuously wants to send a code to log in and send SMS text to verify account ownership. Does anyone else finding this to be excessive? I haven’t experienced that at all. No, yeah, that happens.

Specifically right now. Well, I mean, they went on like red alert during the election season. But now that they are, quote, unquote, over, it should go back to normal. But yes, like, that is something that’s happening. In fact, it’s happening randomly across the board. So if you get like, if you get like an SMS verification or something like that, you can even do Google Authenticator. So if you set up a two-step to the two-factor authenticator, you can do Google Authenticator, which is an app that you download to your phone. And, and then it will give you a QR code that you take a picture off, and that QR code will allow you to come up with a random six digit number. So that’s another option for two FA or two-factor authenticator, which is, I think, is going to be enforced across the board on Facebook. Now, with that being said, that could be the case that you can be, you know, asked for ID for verification through SMS. But also sometimes they will even ask you to upload your ID. And that has happened. It’s normal, it happens and sometimes it’s randomly happening to some accounts. So yeah, that’s the way I mean, that’s the way Facebook is going and Facebook in lieu of, or in regards to security. I think that they will start enforcing two-factor authentication. In fact, for everyone running ads on Facebook, it’s almost mandatory that you need to have two-factor authentication enabled on your Facebook account so

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Have I ever told you guys that I hate Facebook?

I think you did. Yeah.

For necessary evil. No, it is. But I do I can’t stand it.

I had a page that from alpha land realty business I set up a page but I can’t remember what I did. I did something where anyways, I ended up removing myself as the man

The only admin of the page somehow. And I think I was trying to move it from one business account to another because I was planning on running ads or something. Anyways, I ended up removing myself as the manager of the admin. And it was and I was the only admin. So I contacted Facebook help to tell them like, Hey, I set up the I created this page. But I somehow accidentally removed myself as an admin. They made me jump through hoops. And I’m not kidding like I had to go, I had to draft the document and then go get it notarized. And then sent the notarized, notarized document to them, swearing that I was the one that created the account, and that I had authorization to become an admin of the account, even though I was the one that created or anyways, it was some bullshit. And I was furious, and it took like a week and a half to get it. Finally, to get access back to the very page that I created. There was never any other admins either. So it’s just, whatever, fuck Facebook.

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Good Marga says on Facebook, and you got and you got to resolve like, it only took a week. So that’s not too bad. I’ve heard people that, you know, they’re still battling with Facebook to get back ownership up for an ad account. So yeah, you got the bright side of things. So I guess if you can if you can call it that. Yeah.

Does A NoFollow Link Never Get Any SEO Juice?

All right. Moving on. Next question. BB says when nofollow when a nofollow links link gets juice? Or is it never does it never get juice at the end of the day? If a strong site approved by your link?

Then it should tell Google this site is legit and does what it says and has no harm in content? I’m not sure what you mean, I doubt a nofollow link does not pass PageRank. If that’s what you’re asking. I’m not sure that that’s what you’re asking.

So I’m not really sure what the question is here. Just somebody else interpreting the question here.

Ah, nofollow link gets juice. When you link below to a nofollow link.

I still do it. Does it pass? Does? It doesn’t pass PageRank according to Google. Yeah. That’s Google that that’s the nofollow is a bad directive that tells the bot not to pass any PageRank what you get is the trust and authority from the website without accruing PageRank, which is almost as good. I mean, we’ve seen Wikipedia links that are just fantastic for SEO. Now, what is meaning about does it tell Google The site is legit and does what it says has non harming? Now, I mean, how can you transmit all that to Google? This is nofollow. Getting it gives you trust and authority, but everything else is going to come? According to the users and the user information that Google gets back. They don’t know if your heart if your content is harming or non harming, you’re gonna have to try to BB. I don’t mind answering your questions, but try to frame them better. I understand that might be a language problem. But like, I’m not really getting what you’re saying. Yeah, I’m not sure what doesn’t tell Google that nofollow, in fact, does not tell Google that the site is legit. It tells Google not to count the link for PageRank purposes. Yeah, not to pass allow websites like Wikipedia have such

