Friday, March 27, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 280

Click on the video above to watch Episode 280 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Hernan: Oh man, we’re laughing I never no one will ever know. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day hangout Episode 280 for the 25th of March 2020 Welcome everybody that you guys are having an amazing day. And before we go into what we have in store for you guys today. I want to say hello to everyone and I want to go in order so Adam. What’s up, man?

Adam: Hey, not much. Thanks for Hernan’s taking over and doing the heavy lifting here to get us started while I tried to take over for Bradley. It’s actually more complicated than you think to get this stuff going. So it’s like oh my god, there are three screens. This is all gonna fall apart but it looks like we’re live. We’re working. So anyway, I can’t complain. Things are going pretty well here for me in the Bay Area. I was about to say going well, but you know, with everything that’s going on. I know there are some people around here who are having a tough time and you know, it’s interesting. I feel like I’ve actually been busier over the last couple of weeks than over like the last three months. So anyway, just a little personal insight but overall. I can’t complain, man things are good. Thanks for asking.

Hernan: Awesome and you know, Bradley does it with one screen. You know, he does it with one monitor. What’s up Marco? How are you doing, man?

Marco: You can see what’s going on. You can see how I’m doing right? It doesn’t change. It doesn’t. It’s Groundhog Day. It’s bright. It’s sunny. It’s beautiful in Costa Rica. Yes, we’re inside, but I can still take a step outside. And it’s sunny and it’s more beautiful. And I can go and play with the kids like, everything’s good, man. Everything’s good.

By the way, 280 trivia the US had had a cannon in the 50s that shoot like, like 20 miles. It had an effect on rain. It was a 280-millimeter cannon called the atomic cannon atomic. And by the way, just I don’t know why 280 just brought that up some of the stuff that we learned in the friggin military. It sticks with you.

Hernan: That’s awesome. That’s it.. What’s up, Chris?

Chris: yo groundhogs are back in the cave, unfortunately here. We are back at freezing temperatures, but I’m fine and it’s sunny outside, usually during the day. And yeah, I’m still praying for a better internet connection. Like, everybody’s fucking watching Netflix here apparently. How are you doing?

Hernan: I’m doing great. I’m doing great. Actually, that’s global. You know, I have a couple of friends that they work in a couple of mainframes around the world and you know, managing connections switches and all that stuff. And you know, the servers are definitely you know, overloaded around the world. So it’s not, you know, it’s like everywhere. So anyway, I’m doing great, we’re healthy, we’re good. We’re inside but you know, doing to do and try to help people with the Hangout, which by the way, if you’re new to Hump Day Hangout, welcome. If you’ve been around for a while, welcome as well the main point of this forum this space is to help you guys as many questions as possible when it comes to a digital agency and growing your digital agency SEO, pretty much whatever you need to grow your digital agency if you really want to take it to the next level we have a program for that. It’s called 2xyouragency or double your agency. The promise of that program is that we will help you get more clients and getting more free time so go

If you want a step by step methodology to rank your website, whether it’s a new website or a niche website or a YouTube video, why not you need to get a copy of the Battle Plan it’s really inexpensive right now. So go to We also have a slew of done for you services in case that you’re a business owner that needs more free time so that you can focus on building your agency and not trying to do everything yourself. So go to to actually get that fulfill. And last but not least, if you want to come to hang out on a really high-level mastermind of people, digital agency owners that are trying to make it better. And we’ll try to help them as much as possible. You know, you should consider joining the mastermind by going to So did I do it right?

Marco: Following up on that my ask Marco anything webinar is tomorrow afternoon at the usual time 330 Eastern. So if you’re not in the mastermind, you should come to ask me anything I’ll answer whatever I can if I can’t answer that, if one of my other partners can ask for it. They each have their own webinars that they do. So we’re offering five times the value because you get a webinar from each one of us now, instead of just one every other week. One, two, if you are in the mastermind, go to the Facebook group. On the event page, you’re going to see everyone’s mastermind webinar listed in there. Just follow the instructions for whoever’s doing the webinar. I’m doing it differently than my other partners. I always like to be different tests, different stuff. So with that, see you all tomorrow and let’s get to questions.

Sounds good. Go. What’s driving? Who’s sharing the screen?

Yeah, I didn’t even think about it, man. We’re totally lost without Bradley. Just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’ll share my screen. All right,

Marco: I’m gonna stop my video because as you know, too much sun is bad for you guys. There we go.

This Stuff Works

How Would You Rebrand A GMB Page With The Same Address And Phone Number As The Old One?

