Friday, June 12, 2020

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 291

Click on the video above to watch Episode 291 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at


Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 10th of June 2020. got everybody here, we’re gonna say hi real quick and get the introductions out of the way and then start answering your questions because we got a lot of questions on what the deal was this week everybody brought their the good stuff. So we’re gonna get into it today. So, Bradley, we’ll start with you man. How are you doing today?

Good happy to be here been working on process development for the last two days straight to entire days and feel like my eyes are crossed, but I’ve gotten a lot of it done. So I’m so close to having all my onboarding stuff for a client you know, new clients and entity asset setup, and all that the process is almost a hundred percent complete. I’ve put it off for years. But I’ve been working on it for like the last six or seven weeks and it’s almost done. So super excited about that. I’ll be sharing this with the mastermind members tomorrow too. So just let you guys know that we are going to be there. In other words, otherwise happy to be here. Good stuff right Marco How about you man?

I’m good, man. still warm and sunny in Costa Rica nothing changes Groundhog Day you seeing it everywhere you see the exact same thing I think might be a What do you call it a screen a white screen that I put behind me right with all that light and this is fake this is really a mink coat right with Fern lining and it’s all fake none of this is really good shit.

Just a green screen but you made white and sunny Yeah, yeah.

Well, Hey, how you doing man? Are you nice and warm? Are you freezing? Now actually today was it was a pretty good day. The last week or so was rainy and foggy and shitty, but you know, today’s it’s pretty good. I’m excited to be here also working on processes, you know, trying to build you know, getting to build another agency. as well, so you know, working on processes training people, and working on that. So I feel I feel you, Bradley. But you know, it is what it is like you do once you put in the work and then you get somebody repeating it over and over and over again. So that’s why you put in the work so that you can multiply that. So it’s been it’s good, man. It’s good. Everything’s good, man. Yeah. All right. Last but not least, Chris, how you doing today, man? Doing well here. And yeah, it’s raining here for a change.

I think it’s like, I don’t know. Well, it almost feels like it’s the first time it’s a very long time. And it’s actually probably raining here.

But yeah, since it goes here. Nice, nice. Well, before we get into it, I wanted to let everyone know, we’re going to be releasing some more information about POFU live 2020. It’s still going to be the last weekend of September and it is going to be virtual. We’ll be having some updates shortly towards the end of the month, I believe and we’ll be able to answer all the questions. You’ll be able to grab your tickets. To that, we’re going to be reaching out. We had a few people last year who just hopped on right away. We’ll be reaching out to you to get with you about that. So, the other thing I wanted to touch on, we’ve had a few more people joining to x your agency. And for those of you who don’t know about this, if you’re an agency owner or consultant, if you want to get more clients want to grow your revenue, you want to scale your team. If you want to do that than 2xyouragency is really the place for you to go just go over there, check it out, I’m not gonna bore you to death. You’re all capable of reading and watching the video on the page. But there is a ton of training Bradley did the bulk of that training. I know Hernan did some and I may be leaving people out. But it’s just an incredible amount of content following the three pillars as far as what you can do to do exactly that and get more clients for your revenue and scale your team. And also, version four of the battle plan came out not too long ago if you somehow missed out on that. You can go grab that and certainly not least is the mastermind Bradley mentioned that real quick that he’s going to be sharing all this with the mastermind if you want to find out more about that just head over to And I’m gonna sneeze my brains oh man has the worst trying to talk and then having to sneeze all of a sudden. Alright, got that passed. So let’s get into it. I wanted to tell people to real quick before we do that, sorry. If you haven’t been over to yet, head over there for your done for you services. I was reminded because we were talking today about creating some more training, talking to people about worrying less SEO about you know, not caring what the algorithm is doing. If you head over there, there are best practice webinars which are great. I think most of them were created in the last few months. Go over there. If you have questions or you just want to find out more about you know, how does this stuff work? What should I do? be doing with it, things like that, just go over to And there’s a lot of great free training over there as well as the dumper Youth Services. Cool. All right, guys, anything else we need to cover before we dive into it?

This Stuff Works
Yes, I’ve got something I want to cover about syndication network applets and RSS attribution links. So it’s cool if you guys want to go ahead and grab the screen get into that.

Go for it.

Okay, standby.

Alright, I don’t know if it was a support ticket or what but it was brought to my attention that I guess some done for you syndication network buyers didn’t if you’re not using an RSS plugin that creates an attribution link whenever you syndicate content. So in other words, if you’re using an RSS trigger to trigger your syndication networks in our training, and we’ve always talked about how we use our an RSS attribution that’s coated in through a plugin. Originally, it was using the Yoast plugin, which we no longer recommend. Marco calls it the toast plugin. So we haven’t recommended that for many years because it’s full of bloated code and they update it. It’s just a mess. We don’t ever recommend using Yoast. We developed our own. Well, Chris did our crispy or developed our own RSS plugin. There’s a free version that goes with Syndication Academy, you guys can get it if you’re part of any one of our groups. There’s also a pro version that is free as long as you’re in the mastermind that does have a whole lot of other functionality to it besides just the attribution. But I guess some people hadn’t didn’t realize that if you’re not using a plugin to insert an attribution link into the feed items. So for those of you that don’t know what the hell I’m even talking about, what is an attribution like okay, well, let me show you an example. This is a blog post on blogger for myself. Land realty project. And you can see that down here at the bottom it says see we buy land and Bluefield, VA post originally published on the alpha land realty blog. Well, this was a post that was published to this blogger blog via an RSS feed through IFTTT. Okay. So if we were to go take a look at the actual RSS feed Well, in this case, I haven’t hardcoded into an applet which is what I’m going to talk about today with you guys. Because I’m not using our own RSS plugin for this and I don’t use Yoast, Marco. Also, you mentioned there was a plugin what’s it called?

Simple attribution. It’s really good really light and works fantastically well. Right here.

Okay. I haven’t used this but Marco pointed this out. So there are a couple of things that I want to point out here guys and attribution. Like what that is is whenever you are republishing content, you’re supposed to cite the source give out attribution to the original publisher to the original author, right. And so that’s just best practice. And so when we’re syndicating content, our own content to our own branded network, one of the ways that you get a link back, and also to be proper about it is to you to add the attribution link. And there’s a couple of ways you can do it. You can use a plugin. Again, use our plugin, or you can use this simple attribution if you’re using WordPress.