high Hi. Just an authority according to Google, not according to any other metrics. Like I don’t care about any other metrics. It has so much authority and trust, that it does pass that along. So it’s kind of getting like a vote without passing PageRank. But it doesn’t tell Google that the sight of the did what eventually is going to tell Google whether the site is legit. And whether the content is harmful or not army is what the users transmit to Google and what the but find on your website engagement metrics. Exactly. Yeah, and here’s the thing now, this was five years ago, but um, you know, I remember nofollow links are supposed to not pace pass PageRank. And so older SEO methodology was, you know, that you should always try to build do follow links, and blah, blah, blah, but you have to have a good natural looking link profile. And so you’re you’re not a natural-looking link profile is going to contain a lot of nofollow links, right. I mean, depending on number of links that you have, but there should be a fairly high percentage of nofollow links. I had one client project where somebody was negative SEO in them. And for their primary keyword was a local project. So it was like plumbing plus city, whatever that was, I think it was monascus they’re no longer they hadn’t been a client for years. But I think it was like plumbing Manassas, VA or plumber, Manassas, VA or something like that. Anyways, long story short, somebody was negative SEO in them. And they built 10s of thousands of nofollow links with exact match keyword anchor of that specific keyword. And guess what? The fucking site ranked number one for that. And it was like and I and I wondered what it was and I went straight

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Doing some backlink analysis on it trying to figure out what had happened. And all of a sudden I see 10s of thousands of links that I didn’t build. It was 100% exact match. And I’m not telling anybody to do this. But they were nofollow links and they were all exact match anchor text. And I ended up that site ranked number one for that keyword. And I always thought that was the funniest thing because they’re they backfired whatever, that negative SEO or whoever that was, it backfired on them because we ended up ranking the damn site. Now. I never tried to duplicate that I probably should up for testing purposes. But um, but yeah, I just thought it was interesting because I mean, I was just doing like syndication network link. So in other words, you know, publishing content, the same method that I’ve been using for years. And all of a sudden, like the backlink profile, shot up through the roof over the course of like, six weeks or so. And it was 10s of thousands of exact match anchors for one keyword. And it just so happened that ranking number one for that one keyword after that. So I thought that was funny because they say nofollow links don’t really count for anything. And I think that’s bullshit. At least that was years ago. It may have changed since then. Do you want to comment on that at all? Marco? Nanami. We know. Yeah.

Do You Use Google Tag Manager?

All right. Ah, okay. Next is BB. He’s got two more I guess we’re about out of time. So this is good. Good timing. He says do use Google Tag Manager for some reason. If so which tags do you recommend? Yeah, I use Google Tag Manager all the time. Because I’m always running Google ads. I’m setting up remarketing campaigns through Google ads. So I use Google Tag Manager to set up all my Google Ads tags, right. So there’s the conversion linker tag, the remarketing tag, then there’s the conversion, Google Ads conversion tracking tag, I also use Google Tag Manager to set up Google Analytics. So I install the Google Analytics Universal Analytics tracking tag, through Google Tag Manager. I also depending on which type of WordPress theme I’m using, sometimes I set my JSON LD, my structured data, my schema, through Tag Manager as well, that’s not the recommended way to do it. But in some cases, some of the sites that are the WordPress themes that I use, they don’t, they don’t like that the front page isn’t doesn’t have its own like page and WordPress pages. And there’s no way to insert code on it’s it’s odd, I’ve got a couple of themes that I use for local stuff that I just I have to use Tag Manager to add structured data to the homepage, there’s no other way to do it unless I inserted it directly into the theme files, which I don’t want to do. So yeah, I use Tag Manager for all of that stuff.