Adam: Let’s see, it looks like the first question for today was Fitz. So let’s say my clients switched real estate brands. Should they kill the old GMB or ask Google to change the name? They created another GMB for the new brand name. They are still at the same address, same phone number. The other GMB was not optimized. Okay, so, switch brands. Still at the same address and created a new GMB. So I’ll let you guys handle this one man, GMB is outside of my area of expertise.

Marco: That’s an entity fuckup in the making. Plain and simple, plain and simple. You have two different brands at the same address, right? The same address. Probably sharing the same entity information. He’s saying the same address and same phone number. So two out of the three data points are the same. Definitely entities. Just kill one or the other or just, you know, call, you can call the Google rep and have them help you on this. This is legitimate. There’s an orphan system in the same place. They just changed the name. Because when you start messing with stuff as I know, Bradley has had some success, changing stuff. I just tried to do something the other day, very simple, and it got suspended. Fortunately, we have a suspension reversal service in, which works really well because I was the original person who tried it out.

So at any rate, just so you avoid all of those issues, you can just call Google and have the Google rep help you through. Some of this is what I did. I’m an idiot, that’s your client, of course. I mean, idiot, I was trying to see if I could change the name and I just didn’t know what to do.  Act really ignorant. I didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Flogged me with 10 wet noodles, but please help me out. And that usually gets you a lot of assistance. Because you know, business, especially now, right with, with all of the stuff that’s going on. I think they’re going to go out of their way to be really helpful, except that with GMB, like, they’re really cutting back on the stuff that they’re allowing. They’re really cutting back on it. That could be one of the reasons why I got an algorithmic suspension, the other day gamma, I’m almost 100% positive that it’s algorithmic, they don’t have enough people to keep up with the GMB demand.

So I mean, that’s what I would recommend, totally. If you want to try eliminating one and optimizing the other. Please remember that any changes that you make can get your suspension right now. And as a matter of fact, we were just talking in chat with Rob with the guy who does the suspension lifting. And they’re on hold, even though they aren’t lifted in the GMB sits on pending, until they’ll come back full strength and we don’t know when that’s going to be guys. This is a really touchy moment to be fucking around with things that are really really important to the business. But what you have right now Fits that that that is totally totally entity ambiguity. And I can’t tell you how bad that is and how difficult it is to then go and get rid of the ambiguity because I’ve had to do it.

Does YouTube Count A View If Someone Is Watching An Embedded Video On A Website?

Cool. All right. Well, good stuff. Next question. I’m going to go if it looks like Mike. So Mike Hello, superstars. Thanks, Mike. I want to embed a video from my youtube channel on my website. Okay, sounds good so far. Does every time someone watching the video on my site, YouTube countered that view, even if I set it to autoplay inside my website, and if you can please share a few tips about the website embedded general. Thanks a lot.

So yeah, I mean, you can see this. I mean, I’ll start this off and let you guys chime in. But Mike, you can see this in your Analytics, right? If you go into YouTube, you see that they even break it down by you know, YouTube views. I forget the exact terminology, but I think they even have an embed view. Don’t they? Or am I mixing that up?

Hernan: Yeah, embedded views. Yep.

Adam: Yep. So yeah, every time someone’s watching from your site that’s going to show up or if it’s embedded in other places, you know, that which Yeah, actually more. If you want to talk a little bit about embeds, I mean, I can tie this directly back to MGYB services, but there may be something else here we want to, we want to tell them about.

Marco: Yeah, I mean, we have an embed service right in MGYB where you can get your video. And what it does and how we compare it is that you become a publisher for YouTube instead of just being a consumer or a user. And then you go out and you publish a video via video into the networks. So it really helps now the other part of this. Can you share tips about the website embed in general that I mean, there are no tips you take the iframe code, and you iframe it into your website, that’s what an embedded and there are tons of YouTube tutorials on how to do that. I mean, do you just go into how to embed a YouTube video on a website and hundreds if not thousands are going to pop up. So that’s the simplest thing. But it does count as a view. I agree totally.

Adam: cool. All right. Anybody else wants to chime in?

This Stuff Works

Hernan: I do something similar to Facebook video as well. I know that whenever you embed a video on a page, you will also get those views counted toward that video. So I think that they’re operating under the same logic. And the benefits of that is that then if you create, let’s say, an audience of people that view your video, because you want to run ads to them, they also count towards and it will be put in those audiences as well, whether on Facebook or YouTube, so I think that counts towards that.

