Friday, March 6, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 276

Click on the video above to watch Episode 277 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, Episode 277, where we talk about maybe some we have a drink. It’s almost five o'clock here. So now, we’ll maybe do that on one coming up. But Welcome, everybody. We’re going to say hi, real quick, we got a couple of short announcements, and then we’re going to get into it. We’ve got a long list of questions. And just for those of us joining us for the first time, I want to let you know too, we really appreciate your questions. If you can keep it to one question, we understand some are multi-part. But today we have like, somebody put in like six long questions. We’re not going to be able to get to all of those, but we will try to answer what we can we just want to make sure we give everyone a chance. So we’ll touch on that again. But again, we appreciate your questions. Please come and ask but you know, just be respectful of everyone else and make sure to make room for them. So with that said, Bradley, how are you doing today?

Bradley: I’m good, man. If we wouldn’t have been talking about the beer I wouldn’t be so thirsty right now.

Adam: Yeah, this is good. I’ll share it with everyone since it’s topical. We were talking about it you know everything on everyone’s minds coronavirus, and then hearing the news reports that Corona, you know, the beer is taking a sales hit, you know, it’s just kind of one of those like mind-blowing things that are actually a result of this.

Bradley: So, yeah, how stupid can people be there? They’re concerned about drinking Corona beer. They’ve associated it with the coronavirus and poor Corona.

Adam: Oh, let’s see next on here Hernan. How are you doing man? It’s what comes up in wintertime for you. I guess it’s fall now.

Hernan: Yeah, it’s actually fall. We’re getting to fall. But today’s like still in the past. It is been hot as hell outside. So it’s been good, man. And everything is good and excited to be here.

Adam: Nice. Nice. Marco, how about you? How’s the weather?

Marco: Groundhog Day you see it? I ain’t got to tell you about it. You see it. This is what it’s like, every daym every morning, 365. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s always warm in Costa Rica. So stay away. I want you here. I don’t want your Corona. Only Corona I want is in my fridge and I actually do have a couple of Corona in the fridge

Bradley: careful now

Marco: Yeah, no it’s antibodies I’m building up yeah.

Bradley: there you go I just clean or get drunk so that’s what you call an ambiguous to Corona entity, man.

Adam: Chris, how are you doing man?

Chris: yeah then good still like cold here I mean like it’s not freezing but like you still need to pull over. Yeah actually like it colder weather is like really hot summers always giving me brain fog and I’m really unproductive so not sure what to say to the others here

Adam: for good you’re where you should be then so man I do get the same way when it gets hot just like yeah man that is not my jam. Guys real quick before we get into it just wanted to say if you’re joining us here for the first time, that’s awesome. We really do appreciate it. Please ask your questions, you can always catch the replay on YouTube, which you can go head over and subscribe. You can find the link down below or just go to YouTube, or and subscribe. Stay up to date. Because we understand sometimes you can’t make it live. But all of these are recording go up on our YouTube channel. Also, if you’re an agency owner or a consultant, like us, and you want to get more clients, you want to grow your revenue and you’d like to scale your team then you should be are already into x your agency or Double Your Agency, you can go over and check that out at two extra And we know a lot of people find us and they’re looking for and getting great advice for SEO. But if you want the step by step, Battle Plan, then guess where you should go it’s step by step processes for everything from new websites, eighth websites, YouTube channels, so much more. So head over, grab that and you can find the links off to the right if you’re joining us live.

This Stuff Works
And real quick for anyone who is live. If you guys can do some typing for me, I saw that somebody on there said that there are some issues with redirects and using the chat on the hump day hangouts page, you guys can let me know if it’s working okay for you or not. We’d love some more feedback. So I want to make sure that that’s working smoothly for free one chat box is not working again or something. I just had some issues somebody was saying they were having issues with redirects, but it’s working in incognito. So I just want to see if it’s one person or many.

And then last but not least, we’ve got some information coming out about some really cool updates with Where you can get done for you services for syndication networks, RYS stacks, and of course SEO shield, which we had a killer deal going on last week. A lot of people took advantage of that, but there’s some new great stuff coming out with that and I believe Marco even with the link shortener, there are some potential updates coming right.

Marco: Yeah, what we’re trying to because someone mentioned it last week. Having a custom domain, although people use Bitly people to use rebranding people use all kinds of a on Twitter, they use all kinds of shorteners. And it doesn’t really matter. And in fact, because of the strength of our shortener, it actually enhances everything that you’re doing to the point that the shortened link, right, whatever it short with, it can rank for that keyword and take up more real estate in SERPs, which is actually what you’re looking for. You want people as much as to cover as much of the real estate as possible so that you have a greater chance of people clicking on whatever project it is that you’re doing.

And before we get to questions, I’d like to make a quick announcement because anyone who donated to the charity, got access to all of the webinars and everything. If you haven’t, then please send an email. Right, you got you guys. I’ll post it all on the page. And I’ll be doing an update webinar probably in May because I promise one because I showed the land solutions that work and how it’s going and all of a sudden they just blew up and started appearing on the first page like everywhere.

Yeah, getting national attention. We’re getting form fills from all over the US. So it’s pretty interesting what’s happening. And without really all of the power that I thought it would be necessary to get this to where it is right now. We’re on the next push. I’m expecting it to land the top three in for the top-level category, which is the top market level that everyone wants. I’ll tell every one. Sell and fast and then state Bradley just show me this morning where it’s appearing in Virginia.

Bradley: Yeah, you son of a bitch. It’s out of touch.

Marco: I can’t control the monster man. Once it’s gone, guys. I can’t help it.

Bradley: Yeah, well, I got the knowledge panel now which is pretty impressive considering I really haven’t done a lot of SEO work that has been just through exactly what we’ve been teaching which is that entity like guys I haven’t even been doing link building to the alpha land realty project I did one link building package when I first got the drive stack delivered month you know I’ll shit damn near a year ago now, well at least nine months ago and I did one link building package that’s it. Other than that I’ve just published in press releases for properties that I have for sale haven’t done any other sort of SEO work whatsoever and I’ve got the knowledge panel now for sale down pat fast Virginia which means you know, my brand has been fully associated with that keyword which is super powerful. And again guys that’s doing nothing other than what we teach about solidifying, validating the entity period.

