Friday, June 19, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292


Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start

we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and

Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?

Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.

Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.

Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.

Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?

blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.

I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do

four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?

Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck

and I got three compressed this in my lower back

So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.

Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.

That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.

That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.

This Stuff Works
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.

When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.

Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.

Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?

I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So

Let’s do it.

Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?

Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.

Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?

So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.

Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?

So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?

No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.

I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.

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What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?

So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.

Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?

Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.

What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?

Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.

You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from

They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.

There you go.

Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?

So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.

So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever

Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.

I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.

But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.

This Stuff Works

What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?

Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.

I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.

I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.

Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?

Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?

Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.

cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.

Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?

Unknown Speaker 30:33
So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.

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Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.

Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So

Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?

wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.

Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right

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is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?

No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.

When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.

Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?

Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?

Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good

Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?

Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.

I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.

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I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.

Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.

All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first

Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?

The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?

You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain,, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.

Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.

Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.

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With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.

I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.

Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.

And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.

Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.

Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?

Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.

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I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,

Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and

Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.

yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my

My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.

All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.

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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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