Friday, March 13, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 278

Click on the video above to watch Episode 278 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Cool. Let’s get ready to rumble Whoa, hey, this is Episode 278 of Hump Day Hangouts and bring in a little bit more energy today. I’ve been sitting working focused all morning. So I realized I need to bring it since we’re going live. So with that said, we are going to jump into it pretty quick here. We’re going to say hi to everybody. We’ve got some announcements for everyone and then we’re going to hop in and start answering questions. If you want your questions answered, remember go to stays the same. You can go there every week. So if you’re checking us out on YouTube, make sure you go there to get your questions answered. So with that said, I’ll start at the bottom today. I’m going to mix things up. Hernan, how are you doing? You look like you’re looking at the floor.

Hernan: Oh man, on the spot, I’m doing good and then well, stormy day today so my connection might not hold but other than that really good. Really excited to be here.

Adam: Sounds good. All right, man. Well, hopefully, people have been checking out your videos. I know I see your videos because we work together. We do a lot of stuff together. But I’ve been using even more videos from you. So I don’t know maybe sometimes what have you talked about how you generate so much content?

We’re cranking up the content machine and also how it’s getting us leads because we did a small training for the inbound prospecting for 2xyouragency. And I’m putting that to the test, stress testing it every day, and it’s liberating. It’s pretty good.

Adam: Awesome. Good stuff. Marco, how are you doing? You’re looking a little bit different today. What’s going on here?

Marco: I’m just celebrating the 34th championship of the team that I’m a fan of in Argentina, not Hernan’s team of course. He has a sucky team. He’s a fan of. But anyway, I root for the underdog, I guess. Yeah, whatever. I like winners but as you can see, Groundhog Day and celebration. I have my beer ready. I made an executive decision. This is a drinking Hump Day Hangout. So now join me.

And if you don’t guys, you want to avoid viruses and all that bullshit. Drink more beer. Keesha healthy tears well here’s what the water has a beer. I’m gonna head out for a run after this. So I’ve had some bad experiences with beer and running so and if it doesn’t keep you healthy, it’ll make you feel better anyway. Like, enjoy the way out. So, alright, so look at that again. See, I kept telling us so for about five years I kept saying how beautiful it was. Beautiful. It was warm and sunny, warm and sunny, warm and sunny, warm and rainy. Now you can get a look get a good book, because I’m going to turn it off because too much sun is bad for you guys.

Well, we’ll go away from the sunshine cuz I know it’s night but Chris. How are you doing man? Yeah, doing good. Like the weather is excellent. I think we had 19 degrees Celsius today so summer is definitely on this March here obviously you can’t see it it’s night so I’ll take your word for it yeah you could be maybe you just move to your apartment somewhere else but yeah we’ll assume it’s nighttime and the most leading the gym pretty hard at the moment as long as they still let me.

Fair enough. Are you waiting

good deal and last but not least Bradley How you doing today? I’m peachy.

Alright, I like it. I’m just gonna roll with them Bradley’s good to go. So I’m going to loop back around to something Hernan said he was talking about 2xyouragency. If you haven’t heard about that yet, it’s basically if you’re an agency owner or even a consultant, if you want to get more clients, if you want to grow your revenue per client, want to scale your team. That is where you should go and join us that’s where you can find out more about it and come join us for those have you who are joining us looking for step by step processes for your SEO, everything from new websites, age domains, YouTube channels, whatever it is, go check out the Battle Plan at

In that same vein, we keep telling people and it’s for a very good reason, which I won’t go into here, except saving time making sure you’re working on the higher level stuff. We advise people to get it done for you, whether that means hiring a VA, starting to build your own team or leveraging Right going getting syndication networks made, press releases, link building, whatever it is you need done doing that so that you can grow your business right, you got to spend the time working on your pipeline processes and growing. So head on over to to find out about that as well. Subscribers, get some good perks and then that’s all I’m gonna say about that, but you got to be a subscriber.

And last but not least on my end, I want to tell everyone about POFU Live. You can see the current count of tickets remaining. It is decreasing if you go over to it’s going to be last weekend in September 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts. So we’re going to be meeting up there. We’re going to have a VIP day on that Friday. We’re going to meet up and have a lot of fun get together with everybody. I’m not sure quite yet what we’re going to do. But let’s see the first year we did a brewery tasting, took a bus around a bunch of different breweries. We had a lot of fun with that at dinner together. Then last year, we went and raced go karts. Some of us actually raced the go karts. Some people drove around it like five miles an hour and scared us I’m not gonna name names, but it was a lot of fun. We got guest speakers coming in. And we’ve got a lot of knowledge both for us to share to you but also for you to share between each other. So it’s a great environment for that. Like I said, it’s gonna be over the last weekend in September. So go check it out at, limited number of tickets when they’re gone. They are gone.

With that said, Guys, anything else we need to cover before we dive into questions today? Yeah, but what happens if Corona virus hits in Boston in September, man just TBD. We’ll Yeah, we’re gonna have to wait and see so drink Modelo Corona virus is still here, right? Yeah that said I will say if people buy tickets, you know and it is canceled that you know we’ll work something out we’re not gonna just keep all your money and say Tough luck. We’ll work something out but I would imagine as time gets closer we’ll understand what’s going on much better. Does anybody else tired of the media overblown, this coronavirus ship because I feel like

Unknown Speaker 6:34
there’s a mass hysteria that’s being generated by the media because honestly, I don’t think that it’s any more you know, bad often like the typical flu but it’s just non stop coverage and everybody’s freaking out about it. So anyways, well, they shut down the borders typically mean Yeah, I know. I land borders. I don’t know. Maybe cuz I don’t know anybody that’s been hit by but anyways. Alright, so we didn’t get any other way. I do some questions and focus on helping these people out.