Marco: Well, it’s the code right, what you’re doing through an iframe is that you’re displaying the YouTube page, where that video sits on your page. That’s all it is. So what you’re doing is, it’s de facto YouTube on your page. So anything that happens on that page, of course, it gets counted in YouTube because it’s part of YouTube to stop party will have your website that’s why it’s iframe on your website. The same thing with with with Facebook, it’s iframe code and so it works on the same principle.

How Do You Best Utilize SEO Power Shields?

Adam: all right well next question dark biz I kind of want to say that’s like a Darth business like something out of Star Wars But anyways, maybe it’s something else. Question is I recently had a few SEO power shields from MGYB delivered and hopefully we’ll need to order another four to five in the coming weeks great. Is there some material that shows me how to best utilize all of this is a bit overwhelming and I’m not sure how to make this work like you guys do. Many of my clients are local, so naturally, they want to rank in multiple cities would be great to know how to use the shield to accomplish this. I can think of a lot of the training that’s available at If you go there and check out the webinars that are available for free. But Marco, what else do you think?

We should be pointing to when he said he recently had it just updated Sorry, I lost it. He recently had a few SEO power shield delivered. And so how to best utilize it? Well, we tell you what did your link building with that because that’s what you’re going to need. If that’s not enough to push your client where you want your client to be, then the next step is you order press releases you do a press release back that that’s in a press release. Local PR Pro, excuse me how to stack press releases. And if that’s not enough, then you link build into your press release stacks, and you continue your link building shouldn’t stop it should be part of your monthly maintenance. It should be something that you build your client for. I call it the link building cycle. So you order the stack or the SEO shield with link building, and then Dadea knows exactly what to do. Then you start. Okay, so where do I go now? Well, you’re gonna have to start looking at your Analytics and at your Search Console, start looking at where the traffic is coming from the start looking at where other opportunities are to do these juicy keywords that you might be ranking for a second, third page. You might need to expand the drive stack right with inner politics that that’s part of my charity webinar series that we’ve discussed it. I mean, often so. Our YouTube channel is, use the channel search function. Bradley showed how to use it last week or the week before and you search for everything there. You start using the free resources. The Battle Plan is also a great place to get ideas on what to do, as you said, the webinars in and we’ve just done tons of public webinars. But if you want the real deal, I mean, it’s the mastermind. The mastermind is the place where you can take you and guide you step by step on what you should be doing and how and why. Because there is a method to the badness that there is a reason why this all gets done, that there’s something that we’re trying to accomplish and all of this, and that’s building the best entity in the niche because that’s what’s winning the fight right now. That’s what winning the SEO fight is whoever has the best entity and the best entity and keyword relationship.

Adam: All right, with the follow up with that, Marco, is there something we can tell him he’s saying to you know, his clients are local, and they want to rank in multiple cities would be great to know how to use a shield to accomplish this. I’m not sure how.

Marco: Again, you’d go by it by expanding the website into location. Now, it’s not going to rank in the three-pack. This is Local, so there’s probably a three-pack involved. You’re not going to reckon in the three-pack. Because then what you’re going to have to do is you need a three-pack in these multiple, it’d be a GMB in these multiple locations, or you’re going to have to push so much power from that one GMB that you associate the new location with what’s called the business central, simply meaning where that business sits geographically, and then where Google displays it in a radius. Right? So you’re gonna need to extend that radius somehow and how you create that association with all of these different locations. I mean, it’s not something that that you just do. It’s something simple that you need to do it is as a matter of fact as part of Local GMB Pro. Another one of our courses, which you get a great discount if you join our mastermind. I mean, I can’t emphasize enough then when you get to this point.

When you have clients, multiple, multiple clients, and you’re gonna need multiple power shield. So you need, you need to know how to put all of this together, you need to be in the mastermind because that’s where you can ask us questions. That’s where you can talk to me directly and say, Okay, now what do I do? And we take you, we take you through a webinar, and you come and ask the question in my ask Marco anything webinar tomorrow, and I’m going to guide you right through it. And I’m gonna tell you exactly what it is that you need to do, and why. We can’t do it in a free forum like this. I mean, this is a very complicated question. That seems simple, but it’s very complicated. And yes, it seems overwhelming. But that’s why we tell you to come with us so that we can guide you through the process. So that we can take you through we will hold you by the hand that we have to and carry you all the way through.

How Long Will The SEO Shield Get You Out Of The Sandbox On A New Domain?