If you’re not using WordPress, or you don’t want to use one of these plugins, you can hard code into the syndication applet inside of IFTTT and attribution link and I’m going to share with you guys some example codes. There are two different versions of them. Well, there are multiple versions of each, but there are two basic categories of attribution links. And so what that does is every time you publish a post, it’s going to automatically insert this type of attribution link down here at the bottom, okay? And so that’s giving credit to the original source. So if I click that. And this one I don’t have target equals blank in there. So it’s going to open in the same window, but you can see that it’s going to pull up the original post the same post that we just saw on blogger. It’s just it’s giving a link back to the original source. Okay, now for my alpha land realty project. I’m not using an RSS plugin, so it’s hardcoded into IFTTT. Let me give you an example. This is the RSS to blogger applet, okay? So if we go into settings, you’re going to see right there is my Feed URL. And right here is the body or the applet body. So that’s the entry content. Then I put a break tag, then published first here, and you can see it’s just a href equals enter URL and then enter and then the anchor text, in this case, would be enter URL as well, that’s how I have it. I’ve updated it since that post was published because you can see what this looks like here. So what I wanted to share with you guys was just how to do that and we can give you some examples real quick.

Let’s go back. Take a look at some of the other applets. We’ll take a look at RSS to WordPress. Take a look at the settings there. The same thing we’ve got, these are short, I’ve got short attribution links here, which just link back to the original post. You can also have a combination of an attribution link that links to the original post, plus links back to either the homepage or the blog page or whatever you want. Where else would this be useful? Well think about like if you’ve got a press advantage account. Or if you’re buying press releases from MGB and you get an organization page, you get an RSS feed for your organization page, a media room page, essentially, where you can go in and set up applets. And I encourage you to do so set up applets for your sending branded syndication networks using the press advantage RSS feed. And the same thing, you go into the applets and code your attribution in and then link back to the the the original press release published on the press advantage domain.

This Stuff Works
Let me grab the right one here. And I was blowing this up so you guys can see it, you can hard code a link back into the original to the press advantage organization page itself or the media room page, okay, or on a blog, if you’re hard coding it into IFTTT to link back to your primary website, you can link either to the home page or to the blog page or whatever you really you want to. Okay, so let me zoom in on this just a little bit so you guys can see the code and I’m going to share this in the chatbox. And we’re going to put this in a knowledge base or something as well. But this is with the link to home or blog page or to like a press advantage for any source, okay, that you’re going to be syndicating content from the RSS feed. You can type code in this type of stuff. These are what’s called ingredients and the applet most of you should know this. And then these with the square brackets, those are what you would replace those are basically tokens, you would replace that with your own website URL. And you can see that you can swap this out this is not you don’t have to just use these you can change wording you can add target equals blank. You can add strategically nofollow tags to, for example, linking back to the homepage. Why would that be? If you’re going to use one of these applets? Where does it say with link to homepage or blog page? Why would you want to possibly code in a nofollow link? Think about it. Okay, so here’s why I would tell you to, you know, and that was a rhetorical question, but I’m going to answer it for you. If you’re syndicating content from your blog consistently to your branded network, right over and over and over again, you’re syndicating content. Well, each time you syndicate and let’s just use the three blogs in a standard syndication network. The three web two Dotto blog properties, okay, so it’s Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you have if you’re using one of these types of formats up here, where you’re linking back to the original post, but then also linking back to the homepage, or to the blog, row page, you know, blog index page or whatever. Then if you’re, if you’re doing I don’t know, let’s just use an example two posts per week. That’s eight posts per month.

Well, you could see over time, how having the same URL with the same anchor text all do follow back to the homepage of the blog page, that remember, every single post you publish would include a link back to whatever you however you have it coded here, right. And that’s what I’m talking about is back to either the homepage or the blog page or whatever it is the original content, the post URL, that’s only going to get three anchor text links back. Well, some of the other properties, but I’m just talking about the web to auto blog accounts right now, you’re only going to get three anchor text, you link back to that post URL for each publication, right. So each blog post that’s published, it’s only going to receive three-link backs with a hundred percent title anchor text match, okay? So that’s perfectly fine. But if you’re going to continually post over and over and over again, which you likely are you should be, then you don’t want to constantly hit the same keyword unless it’s a brand or an anchor a naked URL. anchor, right with dofollow links. So that’s why I’m saying if you’re gonna, that’s why the way that I have coded here was to make it very simple for you guys, you can see that my anchor text in any one of these top three versions is going to be either brand or website URL, which means naked URL. So naked URL anchor text for the URL that it’s linking to. Why? Because you don’t want to cause a problem. And so that’s why, if you want to use keywords, you can but I would recommend for the link back to the homepage of the blog page or a category page, whatever it is that you’re linking back to that you would add a nofollow tag. If you’re going to be using keywords, it’s okay to use the brand. It’s okay to use a naked URL. But if you’re going to be using keywords, I would recommend to also include a rel equals nofollow attribute into the code the HTML code, if that makes sense. Okay. However, to if you don’t want to do that, you could just use the simple ones down here which is linked to the original post only, and like it said you guys, you can change this around. You can see, in this case, its entry URL using the entry title as the anchor text. In this case, its entry URL using the naked URL as the anchor text. Okay, so it just depends, you guys can swap, move things around, swap stuff out, you can change the wording slightly, all of that, it’s perfectly fine. It’s just really important that you guys understand. If you’re not adding, if you don’t have an attribution coded into your RSS feed through a plugin, okay, then this is something that you could use instead is actually code them into the applet which is what I’ve actually been doing because I’m not using plugins anymore for it for most of my sites I just haven’t coded in the are up to the syndication applet. Okay. So does anybody want to comment on that?