Unknown Speaker 7:00
I did get the training done for the last week of the two x your results training for the two extra agency that I just finished recording that today. So it should be in the members area by the end of the week. Just to let you guys know next week we start the two x your business which is about scaling and growth. So next on the homestretch. Let’s go. All right, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into questions.


How Does A Social Fortress Type Of Links Work Out With SEO Shield?

All right. So it looks like I don’t know if these were answered last week or not. I’ll start there. Uh, he says if you already have social fortress type of links, how does that work out if I ordered a shield? I don’t know. Social fortress type of links. I guess that’s like a syndication network or something. I’m not exactly sure what that is. But since I don’t know what that is, I don’t know how that integrates with the shield. But I guarantee you it’s not a shield, shield. So I would say just get it. You can’t hurt your entity with an SEO shoot, I can tell you that as long as it’s built correctly.

So I would say order one. No, Matt, I don’t know, I’m not sure what social fortress links are. But I can guarantee you they’re not doing with the not the same thing that the SEO shield does. They might not implement it, though very well, which would in that case, you would actually want to include the social fortress links, I’m assuming profile URLs and such into the actual SEO shield built. Right so that you’re kind of interlinking all of those properties together. I’m just wondering if someone copy Canada’s already. SEO shield is brand new, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone had knocked it off already. Yeah, that’s not it. If you go to the question above that we didn’t answer that.

Unknown Speaker 8:51
Okay. I do remember this guy from last week. He says how much money will be needed for a complete project like that? I don’t know which project were we talking about? We were talking about about how simple not easy. It was how we would set up the SEO shield, not the fortune, our SEO shield. And then after that, we would do the press releases the link building embeds link building, watch how everything settles and then just do adjust right as we go. Because we could always have it add depth and breadth to the G drive site, do something that keyword-oriented instead of branding and so the answer is that as the top-level, SEO power shield is only 375 bucks. Link Building. I don’t know if you get that the top.

The top one, a couple of hundred bucks. Some press releases five press releases what 500 bucks on top. I’ve said it was about 1200 bucks, but we’re talking about investing time. Hundred bucks on the niche, not 1200 bucks to see if you can compete in the niche. It’s literally to go after the big boys that that’s what you need. And then you’re maybe a little bit more because you’re going to need to do monthly link building monthly embeds, you’re going to need to expand that dry stack writer to isolate those keywords are the tougher ones, because you will find that some keywords are tougher than others. So they might need a little bit more action. But that’s what we’re talking about.

How much are you gonna pay for a website? I know websites that can cost upwards of $100,000 average in I think Miami’s $15,000. For a website, we talked about 1500 bucks for the niche figure, think about doing the numbers, do the math. And you’ll see that it’s totally worth investing. If you want to just start with the SEO shield and some link building to see what it does. I mean that that’s on a five 600 bucks, and then you’re gonna know, after 21 days when the Google that settles where everything is and just how much more you’re going to need to get after it. I can tell you that local is a whole lot easier except for some of the higher-end niches right if you’re going after cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills, of course, that’s going to take a little bit more.

I’ll go back to my friend in what was the Toronto Vancouver run after DUI attorney in one of the biggest cities in Canada is going to take a little bit more but really you know, if you work if local if you’re working in conjunction with that GMB and you’re applying local GMB pro methods, it I call that a two for one special because you’re approaching that from from from from two different ways. But you’re adding power to that entity you’re adding so much more value to your entity making it more trusted, authoritative in the niche, much more so than anybody else. And if you go deeper into that, which we recommend, which is adding schema, and adding individual paid schema ending, and adding video schema, author, anything that you can on the page so that you can direct the bot exactly where you want the bot to go. And then at the unstructured data level, you can actually structure it through skip navigation links, jump links column like what you want. There are so many ways that you can get even more power out of this you can do more and build more so that it’s a win.

Yeah, are you going to take over nothing if you’re going to take over your niche and it sounds easy? No. We spent years literally in the lab coming up with this formula so that we can give it to you guys and make it simple for you guys to order so that you can get results. By no means is that easy. Because I can tell you that I spent hundreds of hours working on the weekends to put all of this shit together. So it wasn’t as if it’s just okay you by I push the button, and I came up with this idea and all of a sudden, boom, there it is there’s no magic pill, it’s hard work, but we tried to do is all of the hard work for you ahead of time, so that you don’t have to.

Yeah, cuz there’s still a lot that goes into that. But that the trying to try to discover the methods, that’s where that’s an enormous amount of time. So even though once the methods been discovered, and refined, it still takes a lot of effort and time to be able to implement unless you buy them done for you services, which is what we keep encouraging you to do. But you can imagine trying to try to identify that method or develop that method is really where the vast majority of Time goes. So you know when when

When you say it can’t be that that easy or that simple, it really is simple. It didn’t say it was easy. That doesn’t mean that there’s not a lot of complexity to putting it together in the proper order and everything else. But it really is. It’s a formula as Marco just said, it’s, it’s literally a formula you plug in, you know, you, you put all the pieces together in the right order. And then it’s just a matter of there are some variables, but it’s a matter of like link building and events, for example, how much do you need to push to get the desired result. But other than that, it’s the same process over and over again. So it becomes like a repeatable process, which is really the key and that’s the whole point is, I can’t tell you how many times we’ve talked to people in the mastermind or, you know, that have become members or, you know, followers or whatever.