Good stuff. All right, the next question, this one is going to get complicated and all I got to comment on at first but let’s dive in. So first of all, appreciate this. Hi, guys just want to tell you that you are the go-to for making sense of the SEO expletive say shit. Oh, yeah, sorry, let me go ahead and reshare it. I’m trying to split it up. So we’re not just focused on the questions. All right, so question first, how long will the shield I assume means that SEO shield gets you out of the sandbox for general? global national, local on an entirely new domain? I’m not sure I understand the question. I feel like the intent here is how quickly would the shield get you out of the sandbox to which I guess mine would be I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t know particularly and be something that I don’t think you could say it would just be the normal amount of time Marco. Is there something I’m missing there?

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Yeah, he wants to know how long it takes to get out of the sandbox. He wants to know general, global, national, local each one on. It’s all we don’t know. I mean, Google is Google. They’re the ones who know. What we do know is that once we start doing everything that we do, which includes running ads, right, ads for branding, which is again, another course that we have available, like I’m gonna have to say it again, available in our mastermind, to our mastermind members, right? So ads for the brand, this all comes together so that when Google sees this all they come crawling, and yes, you usually get 10 bucks. But if you do it right, the way that we tell you from the start, your onpage is tight. Your entity is right when you start pushing through the SEO shield, doing your press releases, running your ads, doing everything the way that we say do. It all comes together so that there is no sandbox, so to speak. When that happens, we can’t tell you. I’ve seen it happened in a matter of a week 10 days. I’ve also seen it happen in a matter of six weeks. Land Solutions that work as a matter of fact was never sandboxed. Woods one of our cases that it was never sample, I started ranking for different terms almost right away. So that there’s really no rhyme or reason to what Google does. Other than they’re the ones who know. We know how to force things through and how long it takes. It’s going to depend on how much you do to force it through and to force Google to recognize your entity as the best entity in the space.

Adam: Make sense. All right, let’s hop into the second part. So he’s asking next.

How Would You Use Three More Tier Rings To An Existing YouTube Syndication Network?

So let’s say that you have a YouTube syndication so I assume starting with a YouTube channel with a single branded tier one syndication network, and then you have three rings and tier two to attach to that, so multi-tier syndication network. And let’s say you were given the ability to add three more rings to where would you prefer adding these? Would you put another three rings on tier two, so that instead of having three rings and a tier two, you’d have six? Or would you put another three rings on tier three or another three rings on tier three syndicated from each single? Okay, I can condense this now. So would you just add them as additional tier twos? Would you attach one to one to tier two? Or would you stack them all on one, tier two and keep building that way? I guess is their preferred way of doing this. I personally haven’t built out anything to be beyond tier two. I’m just using a multi-tier syndication network. So does anyone else have an input on this?

Marco: Daisy chain the tier twos. A very simple answer that I mean, there’s no need to go into anything out No. All of the other things. I’d have to speculate on how and why. And you know, I don’t like to do that I hate theory. I only know things that I’ve tried and the way that we’ve tried it, and the way that we’ve had success, and I know it’s the way that Bradley’s done it also is you just daisy chain a whole bunch of tier twos with the different syndication points right WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger. I call them fanboys. Right at tier two, they’re all fanboys of the brand. The brand stays the brand. It’s a single brand, you wouldn’t want to daisy chain anything on that branded network unless it’s another property, another tier one property. Once you’re a tier two, you just daisy chain them and you can do as many as you want, especially for YouTube, where as far as we know, and Bradley says there’s a lot there are no footprint issues.

Sounds good. All right.

How Would You Silo A Business With one Primary Service & 5 Sub-services?

Let’s go into the next one. Next one’s from Marty. Marty says, Hey, I’m a local small business owner right on. I’m currently doing my own SEO because I’m tired of spending thousands of dollars and not seeing any results. And for now, I’m enjoying the challenge that is Seo cool. My website is currently structured with a service silo and a location silo. I offer one primary service and five sub-services. Should I be building out pages on my location pages for each sub-service? Or can I link them back to the sub-service page in the service silo? I’m not concerned about the amount of work to build out the pages but curious if the amount of work would be equal to the benefit I could potentially see in rankings. And then we got a good follow up question here for you after that, Marco.

Marco: Ah, yes, I see it. Good stuff, man. This is like riding in Bradley’s wheelhouse because I’m not really a local guy. Yeah, unless it’s GMB, right? I bet you’re setting up your one primary service and five sub-services related to that service. Building locator pages for each sub-service? But wouldn’t you be offering the primary service and then the sub-services in each location? Why would you split that up? Either I’m not understanding the question, or I don’t see the logic.

