Friday, April 10, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 282

Click on the video above to watch Episode 282 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Hey, everybody. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the eighth of April 2020. And this is Episode 282. I actually can’t remember this. Do you guys know if there’s a word for like numbers that are the same backward as forwards? Because I know there’s a word for it. But I just thought I’d get awkward right off the bat and get this. Get this out of the way. All right, nobody. All right. Well, let’s keep rolling on. We got some good stuff for you coming out. We do have a few announcements. I’m gonna say hi to the guys real quick. So let’s get started with that. I’m going to switch things up today. We’ll start at the bottom of my screen. Chris, how you doing today? Doing good. Have you noticed quarantine humped is special?

It is I think everyone’s a little loopy or this is definitely a little bit more energy good or bad. It’s still to be decided. But yeah, I don’t know. We’ll see. How about you You used to arrive in there? Yeah, like you actually good. Like we got the curve. I think we have had like, I don’t know like 250 cases or so.

As at least below 300 new cases a day so we on the good pass. They’re already talking about like opening things up again and stuff so can’t complain like I’m looking forward to.

Adam: Cool. Marco, how about you? How you doing today? It looks relatively sunny.

Marco: relatively. ah the West has decided that it’s not going to show its face yet so we’re still waiting unfortunately. You guys it’s still warm and sunny in Costa Rica. I don’t know about the rest of the world but at least here this is what I get every day. It’ll turn soon you’ll you guys will see you won’t be able to hear me speak from from the sound of the rain hitting the the roof. Other than that, things are good. Still in quarantine. I don’t mind can always find positives and in all the negatives I’ve been really productive. I know that putting out a whole bunch of software improving our WordPress plugin. It’s available only to mastermind members who donate to Marco’s charity. Other than that, things are great now. I’m not really a complainer. I only complain about Google giving people misinformation. That’s when I get upset.

Adam: Fair enough. All right, not about you. It looks like it’s already the dead of winter for you like you’re gonna friend. It’s

Yeah, it’s a hoodie season starting the hoodie season. That means I get my ass get to freeze my ass for the next couple months. Other than that, man, it’s good. It’s good. We’re healthy. We’re good. We’re safe. So this is good. So let’s get that’s cool. So I’ve been seeing you know, like everybody, you know, you click on someone’s stuff, like, I know my mother-in-law, who maybe is watching have to hang out. She watches this sometimes. And she’s clicked on her stuff. She’s like, Adam, I see your ads all over the place. And I’m like, well, like take credit for that. But that’s mostly her not but yeah. Yeah, I saw you were you were having a course about ads. Were or what are you running right now? I’m just so busy. Yeah, so basically, you know, like I’m trying to help so there’s a couple things that I think that they’re going to be like super in demand over the next couple of months.

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One of them being SEO, you know, because a lot of businesses are pivoting from offline stuff to online stuff. So one of the things being SEO so you know, you’re in the right place, if you’re watching this and you want to repair another thing is going to be copywriting and other things is going to be email marketing, which is what you’re doing. Another thing is going to be definitely media buying. I’d be trying to help as much people as possible and then yeah, creating a little bit of offline presence as well for the brand mostly because ads are so cheap right now. And it’s a good opportunity to invest in building your brand. So that’s basic definitely.

Well, that’s awesome. I know no one’s got training in Bradley’s got local training especially. I mean, it applies beyond local but if you are part of 2xyouragency to You can get access. There is a limited offer or a one time offer if you join 2xyouragency to get some of that additional training at a Real Steal we made it really cool price for people took action and joined to 2xyouragency with that said since I’ve talked about them but haven’t introduced them. How you doing today brother doing great man is to kind of back back up with Hernan said even Google ads are a lot cheaper right now. I set up a cold traffic campaign yesterday with for you for with the YouTube video. I’m running the test in the mastermind trying to rank a local landing page with nothing other than the SEO location shield, not even the full shield and then relevant traffic using Google ads. And that’s it so no other SEO work done to it. And so I set up a cold traffic campaign with four YouTube ads yesterday and or I guess it was two days ago. And it’s already you know, received close to 1000 views on a $5 per day budget in the view the average cost per view is two cents, which is crazy for cold traffic. Usually it’s around somewhere around 18 to 20 cents ish in that neighborhood for these type of campaigns, and it’s two cents. So that’s incredibly inexpensive guys, I encourage you to do what Hernan said. And that is run some ads right now while it’s cheap.

So if you’re not good at ads, right, now’s a really good time to start playing with them so that you can get better at them while they’re very, very inexpensive. Yeah, to add to what Brad just said real quick is that there’s there’s two things. Number one for everyone that watches a YouTube video, you can build an audience, right? You can build an audience of people that watch a YouTube video, you can do the same with Facebook. So basically, what you’re doing is you’re building audiences at a discount right now, and have in mind that this is an elections here in the US, right? So and, you know, big companies and political parties, they have a budget, and they’re going to spend it they’re gonna spend it either in like 12 months, so they’re gonna spend in six months, so November, September, October, November, December provided that you know, everything gets back to normal, we’re good.