Marco: Entity-based worry less SEO is what this is all about. That’s what my update in May or June. I don’t know when because I want to do press release stack and then I want to do a link building. I’ll put do an embed stack and a link building run and see what happened. What kind of madness that gets us into. So it’s coming, guys, if you donated, you’ll have all of the replays are available and you will have access to the upcoming webinar. And if you haven’t donated it, there’s always a good time, right? This is no better time like now to go and donate and get access to everything and including the upcoming update webinar. So there you go.

Adam: Awesome. Awesome. Two more quick things. I’m gonna have Bradley, I got a question for you. And then from there, we can go to questions, but I want to remind everybody, we still got early access pricing for POFU Live tickets, I believe we have 19 spots, maybe 20 remainings, but the prices are going to go up before too long. So grab those if you want to come if you want to find out more about that you can find out at But it’s basically finding out about all of this stuff. But doing it over two to three days. I highly recommend you grab the VIP ticket we’ve priced it to make it easily accessible from the main ticket. It’s not a big bump in price. We just want to cover the costs get you together with everyone else a day early.

We have a lot of fun last year we went go-karting that was blast had a beer, some food and just get together and you know, in a kind of relaxed environment, have some fun you can get to know everyone and then go into the event. You know, and it’s a small group you already kind of know each other. You’re familiar with each other and go in there and really get the most out of that. So like I said, check it out at POFU Live if you’d like to join us can be last weekend in Boston or last weekend in September in Boston. We’ll have a bunch more details coming but go grab that And then Bradley, you just updated the Double Your Agency training right if I know we’re going long here, can you in like 60 seconds just real quick tell people what the training was about?

Bradley: Yeah, well, this week it was about embeds and link building, which is how to power up the entity, the Semantic Mastery way, which is beautiful. And so what’s really important here is that we like I just mentioned how all I’m doing all I’ve done for Alpha Land Realty. lt is entity-based SEO and I haven’t even been doing the external stuff because I drive the most traffic to it via direct mail, and Google ads and also organic rankings now. So because I’m doing well, I haven’t really done a lot of SEO to it. But it’s ranking. And what I discovered today was we’re in the 2xyour results section of the Double Your Agency training. So there are three total parts – 2xyourr pipeline, 2xyour results, which that’s the section we’re in now. And then it’s 2xyour business which is what we’re going to be going to in two weeks.

This Stuff Works
And so the first three topics covered in this module, which is the 2xyour results was number one, the SEO shield. That was week one, which is the foundation of everything we do guys it’s absolutely the foundation now and that’s how you solidify the entity right? Number two is content marketing. It’s just how you start to build relevancy, both topical and or location, relevancy if it’s for a local project. So content marketing is how you start to fuel up the entity like the power it up with content and build the relevancy and now three as external link building and embeds, like what we do to the SEO shield to power it up. And I’m telling you guys, it’s a three-step process. There’s a lot of components to those three steps, but it’s a three-step process. And the fourth step being pushing relevant traffic into the entity which kind of is like throwing jet fuel on the fire. And we’re going to talk about that next week. My whole point is I’ve got several projects I’m working on right now that all I’m doing it’s paint by numbers guys exactly what we’re teaching and to 2xyouragency for the 2xyourresults part of it. SEO shield, content marketing, power up the entity, run relevant traffic into it, you’ll get results period and the story. It’s painted by numbers. There’s not there is no competition out there that you cannot overcome with this method, period. End of story. Marco, do you want to comment on that?

Marco: Dude, I don’t even take into account the competition. I don’t look at it. I don’t bother. I don’t care if we can go up against Amazo. We can go up against anyone. And so I just don’t bother anybody I do. I let them worry about me because this guy is the top guy in nationwide for this is in trouble and he doesn’t even know it. Because it’s coming into it’s going to hit. You’re already seeing it with really that last power push that we usually do to get it in there. It hasn’t even been done. So it’s just gonna be mad simple and simple doesn’t mean easy, right? We try to make it simple so that people can follow everything and get there and get the same results that we get. It’s not easy. It’s a lot of work. There’s a lot of things involved. We have a whole team that works behind all this to accomplish all of the different steps. But once it’s done, it’s just keeping it up and doing your link building cycles the way that you’re supposed to your press releases, and it’s done. It’s a done deal. It’s crazy how simple this is, and how people despite the proof that we can provide because I’m sharing results in our group. Despite that, there’s still sell it. That doesn’t work. Yeah. Don’t leave your lying eyes because it’s an optical illusion, the results that you’re seeing in SERPs that’s not true either, right? So I will just leave it at that. Let’s go to the questions, guys. It doesn’t work. If you want to see how it doesn’t work, come and get our stuff and

Bradley: anything else guys, or can we get any question?  Let’s do it. All right, there we go. Tell me when you see my screen. Got it? Okay. We can see it. Yeah. So that’s what I was talking about. If you look at selling and fast, Virginia, it’s popping knowledge panel now number one position. And you can see my brand is associated with that search term. It’s even showing up and suggesting related searches. Guys, that’s what you want, you know, powerful that is when somebody a prospect starts typing a generic keyword into search and a brand appears how powerful that is. So it’s incredible how much traffic I get from that. It’s insane. And guys, I haven’t done anything other than what we teach. I have an SEO shield. I did one batch of link building to it and ever since then, all I’ve done is run relevant traffic into the entity. And it just took time is just a matter of time and I’m already popping for knowledge panel now push this competitor out who had been number one for months. So it’s um, it’s impressive, guys. I can’t thank Marco and my team enough for making it so easy to repeat and get results. It’s just not fair. It’s just not fair.