No, okay. No, no, this is it just to make it clear that this is just best practice. When you get a syndication network, you should have either a plugin on the WordPress website which creates the attribution either the Semantic Mastery plugin or some other plugin, whatever the plugin of your choice could be, would be. And in our, in this case, we’re recommending simple attribution so that you could do that our plugin but Semantic Mastery plugin allows spinning and a whole lot of other things that just add, you can add relevance, you can change the way that it links back to the post, or whatever it is that you’re linking to. So you have a lot more leeway in what you can do with our Semantic Mastery plugin. Unfortunately, the one that has or fortunately whatever you want to see that the one that has the most functionality is of course only available if you’re a member of the semantic mastery mastermind. Otherwise, if you don’t have that plugin, and if you’re not creating the attribution when the RSS feed goes out, when you do your post, through that plugin, what you have to do is go into IFTTT into your applets and hardcoded the way that you just showed using either brand or native You could also go something generic, you could go with a generic anchor more info more here and things like that, that’s perfectly good. If you’re going to be doing a keyword as you said, it should be nofollow, or you can actually go in it and this is a lot of work you want to VA doing it is actually going in and for that one post that’s going to post change it to, to anchor, let it go out and then change it back to keyword anchor, whatever it is do follow. But then you have to change everything back to make sure that you don’t keep getting that keyword over and over and over again with a do follow link from all of your properties all over the place, which just doesn’t make sense. So I just wanna I just want people to be clear what it is that they have to do. You have to have a plugin, or you have to have this hard code in the applet it’s one or the other.

Yeah, and see that’s why I recommend like I said, Guys, if you’re going to use these top ones where there’s every post is going to have a link back to The homepage or a blog page, then I recommend that you are using a brand anchor or naked URLs and URL anchors so that you don’t have to worry about going back in and editing the applets to change it up every so often. If you don’t want to do that, as I said, you could just go with the original, the entry URL, right, which is the actual blog post URL, or whatever syndicated content URL it is, and that you can do it that way too. So you don’t have to worry about accruing too many of a particular type of anchor. That makes sense. Okay. So that’s it, I just wanted to point out here’s another example. This is one of the newer posts. And you can see this is the this is actually going to Press Advantage. So this is one from the press. This is it was a news release or a press release from press advantage through that alpha land realty account. And if you take a look at it, if I click on that, it’s going to go directly to the press advantage post, press or excuse me, press release. Okay. And then if you’ll see if I come back and click through the alpha land Realty, I’m using brand anchors there that clicks through to the media room page. See that? So again, that’s just an example of Tumblr. And then lastly, there’s the example of WordPress, here’s one from last year. And you can take a look down here at the bottom, you can see it says, that’s the title of the post. If I click that, it’s going to take me to the original post on my alpha land realty blog. And if I click through, you can see in this case, I put a naked URL to the blog, which is the homepage because the blog is on a subdomain. And so the blog is the homepage basically, of alpha land Realty. If that makes sense. So you can see I just use a naked URL there, okay, with a naked URL anchor. Right? So I just wanted to kind of point that out. Because I guess it was brought up somebody realized that they were syndicating content with no attribution. And so I wanted to make sure everybody had an understanding of you know, where you can add attribution if you don’t already have that inserted into your RSS feeds via a plugin, okay. And like I said, you should be, you know, if you were syndicating content without attribution If you’ve been following best practices with publishing content that always includes an internal link to one of your pages on your site, whatever it is you’re trying to promote, you’re still getting the SEO benefit. We always recommend having an attribution link. Because if you know, especially because I like having the title of the post is the anchor text linking back to the post URL itself, it just adds a bunch of diversity of different types of anchors that are coming that are accruing or building up over time for your site in general, right. Does that make sense? Because the title of the blog post becomes, at least the way that I have my applets coded, the title of blog posts becomes the anchor text, and so that adds a lot of diversity over time, if that makes sense. Okay, so anyway, I just wanted to cover that. Hopefully, that makes sense. Let me reset all this stuff, and then we’ll get to questions.

This Stuff Works

Would The T1 RYS Stack Nitro Link Building Combination Enough To Power An Affiliate Site?

Okay, so we’ll start with Benjamin. He says, Hey, guys, I’m building a content site currently in a competitive niche primary keyword 75,000. A month for Google to monetize with affiliate sales. There is new curated content going on to the site each day, my plan was to get a tier-one network set up around the money site, then have an RYS stack above that pointing to the properties in tier one. Then throw the kitchen sink at dry stack via the night your link building package. Would you say this is the optimum configuration for these three elements? Or am I overthinking it, Ben? No, Ben, that’s I mean, that’s, that’s right. Get the syndication network. In fact, you, the best thing to do is just order the SEO power shield. Because you’re going to have it’s pretty much everything combined. And so you get the syndication network first, and then they build the syndication network properties into the drive stack. Then you get the drive stack and ID page, all of that the G site. And then you can once you have all of that delivered. In fact, you don’t even have to wait if you wanted to. You could start building links to the syndication network, as soon as you have that delivered which that gets delivered first. Or you could wait until everything is delivered and build links to all It so all of the URLs from the syndication network, the drive stack files and folders, the G site, that kind of stuff. Or you could like I said, do two different link builder gigs, one link building gig for the syndication network, because you’re gonna get that first anyways. Wow. And then you know, takes another two weeks or whatever for the drive stack the G site to be completed. And you could order another link building gig for that. So it really just depends how, how you want to, you know, kind of sequence the things, but if you buy an SEO power shield, it’s going to be the bundle, it just saves you kind of puts everything together and it helps our team because our team knows the process in which sequence to deliver them. That’s what I would recommend. Any comments.

SEO power shield with link building included, but that’s SOP right? Yeah, he’s in a difficult niche, you got to hit it. Once it’s delivered to see what happens to see how much more you’re going to need. I was looking at the second part of this question, and I’m seeing, like, there’s no way to answer Yeah, that’s going to be enough. Nobody can tell you what’s going to be in stuff in your niche. It’s just you get the SEO Power Shield back, you hit it with the link building, you hit it with the embeds. Do some press releases, of course, and link building and embed, and then see what happens. Once that’s done once the dust clears in 21 days wait it out, and you need data you need, you need to see what damage all of that did how it is that you’re managing to come up in that niche. Once you have that information that you know, whether you need to extend your drive sec, which you probably will and something that’s very competitive. I’m gonna say maybe I’m not gonna say probably you might need it. If you do we have that available then it then it’s the same procedure, the same process, right? You have the drive stack you extend it, you do the money site, inner page, link building embeds, maybe a press release, and see how that does to push up the top market level category and so on and so on and so on until you get the desired results. I mean, there’s no one cure-all for everything, if we could do that, then I wouldn’t be here.