October, November is going to be like super, super like there’s going there, there’s, we’re building, we’re seeing how a lot of pressure like budget pressures being built, because a lot of people are not able to spend right now. So they’re going to double the budgets in over the next six months. So this is the time to advertise. This is time to get good at it, because everything’s so expensive. So I just I’ve seen cpms, which is what the network’s charged us to advertise dropped by 50%. So that means that if we add our hundred dollars a day budget, that means that that doubled you know, as of now you’re getting a $200 day budget. So it’s pretty cool. I’m really excited about that. We’re definitely you know, on the offensive when everyone else is kind of retreating or trying to you know, grab that market share. So recommend you do it too. Nice. Nice and we talked about to your agency a little bit nice definitely for people. In general, you can come in if you don’t have clients, but we highly recommend if you have a client or you’ve had a client for you understand at least the basics that you can then take it and scale up from there. You know, if you want to get more clients who want to grow your revenue, scale your team, then 2xyouragency is the place to go. We are going to be having a webinar coming up, hopefully next week, if not by next week. It’ll be out the week after that, for people who are more interested on Hey, how do I get this started? You know, there’s a lot of hurdles. And I know that there’s a lot of training out there, you know, that’s like, Hey, you can come watch this webinar most tell you the one weird trick to you know, to getting clients like, Well, guess what, it’s not one weird trick, we know that there’s more than one hurdle for everybody. And we’re going to cover a lot of this, the common issues, as well as some other ones that come up, especially in our industry and digital marketing. To help you get started, whether you want to have an agency or you just want to start consulting, maybe you know, you’ve realized, hey, maybe I need to do this on the side, or you’re kind of dipping your toes in as you’re starting to transition away or you want to transition away from a job. So that will be coming out soon. We’ll definitely let everybody know about that. In the meantime, of course if you want to get step by step processes, with everything for new websites age domains YouTube channels so much more you can check out the Battle Plan and And for all of your done for you services whether it’s syndication networks link building press releases our west drives tax everything else head over to mg y That’s it guys. I think that’s about it unless we got last minute announcements looks like we got a ton of questions today. Yeah, I imagine is because everybody’s home with little to do but think about, you know what they can ask you. So that’s good, though. That’s what that’s what these are for. So yeah, let’s go ahead and get into it, guys. I’m gonna get one. One last thing.

Actually, seriously, everybody here like who has little to do with us?

I’m sorry. Does anyone of us have little to do right now? got more to do right now to me, like literally like you’re working like crazy. Yep. Yeah. There’s no you know, like that, like

Hernan said last week I guess he was I’ve been preparing for this my entire life.

This Stuff Works
Alright, let’s get into this guys and forgive the hump day hangouts means that we got going on over here anyways.

What Is The Best Way To Syndicate Main Target Pages Through The IFTTT Network?

All right starting with Justin. What’s the best way to get our main target pages syndicating through our IFTTT network since the RSS feed only triggers or feed trigger only has posts? A WordPress plugin? Yeah, there’s one called RSS includes pages. I haven’t used that plugin in a long time, though. But yeah, you can check it out and see, I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s still there it is right there.

So RSS includes pages. It was just updated a month ago. So it’s probably it probably still works. I haven’t tested it in a long time, but that’s how I used to use it. And look, there’s a pro version for 10 bucks. By the way, this is the same developer as the republish old posts, right, which I’ve talked about that a lot. Let me pull that one up too.

Because that’s the same developer. I just noticed that and what’s cool about these is, and the reason I’m telling you about both about this one to republish old posts because you can use this to automate republishing stuff that’s already been published on your on your site. So if you’re using the RSS includes pages plugin, I’m sure it integrates with this so that you can also republish old pages in the pages RSS feed, if that makes sense. You see what I’m saying. So if you connect already public like an RSS feed with already published post to a network, it’s not going to syndicate to that network, it only will syndicate for new posts detected in that feed. So the same would go for an RSS include or a pages feed and RSS pages feed right. So if you connect the install the RSS includes pages plug in and then connected to your syndication network. It’s just it’s not going to automatically syndicate all your pages. It’s not it doesn’t work like that. So that’s why I would also install this one republish old posts, because then you can set parameters as to, you know how often you want them to republish like so for example, you could have something republish every six months, or just once or whatever the case is. And what’s cool about the republish Old Post plugin guys is they’ve got a pro version, it’s less than $10. And it looks like which is worth it because it gives you a hell of a lot more functionality, by the way, for less than 10 bucks. And the same thing it looks like for RSS includes pages, same thing, they’ve got a pro version. So I would check that out, if that’s something that you want to do.

And that makes sense for older sites, maybe if you didn’t, weren’t thinking about syndicating when you were building the site, that kind of stuff then it makes sense to maybe do something like that. He has no post. That’s the whole point behind this because I remember this from dealing with this in Facebook. He has no posts or he has pages and he wants to syndicate pages. But how many pages does he have to syndicate? Is it even worth the time to go through all that to syndicate? I don’t know, four or five pages, if you have hundreds of pages, where you’re going to silo and support categories, and with other pages and all of that? I then totally but I don’t see what if you have a five or 10 page website, how much that’s going to help because no point behind the syndication network is to publish content on a regular basis.


But you know, it’s something that he could do going forward is published posts on a regular basis to that site. But in the meantime, syndicate existing pages if, if that’s what you desire to do, Justin, so check it out.

Do You Only Need To Add The Money Site URL On The First PR?

Nathan’s up, he says in Local PR Pro, you suggest including a link to money site URL, either brand anchor or naked URL? Do you only link to money site URL on the first PR then after that you don’t link to money site anymore? I can’t imagine it’s helpful to link to the same money site. You’re on every PR Yeah.

Why I don’t remember ever saying link to the same money site URL, the same site URL, I said link to the money site, which if you’re publishing content on a regular basis, why not link to new content? Right? Isn’t that an excuse to publish a press release when you publish a blog post, you could use publish a press release, announcing are highlighting showcasing the blog post. Right and that’s exactly what I talked about in the update webinar. Which again, you can find it on the at the MG y Store. If you click on webinars, you can go to our YouTube channel, you can search for PR press release SEO or PR silo stacking, whatever, you’ll see that update webinar that we just did a few months ago. And it talks about using it was the update for local PR pro but we made it public which was for press release stacking. We do it in silo format now. And the way that I do it is the same like all my bloggers handle it now but what they do as they publish a blog post, then they publish a corresponding GMB post that links to the blog post, right. And it’s basically promoting the blog post, then they publish a press release that is promoting the blog post either by linking directly to the blog post or linking to the GMB post and then linking to the previous press release in the same silo. And then linking to if we want, we link to any other branded tier one entity URL, if that makes sense. So again, it’s not linking to the same money site URL. It’s linking to the money site, but it’s linking to different blog posts or it could be different landing pages, anything at all. I didn’t say link to the same page. I said link to the same money site. So there you go.

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How Do You Make A GMB Page Visible From Page 3 To Page 1?