Alright, so let’s get into the question.

This Stuff Works

How To Make A Domain Mapping In Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Dustin. Hey, guys, how do you? Yeah, okay, that’s it. Hey, guys, how do you make a domain mapping with AWS Amazon cloud so my websites get hosted on Amazon, just go to YouTube. You can do it with Cloudflare. Probably the easiest way to do it is through Cloudflare. But just go to YouTube and search not directly on our channel, because I don’t think we have any public training about that. And the training that I did on that was probably three years old now. And it’s likely that it may, I don’t know, it might not have changed, but just go to YouTube and search domain mapping cloud, Amazon HTML site or something like that, right. And just playing around, you’ll find somebody that’s good with a tutorial for that. It’s, it’s fairly simple. I use CloudFlare to do that. But you can also use Amazon route 53, which is their DNS service inside of AWS console. You can do it with Amazon route 53. And what’s interesting about Amazon route 53, by the way, is when you set it up that way, it gives you what’s called a dynamic IP, the IP for your site will change. Well, if you’re hosting in Amazon, but if you’re just pointing how do you make a domain mapping so my website gets hosted on Amazon.

Yeah, if you’re using Amazon to host, then it’s a dynamic IP, which is it’s interesting because the IP changes, years ago, we had talked about building a PBNs, well, kind of like PBNs but essentially buffer sites using Amazon HTML pages hosted in s3 buckets, but using Amazon route 53, to set up subdomains for a particular domain, and you have just multiple, like, essentially, we create a bunch of pages and subdomains, but they would each have dynamic IPs. So it would, it wouldn’t look like all of them coming from like links from the same domain would be coming from different IPs, if that makes sense because they were different subdomains. And you’d go check them in an IP checker. And if you refresh the screen, it wouldn’t always be a new IP, but often when you would refresh the screen, it would be a whole new IP. And it was a great way when we were still using a lot of PBN stuff to get IP diversity into your link building. But again, I don’t do that anymore. We don’t need to, the SEO shield is all we need to do. And that is link building, and it works. But yeah, just go check YouTube, you’ll find somebody to teach you how to do that. It’s not that difficult.

Why Do You SEO For Local And Not Focus On Ads Where You Have More Control Over Keywords?

jp says I don’t understand. Okay, this is a good question. I don’t understand the use of ranking websites for local. I run Google Ads with GMB location extension activated and Google ads for local plumbing clients, I ranked multiple websites organically number one and GMBs organically number one, I would guess that about 5% of traffic comes from my number one organically ranked websites and about 15 from organic GMB organic rankings and the rest come from ads and GMB linked to the ads. You can target so many more keywords with ads and organic you will never show in the three-pack for the variety of keywords you can target in Google ads. Well, that’s not necessarily true you can depend on how much work you put into it. You can write for a variety of keywords and you can also rank for outside of your immediate area like you can with ads. I know what you mean when you run a location extension with the GMB. That’s how you can get beat that proximity filter right away. Right? There’s no question. If you have the top quality score, or a high-quality score that Trumps your competitors, then that’s how you will typically get in the number one position in the ads, you know, the number one ads position in the maps three-pack or in the expanded maps.

And there’s no question that that’s a great way to expand your service area very quickly and overcome that proximity issue. However, we do know a way of overcoming that proximity issue organically, which is the local GMB pro method. So it’s not that you can’t do it. It’s just it does require a lot more work than just paying Google to get placed there. That said, you say that you would guess that about 5% of your traffic comes from organic rankings and 15% from organic or maps rankings. But you said that you would guess you know, I would recommend you know, looking at your analytics deep diving in that to see if that is the case. And it may be for your particular industry, plumbing, I don’t do plumbing, SEO. I mean, it happened to pass. But I, you know, most of the industries that I work in I’ve proven time and again, that maps rankings produce the most leads for most of the services that I, you know, provide most of the industries that I provide services to. And organic rankings have recently for whatever reason started to produce more than they have in the past.

And I don’t know why that is because they’re pushed even further down on the page now than ever. But for some reason or another, I’m getting more traffic through organic rankings that I have in recent years. And I’m not sure exactly why that is, except for maybe the fact that the maps filter have you know, the proximity issue has reduced the maps footprint and your organic rankings are taking are kind of filling in where the maps used to produce results. Now, it’s organic, so maybe that’s why but I think it varies by any industry, you know because there are a lot of statistics out there that state. And again, I’m sure it’s going to vary by industry. But there are a lot of statistics out there that state that organic rankings get organic listings, period maps or organic, get so much more click-throughs than paid. And so just and I’m going to ask Marco and other others to comment on this in a minute, but I just pulled this up for organic first-page search statistics on higher-visibility calm, and this is stats for 2020. And it talks about right here 70. And this doesn’t mention local specifically, but it says 70 to 80% of all searches, searchers ignore paid ads and focus only on organic results. So again, I’m not disputing what you say is the result of your marketing campaigns. But what I’m telling you is by it probably varies by industry, and through my own projects. I’ve proven over and over and over again through data that we generate far many more leads for the like tree service industry.

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For example, at far less cost than we do use, we generate far more leads at using SEO and maps SEO, that at far less cost than we do use Google ads. So again, you know, I’m, I’m not trying to dispute what you’re saying. I’m just saying that I think there it’s going to vary depending on industry and project. Comments, guys. I absolutely agree that it’s going to depend entirely, not only on the industry, and how people are used to seeing whatever it is or the results that they’re seeing. It also depends on how much effort you put into your SEO and your maps versus how much effort you put into ads. So if you think that s that SEO and ads aren’t going to bring you the results, because you’re guessing that 20% is coming from that and all of your efforts actually know that 8020 rule 80% of your effort goes into ads, then that’s going to show in that present. I’ve seen it differently also. And we have them especially in the plumbing niche, we had the DC plumber example, where once we trigger that map pack, the phone went, what they went nuts is map pack and it’s also organic he gets organic traffic, you have to remember the press releases also bring traffic to one will branded will also bring some traffic, right your social media and how much effort goes in there. So the idea here is that you don’t focus all of your energies on one source of traffic is one change can bring that 80% to half and then what do you do, but if you focus as you mentioned in other Hump Day Hangouts and holistic marketing when you take an overall approach to what this is a gang, you’re actually driving several traffic funnels, not concentrating all your efforts in one.