Adam: Yeah, you can clear that up. Yeah. Marty, if you’re listening, if you’re live, if you can offer us a little because I was thinking the same thing. It sounds like you know, are you going to basically duplicate but just kind of doing it two different ways. But if we’re misunderstanding that, by all means, give us clarification and we can pass this along to Bradley when he gets back so we can see what he would have to say about this as well.

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Marco: as far as my drink of choice. If we’re talking about alcohol, I love rum. But it has to be really good rum. I have a bottle of 30-year-old age rum. It’s Costa Rican. As a matter of fact, it’s in Costa Rica maker. But there’s another one in Nicaragua. That makes some just some excellent rum. Now it gets pricey when you start drinking that good stuff. And it’s not meant to you don’t throw that back. that’s meant to be sipped. And you don’t mix that with Coca Cola, or any other couple you guys do it. Coffee, which is my next favorite drink right? You guys should have coffee with garbage and it tastes like nothing like coffee tastes like. Coffee is delicious. You just black you need to add a little bit sugar, add a little bit of sugar and enjoy it, man. It’s nothing like a good cup of coffee. But as far as does drink, man, rum. I’ll drink a half an ounce and a half every five or six months. I’m not a drinker, but when I do, that’s it. The 30-year-old rum.

Adam: Nice. Solid. All right, well. Let’s uh, we’re got this a reminder to get your questions and we got it just a couple of more, but I’m going to expand this. Let’s go around real quick. I know. You don’t drink much, but what’s your favorite drink?

Hernan: I do like rum. I do run on Coke though. But, but so that’s that. And then we have another thing called for men here in Argentina, which is like bitter type stuff. But that’s basically what I have when it happens like once a year or something like that. So I gotcha. I’m not a drinker.

Adam: All right, Chris, how about you? Are you drinking these days in Austria and if so, what’s your favorite?

Chris: No not drinking. Favorite drink is probably water or likes some nice tea. I know boring but it is what it is. But unlike me, my brother actually started home brewing. He’s like cranking out like some good stuff from what I hear.

Adam: Cool. Yeah, my go-to would probably still be an IPA. So a really good IPA or double IPA. So, alright, now that we got the important information out of the way, we’ll get back to the questions here. So Jordan says, Hey, everybody, keep your chin up. You got this keep throwing punches. Remember rocky Bell bow look like he was in trouble and see what happened there. Yeah, good. Good reminder, Jordan.

Should We Be Worried If Google Picks Up With IFTTT Syndication And RYS?

All right, so BB says should we be afraid if Google picks up to pick up with the IFTTT syndications and RYS? What about big competitors like Yelp or other big ones? What are the consequences of that timeframe? I’m not 100% sure what the exact question is here guys, do you? Do you know?

Chris: He probably hasn’t understood like, the concept of syndication networks and RYS.

Marco: Exactly. That’s exactly what I was going to go we practice entity-based, worry less SEO. If we were afraid of Google picking up any of our stuff, we wouldn’t call it worry-less SEO. Dude, the last time I worried about a Google update was like when the first Panda came out when the first Penguin and all that. And not that I was afraid and just I saw it just messing with everybody and as SEO is over until it wasn’t until we figured out what it was that we needed to do with that. Around the time when Brandi developed his IFTTT strategy and it started working really well. We developed other strategies, we started working with subdomains, those things who are worried about Google killing us with all that stuff, but the way we do things now, man, the whole point behind this, and then why we’re calling it the SEO shield. And why we’re calling it entity-based, worry less SEO is because we talk and code directly to the bot. And we fill the bot with so many variables regarding up our entity now.

I wish Robert here so that he gives you this, this explanation much better than I can. But Google is nothing but a relational database. And what it’s doing is it’s going out and collecting information first of all about the different niches. Let’s call it a plumber, and I will go with the example of the DC plumber, and plumber in DC. Google goes out and finds all of the information it can first of all about plumbers, then if it’s local, DC is, of course, a city. It’s not just the capital of the US, lots of people there, lots of competition. And what it does, then it relates to information that it has about a plumber with the entities that are created, brands, right the brands and how well you’ve created the entity and how well you’ve structured your data in a way that it can compare with all of the other entities that it has in its database so that it can serve real business, real-time so that you can serve real-time that query.