In the mastermind, we often have calls with, you know, new members, to talk with them and find out about their business and one of the things that we hear often is that people have a hard time getting reliable results, repeatable results. In other words, they might have five projects out there, one or two of them are doing really well. But the other ones aren’t doing so well. And they don’t know what they did on the ones that are doing so well to get them to work, like to produce results. And that that becomes an issue, how can you have confidence in pitching your services and selling your services to clients and prospects and that sort of thing, if you’re never really sure that you can get the results, right. So that’s kind of the point is that we develop these methods, because over and over and over again, time and again, we’re able to achieve results, and virtually, you know, no competition. And what I mean by that is, in almost any every situation, it’s just a matter of how much we put into the actual process to get results. Like, sometimes it’s easy, and it happens very quickly. Sometimes it requires a lot more. But in any case, it’s the same process, right? So that we can always know with certainty with confidence that we’re going to be able to get results in a particular industry, the timeframe is all that is really adjustable. Right? And again, a client if we’re in a competitive industry, and that is going to require more than it just requires, if somebody wants it done like results in the same amount of time that a less competitive industry would get, that’s fine. We can still do it. It just requires more budget because we need to throw more at it. Does that make sense? So again, it’s just a, it becomes a repeatable process. There are some variables, but those are all.

Unknown Speaker 16:26
You know, they can be calculated, basically. So that’s why I love this method. Because even I didn’t have a repeatable method that I would use over and over and over again until the last couple of years. And now it’s really unfair because we know we can win no matter what, right?

Do you want to comment on that, Marco, before I move on?

No, no, that’s a good question. By the way, it was.

How Long Do The Links From Press Releases Last?

Alright, so he says, How long do links from press releases last? It depends. It depends on the publication that they’re published. Sometimes some, some of them, it’s 30 days, some of its 90 days, some of them are 180 days, some of them it’s indefinite, meaning they don’t purge at all. So it just depends. So it really depends. That’s why press releases aren’t something that it’s not, it’s not usually a one and done thing. It’s something that you should be doing consistently. Even if it’s just once a month, you know, the idea is to, once you start doing them is to continue doing them. For all most of my clients, at the very least, they’re getting one every two weeks. But most for all clients that I’ve taken on recently and new on on incoming clients, I do one press release per week, that’s just part of my monthly services. So they’re paying for that, right that’s part of it. But you know, some clients might even want to per week, it just depends on how aggressive they need to be. But the point is, is that once you start doing them as long as you’re doing them fairly consistently, then you won’t ever have to worry about when the links drop off because there’ll be no ones behind. Okay. By the way, go check out local PR pro we talk about how to extend that even more.

Alright, so the next question is first is not really a question. It’s kind of response because Bibi asked a bunch of questions last week, and so he was explaining himself here or she. So anyways, says, hey guys, just to note that, of course, nobody here disrespects the other members, I saw that nobody was asking questions. So I filled it up, feel free to answer other people’s questions when I blast off. I need the questions to be written so I can clear it from my head. And then it won’t bug me I get that. So I appreciate the explanation and no problem at all.

He says I know that also about me asking a lot of questions. I know this is the case right now and I won’t get the answers right away and not all of them at once because I’m not in the mastermind and I have to wait for a week. I’m on the path to one k a month. I’ve started the RSS masher and have another lead gen project and promoting.

Let’s see how it goes. Maybe in the future. Who knows. Yeah, well that’s the idea is to come here.

You know Mohammed who I think he has to quit? Yeah, of course, he did. There’s Mohammed right there. He’s been one that has come and asked questions and implemented, you know, what he learns, and then has come and joined the mastermind and then has left a mastermind and then come back to the mastermind. And so it’s perfectly fine. That’s the idea. We tell you guys to come here, use this forum to help get your business in a position where you can come join our paid trading our mastermind, where you can get even more Business Growth Training.

So yeah, the problem is that this forum is limited to an hour. So we have to get as many people as possible so that we can be fair. In the mastermind. However, you can go into our Facebook group, and ask as many questions as you want, as many times as you want. And all of us are in there, including Rob, answering the questions. Yeah. So that we’re not enough because that in and of itself, is is consider it enough because nobody, nobody else doing that nobody else is sitting there and taking the time to answer their membership questions, right? We do it.

Then what we decided to do is split the mastermind right into five different webinars. So each one of the members, it should be the founders has a webinar every other week. So what you’re getting is now it since it’s live, it’s five times the value because you’re getting different points of view. You, as a matter of fact, you can ask a question, whatever it is, and ask it to each one of the five members. And you’re going to get a different perspective. We were talking we were just talking about this yesterday. I come at it from math, and testing, and an SEO point of view, plus all of the experience that I’ve had in the last almost 17 years that I’ve been online, but Adam, you know, he has a background. he’s a physicist, I believe it correct me if I’m wrong.

So he has that analytical aspect to it, her Nan, and he does a lot of things with pay per click advertising. He also has a lot of experience with clients. He has a business background. He has his own perspective, you do a lot of local Bradley, and you have your own perspective. Chris has a coding background. He has his own perspective. So you’re going to get a whole lot more if you join the mastermind than you could ever get in here. Which is why this was set up yet. We can answer your questions in that 10,000-foot overview. But we can’t get technical with you. We can’t go and delve we can’t go look at your website. We can’t give you advice because we don’t have enough information. But we’ve set it up so that you can give us all of the information in the other places that we’ve set up for this to happen. So I think that if you’re not in the mastermind, that you’re needing all of this information, then you should definitely join them as well.