This Stuff Works
Probably for a long time ago, for a long time we had, especially when syndication Academy was new, we would have members, you know, people come on the hump day Hangouts, and almost every week we get this question, how many networks will it take to rank? Or how many posts? will it take to rank for whatever keyword and people would you know? And we would always say, it depends, right? We can’t answer that. It always depends. It takes as many as it takes, that was our answer as many as it takes, how many networks will it take to rank? Or how many posts will it take to rank? We would always say as many as it takes because there’s no way that we can answer that. Again, I always try to do the least amount of work to get results. So I don’t usually come out of it depends. Again, it depends on the project and what the budget is and all that other kind of stuff. Sometimes I’ll come out of the gate with you know, Nitro, you know, Nitro kit, link building package, but for a lot of the local projects that I work on, you know, I that’s not that’s unnecessary, it’s overkill, especially if I’m going to be staging you know, cycling through link building and embed gigs over the course of a few months, then there’s really no need to come out right up front, you know, all guns blazing, because I’m going to make up for it, and you know, by doing multiple gigs over time, and so I like doing it that way. Because that way I’m not, you know, blowing my load so to speak, you know, like, spending a whole bunch of money upfront where and where might have not needed that if that makes sense. I like to kind of reserve keep things in reserve for when needed and kind of watch and monitor how much the needle moves with things that I do and then I can start to determine Okay, this is more competitive than I thought it was. So maybe I have to go a little bit more aggressive on link building or whatever. And that’s just the way that I do it. I know a lot of people like to come out as you know, all guns blazing, like throw Everything that happened something right up front, but what I don’t like about that is, you know, if you don’t need as much, then you’re kind of wasting time or money for that matter. That could be reserved or money that you could keep is profit instead, you know, so, but it’s really up to you how you want to approach that.

How Do You Use The ID Page?

Alright ends up he says, I got my first SEO shield order back I understand the syndication network and posting and press releases. I understand the drive stacking. I’m still lost on the ID page though, what do I do with it? Do I submit it to Google Search Console? Yes, I recommend doing that. So if you uploaded it, you know, if you have the drive, excuse me, the ID page, and an Amazon s3 bucket. The way that you can add that to your search console is you can upload you can go to add it you have to add it as a URL. You can’t do like a domain prefix and search console with it because you don’t own the Amazon domain. But you can add it as a URL. Right. So you add you go to add the URL and search console and it’ll tell you that it needs verification. And if you’re just submitting the Amazon s3 URL, then you can download the HTML file and upload it to the same bucket. Right, the same Amazon bucket that you have the HTML page hosted in or saved in, okay, and then then you go back and click Verify, and it’ll verify it just like that. And so I always recommend, you know, whatever account, the G site, and drive stack were built under, is typically where I end up submitting the ID page into the search console there. It doesn’t matter if you have a branded asset, you know, like a G Suite account or something like that. You can always add it there, too. It doesn’t matter to the same search console account that’s attached to your G Suite account. I’m just saying, for my processes, we typically just add it to the search console account of the G site and drive stack owner, so to speak. But yes, you can do that. Do I never touch it, you there are, you know, there are things you can do to add additional stuff on there. I don’t know how much I can share here specifically because some of that stuff is reserved for the mastermind and or our wife’s only, or perhaps a heavy hitter club now, but you can add additional things into it.

You know, just think about other assets that would make sense to embed, it makes sense to embed in there, you know what I mean? So for example, you could possibly take your blog role page and embed that into it so that if you’re blogging consistently on your money site, now you’ve got dynamic content, updating your ID page, because you’ve embedded your blog index page into the ID page, does that make sense? So that way, it is being updated every time you publish a post, it’s going to automatically update the ID page through the embed, right. So there will be like new content on the page. So that’s just one example of some of the things that you can do, you can add additional assets in there that are branded, you can update the H, the JSON LD structured data code to add more same as attributes. You know, there’s a ton of stuff that you can do to it. Beyond that, you can leave it alone, that’s perfectly fine. But you can always squeeze more power out of it, you just got to think about what type of assets would make sense to embed in there are things that you could do to dynamically update it, like I just mentioned, RSS feeds, or there’s a ton of stuff that you can do to an ID page. Okay. But you can leave it just the way that it is and get results from that too. But you can always squeeze more power out is what I’m saying. Each property that gets iframe into that @ID page is a perfect place for link building and for embed ones and link building. So you also can you can consider that as an asset. All of those URLs are assets for you to hammer when link not hammering in, in the garbage, spam, which will work anyway. But if you keep your link profile clean, if you use better links, web two dot o is the way that we do it in web 2.0 contextual you’ll get better results and it just looks better.

This Stuff Works
So remember, also, if you don’t already have structured data on your primary web asset, then you know, add it and make sure that you’re using you’re pointing the ID page, you know, designating the ID page to the URL of your ID. page. So it makes sense. So for example, if you if or if you are if you already had structured data on your primary website, but you didn’t have an ID page field, or if like most people, do, they just duplicated the URL of the home, you know, the homepage of the primary domain as the ID page. Now, you should go up and go now that you have a, you know, a published ID page, an actual ID page, go back through and edit your structured data code to include that URL as the ID page as opposed to just the homepage of your website, you know, so that there are a few things that you can do with it. That might be something actually that we could. I know we talked about last week about doing an MGYB update webinar that might be something we can include And that is just a little bit more on how to squeeze more out of a 90 page. Maybe we can add that to the notes. I’m moving on.

Okay, there are several questions here. I don’t know that we’re going to get through all these. We’ll try just for everybody’s etiquette for others, is try not to post 18 questions in one question, guys. It’s not fair to everybody else, because it takes up too much time. post a question or two is okay. And then wait till some other people post and then you can post more questions that way. We’re giving other people a chance. There’s a lot of questions squeezed into this. All right. So we’ll get through a couple of them. And if and we’re going to move on and we’ll come back if we can if we have time.

Does Having A GMB Based In The U.S. Limits A Global Affiliate Site’s Traffic Due To GeoTargeting?