Okay, moving on. DC SEO says Hi Guys, can you tell me exactly what I need from you to give me my site to push it needs to make it to take it from top of page three to page one. It’s four local service and I’m looking to dominate my local market. I was looking at the shield is that right? Same question for my GMB page which you recommend to make it more visible. Yeah, the SEO power shield set which includes the syndication network, drive stack, g site, and Id page, impressive Vantage organization page, everything gets all tied together. And then from there, it’s just a matter of link building embeds and link building to your tier one entity assets which include basically your SEO shield, but you want to include all your GMB assets in that as well which when you order the SEO power shield. There’s an entire section for all your GMB info.

So that’s basically it and then you know, publish content regularly and consistently both to the money site if you have a blog and to the GMB which is exactly what I just talked about my bloggers. Kill three birds with one stone one blog post, creates a blog post GMB and a press release, so GMB posts in a press release.

So all three of those get done with one blog post, they draft, one blog post and in from there, they create the GMB post with just a snippet from the blog post, then they go into, well, I have my impressive Vantage account, but if you if they were ordering through mg y b, it’d be the same thing. They go to MGYB and order a press release, and just link put, put in the order description, please write a press release to promote this blog post and then put a link to the blog post. And that’s primarily it if and then from there, it gets the you know, the press release riders takeover. So it’s very easy to do that way.

And that’s an irrelevant traffic to but on a purely SEO basis, just the SEO power shield and then publishing content consistently, regularly is what I should say and then link building and embed gigs to your SEO shield your entity assets, which includes your GMB stuff. Comments, guys, I would add to that make sure that the structured data is right. And that the homepage is right. Yeah, and that your entity is not ambiguous.

This will help all of that as well. That’s a good question. Oh, excuse me.

Would It Be Okay To Syndicate The Same Blog Content To GMB Then Back To IFTTT Via GMB To Zapier?

Fitz is up. What’s up, Fitz? He says Good day, gents. Thanks for this platform where you give real world actual answers if you syndicate your blog through IFTTT then send a snippet of the same blog through your GMB. Then back to IFTTT via GMB to zap to Zapier is that bad idea? Would you recommend to write city pages?

Thanks and Marco’s charity link please. Okay, so Marco, he wants to charity link again.

It’s already on the page. Okay. And then back to IFTTT via GMB to Zapier is that bad idea? Well, not necessarily. I mean, you know, here’s the thing, my curators, my bloggers curate blog posts on the money site. So they’re curated posts. Well, GMB posts have a 1500 character limit, unless that’s been lifted recently, which I’m not sure if it has or hasn’t. But that means, you know, typically for blog for GMB posts, my my bloggers would just grab a snippet of, you know, like the opening paragraph, for example from the curated blog posts that they’re going to create a GMB post from. They’ll use the same featured image which if you’re going to be creating GMB posts, you might want to have a different image because otherwise the same featured image gets posted. You will see that that’s very apparent when you look at it. You’ll see you know, two posts with the same image on the web 2.0 sites. But yeah, the post itself isn’t an exact duplicate on GMB as it was on the blog post because of the the character limit restrictions. Right. So it’s really like a snippet in the GMB post that just says, you know, here’s the idea of the post, read more and it links to the blog post, right. So in that respect, it’s still unique, and if you use a different image in the GMB post than you do as the featured images and blog posts, then it It shouldn’t be any problem. That would be my recommendation.


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Who Would You Recommend To Write City Pages?

Who would you recommend to write city pages? Well, I mean, I don’t write city pages anymore. I do everything through blog posts now, because of the way that I do locations based silos, which I can’t talk about here. But I use tags to create location based silos, not your typical or traditional category, silo structure, category posts, silo structure, I do everything with tags now for location. And so those become posts. So all location pages now are actually posts and they’re just curated posts. My VA just curates just like she does any other blog posts, but they’re optimized for specific location plus a specific service.

So I don’t recommend anybody for writing city pages other than just find a good writer and you should have a good writer on your team fits for as long as you’ve been doing this and coming here and asking questions. So I would just find a good writer.

By the way, just so you guys know this is a source that I’ve been using recently for some articles outside of curated stuff. It’s called crowd content com. They’ve got a really good platform. A little bit pricier, but I found the articles from here are so much better. In fact, I’m not going to give you my writers name in here, but I hooked up with a guy in here that I send all of my articles to now directly to this guy. Because he’s really really good. For example, when I’m writing, getting in depth articles written for landing pages, so top of silo stuff, I’m getting between 1500 and 2000 word articles now, for top of silo stuff, and I’m paying 12 cents per word. So you know, 240 bucks for a 2000 word article, but it becomes, you know, the top of the silo which is the most important thing and so I think it’s worth it. So they and again, that’s, he’s, he’s considered an excellent writer or whatever, inside there. There are different levels and things But anyways, check it out and they’ve got some automation.

Like you can you can actually you know, hire a writer to write a blog post a week or something like that and there’s a, it connects to WordPress, all kinds of stuff. It’s a really cool system, Crowd Content. Check it out. Anybody want to comment on that?


How Do You Get A Knowledge Panel For A Real Estate Business?

All right. Um, Omar, thank you for the value to provide on Hump Day Hangouts. My question is What did Bradley do to get a knowledge panel for keyword related to his real estate business? I strengthen the entity, structured data, SEO shield. And then I ran relevant traffic to my entity, right to my basically to the landing page or any of my entity assets. That’s all I did. 100%. I swear, that is all I’ve done. And you can do the same thing in pretty much any industry if you strengthen the entity enough, and then run enough relevant traffic to it. It was that’s what remember no, Marco can explain his way better than I can. But that’s what the original RYS drive stack is for. It’s about creating that brand association with your primary keyword. That’s what we do when you buy drive stacks from us. Like an SEO power shield for example, it’s for us to create that keyword association with for your primary keyword with the brand. Then if you want to theme mirror and silo your drive stack, then that’s where like the location shield would come in because that would be for like individual locations or you could mirror folders inside and then like, you know, create the silo structure mirror the silo structure do you have on your site, but the primary drive stack is to create that association between the brand name and the keywords. So that’s step one.