How To Rank For A Keyword And Its Synonyms?

so the first question was how to rank for a keyword and as synonyms which silo to use the post created as long-form dogs and puppies are the same. Okay. All right. So I think I talked about this last week when you because I believe this is a repost from last week because we didn’t get to them. But when it comes to how to rank for a keyword in a synonym, again, there’s a lot to that, right. We could spend the whole hour just talking about that specifically, but I’m just gonna point you to, but I’ve wanted in the past if you go into, In fact, let me just open a new tab, go to, okay. Search for semantic mastery. Or you could just go to, that’s fine. You can do that as well. Click through to our channel right there, use the channel search feature. Right there in search of silo structure. Okay, that’s all you need to search for a silo structure. There’s simple silo structure set up complex silo structure, set up those two videos, watch them, that’ll teach you how to set up silos on your website.

I prefer simple silos over complex silos any day of the week, because, well, there’s easier, they’re simple and easier to manage. But there are times where that makes it makes sense to have a complex silo. So I would go through that as a kind of foundation. To answer your question, as far as how does, how to rank a keyword in its synonyms, because that’s what silo structures are all about. You take the broadest of terms, and you put that at the top of the silo and then you take all the long tail versions and synonyms and such that are tightly within that particular keyword theme. And you use those as, as current as supporting articles. In other words, you optimize content that is supporting articles for those supporting keywords. you place them within that particular silo and then if you understand internal linking throughout the silo and how to do that correctly, then what happens is the entire keyword theme, the entire silo the category right? content silo creates, it creates buoyancy, right? Because all of those are interlinked correctly, it creates a theme that when the bots come and read it, they kind of understand what the theme of that is, what the topic is and what the theme of that particular content silo is. And it kind of helps all of the keywords within their within also all of the content within that silo to start to rise up in the search engines provided it was done correctly. So that’s kind of the whole point is to learn how to rank the primary keyword but also the synonyms and everything else by using solid structure. It’s very, very effective. And it’s it still works to this day. If anybody says it doesn’t, they’re crazy. So when it comes to that,

hopefully, that’ll answer your questions as far as that is concerned with. When it comes to the next question he says, Is syndicating to the branded properties a post with a few sentences and an anchor text of the synonym to the original money site post will give a boost to the synonym? No, not necessarily. I mean, it can but I don’t suggest syndicating short posts with just a couple of sentences because that’s thin content. It’s not going to have nearly as good an effect as if you have well-done content guys, content does matter. Believe it or not. So I was just talking about this in two x your agency training.

Recently, you know, we use curated content my bloggers do for all of my all projects, we use curated content as the content marketing strategy, which is part of the SEO strategy, right. So my, in the same type of train, the training that my bloggers have all gone through, to learn how to curate is Content Kingpin, it’s the same train like, it’s exactly how I learned how to do it years ago, I created a training course around it, which was originally to train virtual assistants to become bloggers for me. But then we turned it into a product, which you guys can purchase is called content kingpin. Anyways, that teaches you how to curate content. And it’s really set up to teach virtual assistants to do it so that you’re not doing it yourself. But that content is efficient to produce. It’s highly relevant. It creates co-citation because you’re linking to related and relevant content sources. And you are able to gather, collect and curate content from subject matter experts about whatever topic it is that you’re blogging about. So the bloggers you don’t have to be a subject matter expert and neither do your bloggers to be able to produce high-quality content about the subject because all they’re going to do.

The method about curating content is learning how to collect Gather, Gather relevant content from high authority sites or from subject matter experts, then organize it. And then create new blog posts where you’re trying to convey an idea or a theme or topic, you know, whatever you’re trying to convey an idea, but you’re using other people’s content to support or argue against that idea if that makes sense, depending on how you write the post. But it’s super powerful because it becomes a unique post its original content, even though you’re borrowing content from others. Because the way that you’re organizing it, it becomes a unique piece of content, a new original piece of content that has snippets of curated content, and it’s well done and it creates co-citation. So it’s super powerful for SEO. So that’s what I would recommend that you do and in the mastermind, again, we’re talking about in the mastermind. Since we split our mastermind webinars apart now and I’m doing my own separate webinars. For the next several months. I’m going to be working on building out an actual case study site for the members in the tree service industry covering exactly how we do this, including content marketing and targeting individual locations with posts. So we do what we call geo posts or location posts that are posts optimized for keywords within the silo that we’re trying to rank for as well as individual locations. But we do it all through curated blog posts. And it’s super, super powerful. That’s a much better way to do it. Because if you’re going to be publishing content to your branded network, you don’t want then blog posts that you’re using specifically just and only for the link back. That’s not the point. You want to build that relevancy, the topical and or location, relevancy through your content marketing. And the way you the way that the most efficient way to do that, in my opinion, is through content curation.