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So if you’re looking for an emergency plumber in DC, they don’t want you turning up someone who is 100 miles away. They want you to if there’s someone around the corner, they want to turn that up for you. Because that’s the guy that you want to come to your house, the guy who can help you at the time when you need it most. So that so what we try to do is we try to fill Google with the var and we do it in a loop so that it gets it over and over and over and over again. In the structured data, where there are no penalties for structured data. Not that we know how you can spam your JSON-LD on your website, but the way that we’ve structured it, it’s just looping the bot so that whenever it comes across our entity information anywhere else, it just it goes to another place and another place and it’s all our entity information. And so we become the entity for that space. This is why DC plumbers working the way it was the way it is. This is why the Land Solutions network is working the way it is. This is why everything that we work in and I wish I could show you guys some results like a personal injury attorney in New York City, personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, California. I wish I could show you some of that stuff tell you the lawyer. I’ll tell you the niche. I wish I could tell you the lawyer and like the calls are ridiculous. As a matter of fact, you have some of those images for some of the clients and the ridiculous numbers that you can produce, working the way that we weren’t. But again, it’s all entity-based, worry less SEO, so that you go and you claim your footprint, of course through your structured data through your sameAs through branding, all of your different profiles, so that it’s all part of the brand returning Google here I am. This is all for me. This is how I and I do it better than anybody else when I do it like this.

And then when you do that, it becomes, again, entity-based, worry less SEO. I can’t tell you when the last time I worried about a penalty, I just don’t worry about I just go and do what I’m supposed to do. Everything that we give people, right and MGYB all of the parts and services, they’re the same ones that I use. As a matter of fact, I just used it yesterday to send out a press release. I linked up with Dadea use it.

The syndication that will mean the power shield is in the land solutions network. I mean, if it were not there if I were telling you guys, okay, you have to go this and you have to go do that. And you go look at the land solutions, a case study, and you don’t find any of it and then you know that I’m for the shit and I’m feeding you just a line of crap. But you’ll go and you find it and you can. You can go ahead and reverse engineer the Google site and the drive stack and the press releases. As a matter of fact, if you go and take a look at sell and fast, and you click on the new step, you’ll probably find the first two results in Google News are my two press releases. And so one from yesterday and another press release service that I’m trying out. Our shit worked on me, and I don’t know what else to tell you. Our shit work. And it works because we test and we test it ourselves. We test on everything that we do before we decide to give it to you. We test it ourselves, our clients, our projects, and then we go and give it to you. So there you go. I don’t know if you guys have anything to add to that, but no, as far as I know, and as of right now, and for the last five years, absolutely no consequences except making a whole lot of money for myself and for my clients.

Adam: Nice. Does anybody want to add to that?

Hernan: No, I think Marco sums it up beautifully. The main point is that you are you’re building a business right? If you’re worried about an algorithmic penalty or whatever, then your business is shaking so you know the stuff it’s like long term. You know, our approach has always been long term so that’s actually helping me helping a lot of business owners of the past couple of years. So we’ll keep on doing that.

Adam: Cool. All right. Well, it’s not a question but Jordan apparently likes to use coffee to warm the creamer which is not my jam. I’m on Marco’s side on that.

Marco: Oh, dude. Oh, kill coffee. Ever.

Adam: You’re never asked you to send coffee from Costa Rica. Just send it to me. Don’t waste it on.

Marco: Yeah, I was just about to say don’t ever ask me to send you Costa Rican coffee. Because I’d hate to see it wasted on creamer.

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Does Google Look At Referral Sites And URLs to Determine Backlinks?

All right. Well, let’s get into this one. BBs got another question he was gonna save. But since we got the time we can get to this. It says Google look at referral or referring sites and URLs to determine if there is a link there once visited the link, just Google look at referring sites and URLs to determine if there is a link. Once visited the link to anyone else, like does it follow links is how I’m reading it, which would be yeah, I would imagine that’s right.

Marco: Alright, so this goes with the distance graph algorithm. Google will go and look at a link on a referral site. It’ll look at everything that the referral site is linking to. Also, and then on your website, since that website is linking to yours, it will not only look at your website, it will go out and look at all of the websites that your site is linking to, in an effort to determine whether your website deserves to be a seat site or a seed set or to see how far you are from a seed site or a seed set. And that simply referring to trusted and authoritative websites in the niche, not trust and authority like the third party, like these custom metrics, right? These vanity metrics, and Majestic and Moz, and whatever. Not that kind of trust, not that type of authority. What Google deems is trusted and authoritative in the niche. And once you get in there, which is, again, one of the things that we really go hard at making our project, a seat site, and everything attached to it part of a seat set. So yes, it looks but it looks at everything. And it looks both ways, both at the link source, at the link destination and everything that’s attached to the link source and the link destination and everything that’s happening to those. So when Google says we’re getting away from links, links don’t count or any other SEO that saying backlinks don’t matter. They’re full of shit.