I think you’re going to see much better results. I’m also seeing it in the morning, by the way, I’m working California and in New York with an attorney in those two places and it’s man, the map pack in those and it’s whatever we target, right because we could target in the GMB. Any keywords that we want or any keyword set or any we can silo it, it’s what we do. And it’s how we link it together. It’s how we get that those keywords to pop up. And you know, you get into the thousands of keywords that way and not only in GMB Insights, but it starts showing up in Search Console on what you’re getting impressions for, and the average position where you’re getting impressions where if you improve the average position, you start seeing crazy CTR and so all of these factors combined our matter.

He is seeing his numbers from his efforts, which is fine, that’s the way you want to do it. If you think that you can get the most bang for your buck out of it. And then by all means me I’d rather not go up against for example Amazon and pay for ads against Amazon I’d rather hit them organically and do my damage there because I’m seeing crazy results from that case study also seeing results from the land solutions network, right the cell and fast case study. So all of these things that we do, what we give you is is is it’s like you’re giving us data from what your efforts are from what you’re getting. So we give you data from what we see and not to say the one or the other is wrong it’s just different approaches to the different niches that we’re after.

Yeah, I just one more comment on that. Like for example, why I like SEO better than ads and I run ads guys for a lot of stuff. My alpha land Realty, for example, generates a ton of traffic through ads, and I do it for clients too. But my point is kind of like what Marco said like, let’s say you’ve got $1,000 a month budget period for any type of marketing, whether it’s Google ads or SEO or whatever. If you’re running $1,000 a month in Google ads and Google Ads only, that’s, that’s great. You can target you know, whatever your keywords are and your locations. But if you want to expand into new areas and target new keywords, you still only have that thousand dollars a month budget. So you’ve got to rob Peter to pay Paul. In other words, you’ve got to pull money from existing campaigns, or ad groups, whatever you’ve got running, to push into different areas, if that’s what you’re limited to is, let’s just say that that’s, you know, again, hypothetically, you’re limited to that, that thousand dollars a month, whereas with SEO, the thousand dollars a month can go towards content marketing, and link building and such and target, different keywords, different locations. And once the content is there, and it’s producing, it’s your ranking and you’re producing leads from that content. You can redirect those funds to the next location, the next set of keywords because that’s already producing. And it’s just a matter of maintaining it then with through our methods, you can maintain organic rankings through just link building and such to the SEO shield and the entity. So my point is, you can take that same thousand dollars and continue to expand keywords and locations area, right. So the service area and continually grow with that same thousand dollars per month. Whereas with Google ads, if you’re at full capacity for your budget, you can’t grow into other areas without spending more money or taking money from an already producing campaign to redirect to those areas. That makes sense. So that’s what I like, you know, when you stop paying Google, you stop generating leads. That’s the problem with Google Ads there. I mean, again, I guys, I love Google ads. I love them. But I don’t you know, I still always recommend to clients, that we start an SEO campaign and that we only use Google ads to supplement until the SEO is producing the results that we desire.

Okay. Anyways, good question. Or good? Great question.

This is a very long, like, it looks like it’s only six questions, but if you get into it, there’s like, eight questions in this one alone. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to go through the first number three numbers here, and then the rest of them will have to be, you know, come join the mastermind, if you want a consultation, that’s what it’s for. Like, you know, you can ask these kinds of questions and mastermind but this is a lot of damn questions. We’re not going to have time for all of these unless we get through everything else and then we’ll come back. We appreciate you coming and asking questions, though. I do appreciate that. So should I include the author and each post I publish? You can, it’s not necessary. My blogger, I tend to have her do it because she’s a prolific blogger who’s been blogging for years for me now. So she’s got quite the author’s status. But you know, that’s not necessary. It’s just a matter of preference.

Which page in the silo structure should get the most backlinks? Well, if you understand silo structure doesn’t matter which page because if you have your interlinking done correctly, your internal linking throughout the silo, anywhere you point links to within that silo is going to benefit the entire silo. Right? That’s if you understand silo structure and how to interlink correctly properly within a silo, then there’s no one page that should get any more links than any other because it doesn’t matter. You could take the last post in the silo and inject all your links there and it’s going to flow up through every post in the silo and up to the top-level page. So, you know, it really doesn’t, it’s not important as to which page gets the most links. If you’ve got your silo structure and internal linking done properly. I can tell him which page gets the most length. None of the pages on your website should get linked. None. Absolutely not. You should not be link building to your money site. That’s what your SEO shield is for.

Now through your SEO shield, you can push into each one of your market level categories. Or you can push into the supporting post for your categories, which whichever way you decide to do it, and you can cycle that what I call a link building cycle, which will you change it up, sometimes you go into the pole sometimes into the category, maybe you’ll go somewhere else where you know, tier one, and push through there. But everything should take place through that dry stack and G site and maybe even tier one branded because they can handle it. But if you get caught building to your website, a lot of bad things can happen. That guy we stay away from the top-level domain for that reason because we don’t want to trigger any of those nasty little things that can pop up and get you in and kill everything that you’ve been trying to do so know the answer to that is none on your website. Learn how to how to cycle your link building through the SEO shield how to add depth and breadth to that drive second Gsite and you’re going to get much better results with protection to be correct.

This Stuff Works
So the next question was, what do you think about it? What do you think of this dummy silo for a niche site? 1000 posts, for example, in the site all under the main domain, which is also the homepage, no categories, no tags, no subfolders, and the homepage links to all of the posts up to the last 1000 posts. Is this good for a silo? Now, for a couple of reasons.