So now with that said, Yes, by linking back from a well written or well-curated piece of content that you’re going to syndicate out to your branded network, then yeah, when you’re linking back to the target pages on your site, right, the ones that you’re trying to rank, you’re using the blog to help rank those pages through the internal link of the blog post, then yeah, you want to vary your anchor text, you want to have diversity. So use those keywords within that same keyword set within that same silo use variations, longer tail versions, LSI keywords, synonyms, naked URLs, generics, brand, brand plus keyword, all of those can be used in different combinations to link back to the target URLs on your site that you’re trying to promote. Guys, even internal anchor text is important. Now, it used to be where I used to just hammer for internal links, so links within the same silo, for example, I’d use the same anchor text to link up to the service page over and over and over again, but even that now you’re better off using diverse like diversifying the anchor text. And again, Marco talks about this a lot. But you know, you want to also start building that brand name next to keywords so that you can start to create brand plus keyword association. And you can do that with content marketing and internal linking. So that’s something else that I would recommend. But yes, as far as to answer your question, I know that was long-winded. But I kind of wanted to, you know, first of all, make sure that you understand that publishing really thin content posts, just for the sake of the link isn’t effective at all. Right? Isn’t it just not helpful. So you’re better off producing better quality content, less of it if needed, but it will be weighted heavier by Google. And for that, when you’re linking back to the pages that you’re trying to promote on the site, yes, use a variety of keywords and different anchor text types, as opposed to just always keywords so that you can start to build a broader kind of picture of that keyword theme for Google if that makes sense. Do you want to comment on anybody?

Nope. Okay, moving on.

Why Do You Use Multiple Tier 1 Network For YouTube?

Why would you use multiple tier one networks for YouTube instead of just a single tier one and multiple tier twos?

because it doesn’t matter with YouTube, it doesn’t matter what configurations you use, you can. What I found was years ago, I haven’t done this test and at least three, probably four years now. But several years ago, I tested a YouTube channel that had multiple tier-one rings versus a YouTube channel that had the same number of total rings, but they were set up in two-tier structures. And what I’d found at that time when I did the testing, and I did extensively across multiple projects, but I found that the videos that would get syndicated out to the YouTube channel that only had, you know, let’s say, eight tier-one rings, let’s just use that as an example, which would be the same as to two-tier networks, right? Because a two-tier network through MGYB, the way that we build them is one branded ring and three persona rings. So it’s a total of four rings per two-tier network. So on the channel that I would have eight single tear rings, the video would rank faster than if I had submitted this similar video similar keywords to a channel that had two two-tier networks attached to it. So two single-tier rings with a total of six tier-two rings, if that makes sense, right? I would test it by uploading a video to either one and tracking the results. What happened was you and again, this was years ago, guys, I haven’t tested this in years. So I don’t know that it makes any difference at all now, but back then you’re the video that went out to just a single tier ring would typically rank faster. But it would also if no additional SEO work was done other than just syndicating it out to the network’s it would start to slip it would start to fall in rankings faster than the video that I would push through the two-tier networks which would be slower to rank but once it would rank it would stick longer if that makes sense. So anyway, that’s why I do it. It’s there’s probably I haven’t tested it in years. I don’t know if there’s any difference at all if one’s more effective than the other at all. Anything more. So it’s really just a matter of preference. I always prefer the two-tier network setups for YouTube channels. But you can do it however you see fit, right?

Why themed ring isn’t a branded ring? Can you give an example of this non-branded ring? Yeah, well, like if it’s Joe’s Tree Service is the company. But you can have a persona ring which would be like, I don’t know, john smith. And then you can have a themed ring, a topically themed ring or even a geographically themed syndication network if that makes it if you understand what I’m saying. So for example, if it’s, it shows Tree Service, there could be a john smith could be a persona ring, but then a theme during a topically themed rig can be a syndication network about gardening or landscaping, or home improvement for even for that matter, or a time that’s a topical themed topically themed network, a location the network could be a network about syndication network that’s optimized for Culpepper, Virginia because Joe’s tree services in Culpepper, Virginia. Is that clear? So, but it’s just a way that if you’re going to syndicate content to other networks, you don’t want them to only if, for blog syndication, you don’t want to continually syndicate content to other networks other than branded networks. If that’s the only content getting syndicated, you want to mix it up on the other networks, other than the branded networks, you’d want to have additional related relevant content on those networks, to where it’s not clearly being used to only promote your one brand. Okay.

All right, that was a lot. Moving on. How do you price the leads? That’s going to depend, you know, for Tree Service stuff, I usually do a when I’m pricing leads, I look at what the average cost per click value is for the top keywords that produce leads in Google ads. So I go into the Google Ads dashboard.

Use the keyword planner, take a look at what the cost per click the average cost per click is there. That will give you a range it will show you what your average, your minimum cost per click bid has to be on the first page at all for ads. But if you want to be in the top section or give you a low range and high range, and I always base mine off of whatever the high ranges, and then usually anywhere between two to three times the cost per click is what an average lead would be depending on it depends on the area. But you know for Tree Service leads like I often charge somewhere around $50 per lead. It depends on the area again but on average although I just recently took on a new the guy that I’m going to be building I mentioned this in the mastermind I’m going to be building a case study for a Tree Service contractor site that he gave me permission to use his project is part of my case study so that I can share it with my our students or members I should say and so I’m selling leads to him for 30 bucks. But that’s important because I’m getting to use it as a training opportunity. But my point is that yeah, I mean, you just really have to price it. It’s going to depend.

4I uses Google ads as a way to kind of determine the value for leads, but other people do it in other ways. Does anybody have a comment on that?

How Do You Rank A Local Franchise With Limited Access To Its National Corporate Website And GMB Page?