Does Creating Backlink To A Citation Page Push SEO Value?

Adam: I’m not gonna follow up on that. I think he says all. All right, Marco. So second part with this though he says What does a backlink to a page with a citation do? Does it help push SEO value?

To what does a backlink to a page with a citation? Yes, it has SEO value. It’s your citation. It’s your name, address, and phone number. It doesn’t matter in this case, it doesn’t matter if it’s nofollow or dofollow this is what citations are. This is places where your business your brand is named with the address and the phone number and enough of these. If you’re local, especially in hyperlocal citation site, I mean they are magic. These are these are these are fabulous. So yes, they help with SEO value. But without getting too much into the weeds. It depends on what you mean by SEO value because there’s a lot of ways to push SEO value.

Can You Promote Apps On The Google SERP Using Semantic Mastery Methods?

Gotcha. All right. And then as follow up, and this kind of an interesting question is can you promote apps on the Google results with our methods? And then how would you actually promote? Or rather, can you promote or get SEO results from the app stores themselves? So it sounds like you’re just asking like if he has an app, could you use some of these methods to get results and maybe rank an app organically?

Marco: If there are people looking for your app organically? The Yes, absolutely. You can get results that our methods are it works with anything, we’ve tried it on anything and everything and they work and we have people it’s not just us it’s not just the Semantic Mastery team, right? We have everyone in Semantic Mastery in the mastermind and in our free Facebook group and in Syndication Academy.

Jordan is a member of syndication was a member. That’s where he started. Then he came into our Semantic Mastery mastermind. He’s also a member of my mini mastermind. But I mean that that’s one of the things. That’s why he started out. Right. And he’s getting fantastic results. I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to as far as the App Store itself. Like, I don’t do apps. I should because they’re in high demand right now. I just don’t so I have no idea how the app stores themselves work. Other than that, I go to Google Play, and I look for the app that I eat, and I download it. So I have no idea or if anyone cares to chime in. If you know, I mean, please do but this is just way out of anything that I’ve ever done.

Adam: Yeah, well, I think it’s an interesting question. And I’m willing to say hey, we’re now past the point of where our Chris and Hernan chime in if they have the experience. I have no experience actually doing this. So we’re saying we have not done this. But could you do something like using us to shield us in our white stack or do something else that you think would provide some results and point at basically at the app store? At sorry, at an app on the app store?

Hernan: Mmm, that’s such a good question. I think that if you start to like the path as to how the clients are coming your way. It’s kind of clear to everyone because your app is solving an issue, right? Your app is solving a problem. It’s like going after a specific demographic. And all of that are keywords that you can run for, you know, and even if it’s like that you cannot directly influence the app ranking on Google or the app store because it’s a little bit of a different algorithm. You can play by the same rules.

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In terms of Hey, put together a WordPress blog, start blogging, do the SEO sheld. Do everything and the call to action on all of your pages will be just to download the app. And that will definitely help the on the App Store. Because the App Store is basically based off of downloads and reviews and comments and all of that. So the SEO aspect of things, if you think about like, for instance, apps like headspace, or apps like Spotify, they’re, they’re going after every possible source of traffic, including SEO. So if you’re looking about if you’re searching, you know, like different meditation techniques and all of that, then there’s a high chance that you will come across a article, and they’re running in an app, so you can download the app from the App Store. So that’s the approach that I would take not necessarily to get the app rank on Google. I don’t know if that’s possible, but we know that articles rank so you can actually get that route so that you can get traffic downloading the app. And then you know retargeting to download the app and all of that.

Marco: Well, now this brings up something really interesting because like, how do you find an app? Aren’t you usually on your mobile device and you’re visiting something, and maybe you’re looking at the mobile site, but they say, hey, download the app. And so it’s a lot simpler to have the app than it is to keep going to the website or just whatever because you just have the app. Netflix and all of these different things, they’ve come up with them with an app, but how did they promote it in the first place? Well, they had it on their website for their visitors. They made it convenient for their visitors to say, if your mobile, here’s something lighter, that will give you a lot of value. And so with that in mind, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to go into the mobile algorithm like mobile-first and totally rank it all for the app on your website. Have a link over to Playstore (android) and over to iOS store. So other than that, I think that’s what you would do what you would need to do, right? The website with a mention of your app, whatever the app is because there has to be a niche for that thing, whatever that thing is, whatever that app is going to do it. First of all, it has to deal with a problem. It has to solve a problem. It can’t just be because. If I’m bored, I might download a game but I’m gonna look for the game first. I don’t generally go to the App Store to look for a game many people do, or if I want something, I just whatever, I’m gonna go to my phone look for it. And if there’s an app, and then I’m going to go and download the app. I probably trust the website that I’m in. So that’s how I’m seeing it. Although I’m gonna tell you again, what you’re getting from me, which I don’t generally do is just theory, because it’s not something that I’ve tested. It’s not something that I try. And it’s not something that I have any kind of expert knowledge on. So don’t take it as if I’m giving you this really cool expert advice because I’m not.