The number one is, well, if you were linking From the homepage, to all 1000 posts, first of all, that would be one hell of a menu or one hell of a linked list. It would be kind of ugly for like user experience and everything. And number two is if any one of those individual posts link back to the homepage, which is really what you’d want to do anyway, that would be the reciprocal link, it would kill the value of that silo. So my point is, I wouldn’t do that. If I were going to do it, first of all, you know, having a one category website is fine, that’s perfectly fine. But you don’t want to link to all of the posts on the homepage. That would be ridiculous in my opinion. And I think it would be hard for users to navigate and I don’t think it would be any good for SEO. So I think you’re better off adding some sort of structure to the site navigation structure. If you were going to do something like that. That would be logical, but you would also want to make sure again, you understand how to properly interlink within a silo, which we cover in the mastermind will also be covered in heavy hitters club I’m sure or heavy hitter club excuse me, when that’s available, which will be soon but we can’t share our exact silos linking technique here on a free Hump Day hangout apologize.

Do you want to comment on that? Anybody before I move on? I thought I think that was fine. Okay.

Yeah, there are good ways to do that. If you’re going to you can have a site all-around one particular topic, but typically are one category. But typically, even with that one category, you’re talking about 1000 posts.

You’re you can probably segment those posts into subcategories right to make it a more easier to navigate and a more logical setup than to have 1000 posts all in one very, you know, I don’t know how, I’m sure it can be done, but I’m just saying I think you’d be better off even having, you know, subcategories and such to make it more logical. I think you’d be better off that way. We’ll come back to some of these other ones if we have time.

How Long Should You Wait After The New WordPress Page Is Published?

Yeah, okay. Hi, everyone. I’m using RSS syndication on my website. But my WordPress page has been disabled twice. So I think this is because my posting frequency is higher than normal blogs that can happen. So my question is, how long should I wait after the new WordPress page is published?

Well, it’s, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you publish relevant content to the WordPress site. site when you get it in. Let that sit for a week or two. And the way that we build it at our, you know, our builders build them at the store is we, we, we find relevant content on another blog and post that we republish that with attribution. So we link over to the original source because now that’s an internal link for WordPress. com. Does that make sense? That’s why we do that. And we and it’s a relevant article relevant to whatever the theme of that blog is now, right. And then we always recommend that you wait and give it like, you know, seven days, five to seven days, roughly before you start automating posts through RSS syndication. But then if you’re going to when you start syndicating posts if it’s a high volume, frequency of publishing, then we always recommend that you start slow and you ramp up, which means like, you know, if you publish, let’s say you publish, you know, five blog posts per day. I don’t know what your frequency is, but we’ll just use that as an example. You don’t want to come out of the gate, publishing five blog posts a day to a day new WordPress site, even if it’s been, you know, kind of season for a week or so, what you want to do is maybe start doing one post per day for a week or two, and then maybe you can increase it to two posts per day and then three and then four. And you do that slowly you build up so that WordPress, kind of, you know,, or whatever other blog sites kind of gain an understanding of the business and a lot of the site excuse me, and allows it to, it tends to get terminated a lot less. You know, we’ve had, we’ve had projects that are I’ve had projects that I’ve worked on that had a high volume of publishing, but as long as you gradually increase to whatever your normal posting frequency is, it typically will remain. But that said, it also depends on the type of posts that you’re publishing. If the posts are spammy, if they contain a shit ton of outbound links, things like that, then you’re you it’s likely that they’re going to get terminated anyways. So you just got to be careful. It’s got be decent content, while my VA is for the projects I work on like we just use curated content because it’s very nicely done content. We’re linking to multiple sources, not just our own. So so for example, not all links on the blog, just come back to the money site. We use curated content. So every post has links to relevant third party content sources. And I think that makes a big difference too, which is why I have such a low suspension rate or termination rate for syndication network properties. So it’s a matter of quality of content, the number of outbound links where those outbound links are pointing to and also the frequency of publishing, you can gradually build it up over time. Okay, it’s a good question, though.

How long does it take to attain maturity? I can’t tell you that because I don’t know it. As I said, if you just gradually increase, you should be okay. But your content does matter. Content matters, guys. You know, it does

Should You Use Similar Content In The GStacks As On The GSIte And The Money Site?

loft says a question about duplicate content, do I use the same content and the Gsite is in the G site as on the money site? So if I find the money site onto the G site, the content appears twice. And there is no problem with that. My question? Well, first of all, I’d love to get Marco’s opinion on this. I don’t, here’s the thing on the G site, why even put content on the pages if you’re going to embed the money site page, it will read the content of the embed, and that will become the content of the page. It’ll even show up in the meta description in search. So for my projects, I don’t put content on the pages.

Guys have to excuse me, I’ve got a call coming in. I don’t know how to silence that right now.

This Stuff Works
Okay, so yeah, so I don’t actually run, put content on the page as well. Sometimes I do. It just depends on the page. But for the most part, if I’m embedding pages, it’s going to be embedded pages. And that’s it. The content is produced through the embed. You want to comment on that, Marco? Yeah, I don’t understand that the iframe question. If you understand iframe, then what you’re doing through the iframe is you’re displaying your homepage on the G site. That’s all that is, so it’s not a copy. And let’s get away from duplicate content. There’s no such thing as a duplicate content. It’s bullshit. It’s a myth. It doesn’t happen if it if there were such a thing as duplicate content, we set a time and again press releases would be they’d be out of work. They wouldn’t work it’s it just doesn’t make sense to say that there is duplicate content that could be a duplicate content penalty and all these other things that people say, which we have shown time and again, are not true. We showed it in the mastermind, as a matter of fact, I asked Marco.

Marco: anything webinar, we showed it, there is no such thing as a duplicate content. And so with that in mind, you can do whatever you want on on that G site. This is going to be relevant. It’s relevant to whatever it is that you’re doing. We use other people’s content. Sometimes we use our own content, sometimes. It’s just it just depends on what it is that we’re trying to do.