And then step two is relevant traffic that engages with the entity. So what what does that mean? It means land on the page and interact with the site or complete the conversion goal, which in my case for the real estate business is people either clicking the tap to call button, which is registered through Tag Manager and Google Analytics and Google conversion tracking. So Google is aware of the conversion goal being completed or completing the property assessment worksheet, which is basically a contact form and submitting that. And all of those things are really strong signals that will cause that brand Association for the primary keyword. Marco take over please. Yeah, I mean on a knowledge panel is drawn from from several different things.

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Google goes out and tries to find anything you can about you. You being your let’s call it your entity, your whatever it is that you’re doing on the web, your thing on the web, so Google will go out and pull all of the information that I can from all of these different sources. There’s some that are more important than others. And getting all of this information together is also really important. Getting all getting these mentions, which is what we do. I mean, we do it through our T1 branded, where we’re in the more important web 2.0 and social media platforms that there are. So there we associated through our through our structured data. We feed the bot the information, we loop the bot and organizational information then we reinforce the information with something like Press Advantage and that media center where all the organization information is there. And that Google starts recognizing the trust and the authority and all of the relations. Above all, of course, it’s a semantic web, all of the semantic relationships that you’ve created for your thing on the web. So it’s not just about Wikipedia, although you could do it with just Wikipedia, but it’s very difficult. Alright, so I call it like this. It’s almost impossible for Joe to get into Wikipedia, because there’s nothing to back up joe the plumber. But Larry, the cable guy can get into Wikipedia. Because you and I were talking about comedian, actor, the guy who wrote those stupid Christmas songs? All this stuff coming together is what creates this not as panel. So yeah, branded searches will, of course, influence all of this, but get giving Google as much information as possible about your entity is what actually brings us all together. So you can have a knowledge panel about your thing. You’re trying to become the best answer for the entity. For example, with Bradley, it’s in the sell or buy land or in real estate. So he’s looking to become the best entity in that niche. And one of those stages you pull up a knowledge panel when you do enough of it.

Yeah, that’s it. And so I just pulled this up just to show it And guys, that’s what I’m saying. Like if we actually go take a look at the actual brand search, you’ll see. I mean, I’m not hiding anything here guys. I’ve been real open about this project with you guys since day one, especially in the mastermind, but even in publicly, which I don’t typically do, and you can see like, I’m not building citations at all, not structured citations, like, I’ve done a few press releases. But all that has ever been done is what you can see through the brand search, you can see what’s been built. And then like I said, it’s a single page landing page, but I have structured data, right with the same as attributes, very The, the most powerful of them, which by the way, guys get something really, really powerful. If you don’t already right there. crunchbase One of the things that because crunchbase feeds the Semantic Web, like it’s a semantic database, right?

So my point is crunchbase is one of the most powerful citations you can possibly have for the Semantic Web. So get on crunchbase and create a profile for your corporation or organization or whatever. And then fill it out as much as possible. And as you can see, you can put website like your social media, you can actually scroll down and take a look at you can add basically, like, for example, press releases down here. So you can see that this is just one I can go, I shouldn’t have a VA going in here and adding press releases as they’re published. But this one’s about a year old. And it’s still in there. So my point is crunchbase is one of the most powerful citations that you can possibly create. And it’s going to really help. I’m not I’m not saying it’s going to make a knowledge panel pop, but it’s one of the things that can do that, right, that can that can cause that. And so that’s that. And you can see how powerful it is for my entity because with a brand search, it shows up as number four, just below the main entity website, right? So the the primary domain, Facebook sites, Google, the Google site, right, which is the drive stack, and then the crunchbase. So you can see how powerful that is for Google to put that in number four position, right? And so that’s all I did. And again, if you just take a look at the page source for alpha land, real alpha land Realty, you can see these are the most powerful same as links for my entity. Which is why I included them and that ended up causing my knowledge panel to be associated with my primary keywords sell land fast Virginia there. There’s my brand name for sell land fast Virginia, it’s also showing and related searches. So it makes sense. So can you do a quick brand search for land solutions network because I think that’s starting to pop up knowledge panel also is one of the things that I need to update.

This Stuff Works
Boom. Look at that. Sweet side

Yeah, that’s right. That one was strictly done. And you guys know because I’ve also been very transparent about this to press releases. It took the pop that knowledge panel. This is just there you’re you’re actually above me for the general term now. So land fast look, I think don’t work that doesn’t work. Drive stacks, don’t work.

Google could catch on at any minute. So I did it. I did it differently than you did, because I haven’t run any brands or any ads for branding right now I’ve done it. People know if you’ve been in the charity webinars that you know exactly how this was done, if you’ve been keeping up with with the updates that I’ve been giving people in Facebook and the different groups, I’ve been doing live streaming, I’ll go on later this afternoon, because this is what this is one of the things that I wanted to update is, yeah, I mean, it just goes to show that there’s different ways to do this.

There isn’t just 111 certain way, there’s different ways that you can get the same results. But I’ll tell you, the key in all of this is that structured data and getting that @ID page, looping the bot, and I think I even included a link in one of the press release to the s3 page if I’m not mistaken.

And I’m mapping my domains for the most part, through Amazon through CloudFlare. So that I use a subdomain for my primary domain for my ID page. It’s not necessary, but I like to do that too.

I didn’t do that my mind stayed in s3. And then in the G site when embedded into decided different ways, man, it’s different ways. But they work. It’s basically the same concept. It’s branding, guys, brands. I’ve been saying this for years, and people are just not catching on. And they’re like, you know, this is like, the next high level. We’ve been telling you for years to do this because it’s the semantic but it’s only logical for this to happen brand plus keyword location, brand plus location, plus keyword association. We’ve been telling you this since seems like forever, and people are just now catching on if you had paid attention from the beginning, how far ahead would you be on the competition? So get to it do this shit, right. And we’re showing you live the kind of results that you can get. There you go.

How Do You Reduce The Impact Of Negative SEO On Your Website?