The first one is if I have a global affiliate site that targets all English speaking people around the world as the offers could be delivered globally with the primary focus on the US and UK. Is it possible that if I create a US GMA, that would then get my traffic to the US and even To the US area of the GMB in a similar way that geo-targeting and search console does? I don’t mean, the GMB when only. Again, I don’t. I’m not sure I understand the question in that. If you have a GMB, you’re limited for the GMB and to where it will rank them in maps. Does that make sense? But having a GMB tied to a global domain isn’t going to affect at least as far as I know, I’ve never tested it. But as far as I know, it doesn’t seem to me like it would make doesn’t seem logical that it would limit the website’s exposure by having it tied to a GMB in the US. The maps ranking itself for the GMB would be limited to its immediate area, which is normal for all GMB’s now, but I can’t imagine that causing any issues. Marco, have you tested any of that or have any experience with that?

Well, the Land Solutions Network has a corporate as a corporate entity right in Pennsylvania. That’s We decided we decided to set that up. Just to give it a corporate presence, get a GMB it to kind of show you know that it’s a local company, but it’s it’s spread out. And it’s but that but then that’s also geo-targeting the US. So it’s a service-based business, targeting the USA, it has a surface area, as long as you don’t say, you know, like, I don’t know how you would do that if you have a global entity and why you would pigeonhole it into a GMB. Yeah. Well, you were you’re required to either show your address or to set a service area and you can’t set the globe as a service area unless you deliver goods and services to the person right at their location is that well, that’s the idea behind the service-based business. Right? So you’d have to look at that. I don’t know why you’d want to do that. Why don’t you just because you’re not here’s the thing where people get Confused about doing local, it’s natural, and it looks really good. And you have to have a GMB or else you’re not going to rank in the three-pack. And that’s where the most action takes place in most niches locally. People going to their cell phones, and they look, look up whatever service it is that they’re looking for, and they get a map pack, but they get ads and a map pack, or something along those lines. If you don’t want that to happen. And if your niche doesn’t trigger a map pack, then why would you want to be involved in that in the first place? There are other ways to verify and validate that entity that doesn’t involve a GMB. We just did it with Land Solutions Network, because I knew we’d be targeting the US and I knew how we would be targeting the other states and cities in the US, right. So I knew what was going to happen already and how that was going to happen. But if I were going globally, I wouldn’t have done that I would have never said my geolocation to the US. I probably would have gotten a GMB, I would have looked for another way, running ads in Google and YouTube, getting that credit card on file going into G Suite. Right as the company land solutions network doing all of the things that a company does when they want to work within Google when they want to run ads, which would be worldwide, not just to one particular geolocation, it just makes no sense.

Yeah, so I agree that you know, there’s if you don’t force a GMB just because you think you need it. If there’s a specific reason that you want to have a GMB or that you need to have a GMB in the US then so be it. But as Marco said, there are other ways to solidify or validate the entity more in Google’s eyes. Like he mentioned running Google ads, right? Having a credit card on file, running some ads, you could run YouTube ads, or display ads very inexpensively with even $1 a day budget, right? So even less, but it’s just that Google can recognize you’re a real person. It’s not a spam account. You’re paying money. Same thing with G Suite. G suites a great way to validate an entity, which at the basic level, it’s $6 a month per user for the G Suite account. And then also, you could just you could upgrade, like Google Drive for that account and do pay so you get additional storage, right? That’s another way to get it on file. So there’s a number of different ways to validate it besides having the GMB unless of course, you need it.

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Is It Okay To Use A Generic Description In A U.S.-Based GMB Even If You Are Physically Located In Europe?

Which brings me to question number two of this if I’m physically located in Europe, but I need a US GMB and the health niche. Is it possible this could happen if the description is more generic and not so much health-related? And if the name is more generic? Well, again, I’m not 100% Sure. Why do you need if you’re located in Europe? Excuse me? I’m not sure why you need a GMB in the US. So it doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me. I’m not sure what the point of that would be. So I’m sorry, I can’t answer that.

Is The ID Page Useful Even If You Don’t Have A GMB?

Number three does the ID page loop Make sense? If you don’t have a GMB? Yes, it does. Because although I do The ID @ID page, stuff that we started with, you know, I guess it was in 2018. February 2018. I think we were originally it was originally tied to just local business structure data. But it’s beyond that now. Marco, you can talk a little bit Miley do local, but you can talk a little bit about that more an ID page is just a reference area for an entity. It’s telling the Googlebot to go there all of the entity information that will help to validate that entity is that in this location, and that’s what we use the ID page for. Is that correct?

Yeah, everything on the web has a node. Okay, everything connected to the web. So even if you have a smart refrigerator, smart range, smartphone or smart TV, whatever smart device you have, that’s going to have a note. And the question now is, how do we identify that node for the bot to understand what this connection is to whatever it is that we’re doing? What’s happened, what how that’s being done. Now it’s a local is how it started. But now you have an organization, Mm hmm. She can add you can have an @ID for your organization. And that what that does is is I and identifies the organization know where all of your organizational information resides. And so that that’s how we do it. That’s how we targeted but you can have multiple @IDs, like here, you can have a web page and idea of a product @ID, you’re just naming the node for the product, the website, the web page, just whatever you’re identifying it for about these are identifiers, and how those two nodes get connected. Well, that’s the URL. I don’t know that it’s a hyperlink. They connected through a way for each one to talk to one another. Well, that’s HTTPS. And the way that the word the worldwide web is inter matched right interlinked, so that everything is identified and can The through an IP, or however it is that that that that connection is is made. Now, as far as the question is concerned, does an @ID page loop makes sense? It makes sense because it’s an entity that we named it and the @ID loop, originally, but what we were doing is we were creating an entity loop. We were sending Google hopping from one place to another that contains nothing but our entities’ information and everything related to our entity. And we were just echoing it over and over and over and over again, we were able to track the bot in that echo. It sounds like an echo chamber, right? Or the endless mirror, where it just bounces back and forth, back and forth. And we’ve seen it happen, we can see it. We can see the button. They’re going back and forth going back and forth through the iPhones. We can see it reading the information on the iPhone, this is these are the things that we’ve proven. So is it Yes, of course, it makes sense. It makes total sense because of not You’re not and you’re not identifying your entity properly for the Bob. Thank you was a thorough answer.

How Important Are The Short Links On The GSite Of The SEO Shield?