Yeah. Okay, he says also, because the G site takes the schema from the iframe site, and now has the featured image of the iframe site in mobile search, even though that image does not appear anywhere on the G site, I thought you might like to know that and if you already do, maybe know a way to undo this. I, I don’t know why you would want to undo it. Look, I don’t care what you know if something like that appeared happens, because my point is the search results are just more of my entity. Does that make sense? So like, and I’ve had, you know, people say, Well, you know, I don’t my client doesn’t like the G site appearing in the search results for you know, their keyword or for their brand name? Why would you rather a competitor’s website be ranked there and you know, we make them look really good, they’ll convert, I mean, you know, so anyway, my point is, as long as I’m taking up real estate on the first page with my entity assets, I don’t care, you know, because it’s pushing a competitor off the page period, end of story and if every one of those open those links open up to a branded entity asset that’s going to lead back to my company with a company that I’m promoting for the project then I really don’t care if something like that happens or which properties appear in search, for example, which is one of the network properties in our syndication networks that for whatever reason is ranking super well right now for like brand searches. And when you click on it, you know, if you’ve got your RSS feeding into you know, newspaperly, a newspaper or whatever they call it, then you know, it’s branded content on the paper profile. So like, it’s not something I would typically push intentionally to the first page, but on a lot of projects I have right now, for whatever reason, is ranking for the brand search, so I’m not going to go disable it or delete it because my client doesn’t want paper at least showing up for their brand search. I just tell them, hey, look, that could have been your competitor, you know what I mean? So my point is, I don’t know why that’s an issue. I appreciate you bringing that to my attention. But honestly, it doesn’t. It doesn’t bother me to have that happen. Does anybody want to comment on that?

Marco: No, no, no. I mean, it did. It doesn’t make sense not to want as much to not want to take up as much real estate as possible. Take it up, take it to take up as much as you can, if you’re doing it through iframes. I mean, that’s fine. It’ll go to the client eventually. And if not, then it’s reinforcing the entity and he clicks on that image just reinforces the entity. Yeah.

That’s right. Its activity into the entity. That’s correct. All right. Lauren says I want to order an SEO shield? Can you explain how it works? I’m having a hard time understanding how it protects my website.

Yeah, we did the SEO, she would explain just go to our YouTube channel. In fact, I’ll walk you through it. Let’s go to slash Semantic Mastery. Okay, go to our YouTube channel. See that search icon that’s the search this channel feature. So we’re going to click that there and we’re going to type in SEO shield and right here is the holiday special Hump Day hangout Episode 267 where we went into the SEO shield right there. So just go use our channel search feature.

As I just showed you search for SEO shield holiday special Hump Day hangout SEO shield right there, 14 minutes 36 seconds long, all about specifically what the SEO shield is and how it works. Okay. Good question though, Thank you.

This Stuff Works

Baby says the chat works but if you don’t save the page link and bookmarks, it’s hard to find the chat page. Okay, guys, the chat page has been the same redirect URL since we started which is was an over five years ago for stands for Hump Day questions. bookmarklet. Remember it committed to memory, It’s been the same URL for many many years. it redirects to this page right here but just remember HD questions, Hump Day questions, period. . It will always take you to this page right here. Okay. You don’t have to sign up for an opt-in every time. If you are not then I’m sorry because that sucks.

Alright, next Are there any up sales on your to extra agency course I plan I plan to buy all the upsells but I wanted to know if there are any before I buy. Yes, there are upsells there are one time offers and that kind of stuff. We wouldn’t be good we wouldn’t be worth our weight.

We wouldn’t be worth anything if we didn’t have upsells man, this is internet marketing guys. So anyway, all right, we do have some time left so we can go back to some of those other questions. Anybody have anything they want to comment on before we do?

Adam: Oh, yeah, I just wrote the comment on there but basically what you said I was like yeah, there’s some awesome deals I was like that, you know, truly are one time offers we you know, want to make something cool. It’s like Bradley said, you know, we’re wouldn’t be worth our weight if we didn’t put in a good offer and funny but these are really really really really good ones. Anyways, that’s awesome.

Bradley: Yeah, because a lot of the stuff that’s offered throughout the sales funnel essentially is also you know, we talk a lot about the in the 2xyouragency course guys because they’re all, you know, here’s the thing and throughout the 2X Your Agency course we point you to its a conceptual training. In other words, it’s a high level of training, to point you in the right direction to do these things. If you want to learn more about the specific methods of how they work, go buy this training course points you to the correct training course. But the whole point of Double Your Agency guys is not to encumber you or bog you down with more training in more shit you have to learn and then either do yourself, God forbid or hire somebody out and train them to do it for you, which is a better option. But if you want to Double Your Agency, it’s done for you services that are already set, the team is in place, the met the training, the management, the quality control, all of that is in place and then you just mark it up and sell right and manage projects for your clients. That’s how you Double Your Agency, not by getting bogged down and training. And I’m not telling you don’t go through our training. That would be stupid. But I’m saying that if you really want to grow your agency, I would focus and I recommend focusing on using third party fulfillment providers like MGYB to do the work, and you need to focus on prospecting and sales and learning how to manage camp projects, essentially, project management, because then that’s how you can scale your agency without getting bogged down in the day to the daily grind and having to do all the work. And that’s so so that’s what we do.