Big Billy’s got several questions we don’t typically allow that we do got a ton of questions. So we’ll try to get through at least one or two of these and then we’ll come back if we can. Billy says Hey guys, I’m getting some negative SEO to my ecomm stores, categories and product pages. Someone is doing really sloppy SEO intentionally to over optimize me and sending links from bad neighborhoods other than disavowing them. What else can I do? Or what services can I do? Or can I buy from you guys? That would enter reduce the effect it’s having on my site? I was thinking to create a hub page with all the product page URLs, naked links and a Google Sheet and have Dadia embed that across his two daughters and in pummel, pummel it with the strongest linking packages thoughts?

Yeah, I mean, I’m gonna turn this one over to Marco entirely, but typically for like I’ve done that disavowing stuff, but I haven’t done that in quite a while actually. And really, I would just strengthen the entity as much as possible with like an SEO power shield. And then yeah, just start, you know, slamming all of those entity assets to power them up as much as possible. So that will dilute or eliminate, like, the effect of the negative SEO. But Marco, you have more experience with this what what what do you suggest?

Marco: I never disavow the link in my life and nor do I plan to ever disavow link, I just do more of the good stuff to counteract the bad stuff. I mean, it’s just a matter of getting the again, go back to brand. If your brand is strong, if you’ve done entity work correctly, all of this negative shit that people do will just turn into good shape.

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We saw that DC plumber, we hit our own stuff with just stupid crazy links, porn, and all kinds of crap and it’s still ranking number one to this day. And so you, moral of the story is if you have the seat we call it the SEO shield the SEO power shield for a reason we call it worry less SEO for a reason we call it entity based worry less SEO for a reason I mean all of this shit negative SEO and disavow man it that would drive me crazy trying to do all that and giving Google all of that information i don’t i don’t care for them to know all the action be disavow next is clearly an SEO working in the space. Why wait? Why else would you even know that you’re getting negative SEO and that you have all of these crappy links coming at you get a whole bunch of really good links to dilute any of the negative or maybe turn the negative into a positive get that power shield in place get all of those good links flowing get that entity get that structured data right guys get this work? Go work on your straight to data. Go right click on and look at the source code, and look at look at the structured data work that we’ve done. Look at looking last solutions if you want. I told you that that’s open to you guys to inspect, and and tear down in any way you want to do anything you want with it. I welcome it, because it’s gonna help me. And anything that you tried, I don’t worry about it. I just don’t see why we haven’t worried about an update and how long five five will always knock on me five years. Yep. To the release of our waiting. Yeah, of course, knock on wood because Google can change things at any time. I’m not expecting it right now. But at some point, at some point, but I’ll worry about that. When that time comes not right now.

Can You Embed A Knowledge Graph?

So the next question also technical question on embeds the Knowledge Graph. Can that be embedded to make it stronger? I don’t know. I’ve never tried to embed a knowledge graph. I don’t know that you can Marco do you know if you can the knowledge. I know that you cannot embed the knowledge panel. The panel that’s what I meant. Yeah. No. So there is this though. Okay, so you see right here, like my company, big bamboo marketing as well as me personally, because years ago when we still had access to what was it called Freebase. Freebase was a semantic web entity, or excuse me, semantic database that we used to be able to add details to add entities to.

But they Google bought it, and they stopped allowing. So this is an actual knowledge panel or for an entity, a semantic entity. Right? Does that make sense? It looks different. So for example, big bamboo marketing. If you see underneath my normal knowledge panel, you see this right here, which would be considered an entity panel, I guess. I don’t know what the actual name of it is. But if we click through to that, you’ll see that it creates this different kind of search. It’s still the same search phrase, but it’s got this and I don’t know why it’s only got one profile in there because on me personally, you can see, it’s got all of my profiles. But this, if you click the Share button, let’s go back to the company instead of a personal, we click the Share button, it gives you this, this URL here. And that right? There is something that if we were to go look at it in where it goes.

For example, you’ll see that that’s a 302. So it’s not a great URL. But if you take the final version of it, see if where it goes is working today, there it is. So it’s a 302 redirect to a meta refresh to this final target URL here. So if I copy that, and I go view that, again, that’s just going to bring up that same searches before. But my point is, is that these types of URLs right here are what I would consider, you know, entity type targets, if that makes sense because that’s what MREID. That’s what those are. These right here are called MREIDs, which is machine readable entity IDs. That make sense. But for like alpha land Realty. On the other hand, that I don’t have an actual semantic entity. And for that, if that makes sense. So it’s a little bit different. Now I’ve done some link built. So you can see it doesn’t have that separate box down here. That because it doesn’t have an MREID machine readable entity ID, the older stuff that I was able to add as a semantic entity into the Freebase at the time, you know, they do have them. So you can do some pretty cool things with those, for example, you can build links to this. You could also drive traffic to it, which can also help to cause that knowledge panel association with the keyword. So there’s different things that you can do with that if that’s available, but for your standard knowledge panel, if it doesn’t have that entity Id also, then I don’t know that you can do anything with that other than what Marco just said. So I just thought I’d share that little lesson there because they are different. When you look at these, this type of thing that has that little Share button right there. That means it has a semantic entity or it is a semantic entity. Does that make sense?

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Okay, anyways, moving on the last part of this and I’m just gonna glance over this really quickly, we’ll come back to this if we have time belly, but for your G sites, mirror, take your G site and just iframe in your e commerce site pages so that people can still buy directly from the G site. That’s what I would suggest. But I’m going to keep moving guys because we’ve already answered two questions for him. We’ll come back if we can that belly.

Does The Backlinks And Press Release Packages Order In MGYB Have To Be In English?

Next is number one. Does the backlinks and press release package order have to be in English? Yes. Correct me if I’m wrong. So these Definitely, yeah. Can someone give you non English keywords for those packages? No, because all the content is in English. Yeah. For the for the link building. I don’t know. Dadea. We’d have to talk to. But we can’t do one of those right? Not one. It’s one of a kind. And so it wouldn’t make sense. Yeah. Yeah, I agree.