So DC SEOs up? What’s up, man? He says on the G site of the shield, there are a number of short links that have MGYB in them. How important are they because I want to sell my clients the shield without them actually being able to figure it out where and who it was created by and how much it costs because I will be adding my own margin onto it. I’ve considered not telling them that they’ll end up with a G site, but almost everyone I deal with here in the UK has been burnt by another SEO Company, which is true everywhere, not just in the UK, but been. So I want to be as transparent as possible on a slightly different note if a client doesn’t want to publish the GMB site. Okay, well, let me answer the first question and we’ll come back to that second part. We run all the URLs through the MGB shortener because it gives you another target URL for link building purposes and because of all the link building that’s been done to the drive stacks g sites that we’ve built over the years now. The shortener is incredibly powerful. So you actually siphon power from that into your stack by having those shortened links there. That said, there are a couple of things I don’t know that you could I don’t manage the, you know MGYB Build Team at all that Marco and Rob do that really? So I don’t know if you could request to have one built without the shortened links. I guess it’s possible maybe Marco can answer that or Rob I know he’s usually lurking, listening to us and he comments in slack but something else you could do is when it’s delivered if you wanted to hide that from or you know not to reveal that the shortened links to the client, you could just go into the drive stack and delete those from you know the sheets and things like that if you wanted, obviously, it would be more time-efficient, more efficient if you just ordered the stack and requested did not have those included. Is that something thing that could be done, Marco?

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No. And I’ll tell you why. The MTB shortener adds so much power to everything that if they even rank and leave it, they’ll index. So a mind map that’s really hard to index right now will index through the MGYB shortener. So why would we want to interfere with all of the power? And if I were to tell my guys to do that, then you would have to, we would have to give it to you with the warning. We can’t be sure how this is going to work. Yeah, because we don’t do them that way. Now, if you just share your screen for a second and just go to HTTPS, to the shortener.

Oops, I got the wrong fucking type. Maybe I could get it right. That’s all the person is going to see just another shortener, just another URL shortener, they don’t have to figure anything out. I mean, if they want to look at your it’s something, it’s a service that actually you can set you’re paying for the pricing is right there. And you’re using it, just to provide short links and to be able to customize, you can actually go and pay for getting into the service. So you can customize the links for the client. But this is the way I’m customizing your link so that they look better. So they look nicer. So they’re more attractive for the person to click on. They don’t have to figure out everything that you’re doing. They can just from going here. This is just our shortener, it’s no, no different than Bitly, or any other shortener out there.

And I’d like to comment and say what Marco said is true. I agree that also delivering a drive stack without those URLs would be like, going into a fight with one arm tied behind your back, right, because you’re losing the benefit that you gain from having the MGYB SEO links because of the power that’s been accrued to it over time. So that’s number one.

Number two, again, if you know my rebuttal to say that you’re worried about the client seeing, you know, going to, and looking at the store and seeing what drives tax costs and everything else, what your client have any idea what the hell to do, how to order what to do with them or anything else without you know, I mean, it’s like 99% chance that they wouldn’t have a damn clue as to what to do. Even if they did find the store, they wouldn’t have any idea how any of those things would benefit them. Because as it stands right now, it’s still basically a store that is for SEO professionals and marketing professionals. Not for the layman, right? The average business person or a business owner. So you’re getting paid for understanding how to put all of these things together and make it work and produce results. Right. That’s your expertise. I remember reading somewhere, somebody said you know when you have a plumber that’s got 10 years of experience to come out and fix a leaking pipe, right? And he comes out and fixes it in 30 minutes and charges you $150 or $200, you know the service call plus whatever $200? Or are you paying for $200? You know, like, it takes 30 minutes. So what would that be $400 an hour effectively, or so? Are you only paying for that 30 minutes? No, you’re paying for 10 years of experience that that plumber has accrued. And that’s why they’re able to fix it so efficiently. I don’t know if that’s an analogy that makes sense to you. It does to me. But you know, you’re they’re paying a markup because you’re the one that’s putting it together and making sure that they’re going to get results from it. Whereas even if they went and found our store, it’s likely they would have no idea what the hell they were looking at, or what the hell to do with it, even if they did purchase it, you know what I mean? So I wouldn’t and trust me if they ordered it and then got into the order where they had to submit the order details. They’d be lost probably because they don’t understand half the terminology that you know We requested the order. So I wouldn’t worry about that at all. You should always Mohammed, I think he’s got a question in here. He’s been following us for a long time. And he had, you know, Mohammed, I’m not picking on you. But he’s gotten to a lot of situations with clients about that kind of stuff, you know, where too much has been revealed or to ask too many questions and blah, blah, blah. And remember, you’re getting paid for your expertise, for knowledge that you’ve accrued through time and effort. And so you deserve to be paid for that and manage the build, manage, you know, the, what’s done with it afterward and everything else. So any comments on that?

Yeah, this is where I’d like to add that if he’s taken the person through the conversation in the right way. What he’s done is he’s told this person, I’m going to get your results how I get results, is my business-like, I don’t you’re not going to tell this business owner how to run their business because you probably don’t know how to you don’t care to know how all you need to know is as Jordan Fowler one of our mastermind Member says, Well, you have to know is Google. And all you have to tell that client is Look, I, you know, your business, I know Google, and I’m going to get you results, and you’re going to pay me for results. You’re not paying me for the hour, the why. Now, if you want to pay me for the hour or the Y, that’s consultation, and that’s 1500 dollars an hour, I’d be happy to take you into structure into an instructional model, minimum five hours a month, and during the course of 12 to 18 months, I can take you through everything so that you can go and get results. Or rather than do that, why don’t you just pay me my monthly, and let me get your results so that we know you don’t have to go through those at through that Crash Course of 18 months of learning so that you can start the process of doing what it is that I already do and that I have 17 years of experience doing. So, guys, it’s that conversate you got to have that conversation with the client and you have to school the client in the right mode, yes, they’ve been burned, they’ve been burned because there’s, they’re forced to sign contracts. And they’re promised the moon, and that the moon is made of cheese and all this shit, where all you have to do is tell them, hey, look, man, I’m gonna get you results, I’m going to need 90 days, I can probably get your results sooner. But I don’t want to make any promises because I don’t control Google. But what I do know is that within 90 days, we’re going to start to see results. At the end of those 90 days, we’ll sit down and revisit the fee. So that gives that even gives you an opportunity to increase your feet because you’re gonna rock this guy’s world. If you do the things that we do in the way that we do them. The guy is going to be blown out of his mind. I mean, his head is going to explode from the results you’re going to get. But the conversation has to be there. If he’s focusing on how you’re getting results, and why and why are you doing this? And how are you doing it? Dude, you got to pay me for my knowledge. I’m not gonna give you my knowledge for 2500 bucks a month. There’s just no way.