And 2xyourgency we talk about concepts at a high level, there’s a lot of actionable plans. But we tell you if you want to learn more about the specific tactic or method, go by the training course. But the better option is just to go buy it done for you at MGYB, and move on to the next module so that you can grow your business does that make sense? Any comments on that guys? Yeah, man, cuz. Right. So it’s, it’s what we do. If you guys want to know how I got results for the land solutions, network case study, I went and I got the prospects from MGYB, and they were built out the tier one branded the @ID, the drive second g site, you can go in and starts and start breaking it down and you can see it all there. I worked on the entity just like I recommend everything is that we guys, we don’t do anything different than what we give you. This is why it’s ridiculous. If you guys want and go and try other things, you want to change it up and you don’t want this to happen. You don’t want that to happen. You want to see results. This is how we do it. Exactly how we’re showing you the SEO power shield, which seems like it’s something new it isn’t. It’s simply bringing all of these different things that these pieces that we’ve been mentioned the syndication network, which I would never do anything without the @ID now the and the drive seconds, guys, it’s my training by August of 2015. It was released, it’s working better today than it was when it was released. And so why wouldn’t I use my own training my own methods, methods that I use them to train VA that are now in MGYB working for us. Why wouldn’t I do it? Why would I go and try something else? I do tests right to see whether what other people say is true, whether it’s working, how it works. And I just find that my stuff did the way that I do it works and works like crazy. It works.

I mean, I can’t say how well it works. You see, you’re seeing Bradley get results, you see mega results, Rob talks about the results that he gets. And if you’re in our mastermind, you know what results our mastermind members are getting. And so I don’t know what else to tell you, other than this thing that we call the SEO shield is what we use not only to protect ourselves from Google but also to enhance our entity and to enhance our footprint. So Google, look, this is me, this is who I am. And all of these things are also extensions of my brand. And what’s happening right now in search engines is that brands are getting rewarded. Yes. If you do not do if you’re not doing entity SEO, you’re already in trouble. So you even before you start, you’re in trouble. I agree with that. And I just want to show like, for example, this is, you know, I, because of the 2xyouragency training, I actually wasn’t doing a lot of marketing for prospecting for Tree Service clients for my own agency. Because I’ve been really focused a lot on the last several months on my real estate business. However, some of the marketing that I had put, you know, content that I produced two years ago, for whatever reason is producing a lot of inbound leads for my agency. So Tree Service contractors contacting me and over the last couple of months, asking me to quote them, you know, for service, SEO services, and lead generation and such. And so, as part of the two extra agency training, I said, you know, it’s silly for me to be doing this training and not also adding to my own agency marketing and stuff to bring clients in which I

Again, I wasn’t originally planning on growing my agency but I didn’t feel hypocritical not actively trying to grow my agency throughout the two extra agency training. So why not I’m going to grow my agency. So just a couple little things that I’ve been doing recently to get better results and so for example, Tree Service SEO, I haven’t even done any SEO to this except for one, press release one press release. And I had a page on my site right here that for the last two or three years or however long it might show what the publishing date was. Okay, so for the last year it was when I published this page this posting guys looked at so awful, I haven’t my websites, a one page website. And anyway, I haven’t added any images to this. haven’t done any outbound linking or any internal link. It’s a one-page website. There’s nothing to link to but the homepage, but all I did was I had an article written I didn’t write this I had it written and I there was this post was nothing other than this infographic for the last year until last week.

When I had this article written, and I just went in and published this article, it’s about 1500 words about SEO. And that’s for Tree Search. It’s optimized for Tree Service SEO. And that was it. And I haven’t done anything to this page. There’s no theme mirroring. This has not been built into, by the way, I don’t even have a theme mirrored drive stack and G site because there is no content. There’s no silo structure for my agency website. It’s a single page other than this post. It’s literally a single-page website. There’s no content, there are no silos. There’s none of that. The drive stack that has been ranking since August or May of 2015. So going on five years, the SEO Virginia, Virginia SEO, SEO agency Virginia, it’s producing number one maps ranking for local IPS, number one Google Site ranking. And if I open that up, it’s interesting but when taking a look at my drive stack because I built this from scratch when I was first turned on to the RYS Academy methods by Marco and I built I only built one set of files. That’s it like I was just in the account, the Google account where the owner accounts for this drive stack that I built, which was under different Gmail account for whatever reason, I was just in there over the weekend. And all I’ve got guys are the files that are embedded right here. That’s it. There is nothing else to this drive stack. And it’s got me ranked number one for SEO, Virginia, Virginia, SEO, SEO agency, Virginia, blah, blah, blah, for five years, over and above all the other SEO agencies in the state of Virginia. And it’s just a matter of like six drive stack files. That’s it.

There are no folders, there’s no silo structure. My point in telling you all of this is because imagine and again, this page, this one page here, which was nothing other than an infographic for the last year, all I did was add content to it, which hasn’t even been optimized like I haven’t gone through and finished optimizing the content, adding images and all tags, all of that stuff.

This Stuff Works
Look at these guys, out of all the Tree Service SEO agencies out there who are paying for ads and everything else. on page one, what position seven with no SEO or just one, press release. So you can imagine if I go in and feed mirror that page onto this G site, build some drive stack files, a folder around Tree Service, SEO, and files that are all pointing to that page, run a few links to it, guys. There’s no question I should be able to pop to the number one position for that keyword. Right? So anyway, I’m just showing work. You know, we don’t just tell you to do things because we tell you to do it. We practice what we preach and it works. So okay, any comments on that before I try to answer a few more of these? Does anybody know?

Norian says It can’t be that easy with all the different SEO tactics out there. Okay. You’re right. It doesn’t work. Laurens. Right. Yeah, we’re showing you it works, but you’re right. It doesn’t work. It can’t be that easy. Okay. Well, I like I mean, if you want to make overcomplicate it, that’s fine. You know, continue over complicated. But, uh, you know, It is that easy. It’s just a matter of how much you push into the entity. That’s, that’s how you overcome competition right now. All right, so I understand it. No. I see you, Lawrence. And I hear you know, it’s not easy. It’s simple. We keep it so right. Yeah, we keep it simple. We’ve developed a method that has withstood the test of time and every single update that has been thrown at the SEO world for the past five-plus years. So no, it can’t be that easy. It isn’t easy. It doesn’t involve effort or work. It’s just easy. Simple is different because we focus on web principles that everyone has to follow, including Google. So focusing on those and focusing on the map is what allows us to simplify our tactics to the point where we can get results this way.