You know, I love Tag Manager, because it’s really easy to manage, you know, push everything through Tag Manager, and it automatically will deploy to the site. So again, I like Tag Manager, I use it for mostly for Google Ad stuff, but also for a few other things. You can use it to for Facebook, like with Facebook, you can do really advanced stuff with Google Tag Manager that you could not usually do with just the facebook pixel, you know, unless you hacked the code or whatever. So you know, you can throw anything in it, you can still like if you have a hot jar, craft, like if you have whatever, like split testing scripts, like you, you can throw anything at it. And the good news about Google Tag Manager is that it will not it will prevent your website from loading slower because you have all of these scripts directly loading in the page. So I think that you know, I love Google Tag Manager as well using for Facebook for some Facebook events stuff on pixels. But yeah, for sure, definitely.

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By the way, this guy His name is Julian or some Julius or I don’t know, I think is Julian anyways, measure school Comm. He’s got fantastic training on Google Tag Manager and analytics. And he’s a total data nerd. Which is, I mean, it’s cool. He’s got a really and it’s, at least it used to be I don’t know if it still is, but he has some free had some free training on Tag Manager when I first started learning how to use Tag Manager, it was through measure school. He’s got a great YouTube channel as well with tons of free content that talks about how to set up analytics and Tag Manager set up Custom Event Tracking with Tag Manager and analytics. So like for example, you can set up like scroll, you know, scroll tracking, like scroll depth tags, so that they fire once a certain scroll-like 25% or 50%. You can set up timer tracking. There are all kinds of cool stuff that you can do with Tag Manager and analytics and measure school. Like he’s got a ton of free stuff on his YouTube channel and on his blog here that will teach you how to do all that stuff. So anytime I have to set something up that I’m not real familiar with, with Tag Manager analytics, I just go to measure school and I find it and it’s great. And again, he’s got a really good YouTube channel as well. So I recommend you check that out.

The last question is it does not matter if it’s prs are article directories. The focus is on the same two links. Okay. I think he’s talking about the question, the first question that he asked and he’s saying that he wants to keep targeting the same two links, whether it’s through press releases or article directories.

And again, I would very I would caution against that BB, because you know, at least our methodology has been set up the SEO shield. And you do all of your external link building to the SEO shield assets or tier one entity assets, right instead of direct to your money site, which is what you keep asking about here. And we don’t recommend that because it’s very easy to set unnatural link profiles. If you’re constantly hammering, especially the same two URLs over and over again, um, you know, I don’t recommend that. So I would, I would highly recommend that you work on, you know, using utilizing the SEO showed, and tier-one entity assets is your link building targets, right, you can pass all the relevancy through how you link from your entity assets back to your money site, but then do all of your external link building to your tier one entity assets so that you’re protecting your money so you don’t run the risk of that unnatural link profile. Does that make sense? Yep. Okay.

Should We List The Entire States Or Only The Cities When Optimizing GMB Profiles?

Uh, Josh says for our GMB profile, and I know we’re out of time guys, last question. For our GMB profile. Should we list the entire states we do business in or just our cities? Well, with GMB, I think you’re only allowed to list up to 20 locations as service area locations. I think it’s 20. Um, so what I do, again, is when I was what I was talking about Josh earlier with, you know, looking at the data here, I just target on a county level, or if perhaps the if it’s a service area business, typically they’ll cover the whole county, but not always the case, right. So I’ll just cover whatever their area is. So for example, I don’t usually Tip Top target. I talked about layering location targeting when you’re setting up Google ads, but and I try to layer inside of Google My Business to a degree like in other words, if a tree service company services, all of Fairfax County, and then there are 23 towns within Fairfax County, but Google limits me my ability in GMB to add only up to 20 service area locations, then I obviously can’t add Fairfax County, and then also add the 23 separate, I’d be over limit. And then also, there are all those zip codes too. So I don’t do that. So in that case, I would do the county and then I would do you know, the primary locations or just the county and that’s it. If that makes sense. What I was talking about for doing this is specifically for ad targeting, but for GMB profile, yeah. Like unless your whole of your service area is an entire state. I wouldn’t list the state as the service area. I would keep it specific to whatever the service area is an all in reality for that particular business. Okay.

All right. Thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next time, everyone. Thanks

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Source: Semantic Mastery
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 313 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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