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Can You Use The Primary URL From The Money Site As Rel=Canonical If A Client Doesn’t Want To Publish Their GMB Site?

Yeah, she says on a slightly different note. If a client doesn’t want to publish their GMB site, can I use the primary URL from the money site is the REL=canonical? Yeah, I mean, if that’s fine, the only reason why we had set it up originally to point to the GMB website if it’s for the local project is that some of our customers at MGYB or members in the mastermind or whatever, if you have the REL=canonical pointing to the money site, if you’re doing a backlink analysis through like majestic or a href, or something like that, you can often see some of the links that are being built to the G site through the REL=canonical, like in other words, so you can see some of the link building that’s being done by you know if you’re using link building analysis tools or link analysis tools. I don’t care. I honestly don’t care because as long as I’m getting results, it really shouldn’t matter. Some of our customers or members have didn’t want that. So that’s why we defaulted it to point the REL equals canonical to the GMB website if have a GMB site, you know, a GMB location associated with the drive stack built, but it’s not necessary like you can like, it just depends if you’re worried about clients looking at link building analysis, you know, Link analysis, reports and such like that and you don’t want them to see the types of links that are being built, then yeah, I would point it to something else. It could be the, you know, not the primary website, but you could even point it to like the GMB map instead of the GMB website, for example, but again, I don’t care. Personally, I even just ordered them through the MGYB now just like you guys, do, I swear, I ordered my drive stacks just like you guys do. And then when I get them back, I typically when I’m uploading my ID page because I upload it to my own Amazon site, or whatever, then I usually do the REL=canonical back to the money site. So it’s just an edit that I make before I upload it. It’s entirely up to you. Is there any other comments you want to make on that Adam or Marco before I move on.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t want the GMB published. Like I don’t see why that’s a showcase. It’s a showcase for your post. It’s more URLs to spam to link built to the link below to four iframe, there’s just so much that you can get from that. And then not only that, when they see just how much how many visits come through, and how much actually comes through the posts on the GMB like that whole ecosystem. I was just looking at one and today’s what Wednesday and I’ve already had 838 post views for the week, and it’s only Wednesday. I’m about to post that as an update in the heavy hitter club. But it’s ridiculous for the client to even consider not publishing the money site, especially since it’s done by Google on auto and they interlink everything and they give you all the love that’s necessary for you to just hammer.

It’s another branded asset too. I totally I agree, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to. I mean, you guys, you understand you can’t control clients, sometimes clients demand things that just make no sense, they defy logic. And that’s fine. You have to work within those parameters at times or fire them as a client. But I agree 100% with Marco, there’s no reason why, like, and we’ve had that common question come up in Hump Day Hangouts, or like, you know, my client doesn’t want the G site ranking. Why not? Why the hell wouldn’t you want a G site ranking, right? Like it pushes a competitor off the page, and if you iframe your money site page into the top of the G site, then they’re gonna see the original page. I mean, you know, the money site anyways, what difference does it make and but some people just, they’re just finicky like that, but I totally agree. It’s another asset takes up more real estate, you can do a lot with it. So it seems silly not to, in my opinion. But the short answer is yes, you can canonicalize the ID page to you know, another tier-one asset I would recommend it being a Google asset like the GMB map URL for example or something like that.

Should We Use The Press Release When Requesting For Link Building Services?

Okay, g site whatever fits is up. What’s up, Fitz. He’s here almost every week. Good day, gents. Thanks for the forum to ask questions and get real-world actual answers. Marco thank you for the charity work you do for these kids. Love how Fitz promotes your charity for you, man. It’s awesome. He’s a good man for that. He says, Thanks, Fitz. Yeah, please post the charity link again so others can help with a quick 1020 or $100 to help these kids out oh road needs good people to even help even if it is with only a few dollars today. My question is on Hump Day. We hear about limiting the links to only one link so that we can concentrate the power is that for press releases or when requesting link building? Oh, that’s a great question fit. So if that wasn’t clear before that was within press releases now. Marco might have a slightly different methodology than I do. For press releases. I typically like to use most press releases if the kind of one-off press releases. I just usually like to With two links like and again, if you go look, I’m talking when I’ve talked about it, it’s mainly for press releases.

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Because for example, you can add three press or three links into a press release. But you’re splitting the power of the link equity coming from that press release, every time you add an additional URL like another outbound link, right, so you can concentrate the power into one specific URL if you need to. However, if you go to the store or domain and you look at them or you go to our YouTube channel, or you go to Google and search for press releases silos, or PR silo stalking or whatever, you’ll see the webinar that we did, right I the way that I do it, I’m usually linking with three links per press release now and it’s because the way for local projects that I do it or that my team does it, is we publish a blog post and we publish a corresponding GMB post that links to the blog post. Okay, and then we publish a press release and The press release will link to either the blog post URL directly, or to the GMB post URL. Does that make sense that’s promoting, that’s linked to the blog post URL. And then we link back to the tier one. A tier one entity asset could be the home page, it could be a category page or, you know, top-level silo page. It could be Facebook page, you know, LinkedIn company page, the drive stack, primary folder, the G site, whatever, anyone of the primary tier one entity assets. So that’s link number two, right? first, the link is going to link to the blog post that the press releases promoting, right because we that’s what we publish or not for, like, if I’m doing three blog posts per week, then if the clients only paying for one blog post, or excuse me, one press release per week, then one of those blog posts is going to get a press release that is promoting the blog post and the blog post the press releases either gonna link directly to the blog post URL or to the GMB post URL that is linking directly to the blog post URL, then we link to it. Another tier-one entity asset, any one of them. I’ve talked about this before, but my bloggers have a client workbook, which is a Google Sheet for every client. And there’s a target URLs column that has all of the primary tier one entity assets that we want to power up, and they just go down and each time they publish another press release, blog post, whatever, they select another target URL, and they link to that. So that would be link number two, and then the third link is a link back to a previous press release in the same silo. Right, because we do press release silo, we theme mirror everything right, we mirror the blog post silo structure into the GMB or excuse me, the Google site, this into the GMB posts and now, even in the press releases, so everything is themed there. That’s why it’s called mirroring, right. And again, that was originally coined by the network Empire. So I usually if it’s a one-off, press release, I’m usually linking two to two outbound URLs. If it is a within a silo which most content is now then it’s going to look To like I said, the original post URL or the GMB, the corresponding GMB post URL, another tier-one entity asset, just cycle through target URL list. And then the third is going to be linking to the previous press release in that same silo, that’s just the way that I do it. Any comments on that?