Now, moving on, Jeff says, Hey, guys, thanks for all the info and motivation you provide on a daily basis. My question is, I just landed a local franchisee for a national Corporation. They have zero access to the corporate website page and limited access to their GMB. Given these restrictions. What would be the best course of action to get their GMB moving upward? Follow the SEO SEO to move on any other recommendations have a spectacular week? Yeah, that that would be what I would do if you can’t do anything to the GMB itself really. And you have no access at all to their website. Then that’s all you can do is right is to push the off-page as much as possible and the SEO SEO to be absolutely where I’d start. And then from there, it would be a matter of, you know, you could use press releases for content marketing, you can almost use press releases as the blog really. So you could set up though, you know, an organization page and then press blog through the press, you know, through the press releases that can actually act as kind of like a blog because you get an RSS feed and everything from that. So you could use the actual press release, like if you’re using it through MGYB, or if you have your own subscription to Press Advantage, you could use the RSS feed from the organization page for that brand to actually feed the syndication network, right. And that way, you don’t even have to have a WordPress blog because you can use the press advantage for that matter for the blog essentially. Or you could always find you could always attempt to try to get a subdomain WordPress installation on for your franchisee site so that you have a blog that you can use for content marketing. But if you’re not going to do any of that stuff, then yeah, just stick with the off-page stuff and just hammer it

Does anybody want to comment on that one? Marco? I hear you trying.

Okay, his mic is not working. So try again Marco. Can you hear me? I can now? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Aside from using the Press Advantage that the media pays and using his present, he says he can also use the G site. You can build that out. Yeah, I use that. I use that for Legion and to push power into the GMB and into the client site. That works perfectly well. You have to remember that announcement pages when it’s like a blog post because when you do that, the announcement page will also have an RSS feed. Right? It’s so that so they carry that out so you can use that to populate so you can use both you use press releases, and your G site to populate your RSS feed, and to push into your syndication network. I mean, there are tons of ways that you can use all of these things. You either have to think outside the box or come join our mastermind, so that we can give you direction on how you would implement all of these different things. Right.

How Many Keywords Should You Use In An RYS Stack Order?

All right, Fitz is up. What’s up, Fitz? He says, Thanks for creating a space where he can get real-world answers that work. I ordered the keyword research, how many keywords should I use and my RYS stack order, if time allows, I’ll get to that next. Use it I mean, as many as you can, I think for the, our, I’m pretty sure for the drive stack order you want they want a minimum of, we want a minimum of 50 keywords, but more is better. So if you ordered the keyword research, just submit your primary, you know, content silo groups with your order.

You know, so that’s, that’s typically I usually what I typically do guys is because we’re looking for like 200 keywords for a link building order, that’s the recommended minimum to submit with a link building order, I always try to get the 200 keyword list developed before I order the drive stack or the SEO shield. Because that way I already have the keywords, I just submit those same 200 ish keywords for the drive stack build, and it’s going to be the same keywords that end up getting used in the link building orders too. So that’s just let you know that’s how I do it.

So if you have you know, just it more is better, as long as they’re relevant. That’s the point. Okay.

He said that but what we think is relevant may or may not be what Google thinks is relevant. Because we push anything and everything we can anything and everything we find that related to that keyword. That’s why we suggest ordering that the keyword research because we get hundreds of thousands of keywords from sem rush. A lot of times which we filter down like that they’ll get filtered down as to how many keywords as

As many as possible because your brand stack is going to create the brand plus location plus keyword Association if it’s local. And if it’s not, then it’s brand plus keyword. But it’s essential to associate that brand to as many keywords in the niche as possible. Because what we want to do at that point is hammer the bot with all of the keywords in the niche so that the bot, the bot completely understands what this is all about what that brand is about.

Yeah, and that’s what’s so great about it, guys. And I’m telling you, if you when you order, so fits when you order a drive stack, and you submit, let’s say 200 keywords versus 50. If you were to track two similar projects in Google Search Console, right after the drive stacks have been built, give it a few weeks for things to start getting picked up and all that by Google. You’ll see in Search Console, the end, then impressions. So the number of times that your site has appeared in search results, the top 10 pages of search results. For any given query, you’ll see that the drive stack the project, if you were to test these two things, because I’ve done it, you’ll see that the drive stack that had the 200 keywords versus the one that had 50 will start producing month over month, a much higher impression, growth of impression rate. In other words, you’ll see month over month, the Search Console, the number of impressions that the site has been exposed for increases rapidly compared to the one that only 50 it’ll increase what the one that only has 50 keywords, but not have that exponential growth was rapid growth as it does as the other one. And that’s one of the metrics that I use and reporting to clients guys, is I show them every single month a search console report for the last 28 days. It’s just a screenshot of the performance report inside of search console for the last 28 days and it shows a number of impressions, you know, average number of clicks the click-through rate, that kind of stuff, or a number of clicks and the average click-through rate and that kind of stuff. But I like to show because especially with newer projects as the drive stack starts to get, you know, starts to kick in and, you know, Google starts to crawl or identify more of the files, you’ll start seeing the impression rate start skyrocketing, and it’s in and that goes to show them that the brand is now being associated and given impressions for more and more keywords or search queries. And so that’s exactly what Marco is talking about there.


Will There Be An NAP Issue If The Client’s YouTube Channel Name Is Different From Its Website?

All right. The next question was if time allows I have a client who has a different name on the YouTube channel than the website, the main site is an agency and YouTube is a luxury agency. The picture is consistent with other social media properties. Is that a problem? I mean, it only is if it’s causing any sort of any issues because YouTube is considered a citation if you either a video or a channel YouTube channel can be a powerful citation. Guys, if you put the name, address and phone number in the YouTube channel description, that becomes a pretty powerful citation video can do it too.