Chris: All right. Let me chime in on the whole thing because I actually have experience with those things.

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Cool. So question number one, can you promote apps on the Google SERPs with your methods? Yes, Google Play Store and the Apple App Store both have desktop links that you can pretty much rank and you can: number one, link them, link to them from your homepage or like to a website that you create. And number two, you can create, even like a drive stack, etc. and link to those things and use all kinds of other methods like press releases, etc. and use those things.

Personally, I would do the route that I create a dedicated website, we’re actually showcasing the app and actually, maybe even do an info product or something like that as well. Obviously, it depends on what kind of app it is exactly. And promote my website and then move it over from that website to the Play Store or Apple App Store. That’s throughout what I would go because like there are always changes in the App Store, etc. and you never know like one day they might change the URL and stuff. So yeah, good to be able to change those apps.

Number two: how to promote an app on the app store’s themselves, number one, their advertisements. And number two, like you, can run Facebook advertisements, Google ads, etc. Those are all available also display advertisements, etc. Number two, the app stores themselves, how do you rank? so if you’re a developer, number one, you have a tirely of description, you have keywords that you can put in there and the vehicles similar to how they work on a website. Basically optimized keywords like your titles and descriptions, etc. with your keywords.

Number two, the main ranking factor will be how often it’s going to be viewed and actually even higher than that, how often it’s downloaded. And they also track if you if a user downloads it and immediately uninstalls etc. So this the good old methods that we used to fake the App Store ranking that history.

Yeah, one more thing if you’re going to promote the apps in the app stores and stuff themselves the methods any good coder can integrate the Facebook pixel or YouTube pixel, etc and also Analytics they recommended actually that you do that and you also get like the conversions and you can promote them with the purchase pixel for example in Facebook’s and with YouTube, etc. I highly recommend going that route. I hope that helps.

Marco: You could just outline the course on how to promote apps and how to how to get them ranked. What are you waiting for? Go record it and sell it.

Chris: Yeah, well if there’s more demand in our audience, um, let us know.

Adam: Sounds good guys. All right. Aaron’s got he’s just asking for MGYB sports a little bit behind them respond to. As far as we know, everything’s up to speed. But I would say make sure you give at least 24 hours. If you submit, you know, help desk ticket to, you know, we can’t guarantee that we’re going to turn it around in an hour or two. And sometimes we get emails from people, you know, saying why you never responded. And it turns out, they submitted a question 30 minutes ago, so I’m not saying that to you. But please give us at least 24 hours if it hasn’t been that by all means, you know, you can post something in the group and say, Hey, I need some help, you know, and we’ll certainly respond. You know, occasionally, mistakes happen, although we try to minimize them. So just let us know if we can help you.

Other than that, we’ll, it looks like that’s the last question. I’m not seeing anything else. We did have one question for you guys, for everyone watching right now, as well as people watching down the line. If you can tell us what your single biggest issue is, for those of you who either haven’t started an agency or who are looking now and saying, hey, I want to either start an agency or wants to start consulting want to start doing this, either, you know, some form digital marketing. What’s your single biggest issue to getting started, or to start to grow, if you can just let us know, pop it on the page here, if you’re watching the replay, put it on the YouTube comments. We’d really love to know, appreciate the feedback, and it helps us you know, develop better training as well as answering questions via Hump Day Hangouts and other avenues. So I think on our end, that will do it for days.

Marco: Hang on. Yeah, he’s saying four days. No way. Yeah, I’m gonna say, if he can, what’s the best way for him to get a hold of us? I was gonna support it at And I don’t know if he’s using his regular email. If he’s using another email. Ah, but I should go look at the ticket. Just write to and you should get a response.

Adam: Karen’s got the direct line. So how about we’ll hop into that right after this and make sure that it’s not in the meantime, Karen if you can send in another ticket. Just say, Hey, it’s me from Hump Day Hangouts, something like that so we can see make sure it’s coming in. Yes, I can go look in the quality group and see what’s going on. Awesome. All right, everybody. Well, thanks, guys for being here, and we’ll see everybody next week. See ya. Cheers.

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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 280 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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