Yeah, I wasn’t referring to either one of those scenarios when I talked about the one link method, which was strictly for the drive stack extension. And the G site inner page extension targeting a money site inner page, that’s when we use that one link method to concentrate the power as close to one to one as possible. instead of dividing it, like you just mentioned, in a press release the way that you’d be dividing, dividing is either two by two or by three, right? We want a one to one transfer from the G site over to the money site, an inner page from the extension to the inner page. So I’d go back and watch those webinars fates. I know that you have access to those. And that’s what we were mainly talking about it although you can do that one lick method however way you want to do it. Guess what you have to understand is how you’re transferring PageRank ranking score and power.

Can We Use Dedhia’s Link Building Services To A Money Site?

Alright, so we’re almost out of time I’d like to get through these next two if we can. So let’s get to them Jigglypuff says, Hey guys, I just cut the battle plan and really enjoying the content you guys share. Well, thank you. Can the link building by Dedhia offer through MGYB be used on a money site? No. We don’t recommend that. You know that we always recommend using the tier one entity assets is the link building targets. That’s what our link building services were. were developed specifically to power up the tier one entity assets, not the money site. That’s why we call it an SEO shield because it acts as an SEO firewall that protects the money site, right you’re basically building a cocoon a shield around your money site using high authority entity assets that you can now power those up. And ultimately, the link equity flows through to the money site, but it gets cleaned or laundered through those entity assets. So we do not recommend that now if you want link diversity to your money site press releases, that’s a fantastic way like that press releases are an awesome way to add length diversity to your money site, because you can link directly to your money site. And I would recommend that you change it. I primarily use naked URLs when linking to the money site, but you can do some generic stuff or some brand anchors and things like that so that you get linked diversity as well as anchor diversity back to your money site, but I would use press releases for that. Any comments on that?

No, no, no, never to the money site. We don’t recommend that. That’s why we have the SEO power shield as you said, it provides a shield and it amplifies the power. So why would you do anything except go through the SEO Power shield? That’s right.

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So that’s why it’s important to build those assets first and then you can hammer the shit out of those assets with the link building and embed gigs or embed plus link building gigs. So that link building is getting done to the embed pages, right? So there’s a number of things you can do to power those assets up without them directly linking directly to your money site through those through daddy’s link building service if that makes sense. So there you go.

Next question, and we’re going to wrap it up guys because we’re at the five o'clock mark and unfortunately, dammit, Mohammed, I answered your question. I commented below cult of copy. That’s a great resource for copywriting and Facebook. They’ve also got a marketplace where you can hire copywriters and all kinds of stuff. So go look at the cult of a copy.

Can You Order More Than One ID Page DFY Service To The Same Domain?

Anyways, this last question, can you order more than one ID page done for you service to the same domain but pointing to different money site URL? Or should you only have one ID page for each money site? If you understand that’s what we were talking about earlier. an ID page is supposed to be basically a resource To say this is where it helps to validate an entity, right? So a money site, the right should really only have one ID page, the way that I do it for local, okay, because remember that everything I do is local. But you can have multiple ID pages for a brand. If there’s in my case for local if there are multiple locations, right? So there can be like, for example, I’m working on a tree service project now sharing that in the mastermind. That as an as got multiple locations, and so they’re the homepage of the website, the primary domain, the root domain is essentially got Corporation organization, Corporation structured data, right? So markup that has an ID page, that Id page is just brand and keywords. So there’s not any location optimization for the ID page, right? Because it’s an ID page for the overall entity, the brand itself, right, and I’m using Corporation markup which is a subset of organization markup, okay. So I’ve got an ID page that links to the or that the money site links to or references the ID page for the brand plus keyword Association, but no location optimization. But then I’ve got multiple locations, that is branded plus location name appended to it. And each one of those locations has its own ID page that’s optimized for that specific location. Does that make sense? So you can have multiple ID pages. If you’re having, you know, again, depending on what it is you’re trying to validate that just if you understand what we’re talking about with what an entity is, then it’ll click you know, you’ll get you you understand what the ID page is for it’s, it’s a resource that you’re telling Google through the structured data code, hey, all of the entity information can be validated here. And so on that page is where you have all the iframes structured data, you know, tier one, entity assets, all of that stuff is listed or housed within that Id page, because you’re telling Google reference that page to validate this entity and all the data within. That makes sense. So if you understand that, then you there are times where you can have multiple ID pages and marketing you might be able to explain a little bit more clearly than me. I don’t know if that was clear or not.

You can have multiple @ID it Alright, so you got a parent. And this parent has four children it doesn’t matter where those children are. So now you have the field organization Corporation, as you said, and you’re going to have in our locations now as the parent, you can talk about your children because they’re your children. And you can do this in the schema in the JSON LD. Rob showed this in the heavy hitter club in our MC or we could go Wednesday, in our mastermind I didn’t in the webinar that we had, he showed he showed how you can reference the children and how the children can each reference the parents. And what you have to be careful is that you make sure these children don’t Become orphaned, where you confuse the but you have to make sure that this parent is claiming the right children because it starts claiming other children, then you’re gonna have to pay child support. Everybody’s gonna get confused. They don’t know who’s dedhia, who’s mohamed, you have to make this clear to them but if you guys if you confuse the bot you excuse the language I know they’re supposed to be pgl give a shit. You are screwed if you don’t reference everything correctly. Rather than doing all of that why don’t you just concentrate on your entity, which is what it should be? It’s an entity loop your ID is an entity loop is everything about your company about your business?

There you go.

Okay, we got to wrap up or come to the heavy hitter club and learn how to do it.

There you go. So thanks, everybody for being here. Tom. See you guys next week.

See guys, Bye, everyone. Bye.

This Stuff Works
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 291 published first on your-t1-blog-url

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