But you know, again, if you’re trying to keep NAP consistent, and it’s all of the other assets or data points for the NAP is the same except for the name, then I would change the YouTube channel name to match whatever the official agency name is and all of the other like whatever, whatever the Google My Business profile is, if it has one, if you’re not worried about NAP consistency issues, and don’t worry about it, okay, if it’s causing a problem, then I would update it. If it’s not, don’t worry about it.

What Data Should You Provide When Ordering The SEO Shield?

All right. Austin Dom What’s up buddy says I ordered my first SEO shield this morning. Whoo, cause for celebration, but I wanted to make sure I’m filling out the requirements correctly. Is there a video that goes oversupplying the correct data to assign supply keywords with geo modifiers and things like that or just tell them to fill the darn thing out? case overcomplicating? That’s a good question. We are going to be updating the SEO page with some additional information here very soon, guys, we just talked about it again yesterday on our corporate meeting, it is on the books to get updated so that it’ll make it easier for everybody to understand exactly what to order. But to answer your question, right now, Austin, or dawn, I should say, is no don’t include geo modifiers and less. So so the typical answer is the most common answer is No don’t include geo modifiers, because we’re trying to create keyword plus brand Association, not necessarily location Association, although, because the location Association comes if it’s for a local project, it’s going to come from the on-page and the NAP and all of the files and everything including name, address, and phone number and all of that. So the location relevancy is built through the on-page, but the off-page two, the link building and all of that, or do you supply keywords or geo modifiers Okay, I’m sorry.

For the SEO shield that’s not for link building, then that depends on what it is you’re trying to optimize for. So forgive me, for link building, I don’t usually include geo modifiers unless it’s I’m targeting a specific area in a very specific way, which I can’t get into here anyways, but for the RYS drive stack order. I usually don’t include geo modifiers, I usually just want to create the keyword plus brand Association. And so I submit the orders with the market level keywords. Market level keywords are not keywords with local modifiers it’s the product and or service keywords. So that’s typically how I build it. Then once because of the drive stack, the SEO, SEO becomes the main like entity.

You know, it’s to associate a keyword with the entity, the on the low location relevancy is through on-page and then once the original the initial stack is built, if I need to add like location silos within the stack, then I do that right. Do duplicate a folder, optimize it for a specific location, keywords plus locations. And then I’ll have that but the original drive stack is really just to associate the primary keyword with the brand. And then as Marco said as many market-level keywords with the brand as possible, but accomplished location targeting as internal folders in the drive stack and pages on the G site. Marco, how would you suggest you do it, we just updated the form. As a matter of fact, the for this very reason, because we want to know if it’s branded, or if it’s a keyword, we also want to know if it’s a location-based because if it is we do want that in the brand. Remember, if it’s not a location base, then all we want is the brand plus keyword Association. But if it’s local, right with the brand because then the brand becomes local, it’s focused in a geographic area.

Now the way that you do it, it’s fine. But the way that we suggest it is built right from the start of your brand plus location plus keyword Association. And yes, that means location plus brand keyword Association, and any combination there up, because we want that in that main folder. This way, when you separate it and you start keyword targeting, you start going after other market-level keywords, then what we do is, we go after that in there, we don’t need the location anymore, because we have the location with the brand. We’ve already created the association so there’s no need for that location. Now, having said that, what you said is perfectly fine. Do the location plus keyword, excuse me the brand plus keyword but then you’re going to need a location page, right to make up for the lack of location. When you first started the branded site is a brand that’s what we do in the beginning brand location plus keyword or brand plus keyword. So either way, you’re going to have to mention that geolocation. And if you’re going to do additional locations, you’re going to have to add those pages as you go.

Yeah. So just to be clear, for example, you know, most of my clients are service area businesses and they cover most of my clients cover a fairly large surface area. So all the drive stacks that I buy are for market-level keyboard, press play, and Association because I don’t want to optimize the primary stack for any one particular location. For example, for Tree Service client covers a five County area, then I don’t want to marry that brand with any one particular location. And so there’s no way to optimize for all five of those locations with that one drive stack without having location-based folders inside. So like location-based silos essentially inside so for me

The projects that I work on, I always do market-level keyword plus brand Association, then I optimize for locations as internal pages on the G site and or folders on the drive stack. That’s just the way that I do it. Because most of my clients have a service area that covers more than just one specific location or county or city for that matter. And so I don’t want to associate the brand with one specific area when they cover a broad area. So that’s just the way that I do it. But yeah, Marco.

That’s good if we have different, you know, types of drive stacks that you can select from now, so it’s going to make it easier for you guys when you order. And this the scenario that you’re talking about is different, right? It’s different than if we’re doing a DC plumber, for example, which is a brand in and of itself, and it’s targeting the plumbing niche, but unlike a storefront business, right, that’s exactly right. It’s one location and, but it’s serving customers at the location.

And in a service area that’s different than you then if you have multiple locations, if you have multiple locations, as I said, you’re going to have to have, are you going to need multiple location pages inside the G site and drive stack targeting those multiple locations? This is what I thought this question was one location if it’s one location, that you do that right with the initial brand. Yes. So then he says I’m in a heavy hitter club group, which is awesome. Should I join the mastermind group as well? Thanks. Well, to be clear, the heavy hitter group is the technical SEO group. Although SEO is also covered in the mastermind, the heavy SEO stuff is going to be the heavy hitters club. The semantic mastery mastermind is more about business growth and all things around you know building a business not just SEO anymore as it had been for so long.