How Do You Build Links Exponentially Rather Than Liniary?

Number two is how do you how do you build links exponentially rather than linearly? That’s hard to say. So I imagine it’s also hard to spell but linearly. So yeah. How do you build things exponentially instead of in a linear fashion? Right, that’s something I’m giving away for free. Now, that has to do with iframes, right? No. Yeah. Not not. Not necessarily. That could that could be one. There’s other ways, but I’m not sharing it. Free. Yeah. And I certainly wouldn’t share the technique either. But think of an ID page with the iframe stacking. That’s kind of an exponential link building method. Right. That’s one of them.

Yeah, well, the iframe, the iframe is what it doesn’t have. It has a similar, but it’s not the same. Yeah, but it’s not the same.

What Exactly Is Going Inside The Backlinks Packages In MGYB?

What  exactly as going inside the backlinks packages. Well, if you buy contextual web to their contextual web 2.0s, if you buy GSA, then it’s all the different link types that GSA can provide. So we do contextual web 2.0 is what we recommend for tier one and tier two links. So when I say tier one link building, that’s actually tier two links, because it’s building links to your tier one. Right? So it’s the first tier of link building like spam links to your tier one entity assets. So in all reality is second tier links, but it’s the first tier of link building. Anyways, that said, we recommend on for the first tier and second tier of link building, you do contextual web 2.0s. That’s per Dadea’s recommendations and all the testing that we’ve done over the years, and then we you can back it up with a third tier of GSA or a fourth tier, as many as you want. And GSA is going to include whatever link targets are in GSA, okay?

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Does Having The SEO Shield Mean That Guest Blogging And Other Hard Backlinks Methods Become Ineffective?

Just for clearing, guest blogging and other hard backlink methods basically dead by using the shield, no more money site links? Yeah, I mean, it’s unnecessary, you don’t need to, um, you know, guest post guest blogging and stuff like that can, if it’s done correctly can be extremely powerful and generate relevant traffic from a, you know, relevant audience that could be interested in your product or service. So I’m not saying don’t do it, you know, if that’s part of your overall strategy for drive driving traffic and lead generation and sales and that kind of stuff, but it’s not necessary, right? It’s not something that you have to do because we’ve proven over and over and over again, that we can get results using the SEO shield and spam links and just in content marketing, right. You know, that’s about it.

So there are so many target URLs within the SU your parachute that you’d have to do that to the money site, you can actually do a guest posting and you and put a push a link to your GMB posts to a GMB post the GMB website to the drive stack to an inner page on the G site which they all connect to the money site, but you’re not hitting it directly. That’s why we moved like one tear out to leave the money site alone Erica, like links on its own and natural and then then the rest will come from the power in the SEO power shield and everything associated with the SEO portion. Right. So there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m not saying whether worse than that, like I don’t get blocked. And I don’t use other hard but what he’s calling hard backlinking methods. I just don’t because I don’t need to. If I ever needed to I’d probably go and test it out.

A heavy hitter in the membership site is ready. We’re getting everything together to go live that project. And that’s one of the things that we probably test in the heavy hitter club to see how much more we can get. But wait, like when you got enough to go to number one? I mean, how much better number one can you get when you’re already in number one? Yeah, right. Except for the fact that like I said, guest blog or you know, guest posts done correctly. On the right sites for the right audience can generate a shit ton of relevant traffic and generate leads and or sales to if it’s done correctly. The problem is a lot of there’s a lot of SEO services out there that will sell guest posts strictly for the SEO like the backlink. And that’s, in my opinion, that’s useless. I mean, because of the methods that we have developed that work just fine. I’m not you know, again, to each their own. I’m not saying don’t you know, somebody else if that’s your strategy, so be it. For our strategy. It doesn’t make sense to build guest post links just for the link itself and let but for the traffic and exposure and relevant audience, potentially leads and sales, then it does make sense to do that. If you can do so, by the way, so who can do that well? I’ve only found one service that is really good at that I’ve used which is Loganix. And we’ve talked about them in the past but Loganix, go to, and it will take you to their site. And they’ve got a really good service for that now. In fact, the owner of Loganix, Adam Steele has created a really good service around that, in fact, it’s one of their best services now, take a look at it. They have the link building right here and they’ve got some really good traffic to sites there. It’s expensive, but it’s worth it. It’s worth it if that’s part of your overall strategy. So I just I would suggest them if you’re going to look for that kind of stuff.

Okay, but again, you don’t need if you got the SEO shield. You can throw spam links at it all day long.

What Is The Best MGYB Done For You Package For Podcasts?

All right, Nigel’s up he says what’s up now Joey says Hope you guys are your families are all doing well blessings and thanks. You’re welcome. What is the best done for you package specifically for podcasts? And in your opinion and what are the three must do things for podcast specifically? Okay, so I’m not sure which, like you’re talking about for getting on podcasts or for promoting your own podcast? I don’t really know. I’m gonna answer one thing that I first of all, maybe you can clarify it.

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But as far as talking about how to promote a podcast, Bradley, that’s the way I would read it. That’s how you read it. Okay. Yeah. Okay, well, then, I’ll just point this out for anybody else’s benefit very quickly. But interview valet is a company that we used. It’s a concierge service to get booked like so in other words, they we hired them to pitch Semantic well pitch me representing Semantic Mastery and MGB to a bunch of money. Podcasts that have relevant audiences. And super powerful guys, you can drive drive a lot of traffic, you know, relevant traffic generate leads and everything using this. It’s a great, great service had a really good experience with them. So I would point that out for those of you that are looking to get exposure on other people’s podcasts, we’ll talk about that and to extra agency and we talked about it a lot of kofu live. So I would I would check that out. But as far as promoting that, I don’t know because I don’t have a podcast. What do you guys think, though on Marco? So yeah, there’s there’s a couple of options here.