So easy as and simple are different in this case. So one thing and I’ve got I know we can answer this number for right here. So I just want to say one more thing about this. So in the mastermind, guys, I have a couple of projects that I’m starting. We got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, my mat, the format has changed. We don’t talk about that enough at the beginning of Hump Day Hangouts, guys, we need to do that coming week. We recently changed the format to where each one of us now is producing our own mastermind webinar. So if you’re in the mastermind, that’s an enormous amount of value because before it was mainly Marco and I doing the webinars every two weeks we would do a mastermind webinar, which would often go to two and a half, sometimes even three hours. But it was heavily SEO based and it was mostly Marco and I are doing the training and answering questions. But we’ve changed it since the 2xyouragency juicy stuff. Now all of us have different skills, Semantic Mastery Mmastermind, partners, right? My partners, we all have different sets of skills, they all overlap for sure, we all have different sets of skills, we want to be able to provide you guys with as much actionable information as possible. So each one of us now is hosting our own separate webinars. So you can come and plug into the ones that are the most relevant to you and your business at what at any given time, or plug into all of them if you want. So one of the things that I’m going to be covering and I’m gonna announce this tomorrow, kind of like reveal the plan and everything is I’ve got a new a whole new tree service project that I’m starting. And part of the agreement I made with the contractor just this week, in fact, was that I could use his project as a case study within my teaching with as a training opportunity. And he agreed and I’m giving him you know, a substantial discount on my normal fees for a Tree Service contractor to be able to use this. So I’m going to be taking this exact thing that we’re talking about, right so, create the entity build the SEO shield, start the content marketing link building and embeds through MGYB driving relevant traffic into the entity using Google ads, very inexpensive display and or YouTube ads. That’s it. That’s the process. That’s it. And we’re going to take that project. And I’m going to make it a case study that I’m going to be sharing in the mastermind over the next month or a couple of months while I’m building it out. For service area business with a wide surface area to show how we can absolutely get results, no questions asked, by just doing exactly what we talked about. And 2xyouragency here and everywhere that you guys can hear us, right, which is that that simple. It’s not easy. There’s a lot of work involved. But the easiest way to make it. The way to make it easy is don’t do the damn work. Just buy the components, manage the project, buy the components, stack them or put them in you know, build them in the order that we tell you to do. And then just power them up and that and produce good content. That’s a big part of it. That’s it. You do that and then no question you will get results.

So, all right, we got about three minutes. I’m gonna roll through these last couple real quick.

What Is The Use Of The Multiple Tier 1 Rings?

He says what is the use of the multiple tier-one rings? We don’t recommend multiple tier-one rings except and only four YouTube channels. Okay. And I’ve said that a million times. I can’t assume that you’ve been now all of them. But yeah, I don’t one tier one ring for blog syndication only branded tier one right? That’s it. Now you can use multiple tiers, right? So you can use two-tier networks or three-tier networks whatever we’ll we will build two-tier networks for you at MGYB. But as we’ve said, and again, you can go to our YouTube channel and find this you can go to and look at our knowledge base under Syndication Academy and there are several frequently asked questions there where I specifically go into depth into detail as to why if you’re going to use two-tier or multi-tier networks for blog syndication how to set it up correctly, which is to inject third relevant related RSS feeds into the second tier. Okay. And again just go to Syndication Academy knowledge base articles and there are several lessons in there about that. But um, so yeah, so only one branded syndication ring, tier-one syndication ring for blogs if you want to use multi-tier networks you can, but you have to be aware of how to set that up correctly, which again, I just pointed you to the resources for that.

Also, if there could be more tier-one rings, what should they be personas? No, they wouldn’t be tier-one rings for blog syndication if you want to use multiple rings again, they should be second or second tier and beyond. And they should be persona-based or topical based like theme based but not branded. Does that make sense? also, should you do multiple tier one on YouTube channel only or is it allowed websites? No, no. For YouTube channels, you can stack as many tier one networks as you want. They could be branded. Well, you should only have one branded ring period. But the rest of them can be persona-based, theme-based. You know, whatever you want, it’s fine for YouTube. It’s no issue. It’s only for the blog, blog syndication.

I think we’re about done. How much money will be needed for a complete project like that? How much do you charge? I’m not sure what you’re asking who you’re asking about charging. But for a complete project. Again, you guys can just go to MGYB and price it out. Right? So like an SEO power shield, go look at the pricing. That’s component number one, right then component number two would be you know, content marketing and such which vanish to do that, but component number three would be the link building and embed gigs and determine what size link building or embed package you need is going to depend on the competition. Competition is going to dictate the volume of links needed and the frequency with which you need to do that build them. Does that make sense?

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So you can kind of go through and just kind of price it out that way. And, you know, I recommend 100% markup at the minimum for charging clients. So if you go to MGYB and kind of just map out what your costs are going to be, and then mark it up 100% minimum, that’s what you should charge your clients for setup. And if like, for example, for monthly ongoing monthly link building gigs, if you know, a medium competition package is going to be what you need for your particular industry might not be what I found for a lot of my projects is, I go heavy upfront when I start the project with link building and embeds once I achieve the desired results that I typically cycle through the low competition, link building and embed gig packages, but they repeat like in other words, they recur on monthly basis and that’s just to maintain but it may be different for your niche. I can’t, I can’t tell you what to how to develop out your plan. You need to do that depending on your project, your market keywords competition level, that kind of thing. Okay.

All right. Does anybody want to comment on that? I’m about to wrap it up.

No, it just is it’s all set up. It ends up being Everything is their SEO shield is there. That’s what you need to get started. That’s it. Go join 2x Your Agency go through the 2xyour results training. We’re in week three of four for that next week will be the last week of that and we’re going to get into two extra business which is going to be about how to scale your operations and grow. So we’ll see some of you and mastermind tomorrow. Bye, everybody. Thanks. Bye, everyone.

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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 276 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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