You know, it’s all things marketing, all things business growth. So prospecting and sales and, you know, entity formation and all, you know, process development system. It’s a systemization or systematization. All of that, you know, outsourcing, delegating all of that kind of stuff. So it just depends on where you’re at Austin Dom with what it is that you need. I think everybody should have, you know, should be working on growing their business, but some people just want to focus on learning more about SEO. So it just depends on what it is that you need. I will, I will tell him definitely, definitely the mastermind. heavy hitter club is going to we’re going to be doing a whole lot of case studies from beginning to end, we’re gonna follow it through, we’re going to see what’s working, see what’s not we’re going to be testing. So we’re not going to give people theory, right? So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take the theory and carry it through from beginning to end to see if we can prove one way or the other. If the theory is sound. During that same time, I mean, it doesn’t matter the master mastermind continues. And it continues, as you said, with business growth, teaching PPC, client acquisition, just a whole lot more that’s involved now awesome. If you’re a business owner, or if you’re a business owner, and you’re thinking about doing both, I wouldn’t recommend that because you have a limited amount of time in which you can do all of these things and you will become a bottleneck in your business so that your business cannot grow. What you will need then is someone, a partner or a trusted VA, or whomever a PA, that you can assign to either the heavy hitter or the mastermind. So that you can get both because what you should be doing is you should be concentrating on going out there and growing your business I mean, you want to get known. You want to you want people to understand who you are, what it is that you do. You want to be out there contacting people you want to be getting in front of clients, closing clients, I don’t know, you want to trust that to somebody else because nobody knows your business better than you.

Now while you’re doing all of that, and while you’re concentrating on all of that, somebody else can be applying these technical SEO methods that we’re going to be going through in the heavy hitter club. And that frees you up, even more, to do whatever it is that you want to do. And in fact, you can have two people, one in the mastermind, one in the heavy hitter, or the same person in the mastermind and the heavy hitter. But I would say that you definitely need both. Because both of these together, as you’ve seen from what we teach, and from what we share here are deadly. Look at the last solutions that work that has both of the systems that have called them in some in mastermind, and in the heavy hitter apply to it. And so one without the other would not have work because it’s a

If what we’re building is an ecosystem where one feeds off the other and where we can give value to people in both.

There you go.

How Do You Move Photos Without Losing Their EXIF Data?

So Mohammed’s up next. Hey guys, what’s a good way to move photos without losing their EXIF data? I noticed that when a client of mine emailed these emails, me pictures they took on their phone, the location data disappears if the client is taking photos at all. I have them uploaded the Google listing through maps. However, I still try to use their geotagged photos and the GMB posts themselves. Though the exit data always disappears when I receive a photo by email text, meaning I gotta add Exif manually. Yeah, so what my clients do. Mohamad is I have my clients deposit photos into a Google Drive, excuse me, Google Photos folder, a shared photo album. So Google Photos shared photo album, so they take photos from their phones and they have their phone settings to where it auto backs them.

To the shared Google Photos album that my VA or my bloggers have access to so that they can just pluck images from the Google Photos folder, which still contains the Geo Data, the EXIF data. Okay. Yeah, because I’m pretty sure when you text images that it automatically strips the metadata out to make the file smaller. And I guess email service providers do the same thing. But when you send them into when you add them to the Google Photos folder that remains intact. So at least that’s the way we’ve been doing it.

Okay, so Google Photos folder is how all of my clients that provide photos, that’s how they provide them to my VAs.

Should You Change All Citations And Social Profiles First Before Changing A GMB Page Name?

A law says, Hello there a client really wants needs to change the name of his GMB. Should we change the name and all the citations and social profiles first to reduce the risk of a GMB getting banned? No, I would not I would never encourage that. Because what happens if you go through all that trouble and it does get banned anyways right then you just went through all that hassle and trouble. Not only that, but it often takes a long time to get, you know, some directories you got to reach out to multiple times to get them to update the listings if they will at all. So you’re better off just changing the name and the GMB and hoping that what I have found though is and I don’t know that this makes any difference at all but in recent talking about this in the mastermind, but I’ve had, I’ve had to change several GMBs I lost a Tree Service contractor recently that was I’ve got several GMBs that I need to read I need to find well I found another Tree Service contractor to take the leads. So I’ve got to rebrand all of them and what I’ve been able to rebrand two out of three so far without any issues. What I’ve done though, first is if it’s connected to a website or whatever, then I make sure the GMB is if the name of the business has been changed and it’s connected the GMB is connected to a website, then I go change all the information on the website first and update the JSON LD the structured data. first, before I update the GMB. Then I update the GMB but that’s just the website and then the GMB okay. And I haven’t had, again, knock on wood. Over the last week, I’ve updated completely rebranded two out of three GMB assets that I needed to find another contractor for, and I haven’t had any issues whatsoever. And that’s how I’ve done it. Now, I’m not saying that you won’t experience a suspension, it could happen. I don’t work for Google. But that’s the way that I do it is if the GMB is connected to a self-hosted website, make sure that is completely updated first, including the JSON LD if you have structured data, which all of you should make sure the structured data is marked is edited, updated first and then update and again. I don’t know that that has any effect, except that I’ve done that twice in the last week.

I haven’t experienced any issues. Okay. Then you go about getting the citations updated that are already published on the web only after you’ve successfully updated your GMB.

Okay. Five o'clock let guys we got to go. Sorry, we didn’t get to all the questions if you didn’t, if you want us to answer the question guys, and they didn’t get answered, either posts them for next week or post them in the free Facebook group and we’ll try to get to them over there. Thanks, everybody, for being here. See you guys.

Bye, everyone.

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 278 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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