So the first one is, the first one is pretty easy, you would treat a pocket so let’s say that you have a podcast and you’re uploading that to something like Lipson or something similar like SoundCloud, which are you know, the podcast hosting services and then they will have first of those will have an RSS feed right. And live Lipson when they’re posting because Lipson will syndicate to iTunes, to stitcher to a bunch of other places. And those are live links back to your website. Right? That is number one, but also number two. Lipson has a WordPress plugin that will allow you to automatically publish your podcast episodes in your website. So if you think about it, you have the RSS feed from Lipson and you also have the RSS feed from your website, you can definitely do the SEO shield make sure that each podcast episode, both the description and the title of the podcast are keyword rich, so that you can actually get ranked so you can you will treat each podcast episode a as a blog post, you would interlink them, you will do whatever you have to do, you know, proper SEO.

There’s even schema markup for podcasts. So you would have either a website or a category on your own website that you can have those podcast episodes posted every time you upload a podcast episode. It will you know, post get posted on your website, we’ll get syndicated out, you can burn through Feedburner your Lipson feed. And then you know, the rest is game over like you would use the exact same methodology that you would with a regular blog post. Because at that point, the podcast and the podcast, the podcast description, and even if you want the transcription of the podcasts they become, they become blog posts on your website. So you can get your podcast pages ranked on Google and that will also increase as because the podcast also becomes an entity that will become the that will increase the entity validation on iTunes, Stitcher and everything, you know everything else. So yeah, and don’t forget your remarketing tags on those pages so that you can remark the shit out of them. Oh, yeah, yeah. 100% 100%. So anybody else have any suggestions for that?

Do You Have Niche-Specific Link Building Packages?

Okay, the next question is also Do you guys have any packages that are more specifically niche like IE packages for real estate, plumbers, podcasts, etc. I’m getting a lot of requests for more specifically tailored solutions from prospects, anything you can offer beyond general SEO power shield solution or Is that it? Well, that’s it because you create all the relevancy through the keywords and the you know, the entity links that you’re adding into SEO power shield. So that’s, I mean, it doesn’t, it doesn’t make sense that we create from scratch, an SEO Power Shield, which includes the drive stack, and G site and everything based upon the niche that you provide and the keywords, right, and they’ll go out, we go out and find relevant images, add the images, find relevant content, add the content. So we create a unique, niche specific drive stack, or SEO power shield for each and every order that submitted. So when you say Do we have any more special specifically niche, like every drive stack we build is specifically niche like to that specific customers order. Does that make sense? So there’s no there’s no reason to create templated products because every product that we created for the SEO shoot is 100% niche specific to that particular project that particular entity or corporation or organization, whatever you want to call it on that niche specific but also brand location and keyword specific. And we we get we get that. So every Yeah, every one is different. There’s nothing that needs to be done at that level.

And yeah, Rob just, uh, just jumped into the tenant that we need to do some more SEO partial education for people. Yes, we absolutely do. We need to tell people what it actually is what it does people think is something general because we call that SEO power shield, but it works on any net it works at any level. It works local. It works for and that’s why that’s why I took on the national correct in sell amp as you were doing local. So why do another local I took on the national that’s why we went with Deadia and did the e commerce case study that we’re only sharing and a mastermind and that’s done for a reason, because we don’t want anyone spamming a client that’s making millions. Okay? I mean, it’s really that simple. We need to protect that client’s asset. But the guy is making millions on this. We’re not going pennies. We’re talking an e commerce website that draws millions per month, and it’s still doing so right now. Right as we speak, during the crisis, there’s some and selling and selling and selling and they have not slow down. So let’s think about that. Think about the power that’s there for anything and I said it before but yeah, I guess we need more education on this. Anything that you take on on the web, whatever project it is, whether you want to do a YouTube video, whatever it is that you want to do, throw a power shield around that sucker and away you go. That’s when the fun really starts.

You go and then he says, Thanks so much, guys. Stay safe. Thank you, Nigel. Appreciate that.

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For those of us who already have the brand and gamers you’re missing one that after Nigel. Yeah, I have. I’m sorry, I didn’t miss that one. Thank you.

How Does The SEO Juice Pass To The Money Site From The SEO Shield?

Ed says most of the examples shown in your videos don’t end up pointing to a money site DC plumber is a G site. That’s because the G site is the money site for that project. Land solutions is a Click Funnels page and G Suite is ranking notice last solutions is WordPress. Yes. I’m still failing understand that juice is ultimately passed to the money site since we won’t be linking the products and categories directly from the stack yet you Yes, you can. This question is you are misinformed. So why don’t we start with this one?

Is it the ID the page of solves this? So you know, I don’t understand where the confusion is other than maybe some of the public stuff that we’ve shared because we’re certainly not sharing all of our private campaigns, but the ones that we do share, they have different scenarios. And we did that intentionally because there’s always going to be different scenarios with different projects, right. So some projects don’t have a money site, they might just be using the G site as the money site. Other projects might just use the GMB website. Right. So the Google My Business website as the primary money site, but then the G site often will take over as well, and in the drive stack, but for any sort of project whatsoever, whether it’s a single page landing, Click Funnels landing page, which can become a money site, like alpha land Realty, for example. That’s a single page, click font.

Well, it’s got a thank you page, but it’s a it’s a clickfunnels landing page. That’s the money site. So I’ve got the drive stack and the G site and everything links back to the money site, which is just a Click Funnels landing page. So I think your terminology, maybe you might be confusing your terminology because a money site can be whatever you make it it doesn’t have to be a self hosted WordPress site to be a money site. So it makes sense. Yeah.

Yeah, let me just add before you go on that juice is passed from the SEO power shield. To the money site. That’s, that’s where our linking is done. Because there’s so much trust and authority in that power shield that whatever link building we do to it, it becomes, you know, we call it a link, lumbering machine, it launders the link, so that power only power, good power is transferred over to the money site, instead of instead of garbage that can get you a hit in some kind of way where it’s algorithmic in nature, you don’t want that. And we try to avoid that at all cost. That’s why we do it this way. So understanding how juice is transferred, is it’s transferred through the power shield. The power shield has two purposes. It’s to protect your site and to transfer clean power over to the money site. So I think that that’s where the disconnect might be. Yeah. And so the idea is it says, you know, you don’t link to your category pages and product pages. Yes, you can.

