Monday, June 22, 2020

Advice On Running Ads For Lawyer Lead Gen Videos

In Hump Day Hangouts episode 285, one participant asked some advice on running ads for lawyer lead gen videos.

The exact question was:

(If this isn’t the right forum for this question please direct me to the appropriate place) I purchased your YouTube Ads training being a complete novice ads. (Fantastic course BTW). Any advice on running ads for lawyer lea gen videos? For example, how would you go about putting ads in front of people who need a divorce attorney? Since Google doesn’t allow negative life event targeting I couldn’t see an obvious way to target their audience like you did in the training with the niche you used.

This Stuff Works

Advice On Running Ads For Lawyer Lead Gen Videos published first on your-t1-blog-url

from CEO Life Freedom
via gqrds

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