In fact, you can link to them from within the G site. And or embed the pages, which is what I do. A lot of times, I don’t even have an actual physical link from like a traditional HTML link from a G site page to the corresponding page on the money site, I just have the money site embedded either a page or a post, right? So it’s either page or post embedded in the G site. And a lot of times I don’t even link directly from that in strategic places I do like top up silo pages on the G site will link over to the silo page on the money site. So the same thing for e commerce, right? I don’t do e commerce, but it’s the same sort of structure, right? It’s still built the same. And so your category pages could be like top of silo pages, essentially. So why not embed that into the theme era g site page, you want to create a physical link to it, that’s fine. I just like the embeds better, because I I try to silo my G sites. So I do internal linking and my G sites to match the type of entity

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On a linking structure, I have all my money site, but I do everything from my money site is embeds in the G site, if that makes sense. So there’s a number of ways to do it like that. But as far as like, that’s how you’re passing the juice, right? You’re passing relevancy, you’re passing authority, and your link laundering, right? You’re cleaning any potential negative negatives through the the Google domains, the Google assets, so it makes sense. So anyways, we have we’ve been getting a lot of e commerce questions lately about how to apply this stuff to e commerce. So that is definitely something we just talked about this yesterday, my partners and I, during our corporate meeting, that is something we’re going to do. In fact, Marco and Rob are going to be fleshing out more of the e commerce stuff that Dadea has been doing to provide more training about how to apply to ecommerce, and we’ll have a PDF available and all that kind of stuff, guys, so it’s coming. Please be patient. Okay, that’s a good question.

One last thing. It’s no different. I mean that’s why we don’t go specifically into ecom. I’ve already said that the only difference is how you target whether it’s target location, which would be that would then be local, or you don’t target location, which would then be anything else. That’s not local. And it’s the exact thing, you take the top level category in your e commerce site widgets. And you move that to an once you get the SEO power shield delivered with the market level category, you put that on on an interface, and you create that intersect that only deals with widgets, not the brand, but the widget, because you’ve already created the branded site that the widget company has, when I went all the all of the keyword research and what all the actions everything that you did on the homepage, you do it on the inner page, except this is keyword specific, rather than brand plus keyword specific. You can start talking about the products you can start talking about just whatever it is that you have iside that widget, top market level category and even break it down into subcategories, and add other inner pages. So you start siloing that inner page, but it works. It doesn’t work any different than it does for local. It requires a little bit more work than it would for local. But that’s because you have probably more categories, more market level categories and subcategories that you need to target and silo that would be the only difference. But yeah, we’re gonna do a little bit whatever we can reveal about Deadia we will. I’m not saying how much but we will.

Okay, guys, I’m going to answer Santiago’s and Brian’s really quickly and then we’re going to wrap it up because it’s five o'clock and I’ve got a real estate I got to go get some documents notarized for a closing that occurred today.

Is The Hyper Targeted, Geo Targeted Traffic Module In 2xYourAgency Be Available For Purchase?

So, I 40 $800 profit I’ll take Santiago says For those of us who already have the branding courses, the hyper targeted geo targeted traffic module mentioned 2xyouragency available to purchase by itself. Yes, Santiago, just contact support@semantic and ask, I know Adam said that that is available to purchase separately, but just contact support, we’ll get you a link. It’s a good course for driving local traffic like low targeted local traffic via YouTube, it’s a really good course for that. And in fact, I’ve got a case study that I just set up I spent a day and a half setting it up this week, Monday and half of yesterday setting it up. But specifically, I’ve got a landing page, single page landing page, just like we were just talking about with Ed’s question, single page landing page on a subdomain, it’s a Click Funnels landing page on a subdomain and all and I bought a location shield, which doesn’t include a syndication network. So it’s the location shield, which is just an RYS stack and a Google site. And @id page, specifically optimized for that one landing page for one and then I’m driving nothing but traffic relevant traffic. That’s it though. So all the SEO work I’m going to do to it and then I’m gonna drive relevant traffic to it from Google ads from YouTube and from cold traffic display ads and then remarketing once that accrues enough to start remarketing, and see if I can rank it with just that alone. And so I just set that up. I finished setting that up yesterday, the ads are running, my ads are approved. So right now I’m just tracking it and I’m going to be covering that in the mastermind. So come check it out.

What Are Your Thoughts On Having A Different RYS Stack For Every Money Page Or Silo?

Last question is Brian says what are your thoughts on multiple stacks per site say different RYS stack for every major every money page or silo thoughts on multiple ri stacks per site? Is there a point where it’s too many too many become counterproductive? Yeah, it’s unnecessary. You don’t need to do that because you build the primary stack, right, the primary stack which is brand, plus primary keyword Association, and then you build everything else inside of that stack.

So for example, for every money page or silo, so essentially for every, every product or service, which should have its own silo, right? The each one of those would have its own folder inside the branded stack. And then inside that folder would be all of the different files that are optimized for that keyword set, whatever that silo is, right, it’s going to have a keyword set that specifically for that silo, so all of the files inside of that keyword optimized folder, so it’s essentially a silo folder are going to be optimized with those keywords, sets and all linking to any to the top of silo page, as well as any supporting pages or posts within that silo. So essentially, you’re linking from everything in that folder is only going to be linking to pages or posts within that particular silo on the money site. So there’s no reason to continue buying different drive stacks. You want to expand your existing drive stacks.

Which, within about a week or so, we’re going to have that drive stack expansion available as an add on service in MGYB. Is that correct? Marco?

Yes. As soon as we add the expansion, the ability to add order expansions on the website that now depends on how long that takes. I don’t know. It’s coming soon. But yeah, it’s, it’s coming. We’re already in beta. We are building with it. It’s creating awesome, guys like it is creating our way. Right. Which has been it’s been a pain. It’s been about a year in the making, guys. It’s not easy.

Yeah, it’s a lot of work. Anyways, guys, I got to run. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone.

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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 282 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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